51 research outputs found

    Impacto de la gestión institucional y mejoramiento en la atención de los pacientes, en el Policlínico Militar de Tacna, año 2015

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    El presente estudio trata del “Impacto de la gestión institucional y el mejoramiento en la atención de los pacientes, en el Policlínico Militar de Tacna, año 2015”, corresponde a un trabajo de investigación para optar por el grado de Maestro en Administración de Servicios de Salud de la Universidad Nacional Federico Villareal. El objetivo del trabajo es determinar en qué medida el impacto de la gestión institucional incide en el mejoramiento de la atención de los pacientes en el Policlínico Militar de Tacna, año 2015, para lo cual se propone una metodología de tipo aplicada, con un enfoque cuantitativo, utilizando instrumentos de recolección de datos cuantitativos, aplicando el análisis estadístico. Así mismo presenta una tipología no experimental, aplicando el método hipotético-deductivo, con un diseño transversal y de nivel explicativo. Se concluye que el impacto de la gestión institucional incide significativamente en el mejoramiento de la atención de los pacientes en el Policlínico Militar de Tacna. Cabe precisar que los recursos humanos con que actualmente cuenta el Policlínico Militar de Tacna no son suficientes para una buena gestión institucional, especialmente en lo que a personal de la salud se refiere, existiendo un déficit de médicos, odontólogos, licenciadas en enfermería, licenciadas en obstetricia, técnicas de enfermería, y tecnólogos médicos

    Comparative branching order and root anatomy of clonal and seed-grown avocado trees (Persea americana Mill.)

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    Characterizing roots according to their branching order and anatomy is a useful approach for identifying functional differences within and among root systems. In this study, the root branching order and the anatomy of each root order (stele and cortex area) were examined in two-year-old “Duke 7” avocado (Persea americana Mill.) trees propagated by seed and by clonal techniques. The root systems were found to have three different root orders that exhibited differences in the occurrence of secondary xylem. Fine roots (first- and second-order roots) presented only primary growth, whereas the main roots (third-order roots) exhibited secondary growth. Transverse sections of roots from the different orders showed pentarch, hexarch or heptarch tracheal element distributions. Newly emerged, long, unbranched pioneer roots were observed only in the clonal trees and showed particular anatomical features, such as a larger diameter and a proportionally greater cortex area than other roots, as well as primary growth. Additionally, significant differences were found between clonal and seedling trees in the stele area of third-order roots; clonal propagation resulted in larger stele areas in this type of root. Our results suggest that propagation methods influence the presence of new pioneer roots and the anatomy of third-order roots; clonal root systems branch more extensively than seed-grown root systems and develop a vascular system with a larger transport capacity

    Fifty Psychological and Psychiatric Terms to Avoid: a List of Inaccurate, Misleading, Misused, Ambiguous, and Logically Confused Words and Phrases

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    The goal of this article is to promote clear thinking and clear writing among students and teachers of psychological science by curbing terminological misinformation and confusion. To this end, we present a provisional list of 50 commonly used terms in psychology, psychiatry, and allied fields that should be avoided, or at most used sparingly and with explicit caveats. We provide corrective information for students, instructors, and researchers regarding these terms, which we organize for expository purposes into five categories: inaccurate or misleading terms, frequently misused terms, ambiguous terms, oxymorons, and pleonasms. For each term, we (a) explain why it is problematic, (b) delineate one or more examples of its misuse, and (c) when pertinent, offer recommendations for preferable terms. By being more judicious in their use of terminology, psychologists and psychiatrists can foster clearer thinking in their students and the field at large regarding mental phenomena

    Methodology for the organization didactic environment in computer program

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    Se realiza un estudio de enfoque cualitativo fenomenológico con el objetivo de diseñar un sistema organizativo-metodológico para el análisis de la información recuperada en la red, que beneficie y estimule el desarrollo de las investigaciones estudiantiles, en la Filial de Ciencias Médicas de Guantánamo, en el período 2011 - 2012. Los datos primarios se recogen mediante métodos de la observación participante y entrevistas a profundidad, donde se obtienen resúmenes descriptivos a los cuales se les aplica la técnica de triangulación de métodos hasta lograr reflejar las problemáticas que amparan el presente trabajo. Se concluye que les corresponde al colectivo docente unido a los tutores y masa estudiantil, desarrollar y aplicar estrategias de análisis y filtrado de la información en la red, a nivel institucional, para enfrentar los desafíos actuales de las nuevas Tecnologías de Información Científica (TIC) y la transculturación que imponen los países capitalistas desarrollados a los del llamado tercer mundo. A phenomenological qualitative study is carried out with the objective of designing an organizational-methodological system for the analysis of the information retrieved in the network that will benefit and stimulate the development of student research in the Guantanamo Branch of Medical Sciences in The period 2011 - 2012. The primary data are collected through participant observation methods and in-depth interviews, where descriptive summaries are obtained to which the technique of triangulation of methods is applied to reflect the problems that cover the present work. It is concluded that it is the responsibility of the teaching group, together with tutors and student masses, to develop and apply strategies for analyzing and filtering the information in the network, at institutional level, to face the current challenges of the new Information Technologies (ICT) And the transculturation imposed by the developed capitalist countries to the so-called third worl

    Understanding the relationship between suicidality, current depressed mood, personality, and cognitive factors

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    Objectives: Links between suicidality and depressed mood are well established. There is, however, little information about the emotional regulation processes that underlie the relationship between suicidality and current low mood, and how these processes differ between groups of never-suicidal (NS), suicidal ideators, and suicide attempters. As suicidality and depression are heterogeneous constructs, this study aimed to conduct within- and between-group comparisons of known suicide risk factors that are associated with emotion regulation (neuroticism, trait aggression, brooding, impulsivity, and overgeneral autobiographical memories). Design: Correlational design using between- and within-group comparisons from self-report measures. Methods: Inter- and intragroup differences were identified using Pearson's correlation coefficients and tests of difference. An analysis of indirect effects was used to investigate whether the relationship between suicidality and current low mood was mediated by neuroticism, trait aggression, brooding, impulsivity, and overgeneral autobiographical memories, and if this relationship varied according to group type. Results:  Brooding appeared to be a consistent feature of all three groups and was closely related to current low mood. Compared to the NS group, the relationship between suicide attempts and current low mood showed greater associations with brooding, trait aggression, and overgeneral autobiographical memories. Compared to the NS group, the suicidal ideation group showed stronger associations with neuroticism and impulsivity, but these factors did not correlate with low mood. Conclusion: These results suggest a need for larger studies to focus on heterogeneity within suicidal populations and consider how different combinations of risk factors may heighten or reduce suicide risk. Practitioner points: * It is well known that the severity and intensity of suicide and depressed presentations vary because of underlying dispositional and contextual factors (Fried & Nesse, ) which, in turn, affect how events are interpreted and responded to. Despite this, there is little research about how these mechanisms operate in different types of suicide groups, and their influence on the relationship between suicidality and current low mood. * Understanding interrelationships that affect current low mood is of clinical significance because past suicidal history and deteriorations in already negative mood are linked to repeated suicide attempts and completion. * Our findings show that ruminative brooding, defined as a tendency to repeatedly think about emotional aspects of an event, consistently correlates with current low mood across different types of suicidal groups (NS, suicidal ideators, and suicide attempters), and across analyses. * Findings also show that suicidal ideation and attempt groups were associated with specific personality characteristics that increased the propensity of emotional responding and interpretation compared to the NS group. The relationship between suicide attempt and current low mood had a higher propensity to be influenced by trait aggression, brooding, and overgenerality compared to the NS group. In contrast, although the suicidal ideation group correlated more strongly with neuroticism and impulsivity, these factors did not influence current low mood. * In terms of clinical practice, these findings imply that specific styles of interpretation and thinking may maintain the relationship between suicidality and current low mood. Given the cross-sectional nature of the study, however, it is not possible to imply causality. Nevertheless, the findings obtained provide some support for transdiagnostic models of cognitive-behavioural processes that could be developed further.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Association for Psychological Science (APS)

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    Shakow, David (1901-81)

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    Uppfattning av karaktärsroller genom visuell design : Tolkning av associationer, utrustning och kroppsattribut i MOBA-spel

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    I den här kvalitativa studien har vi undersökt hur spelare uppfattar och visuellt tolkar karaktärer från MOBA-spelen Leauge of Legends och Defense of the Ancients 2, för att utöka forskningen inom visuell karaktärsdesign. Genom sex utvalda karaktärer som slumpmässigt utsågs utifrån respondentens kunskap om de spel vi studerade, presenterades en bild och en videosekvens på en karaktär. Med intervjuer och tematisk analys har vi sammanställt resultat som visar att respondenterna med hjälp av visuella attribut, former, animationer samt förmågor lyckas förklara karaktärens personlighet och roll i laget trots avsaknaden av en bakgrundshistoria. Frånvaron av traditionellt narrativ och ett top-down perspektiv i spelet tvingade spelarna till att bli uppmärksamma på karaktärens förmågor, kroppsattribut, visuellt uttryck samt rörelsemönster. Spelare uppfattade karaktärer annorlunda i videon gentemot hur karaktären presenterades i bild och skapade därmed en skiftning i karaktärens trovärdighet.This qualitative study analyses how gamers perceive and visually interpret characters from two MOBA games: League of Legends, and Defense of the Ancients 2, to broaden the research of visual character design. Subjects were randomly presented with an image and a video of one of six characters from either game. Interviews and thematic analysis reveal that gamers are able to explain a character’s personality and role in the game with help from visual attributes, shapes, animations and abilities, despite the lack of a presented backstory. The top-down view and the absence of a traditional narrative forced gamers to pay attention to the characters’ abilities, body attributes, visual expressions and movement patterns. Gamers perceived characters in the video differently from the image because of their in-game presentation, which also influenced believability of the character

    125 Years of the American Psychological Association

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    The American Psychological Association (APA) began 125 years ago as a small club of a few dozen members in the parlor of its founder, G. Stanley Hall. In the decades since, it has faced many difficulties and even a few existential crises. Originally a scientific society, it spent the decades between the world wars figuring out how to accommodate the growing community of applied psychologists while still retaining and enhancing its scientific reputation. After World War II, with an expanded mandate, it developed formal training models for clinical psychologists and became an important player in legal cases pertaining to civil rights and other social justice issues. With practitioners taking an ever-greater role in the governance of the organization in the late 1970s, and the financial viability of the association in doubt in the 1980s, many psychological scientists felt the need to create a separate organization for themselves. The 1990s and early 2000s brought more challenges: declining divisional memberships; a legal dispute over fees with practitioners; and a serious upheaval over the APA Board of Directors’ cooperation with governmental defense and intelligence agencies during the “war on terror.” These clashes appear to have precipitated a decline in the association’s membership for the first time in its history. The APA has faced many storms over its century-and-a-quarter, but has, thus far, always ultimately found a way forward for itself, for its members, and for the wider discipline of psychology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved