11 research outputs found

    Den use, home range and territoriality of the koomal (Trichosurus vulpecula hypoleucus) with implications for current forest management strategies

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    The koomal (Trichosurus vulpecula hypoleucus) is a declining subspecies ('near-threatened'), residing largely within the Western Australian jarrah forest, a forest managed for both conservation and for forestry (roughly half is available for logging). Information on the spatial dynamics of koomal is essential to evaluating whether logging prescriptions provide adequate protection for this threatened species. Here we describe the home range and territoriality of koomal, as well as the characteristics and use of their den trees, at multiple sites within the jarrah forest. We also compare the characteristics of den trees used by koomal against logging prescriptions and previous models that estimate availability of den trees. Results suggested that koomal home ranges varied between sites and sexes, with males having the larger home ranges. Koomal also maintained exclusive core territories, probably to protect their den trees from same-sex individuals. Den trees used by koomal had similar characteristics to those outlined in logging prescriptions, but also included two additional characteristics that may improve the retention of trees suitable for koomal: den trees were preferentially of marri (Corymbia calophylla) and wandoo (Eucalyptus wandoo) species, and had some level of canopy connectivity. Overall, findings from this study should help future evaluations of the effectiveness of logging prescriptions in providing adequate den availability for koomal

    Characteristics of tree hollows used by Australian arboreal and scansorial mammals

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    Many species of non-flying mammal depend on tree hollows (cavities or holes) for shelter and survival. I reviewed the published literature on tree hollow use by Australian non-flying arboreal and scansorial mammals to provide a synthesis of tree hollow requirements, to identify gaps in knowledge and to stimulate future research that may improve the management of these species. The use of hollows was described in some detail for 18 of 42 hollow-using species. Most information was for possums and gliding possums, whereas dasyurid marsupials and rodents were largely neglected. The paucity of data for many species must be addressed because it represents an impediment to their conservation. Hollow abundance appears to be the primary determinant of tree preferences. This accounts for the frequent use of standing dead trees by most species. Most hollow-bearing trees used as dens were at least 100 years of age. Further studies that describe the dynamic processes that govern the availability of tree hollows are needed. The few studies that document attrition of hollow-bearing trees suggest that land managers need to improve strategies for the effective retention and long-term replacement of these trees