710 research outputs found

    Design of a simulation environment for laboratory management by robot organizations

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    This paper describes the basic concepts needed for a simulation environment capable of supporting the design of robot organizations for managing chemical, or similar, laboratories on the planned U.S. Space Station. The environment should facilitate a thorough study of the problems to be encountered in assigning the responsibility of managing a non-life-critical, but mission valuable, process to an organized group of robots. In the first phase of the work, we seek to employ the simulation environment to develop robot cognitive systems and strategies for effective multi-robot management of chemical experiments. Later phases will explore human-robot interaction and development of robot autonomy

    Modelling the contribution of short-range atmospheric and hydrological transfers to nitrogen fluxes, budgets and indirect emissions in rural landscapes

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    Spatial interactions within a landscape may lead to large inputs of reactive nitrogen (N<sub>r</sub>) transferred from cultivated areas and farms to oligotrophic ecosystems and induce environmental threats such as acidification, nitric pollution or eutrophication of protected areas. The paper presents a new methodology to estimate N<sub>r</sub> fluxes at the landscape scale by taking into account spatial interactions between landscape elements. This methodology includes estimates of indirect N<sub>r</sub> emissions due to short-range atmospheric and hydrological transfers. We used the NitroScape model which integrates processes of N<sub>r</sub> transformation and short-range transfer in a dynamic and spatially distributed way to simulate N<sub>r</sub> fluxes and budgets at the landscape scale. Four configurations of NitroScape were implemented by taking into account or not the atmospheric, hydrological or both pathways of N<sub>r</sub> transfer. We simulated N<sub>r</sub> fluxes, especially direct and indirect N<sub>r</sub> emissions, within a test landscape including pig farms, croplands and unmanaged ecosystems. Simulation results showed the ability of NitroScape to simulate patterns of N<sub>r</sub> emissions and recapture for each landscape element and the whole landscape. NitroScape made it possible to quantify the contribution of both atmospheric and hydrological transfers to N<sub>r</sub> fluxes, budgets and indirect N<sub>r</sub> emissions. For instance, indirect N<sub>2</sub>O emissions were estimated at around 21% of the total N<sub>2</sub>O emissions. They varied within the landscape according to land use, meteorological and soil conditions as well as topography. This first attempt proved that the NitroScape model is a useful tool to estimate the effect of spatial interactions on N<sub>r</sub> fluxes and budgets as well as indirect N<sub>r</sub> emissions within landscapes. Our approach needs to be further tested by applying NitroScape to several spatial arrangements of agro-ecosystems within the landscape and to real and larger landscapes

    Hybrid Simulation Safety: Limbos and Zero Crossings

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    Physical systems can be naturally modeled by combining continuous and discrete models. Such hybrid models may simplify the modeling task of complex system, as well as increase simulation performance. Moreover, modern simulation engines can often efficiently generate simulation traces, but how do we know that the simulation results are correct? If we detect an error, is the error in the model or in the simulation itself? This paper discusses the problem of simulation safety, with the focus on hybrid modeling and simulation. In particular, two key aspects are studied: safe zero-crossing detection and deterministic hybrid event handling. The problems and solutions are discussed and partially implemented in Modelica and Ptolemy II

    A comparison of methods for the measurement of methane emissions from municipal solid waste landfills for the purpose of evaluating their contribution to the greenhouse effect

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    International audienceThis study was funded and co-ordinated by the French Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maitrise de l'Energie (Ademe) in the framework of the French research programme on the evolution of the climate and the atmosphere, with the specific aim of estimating the contribution to the greenhouse effect due to methane emitted by municipal solid waste landfills

    Magnetic variability in the young solar analog KIC 10644253: Observations from the Kepler satellite and the HERMES spectrograph

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    The continuous photometric observations collected by the Kepler satellite over 4 years provide a whelm of data with an unequalled quantity and quality for the study of stellar evolution of more than 200000 stars. Moreover, the length of the dataset provide a unique source of information to detect magnetic activity and associated temporal variability in the acoustic oscillations. In this regards, the Kepler mission was awaited with great expectation. The search for the signature of magnetic activity variability in solar-like pulsations still remained unfruitful more than 2 years after the end of the nominal mission. Here, however, we report the discovery of temporal variability in the low-degree acoustic frequencies of the young (1 Gyr-old) solar analog KIC 10644253 with a modulation of about 1.5 years with significant temporal variations along the duration of the Kepler observations. The variations are in agreement with the derived photometric activity. The frequency shifts extracted for KIC 10644253 are shown to result from the same physical mechanisms involved in the inner sub-surface layers as in the Sun. In parallel, a detailed spectroscopic analysis of KIC 10644253 is performed based on complementary ground-based, high-resolution observations collected by the HERMES instrument mounted on the MERCATOR telescope. Its lithium abundance and chromospheric activity S-index confirm that KIC 10644253 is a young and more active star than the Sun.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 12 pages, 8 figure

    SURFATM-NH3: a model combining the surface energy balance and bi-directional exchanges of ammonia applied at the field scale

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    A new biophysical model SURFATM-NH3, simulating the ammonia (NH<sub>3</sub>) exchange between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere is presented. SURFATM-NH3 consists of two coupled models: (i) an energy budget model and (ii) a pollutant exchange model, which distinguish the soil and plant exchange processes. The model describes the exchanges in terms of adsorption to leaf cuticles and bi-directional transport through leaf stomata and soil. The results of the model are compared with the flux measurements over grassland during the GRAMINAE Integrated Experiment at Braunschweig, Germany. The dataset of GRAMINAE allows the model to be tested in various meteorological and agronomic conditions: prior to cutting, after cutting and then after the application of mineral fertilizer. The whole comparison shows close agreement between model and measurements for energy budget and ammonia fluxes. The major controls on the ground and plant emission potential are the physicochemical parameters for liquid-gas exchanges which are integrated in the compensation points for live leaves, litter and the soil surface. Modelled fluxes are highly sensitive to soil and plant surface temperatures, highlighting the importance of accurate estimates of these terms. The model suggests that the net flux depends not only on the foliar (stomatal) compensation point but also that of leaf litter. SURFATM-NH3 represents a comprehensive approach to studying pollutant exchanges and its link with plant and soil functioning. It also provides a simplified generalised approach (SVAT model) applicable for atmospheric transport models

    Évolution des cancers de l’œsophage : impact de la stratégie thérapeutique

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    PURPOSE: To assess the outcome of esophageal cancer according to therapeutic strategy. PATIENTS AND METHODS: One-hundred and twenty patients with esophageal cancer treated by an association of radiotherapy and chemotherapy and possibly surgery, between 2004 and 2010, were retrospectively studied. The first site of relapse was classified as follows: local (tumour), locoregional (tumour and/or nodal: celiac, mediastinal, sus-clavicular) or metastatic. RESULTS: With a 15.7-months (1.4-62) median follow-up, there were 89 deaths and 79 recurrences. Three types of treatments were performed: 50Gy exclusive chemoradiotherapy (47 patients) or 50 to 65Gy exclusive chemoradiotherapy (44 patients) or chemoradiotherapy followed by surgery (27 patients). The local first relapse was as much frequent as distant relapse (50 patients). With a-5cm margin up and down to the tumour, there was only one nodal relapse. Two-year survival was 39.5% (95% confidence interval [IC]: 30.5-40.8) and relapse-free survival was 26.5% (CI: 18.6-35). Multivariate analysis revealed that treatment type and disease stage had a significant impact on survival, relapse-free survival and locoregional control. Compared to exclusive chemoradiotherapy, surgery improved locoregional control (40.2 versus 8.7 months, P=0.0004) but in a younger population. Despite postoperative mortality, the gain was maintained for distance relapse-free survival (40.2 versus 10 months, P=0.0147) and overall survival (29.3 versus 14.2 months, P=0.0088). Compared to 50Gy chemoradiotherapy, local control was improved if high dose chemoradiotherapy was performed (13.8 versus 7.5 months, P=0.05) but not overall survival (14.0 versus 15.4 months, P=0.24). CONCLUSION: More than one-third relapse is local. Locoregional control is better with high dose chemoradiotherapy. In this study, surgery performed in selected patients only, improved locoregional control, relapse-free disease and overall survival

    Type Ia Supernova Hubble Residuals and Host-Galaxy Properties

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    Kim et al. (2013) [K13] introduced a new methodology for determining peak-brightness absolute magnitudes of type Ia supernovae from multi-band light curves. We examine the relation between their parameterization of light curves and Hubble residuals, based on photometry synthesized from the Nearby Supernova Factory spectrophotometric time series, with global host-galaxy properties. The K13 Hubble residual step with host mass is 0.013±0.0310.013\pm 0.031 mag for a supernova subsample with data coverage corresponding to the K13 training; at 1σ\ll 1\sigma, the step is not significant and lower than previous measurements. Relaxing the data coverage requirement the Hubble residual step with host mass is 0.045±0.0260.045\pm 0.026 mag for the larger sample; a calculation using the modes of the distributions, less sensitive to outliers, yields a step of 0.019 mag. The analysis of this article uses K13 inferred luminosities, as distinguished from previous works that use magnitude corrections as a function of SALT2 color and stretch parameters: Steps at >2σ>2\sigma significance are found in SALT2 Hubble residuals in samples split by the values of their K13 x(1)x(1) and x(2)x(2) light-curve parameters. x(1)x(1) affects the light-curve width and color around peak (similar to the Δm15\Delta m_{15} and stretch parameters), and x(2)x(2) affects colors, the near-UV light-curve width, and the light-curve decline 20 to 30 days after peak brightness. The novel light-curve analysis, increased parameter set, and magnitude corrections of K13 may be capturing features of SN~Ia diversity arising from progenitor stellar evolution.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures. Accepted by Astrophysical Journa

    Evidence of Environmental Dependencies of Type Ia Supernovae from the Nearby Supernova Factory indicated by Local H{\alpha}

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    (Abridged) We study the host galaxy regions in close proximity to Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) to analyze relations between the properties of SN Ia events and environments most similar to where their progenitors formed. We focus on local H\alpha\ emission as an indicator of young environments. The Nearby Supernova Factory has obtained flux-calibrated spectral timeseries for SNe Ia using integral field spectroscopy, allowing the simultaneous measurement of the SN and its immediate vicinity. For 89 SNe Ia we measure H\alpha\ emission tracing ongoing star formation within a 1 kpc radius around each SN. This constitutes the first direct study of the local environment for a large sample of SNe Ia also having accurate luminosity, color and stretch measurements. We find that SNe Ia with local H\alpha\ emission are redder by 0.036+/-0.017 mag, and that the previously-noted correlation between stretch and host mass is entirely driven by the SNe Ia coming from passive regions. Most importantly, the mean standardized brightness for SNe Ia with local H\alpha\ emission is 0.094+/-0.031 mag fainter than for those without. This offset arises from a bimodal structure in the Hubble residuals, that also explains the previously-known host-mass bias. We combine this bimodality with the cosmic star-formation rate to predict changes with redshift in the mean SN Ia brightness and the host-mass bias. This change is confirmed using high-redshift SNe Ia from the literature. These environmental dependences point to remaining systematic errors in SNe Ia standardization. The observed brightness offset is predicted to cause a significant bias in measurements of the dark energy equation of state. Recognition of these effects offers new opportunities to improve SNe Ia as cosmological probes - e.g. SNe Ia having local H\alpha\ emission are more homogeneous, having a brightness dispersion of 0.105+/-0.012 mag.Comment: accepted for publication in Section 3. Cosmology of A&A (The official date of acceptance is 30/08/2013