21 research outputs found

    Europe cosmopolitical or populist: justice and soft power in perspective

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    Europa afronta hoy un dilema: ser cosmopolita o dejar de serlo. El peligro de desintegración de la Unión Europea anunciado por los resultados del reciente brexit y por el auge de los populismos de derecha en toda Europa reclama un ejercicio de soft power por parte de la Unión Europea en materias relacionadas con la negociación y la resolución de conflictos en su espacio interno. Esta capacidad, sin embargo, parece estar ausente. Este artículo defiende que, para recuperar una capacidad consistente de soft power, la Unión Europea tiene que diseñar una estrategia hegemónica destinada a construir una identidad europea líquida, a partir de una posición de sujeto democrático que puede definirse como fuertemente cosmopolita.Today Europe faces a dilemma: to be cosmopolitical or not to be. The peril of disintegration of the European Union announced by the recent Brexit results and the rise of right-wing populism through Europe calls for an exercise in soft power by the European Union in matters regarding political negotiation and conflict mediation within its space. This capacity seems, however, to be missing. This paper defends that, in order to regain a consistent soft power, the European Union must devise a hegemonic strategy aimed at constructing a European liquid identity from a democratic subject position that might be defined as strongly cosmopolitan

    Pensando al hombre cosmopolita: T. Pogge y el concepto de florecimiento humano

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    Thomas Pogge ofrece una visión esquemática del hombre que hace compatible el término multiculturalismo con un plan de acción institucional, de alcance global y orientado éticamente. En su interés por el establecimiento de una sociedad justa y cosmopolita, Pogge reúne, gracias al concepto de florecimiento humano, aquellas características antropológicas y éticas que hacen del hombre un sujeto que ha de ser considerado unidad básica de preocupación moral.The work of Thomas Pogge provides an outline of the human being that allows multiculturalism to be compatible with a global plan of institutional action, ethically oriented. In his concern for the establishment of a just and cosmopolitan society, and through his concept of human flowering, Pogge unites all those antropological and ethical characteristics which make the human subject the basic unit of moral preocuppation

    El cosmopolitismo moral kantiano: acerca de la acción moral constituyente de derecho

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    Este artículo tiene como finalidad defender que el derecho y la moral en la filosofía kantiana son dos ámbitos interdependientes, y que la acción combinada de ambos da como resultado un estado de justicia sustantiva que es la tarea a realizar por una humanidad con carácter finito. El cosmopolitismo moral, desde esta perspectiva, puede considerarse como aquel estado de justicia hecho posible gracias a una acción moral que sigue el principio de la propiedad común de la tierra. Una acción moral constituyente de derecho que se realiza en el marco de un mundo cuya significación última es ética, y que instaura las condiciones de justicia que permitan al sujeto, y con él a la humanidad entendida como comunidad de comunicación universal de hecho, y no en la idea, perseguir la realización de tareas infinitas.The aim of this paper is to defend that the ambits of law and morals are interdependent ones in the Kantian philosophy, and that the joined action of both of them leads to a substantive state of justice that is the concrete task to carry out by a humanity of finite character. The moral cosmopolitanism, from this point of view, can be considered a state of justice possible according to a moral action whose principle is the common property of the land. A moral action constituent of law performed within the frame of a world which last signification is ethic; an action that establishes the conditions of a justice that allows the subject, and humanity understood as universal community of communication in fact, and not in the idea, to pursue the fulfillment of infinite duties

    Kant's apple: the moral grounding of right and the interdependence of ethics and law

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    Houve muita discussão a respeito da relação de dependência ou inde- pendência entre a filosofia kantiana do direito e sua teoria mora. A tese de inde- pendência forte foi sustentada, entre outros, por Allen Wood e Georg Geismann. A tese de independência meio-forte foi defendida por Thomas Pogge numa tentativa de diferençar a filosofia kantiana do direito do liberalismo amplo de Rawls. Há também a posição "não-conclusiva" de Artur Ripstein, e, finalmente, a posição de Otfried Höffe e Paul Guyer que defende uma dependência forte entre direito expõe a dedução do princípio do direito do imperativo categórico através da noção de liberdade. Pretendo basear minha posição na discussão entre Markus Willaschek e Gerhard Seel, uma vez que suas posições referentes a este assunto reúnem muitos dos argumentos principais usados em ambas as linhas de pensamento, e propor, enfim, minha própria defesa da tese de dependência.

    Influence of the geometry on the agglomeration of a polydisperse binary system of spherical particles

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    Within the context of the European Horizon 2020 project ACDC, we intend to develop a probabilistic chemical compiler, to aid the construction of three-dimensional agglomerations of artificial hierarchical cellular constructs. These programmable discrete units offer a wide variety of technical innovations, like a portable biochemical laboratory that e.g. produces macromolecular medicine on demand. For this purpose, we have to investigate the agglomeration process of droplets and vesicles under proposed constraints, like confinement. This paper focuses on the influence of the geometry of the initialization and of the container on the agglomeration

    Paths in a network of polydisperse spherical droplets

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    We simulate the movement and agglomeration of oil droplets in water under constraints, like confinement, using a simplified stochastic-hydrodynamic model. In the analysis of the network created by the droplets in the agglomeration, we focus on the paths between pairs of droplets and compare the computational results for various system sizes

    Percolation breakdown in binary and ternary monodisperse and polydisperse systems of spherical particles

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    We perform computer simulations of an agglomeration process for monodisperse and polydisperse systems of spherical particles in a cylindrical container, using a simplified stochastic-hydrodynamic model. We consider a ternary system with three particle types A, B, and C, in which only connections of the type can be forged, while any other connections with particles of the same type or with C-particles are forbidden, and for comparison a binary system with two particle types A and C, in which only connections of the type can be formed. We study the breakdown of the percolation in the agglomeration at the bottom of the cylinder with an increasing fraction of C-particles

    Kauffman Model with spatially separated ligation and cleavage reactions

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    One of the open questions regarding the origin of life is the problem how macromolecules could be created. One possible answer is the existence of autocatalytic sets in which some macromolecules mutually catalyze each other’s formation. This mechanism is theoretically described in the Kauffman model. We introduce and simulate an extension of the Kauffman model, in which ligation and cleavage reactions are spatially separated in different containers connected by diffusion, and provide computational results for instances with and without autocatalytic sets, focusing on the time evolution of the densities of the various molecules. Furthermore, we study the rich behavior of a randomly generated instance containing an autocatalytic metabolism, in which molecules are created by ligation processes and destroyed by cleavage processes and vice versa or generated and destroyed both by ligation processes