14 research outputs found

    Performance measurement of green supply chain management : a literature review and gaps for further research

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    Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) has been receiving increased attention because of the urgent need of organizations to address sustainability issues as a condition for their competitiveness, and the issue of how performance should be measured becomes crucial. This paper performs a literature review on an academic basis in order to identify the main subjects and sustainable dimensions of research studies involving the performance measurement of GSCM and the gaps for further research. Sixty three percent of the analyzed papers are associated with framework, mathematical modelling, empirical research and application, and the principal gaps to be explored are the metrics, measures and integration of the GSCM with existing quality methods. Almost all of these subjects are discussed in an economic and environmental dimension, remaining the social dimension a relevant gap to be explored. Based on this scenario, this paper intends to make a contribution to the academia and professionals of the area14


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    Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) has been receiving increased attention because of the urgent need of organizations to address sustainability issues as a condition for their competitiveness, and the issue of how performance should be measured becomes crucial. This paper performs a literature review on an academic basis in order to identify the main subjects and sustainable dimensions of research studies involving the performance measurement of GSCM and the gaps for further research. Sixty three percent of the analyzed papers are associated with framework, mathematical modelling, empirical research and application, and the principal gaps to be explored are the metrics, measures and integration of the GSCM with existing quality methods. Almost all of these subjects are discussed in an economic and environmental dimension, remaining the social dimension a relevant gap to be explored. Based on this scenario, this paper intends to make a contribution to the academia and professionals of the area

    Preparing future entrepreneurs: reflections about the COVID-19 impacts on the entrepreneurial potential of Brazilian students

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    Purpose: This viewpoint aims to present reflections on the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic scenario and the entrepreneurial potential of Brazilian students. Guidelines are proposed to support debates in the academic environment and better prepare future entrepreneurs to the labour market. Design/methodology/approach: Since this is a viewpoint article, some statements presented here are characterised by the authors' opinions. However, for a better foundation, bibliographic research related to the theme was carried out. Findings: In the authors' point of view, the COVID-19 pandemic scenario may negatively influence the decisions of Brazilian students that are characterised as potential future entrepreneurs. Educators can use the guidelines presented here to conduct debates with students in order to clarify aspects related to profile, behaviour and other issues. Originality/value: By understanding better entrepreneurial aspects in the COVID-19 pandemic scenario, Brazilian students can make better decisions. This initiative will contribute to future success in the Brazilian entrepreneurial activity and national economy

    Gender Wage Gaps in Brazilian Companies Listed in the Ibovespa Index: A Critical Analysis

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    This article aims to perform a critical analysis of wage gaps according to gender from information provided by sustainability reports that were disseminated by Brazilian companies listed in the Ibovespa index. To conduct this analysis, bibliographic research was performed, followed by a deductive content analysis of sustainability reports from Brazilian companies listed in the Ibovespa index, considering item 405-2 of the Global Reporting Initiative standard. From this analysis, it was possible to show that only some companies disseminate detailed information related to the gender wage ratio. Many companies do not present this data or present it superficially. The findings of this research present important insights that may be used to motivate debates on the topic

    An assessment of the integration between corporate social responsibility practices and management systems in Brazil aiming at sustainability in enterprises

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    The concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is associated with the idea that every organization should integrate environmental, economic and social issues as part of their organizational philosophy. In companies with a higher degree of development in terms of CSR, sustainable practices are integrated into management systems. When focusing on Latin America, this integration may be at its first steps, but there is a vacuum in the literature in this field. Based on this reality, this paper aims to evaluate the integration between CSR practices and management systems in companies in Brazil based on experts’ perceptions. Employing a conceptual model covering how stakeholder demands are incorporated in organizational practices using a continuous improvement approach, we performed a survey with experts in the area. Results revealed opportunities for improvements in all CSR practices evaluated, most of which were considered by the experts to have been implemented only superficially. In a comparative analysis, two practices stood out in relation to the others: reporting of CSR results to stakeholders and evaluation of the performance of CSR activities using pre-established indicators. Practices associated with planning of CSR activities are the most superficially implemented, adversely affecting CSR performance. The authors believe that the findings of this study could be useful for business managers and academics as guidance towards improved CSR efforts

    O legado do patrimônio industrial em Limeira, 1890-1960

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    Evaluation of the integration between corporate social responsibility practices and management systems

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    Orientador: Rosley AnholonDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia MecânicaResumo: Esta dissertação tem por objetivo avaliar a integração entre as práticas de Responsabilidade Social Corporativa (RSC) e sistemas gerenciais em empresas com atuação no Brasil, segundo a percepção de profissionais com expertise no assunto. O procedimento metodológico escolhido foi uma survey, utilizando como instrumento de coleta de dados um questionário. Este questionário, enviado para cento e oitenta e quatro (184) profissionais, obteve taxa de retorno igual a 26%. Dessa forma, a amostra deste trabalho é composta por quarenta e oito (48) profissionais. Os resultados evidenciaram que ainda existem oportunidades em todas as práticas avaliadas, sendo grande parte delas desenvolvidas de forma superficial. Quando analisadas comparativamente, duas práticas se destacaram em relação às demais do ponto de vista de aplicação sendo elas o reporte dos resultados para as partes interessadas e a avaliação do desempenho das atividades de RSC via indicadores pré-estabelecidos. Por outro lado, notou-se também que as práticas associadas ao planejamento das atividades de RSC são aquelas como menores graus de aplicação, o que prejudica a um melhor desempenho. Os resultados aqui apresentados são de grande valia e podem se fazer úteis tanto para gestores empresariais quanto para acadêmicos em futuras pesquisasAbstract: This master dissertation aims to evaluate the integration between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices and management systems in companies operating in Brazil according to the perception of professionals with expertise in the subject. The methodological procedure chosen was a survey, using as a data collection instrument a questionnaire. This questionnaire was sent to one hundred and eighty-four (184) professionals and obtained a rate of return equal to 26%. As a consequence, the total sample is made up of forty eight (48) professionals. The results demonstrated development opportunities in all evaluated CSR practices and most of them are superficially developed. When comparatively analyzed, two practices standouts: CSR results report to shareholders and stakeholders and evaluate of CSR performance through pre-established indicators. On the other hand, the practices associated with CSR planning are the ones with smaller degrees of application, which harms a better CSR performance. These results are of great value and can be useful for both business managers and academics in future researchMestradoMateriais e Processos de FabricaçãoMestre em Engenharia Mecânic

    Performance measurement in product development process (PDP): literature review and gaps for further research

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    This paper performs a literature review to identify and analyze the main themes related to PDP performance measurement and presents the gaps for further exploration. Design / Methodology / Approach: this paper searches the main bases of academic data in order to find scientific papers related to PDP performance measurement and classify them on five main themes: design performance; human resources; knowledge resources; financial performance, and literature review. Results: the results show that more than fifty percent of the papers are associated with knowledge resource issues and the principal gaps to be explored are associated with design performance, human resources, financial performance and literature review. Limitations of the investigation: the main limitation is related to the bases of academic data. Additional papers available on different bases can lead to different results. Practical implications: this paper intends to make a contribution to academia and practitioners as it shows gaps on PDP performance measurement research that can be better explored. Originality / Value: to the best of the authors' knowledge, there is no study that evaluates a literature review for PDP performance measurement. This work contributes to the literature by presenting the directions for further PDP performance measurement research16455056

    Contributions from the Brazilian industrial sector to sustainable development

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    © 2020 Elsevier Ltd This paper aims to evaluate the perception of experts on the contribution of the Brazilian industrial sector in terms of sustainable development, focusing in particular on three of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) presented by United Nations (UN). A survey was conducted with professionals from Brazilian industry in order to identify their perceptions. It obtained sixty one answers and the collected data was evaluated technically and descriptively by TOPSIS analysis. It was found that Brazil has been carrying out some relevant actions, both sporadic and planned, with significant opportunities for improvement. Comparatively, the most cited contributions are those related to increasing productivity and technological modernization, which contributes to the inclusion of young people in the labor market, improving resource efficiency and the minimization of environmental degradation. Conversely, the least cited contributions are those related to the stimulation of sustainable consumption and negotiation with small companies. Therefore, the authors believe that the findings of this research could be useful for professionals and academics as guidance. It is also important to mention that no similar paper was found with an academic basis, which reinforces the originality and the contribution of this paper