418 research outputs found


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      This study aims to look at the correlation of self-adjustment and social support with the achievement motivation of female students who live in dormitories. In this study, the population is the student of the Midwifery Diploma Program at Singaperbangsa Karawang University (UNSIKA) level one and two. The sampling method is cluster random sampling technique. Based on Morgan's table, from a population of 160 people, 113 samples were obtained, but in this study researchers took a sample of 120 people. The results of this study indicate that between self-adjustment and peer social support for achievement motivation there is a significant positive correlation with p = 0.083 (with p <0.05). This shows the higher the adjustment and social support of a peer, the higher the achievement motivation, and conversely the lower the self-esteem, the lower the achievement motivation. The results of this study are in accordance with the theory that has been stated which states that by being able to adjust themselves and get social support from peers, it will be able to improve its performance optimally. While effective contribution shows that self-adjustment and social support of peers together make an effective contribution of 26.2% on achievement motivation, the remaining 73.8% is influenced by other factors not examined in this study. Keywords: Achievement Motivation, Social Support, Student Adjustment   Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat korelasi penyesuaian diri dan dukungan sosial dengan motivasi berprestasi mahasiswi yang tinggal di asrama. Dalam penelitian ini yang menjadi populasi adalah mahasiswi Program Studi DIII Kebidanan di Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang (UNSIKA) tingkat satu dan dua. Metode pengambilan sampel adalah dengan teknik cluster random sampling. Berdasarkan table Morgan, dari populasi yang berjumlah 160 orang, maka didapatkan sample sebesar 113 orang, tetapi dalam penelitian ini peneliti mengambil sampel 120 orang. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa antara penyesuaian diri dan dukungan sosial teman sebaya terhadap motivasi berprestasi terdapat korelasi positif yang signifikan dengan p= 0.083 (dengan p <0.05). Hal ini menunjukkan semakin tinggi penyesuaian diri dan dukungan sosial teman sebaya seorang maka semakin tinggi pula motivasi berprestasinya, dan sebaliknya semakin rendah harga diri maka semakin rendah pula motivasi berprestasinya. Hasil penelitian ini sesuai dengan teori yang telah dikemukakan yang menyatakan bahwa dengan mempu menyesuaiak diri dan mendapatkan dukungan sosial teman sebaya maka akan dapat meningkatkan kinerjanya secara optimal. Sedangkan Sumbangan efektif menunjukkan bahwa penyesuaian diri dan dukungan sosial teman sebaya secara bersama-sama memberikan sumbangan efektif sebesar 26,2% terhadap motivasi berprestasi, sisanya 73,8 % dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini.   Kata Kunci: Motivasi berprestasi, Dukungan sosial, Penyesuaian diri Mahasisw


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tingkat perfeksionisme pada siswa akselerasi di SMA Negeri 3 Yogyakarta. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian survei. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian populasi dengan subyek seluruh siswa akselerasi di SMA Negeri 3 Yogyakarta tahun ajaran 2013/2014 yang berjumlah 32 siswa. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah skala perfeksionisme. Uji coba validitas dan reliabilitas skala perfeksionisme dianalisis menggunakan SPSS for Windows 16.0 Version dengan membandingkan nilai corrected item-total correlation yang diperoleh dengan nilai r-kritis, yaitu 0,334 (N = 35 dan taraf signifikansi = 5%) dan melalui teknik alpha cronbach dihasilkan koefisien alpha sebesar 0,801. Analisis data yang digunakan yaitu teknik statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat perfeksionisme pada siswa akselerasi di SMA Negeri 3 Yogyakarta tahun ajaran 2013/2014 berada pada kategori sedang dengan persentase 87,5% (28 siswa). Tingkat perfeksonisme siswa berdasarkan aspek Self-Oriented Perfectionism berada pada kategori sedang dengan persentase 75% (24 siswa), pada Other-Oriented Perfectionism berada pada kategori sedang dengan persentase 81,25% (26 siswa), dan pada Socially Prescribed Perfectionism berada pada kategori sedang dengan persentase 75% (24 siswa). Berdasarkan jenis kelamin, tingkat perfeksionisme siswa perempuan berada pada kategori sedang dengan persentase 90,5% (19 siswa) dan siswa laki-laki berada pada kategori sedang dengan persentase 81,8% (9 siswa). Berdasarkan perbedaan usia, tingkat perfeksionisme siswa yang berusia 14 tahun berada pada kategori sedang dengan persentase 90% (9 siswa), siswa yang berusia 15 tahun berada pada kategori sedang dengan persentase 84,6% (11 siswa) dan siswa yang berusia 16 tahun berada pada kategori sedang dengan persentase 88,9% (8 siswa). Kata kunci : perfeksionisme, siswa akseleras

    Rancang Bangun Simulator Elektro-pneumatik Berbasis Relay Dengan Dua Aktuator

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    DESIGN OF ELECTRONIC-PNEUMATIK SIMULATOR BASED ON RELAY WITH TWO ACTUATORS The purpose of this final project is to design, assemble, and test the electro-pneumatik simulator as an educational trainer. The designed simulator consists of 2 (two) actuators which can be simulated sequence of actuators. Size of component, component type, and size of a whole simulator was designed on the basis of financing and aesthetics. Simulator consists of 2 (two) systems, namely pneumatik system and electronic system. Components on a pneumatik system were compressors, air service units (F.R.L), distributor, 5/2-solenoid valve, throttle valve and double acting cylinder as an actuator. The electronic system consists of 220V AC / 24V DC transformator, push button, timer, counter, relay, limit switch, and solenoid on pneumatik valve. Electro-pneumatik components were attached on a vertical melamine board. Simulator testing is done by functional test of each component and Electro-pneumatik circuit test. Supporting instruments used for the functional test were the stopwatch and the dynamometer. The functional test of the compressor was performed to know the accumulator charging flow rate in the parameters of free air delivery (FAD) in order to indicates that the component functions according to its characteristics. The functional test of force generated by the cylinder was measured by a dynamometer. The functional test of each component shows that the component function fit to its characteristics. The rate of air filling to the accumulator was 70.05 Nm3/minute and the force that was generated by the cylinder at pressure 6 kg /cm 2 was 14.73 kg. Functional test of electronic components was done by giving a 24V DC current on each component and observed its active status (ON / OFF). Electro-pneumatik circuit test was done by performing an electro-pneumatik circuit to fit a determined sequence. Keywords: Electronic System, Pneumatik System, Electro-pneumatik System Tujuan dari tugas akhir ini adalah merancang, merakit, dan uji coba simulator elektro-pneumatik sebagai alat peraga pendidikan. Simulator dirancang terdiri dari 2 (dua) aktuator yang dapat disimulasikan skuensinya. Ukuran komponen, jenis komponen, dan ukuran simulator secara keseluruhan dirancang berdasarkan batasan pembiayaan dan estetika. Simulator terdiri dari 2 (dua) sistem yaitu sistem pnumatik dan sistem elektronik. Komponen – komponen pada sistem pneumatik adalah kompresor, Air service unit (F.R.L), Distributor, Katup 5/2 pengaktuasi solenoid, Katup throttle dan silinder kerja ganda sebagai aktuatornya. Sedangkan sistem elektronik terdiri dari trafo 220V AC/24V DC, Push button, Timer, Counter, Relay, Limit switch, dan Solenoid pada katup pneumatik. Komponen – komponen elektro-pneumatik di susun pada papan melamine secara vertikal. Pengujian simulator dilakukan dengan cara uji fungsional setiap komponen dan uji rangkaian elektro-pneumatik. Instrumen pendukung yang digunakan untuk uji fungsional adalah stopwatch dan dinamometer. Uji fungsional gaya yang dihasilkan silinder menggunakan dinamometer. Uji fungsional kompresor dilakukan untuk mengetahui laju alir pengisian akumulator dalam parameter free air delivery (FAD) agar dapat menunjukkan bahwa komponen berfungsi sesuai dengan karakteristiknya. Uji fungsional setiap komponen menunjukkan bahwa komponen berfungsi sesuai dengan karakteristiknya. Laju pengisian udara dari kompresor adalah 70.05 Nm3/Menit dan gaya yang di timbulkan oleh silender pada tekanan 6 kg/cm2 adalah 14.73 kg. Uji fungsional komponen – komponen elektronik dilakukan dengan cara memberi arus 24V DC pada setiap komponen dan di amati status keaktifannya (ON/OFF). Uji rangkaian elektro-pneumatik dilakukan dengan cara membuat suatu rangkaian elektro-pneumatik untuk menghasilkan skuen yang di tentukan. Kata kunci : Sistem elektronik, Sistem pneumatik, Sistem Elektro-pnuemati


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    This study aims to determine how the psychological dynamics of children victims of sexual violence. This research was conducted on two boys of middle age and late childhood who had experienced sexual violence in Karawang. Considering the many and breadth of these elements, in this study using a sampling technique using purposive sampling technique. The results of this study indicate that the psychological dynamics of victims of sexual violence have the same pattern. Characteristics of victims who are quiet and resigned, as well as families who do not provide supervision and protection of the subjects. Both of them influenced each other towards the occurrence of acts of sexual violence which made him gain traumatic experiences. Traumatic experiences and negative social conditions influence the emergence of social anxiety which makes it develop a sense of inferiority. And this anxiety is covered by withdrawal from the environment. While the second subject, the repeated sexual assault was tried to be suppressed and forgotten, but the condition that arose was a strong desire to fulfill the pleasure of sexual violence. Keywords: The dynamics of Psychology, Sexual Assualt, Boys.   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana dinamika psikologis anak-anak korban kekerasan seksual. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada dua orang anak laki-laki dengan rentang usia masa kanak-kanak pertengahan dan akhir yang pernah mengalami peristiwa kekerasan seksual di Karawang. Mengingat banyak dan luasnya unsur tersebut, maka dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik penentuan sampel dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dinamika psikologis korban mendapat kekerasan seksual memiliki pola yang sama. Karateristik korban yang pendiam dan pasrah, serta keluarga yang kurang memberikan pengawasan dan perlindungan terhadap subyek. Keduanya saling mempengaruhi terhadap terjadinya tindakan kekerasan seksual membuatnya mendapatkan pengalaman traumatis. Pengalaman traumatis dan kondisi sosial yang negatif berpengaruh pada munculnya kecemasan sosial yang membuatnya mengembangkan rasa rendah diri. Dan kecemasanya ini ditutupi dengan penarikan diri dari lingkungan. Sementara subjek kedua, kekerasan seksual yang berkali-kali diterimanya ini berusaha ditekan dan dilupakan akan tetapi kondisi yang muncul adalah keinginan yang kuat untuk memenuhi kembali kenikmatan dari kekerasan seksual itu.   Kata Kunci: Dinamika Psikologis, Kekerasan Seksual, Anak Laki-laki

    Literature Review : Terapi Menulis Terhadap Kecemasan Korban Bullying di Indonesia

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    Introduction: Bullying has significantly affected victims for a long time. The effect of bullying on victims is anxiety. Victims will also show lower levels of self-esteem and self-efficacy. If not handled, feelings of anxiety experienced by victims can increase the risk of depression and suicide. One therapy that can be used to overcome psychological problems in victims of bullying is to use writing therapy. Writing therapy can improve individual understanding in dealing with stress, anger, anxiety, and depression. Methods: The strategy of searching for research articles relevant to this research topic was carried out using the keywords: “writing therapy”, “anxiety”, “victims of bullying”, and “Indonesia”, to several major databases such as PROQUEST, EBSCO and GOOGLE SCHOLAR, with limitations time is from January 2013 to July 2022. Research articles are reviewed and selected according to the sample inclusion criteria. At the beginning of the search, 1117 articles were found relevant to the topic, but only 6 articles met the inclusion criteria. After that, the researcher assessed the 6 articles with Duffy's Research Appraisal Checklist Approach. Results: The results of 5 studies showed that writing therapy effectively reduced anxiety levels in victims of bullying in their teens and adults. Meanwhile, in research with respondents aged children, writing therapy is ineffective in reducing anxiety levels. Conclusion: Writing therapy effectively reduces anxiety levels in adolescent and adult respondents


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    Pengaruh Variasi Kecepatan Agitasi pada Produksi Β-Glukan dari Saccharomyces Cerevisiae

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    Β-glucan is very interesting to study because of a variety of benefits that it provides. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a unicellular yeast which has a β-glucan component of the biggest in the cell wall. This study aimed to describe the effect of agitation speed on the production of β-glucan from S. cerevisiae. Agitation speed plays an important role in cell growth. This research used agitation speed at 80 rpm, 120 rpm and 200 rpm. The research design used was a completely randomized design with three replications. During the fermentation in sixteen hours, several parameters were examined including cell number, pH, glucose and protein of the medium and the crude β-glucan. β-glucan extraction procedures done by adding NaOH 2% solution to the fermented product. Then, the supernatant was neutralized with acetic acid solution. To get the crude deposits of β-glucan, ethanol 96% was added in volume as three times of the supernatant. Production of β-glucan was increas along with the growth of the cell.Data analysis was performed using one way ANOVA test followed by LSD analysis. Production of β-glucan increases with cell growth. pH value, the concentration of carbon source and nitrogen source on the substrate decreased during the fermentation process. β-glucan production also increased as the rising of agitation speed from the 80 rpm until 200 rpm. Rate of β-glucan production in 80 rpm, 120 rpm and 200 rpm were 18.19 μgL-1/ hour, 40.42 μgL-1/ hour, 44.03 μgL-1/ hour, respectively. Based on the experiment results, the most optimum agitation speed for beta-glucan were respectively 200 rpm with beta-glucan content reached 1624.44 µg/L

    Influence of family caregiver education level with their expressed emotion in caring for the elderly

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    Objective: The higher the level of education of a person, the wider the horizons of his thinking, so it is very helpful when a person grapples with stressful life events and develops coping skills to deal with stress. The stress faced by the caregiver will affect and increase expressed emotion. Caregivers with high expressed emotion are at risk of causing family members of person they cared for to experience stress. Methods: This is an observational analytic study with a cross-sectional design. A total of 56 family caregiver at Surabaya Community Health Centre participated in this study. The measuring instrument used is a sociodemographic questionnaire and a Family Questionnaire (FQ) assessing expressed emotion. Results: Statistical analysis generated a significant p-value of 0.000 with alpha of 0.05, thus the p-value ≤ 0.05. It indicated a significant association between education level with the expressed emotion of caregiver. Conclusion: The education level of the family of caregiver will affect their expressed emotion

    Representasi Eksploitasi Tubuh Perempuan dalam Iklan Torpedo (Studi Semiotik Representasi Eksploitasi Tubuh Perempuan dalam Iklan Torpedo versi “Gigi Palsu” di Media Televisi)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the representasion of sexual exploitation of woman body in advertising of Torpedo “Dentures” version on television. Theory used in this study is the theory according to John Fiske, divided into three levels, that is level of reality, level of representation and level of idiology. For this research method used is a qualitative descriptive method by using semiotic analysis, to interpreted women’s body exploitation in Torpedo advertising. Based on the results of research, advertising of Torpedo “Dentures” version will be full charge of exploitation in woman’s body representation. Exploitation of woman’s body representation is visualized with the use of minimal clothing, gestures and expressions that make female models exploited


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    Cryptocurrency is a digital currency that has a decentralized nature using a blockchain system. The existence of blockchain is a sign of greater development in the world of technology. This phenomenon requires Islamic law to respond to the legal status of cryptocurrencies to provide peace and security for Muslims. In Indonesia, issues related to cryptocurrency receive special attention from three fatwa institutions, namely the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) through the Central MUI Fatwa Commission, Muhammadiyah through the Tarjih and Tajdid Council of PP Muhammadiyah, and Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) through Lajnah Bahtsul Masa'il NU Regional Leaders East Java. The three fatwa institutions agreed to condemn cryptocurrencies as haram because they were deemed to have greater harm than good. From this background, the author will carry out an analysis related to the legal istinbāṭ method used by MUI, Muhammadiyah, and NU as well as a comparative analysis. The purpose of this research is to find out and examine the fatwas and legal istinbāṭ methods used by MUI, Muhammadiyah, and NU regarding cryptocurrencies and to find out a comparative analysis of the legal istinbāṭ methods used by MUI, Muhammadiyah, and NU in determining fatwas regarding cryptocurrencies. This research uses a normative legal approach. The research results show that the three fatwa institutions carried out jama'i ijtihad (collective ijtihad) in the process of determining cryptocurrency laws. However, there are differences in the legal istinbāṭ methods used by the three fatwa institutions. MUI uses the istinbāṭ bayāni method. Meanwhile, Muhammadiyah uses the istinbāṭ bayāni and burhani methods. Meanwhile, NU uses the istinbāṭ ilḥāqī method