184 research outputs found

    Extinction imaging of a single quantum emitter in its bright and dark states

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    Room temperature detection of single quantum emitters has had a broad impact in fields ranging from biophysics to material science, photophysics, or even quantum optics. These experiments have exclusively relied on the efficient detection of fluorescence. An attractive alternative would be to employ direct absorption, or more correctly expressed "extinction" measurements. Indeed, small nanoparticles have been successfully detected using this scheme in reflection and transmission. Coherent extinction detection of single emitters has also been reported at cryogenic temperatures, but their room temperature implementation has remained a great laboratory challenge owing to the expected weak signal-to-noise ratio. Here we report the first extinction study of a single quantum emitter at ambient condition. We obtain a direct measure for the extinction cross section of a single semiconductor nanocrystal both during and in the absence of fluorescence, for example in the photobleached state or during blinking off-times. Our measurements pave the way for the detection and absorption spectroscopy of single molecules or clusters of atoms even in the quenched state

    Single-Photon Imaging and Efficient Coupling to Single Plasmons

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    We demonstrate strong coupling of single photons emitted by individual molecules at cryogenic and ambient conditions to individual nanoparticles. We provide images obtained both in transmission and reflection, where an efficiency greater than 55% was achieved in converting incident narrow-band photons to plasmon-polaritons (plasmons) of a silver nanoparticle. Our work paves the way to spectroscopy and microscopy of nano-objects with sub-shot noise beams of light and to triggered generation of single plasmons and electrons in a well-controlled manner

    Enhanced nonlinear emission from single multilayered metal–dielectric nanocavities resonating in the near-infrared

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    Harmonic generation mechanisms are of great interest in nanoscience and nanotechnology, since they allow generating visible light by using near-infrared radiation, which is particularly suitable for its countless applications in bionanophotonics and optoelectronics. In this context, multilayer metal–dielectric nanocavities are widely used for light confinement and waveguiding at the nanoscale. They exhibit intense and localized resonances that can be conveniently tuned in the near-infrared and are therefore ideal for enhancing nonlinear effects in this spectral range. In this work, we experimentally investigate the nonlinear emission properties of multilayer metal–dielectric nanocavities. By engineering their absorption efficiency and exploiting their intrinsic interface-induced symmetry breaking, we achieve an almost 2 orders of magnitude higher second-harmonic generation efficiency compared to gold nanostructures featuring the same geometry and optical resonant behavior. In particular, while both the third-order nonlinear susceptibility and conversion efficiency are comparable with those of the Au nanoresonators, we estimate a second-order nonlinear susceptibility of the order of 1 pm/V, which is comparable with that of typical nonlinear crystals. We envision that our system, which combines the advantages of both plasmonic and dielectric materials, might enable the realization of composite and multifunctional nanosystems for the efficient manipulation of nonlinear optical processes at the nanoscale

    Ultrafast optical control of nonlinear dielectric nanoantennas

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    Efficient ultrafast reconfiguration of the second-harmonic generation of AlGaAs nonlinear nanoantennas operating at 1550 nm telecom wavelength, is achieved by ultrafast interband photoexcitation with femtosecond visible pulses. The combination of broadband transient transmittivity, time-revolved second harmonic generation, and nonlinear optics nanoscale modeling, allows to track the ultrafast modulation of the second harmonic signal, into the nanoscale charge carrier dynamics at the base of a giant permittivity change at the semiconducting band edg

    Mode-matching in multiresonant plasmonic nanoantennas for enhanced second harmonic generation

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    Boosting nonlinear frequency conversion in extremely confined volumes remains a key challenge in nano-optics, nanomedicine, photocatalysis, and background-free biosensing. To this aim, field enhancements in plasmonic nanostructures are often exploited to effectively compensate for the lack of phase-matching at the nanoscale. Second harmonic generation (SHG) is, however, strongly quenched by the high degree of symmetry in plasmonic materials at the atomic scale and in nanoantenna designs. Here, we devise a plasmonic nanoantenna lacking axial symmetry, which exhibits spatial and frequency mode overlap at both the excitation and the SHG wavelengths. The effective combination of these features in a single device allows obtaining unprecedented SHG conversion efficiency. Our results shed new light on the optimization of SHG at the nanoscale, paving the way to new classes of nanoscale coherent light sources and molecular sensing devices based on nonlinear plasmonic platforms.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Imaging spin diffusion in germanium at room temperature

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    International audienceWe report on the nonlocal detection of optically oriented spins in lightly n-doped germanium at room temperature. Localized spin generation is achieved by scanning a circularly polarized laser beam (λ = 1550 nm) on an array of lithographically defined Pt microstructures. The in-plane oriented spin generated at the edges of such microstructures, placed at different distances from a spin-detection element, allows for a direct imaging of spin diffusion in the semiconductor, leading to a measured spin diffusion length of about 10 μm. Two different spin-detection blocks are employed, consisting of either a magnetic tunnel junction or a platinum stripe where the spin current is converted in an electrical signal by the inverse spin-Hall effect. The second solution represents the realization of a nonlocal spin-injection/detection scheme that is completely free from ferromagnetic functional blocks

    The optical nanosizer – quantitative size and shape analysis of individual nanoparticles by high-throughput widefield extinction microscopy

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    Nanoparticles are widely utilised for a range of applications, from catalysis to medicine, requiring accurate knowledge of their size and shape. Current techniques for particle characterisation are either not very accurate or time consuming and expensive. Here we demonstrate a rapid and quantitative method for particle analysis based on measuring the polarisation-resolved optical extinction cross-section of hundreds of individual nanoparticles using wide-field microscopy, and determining the particle size and shape from the optical properties. We show measurements on three samples consisting of nominally spherical gold nanoparticles of 20 nm and 30 nm diameter, and gold nanorods of 30 nm length and 10 nm diameter. Nanoparticle sizes and shapes in three dimensions are deduced from the measured optical cross-sections at different wavelengths and light polarisation, by solving the inverse problem, using an ellipsoid model of the particle polarisability in the dipole limit. The sensitivity of the method depends on the experimental noise and the choice of wavelengths. We show an uncertainty down to about 1 nm in mean diameter, and 10% in aspect ratio when using two or three color channels, for a noise of about 50 nm^2 in the measured cross-section. The results are in good agreement with transmission electron microscopy, both 2D projection and tomography, of the same sample batches. Owing to its combination of experimental simplicity, ease of access to statistics over many particles, accuracy, and geometrical particle characterisation in 3D, this 'optical nanosizer' method has the potential to become the technique of choice for quality control in next-generation particle manufacturing

    Thermal Imaging of Nanostructures by Quantitative Optical Phase Analysis

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    International audienceWe introduce an optical microscopy technique aimed at characterizing the heat generation arising from nanostructures, in a comprehensive and quantitative manner. Namely, the technique permits (i) mapping the temperature distribution around the source of heat, (ii) mapping the heat power density delivered by the source, and (iii) retrieving the absolute absorption cross section of light-absorbing structures. The technique is based on the measure of the thermal-induced refractive index variation of the medium surrounding the source of heat. The measurement is achieved using an association of a regular CCD camera along with a modified Hartmann diffraction grating. Such a simple association makes this technique straightforward to implement on any conventional microscope with its native broadband illumination conditions. We illustrate this technique on gold nanoparticles illuminated at their plasmonic resonance. The spatial resolution of this technique is diffraction limited, and temperature variations weaker than 1 K can be detected
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