175 research outputs found

    Riqualificazione e ristrutturazione della viabilita' del centro storico della citta' di Elbasan in Albania

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    Il tessuto viario presente all'interno della KalĂ  di Elbasan si presenta caratterizzato da un fitto reticolo di strade di quartiere e da percorsi pedonali stretti tra edifici, tra loro interconnessi da innesti che quasi mai si presentano attrezzati per favorire la fluiditĂ  veicolare e la sicurezza della circolazione pedonale. L'analisi dello stato attuale evidenzia la necessitĂ  di un complessivo intervento di riqualificazione finalizzato a garantire la sicurezza della circolazione pedonale e veicolare, ed il risanamento funzionale delle pavimentazioni cosĂŹ da valorizzare anche gli aspetti estetici che storicamente caratterizzano tali infrastrutture viarie. Attualmente, l’originario disegno della pavimentazione Ăš individuabile solo in brevi tratti, frequentemente in cattivo stato di conservazione. La riqualificazione del sistema viario si pone quindi come obiettivo primario quello di porre rimedio alle carenze sopra indicate. In tal senso i principali interventi che si prevede di realizzare possono essere cosĂŹ riassunti: - ripristino dell’originario schema delle pavimentazioni in pietra mediante l'impiego dei materiali lapidei locali, dimensionando opportunamente gli strati di supporto in relazione alla portanza dei sottofondi e ai previsti carichi da traffico veicolare; - ripristino delle condizioni di regolaritĂ  e di aderenza delle superfici dei piani viabili per il miglioramento della sicurezza, del confort interno ed esterno ai veicoli, e della fruibilitĂ  delle pavimentazioni da parte dei pedoni. - rifacimento del sistema di smaltimento delle acque meteoriche tramite rifacimento e/o ripristino della rete fognaria, aumento del numero di punti di captazione ed una loro ubicazione piĂč funzionale; - interramento delle linee aeree dei servizi e sistemazione dei sottoservizi esistenti a profonditĂ  compatibili con le sollecitazioni indotte dal traffico; - miglioramento dell’illuminazione stradale con aumento dei punti luce su supporti a mensola da fissare ai muri degli edifici; - razionalizzazione della circolazione interna e riqualificazione dell’arredo urbano, al fine di ottenere una accresciuta vivibilitĂ  degli spazi urbani, conservandone e evidenziandone le valenze storiche, culturali ed artistiche della KalĂ 

    Songs and Verses of New Ethnicities: Resistenza e rappresentazione nella cultura black British

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    The essay stems from an analysis of Handsworth Songs, a ‘documentary’ directed by Black audio Film Collective in 1986 inspired by the riots that inflamed Birmingham in 1985. Mixing History, stories and archival material, it tries to show a new perspective on what official media defined as ‘looting’, without investigating (often denying) its political and social causes. Presenting itself as a consideration on the present of the black communities’ revolts in Britain and at the same time as a stylistic and aesthetic research, Handsworth Songs represents a seminal moment for the beginning of a critical tradition finally black British.Its screening unleashes a series of controversial reactions, in particular the publication on The Guardian of comments by Salman Rushdie and Stuart Hall. The polemic highlights an attempt to identify a different way to represent the riots, as a form of resistance and affirmation, as well as the black Briton, as a British subject and not anymore as the ‘other’, alien to the geographical and cultural national borders.Rushdie’s and Hall’s opposed positions question the ‘official’ discourses and regimes of representation, in order to find new autonomous practices of representation, far from marginalisation or ‘mythical criminalisation’ (Paul Gilroy).Not by chance, after this polemic and debates, two texts, central to the black British cultural history, are published: Stuart Hall’s “New Ethnicities” (1988) and Salman Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses (1988). The considerations generated by the vision of Handsworth Songs flow into them, bringing to a fundamental re-definition and re-vision of blackness.Il saggio prende avvio da un analisi del ‘documentario’ Handsworth Songs, girato dai Black Audio Film Collective nel 1986 e ispirato agli scontri che hanno infiammato la cittĂ  di Birmingham nel 1985. Mescolando Storia, storie e materiale d’archivio, esso cerca di dare una nuova prospettiva su quello che i media avevano fatto passare come ‘looting’, senza indagarne (spesso negandone) le ragioni sociali e politiche. Presentandosi come riflessione sul presente delle lotte delle comunitĂ  black in Gran Bretagna e contemporaneamente come ricerca stilistica ed estetica, Handsworth Songs diventa una tappa fondamentale nella nascita di una tradizione critica black British.La sua proiezione genera, infatti, una serie di reazioni opposte e controverse, in particolare la pubblicazione sul Guardian dei commenti di Salman Rushdie e Stuart Hall. Nella polemica che ne scaturisce si esplica il tentativo di individuare un diverso modo per rappresentare tanto i riot, come forma di resistenza e affermazione, quanto il black British, come soggetto politico British e non piĂč ‘altro’, estraneo ai confini geografici e culturali nazionali.Le posizioni opposte di Rushdie e Hall costituiscono un tentativo di rimettere in discussione i discorsi e i regimi di rappresentazione ‘ufficiali’, al fine di individuare nuove pratiche di rappresentazione autonome e lontane da marginalizzazioni o ‘mitiche criminalizzazioni’ (Paul Gilroy).Proprio dopo questa polemica, non a caso, saranno pubblicati due testi centrali alla storia culturale della black Britain: “New Ethnicities” (1988) di Stuart Hall e The Satanic Verses (1988) di Salman Rushdie, in cui sembrano confluire in parte le riflessioni generate dalla visione di Handsworth Songs, che porteranno a una fondamentale ri-definizione e re-visione della blackness

    Association between short-term exposure to environmental air pollution and atopic dermatitis flare in patients treated with dupilumab

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    Background: The magnitude of short/medium-term air pollution exposure on atopic dermatitis (AD) flare has not been fully investigated. The aim of the study was to investigate the association of short/mediumterm exposure to airborne pollution on AD flares in patients treated with dupilumab. Methods: Observational case-crossover study. Patients with moderate-to-severe AD under treatment with dupilumab were included. The exposure of interest was the mean concentrations of coarse and fine particulate matter (PM10, PM2.5), nitrogen dioxide, and oxides (NO2, NOx). Different intervals were considered at 1 to 60 days before the AD flare and control visit, defined as the visit with the highest Eczema Area and Severity Index scores [8 and #7, respectively. A conditional logistic regression analysis adjusted for systemic treatments was employed to estimate the incremental odds (%) of flare every 10 g/m3 pollutant concentration. Results: Data on 169 of 528 patients with AD having 1130 follow-up visits and 5840 air pollutant concentration measurements were retrieved. The mean age was 41.4 6 20.3 years; 94 (55%) men. The incremental odds curve indicated a significant positive trend of AD flare for all pollutants in all time windows. At 60 days, every 10 g/m3 PM10, PM2.5, NOx, and NO2 increase concentration was associated with 82%, 67%, 28%, and 113% odds of flare, respectively. Conclusions: In patients treated with dupilumab, acute air pollution exposure is associated with an increased risk for AD flare with a dose-response relationship

    Sizing the Actuators for a Dragon Fly Prototype

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    In order to improve the design of the actuators of a Dragon Fly prototype, we study the loads applied to the actuators in operation. Both external and inertial forces are taken into account, as well as internal loads, for the purposes of evaluating the influence of the compliance of the arms on that of the "end-effector". We have shown many inadequacies of the arms regarding the stiffness needed to meet the initial design requirements. In order to reduce these inadequacies, a careful structural analysis of the stiffness of the actuators is carried out with a FEM technique, aimed at identifying the design methodology necessary to identify the mechanical elements of the arms to be stiffened. As an example, the design of the actuators is presented, with the aim of proposing an indirect calibration strategy. We have shown that the performances of the Dragon Fly prototype can be improved by developing and including in the control system a suitable module to compensate the incoming errors. By implementing our model in some practical simulations, with a maximum load on the actuators, and internal stresses, we have shown the efficiency of our model by collected experimental data. A FEM analysis is carried out on each actuator to identify the critical elements to be stiffened, and a calibration strategy is used to evaluate and compensate the expected kinematic errors due to gravity and external loads. The obtained results are used to assess the size of the actuators. The sensitivity analysis on the effects of global compliance within the structure enables us to identify and stiffen the critical elements (typically the extremities of the actuators). The worst loading conditions have been evaluated, by considering the internal loads in the critical points of the machine structure results in enabling us the sizing of the actuators. So that the Dragon fly prototype project has been set up, and the first optimal design of the arms has been performed by means of FEM analysis

    Le tre etĂ  del riso

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    This essay presents itself as theoretical introduction to the question of humour (in its basic articulation among parodic, satirical and anti-narrative forms). It offers a concise excursus among the various sections of the volume resulting from the Compalit Conference Who Laughs Last: Parody Satire Humour held in Naples (16-18 December 2015): from the plenary lectures of the first section to the papers developed in the other five sections focused on, respectively: the examination of the present heuristic effectiveness of Bakhtin’s theory; an investigation on parodies of the sacred in contemporary literature and fine arts; a genealogy of anti-narrative writing ascribable to the archetype of Sterne’s Tristram Shandy; a morphology of the literary works marked by “dianoetic laugh” and apocalyptic humour; the transmedia crossing of the “palimpsests” of the 20th century, with a particular reference to theatre and cinema (but also to television, comics and the web).Questo saggio introduttivo prova una sistemazione teorica della questione del­l’umo­­rismo (nella sua fondamentale articolazione tra forme parodiche, satiriche e antinarrative) e propone un sommario excursus attraverso le diverse sezioni del volume, risultato del Convegno Compalit Chi ride ultimo: Parodia satira umorismi (Napoli, 16-18 dicembre 2015): dalle “lezioni magistrali” comprese nella prima alle relazioni sviluppate nelle altre cinque, e incentrate rispettivamente su: una verifica dell’attuale efficacia euristica della concezione bachtiniana; un’indagine sulle parodie del sacro nella letteratura e nelle arti contemporanee; una genealogia delle scritture antinarrative riconducibili all’archetipo settecentesco del Tristram Shandy di Sterne; una morfologia delle opere letterarie segnate da «risata dianoetica» e umori apocalittici; un attraversamento transmediale dei «palinsesti» novecenteschi, con particolare riferimento al teatro e al cinema (ma guardando anche alla televisione, al fumetto e al web).

    Establishing the Middle Sea: The Late Bronze Age of Mediterranean Europe (1700–900 BC)

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    The Late Bronze Age (1700–900 BC) represents an extremely dynamic period for Mediterranean Europe. Here, we provide a comparative survey of the archaeological record of over half a millennium within the entire northern littoral of the Mediterranean, from Greece to Iberia, incorporating archaeological, archaeometric, and bioarchaeological evidence. The picture that emerges, while certainly fragmented and not displaying a unique trajectory, reveals a number of broad trends in aspects as different as social organization, trade, transcultural phenomena, and human mobility. The contribution of such trends to the processes that caused the end of the Bronze Age is also examined. Taken together, they illustrate how networks of interaction, ranging from the short to the long range, became a defining aspect of the “Middle Sea” during this time, influencing the lives of the communities that inhabited its northern shore. They also highlight the importance of research that crosses modern boundaries for gaining a better understanding of broad comparable dynamics

    Remains of Leatherback turtles, Dermochelys coriacea, at Mid-Late Holocene archaeological sites in coastal Oman: clues of past worlds

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    Small, irregular isolated bones identified as remains of leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) were recovered from Mid to Late Holocene sites at Ra’s al-Hamra and Ra’s al-Hadd, coastal Oman. These provide the third instance of this animal being documented from any prehistoric site anywhere, and the records provide one of the oldest, if not the oldest, dates for this distinctive chelonian—even though they do not refer to fossils. Decades of research in this region has yielded vast amounts of archeological information, including abundant evidence of intense exploitation and utilization of marine turtles from about 6,500 to 4,000 BP. During part of this period, turtle remains in human burials have been extraordinary; the turtle involved, Chelonia mydas, has been abundant in the region during modern times. Yet despite intense and varied forms of prehistoric marine resource exploitation, and major, long-term archeological work, no other turtle species has been previously authenticated from these, or other coastal sites. The documentation of remains of the largest and most distinctive of living marine turtles, D. coriacea, at Ra’s al-Hamra and Ra’s al-Hadd, presented herein, provide detailed information that serves as the basis for future interpretations and discussions regarding incomplete, disarticulated remains from the Mid to Late Holocene, particularly in reference to taphonomic questions and diverse environmental conditions

    LIFE Monza: comparison between ante and post-operam noise and air quality monitoring activities in a Noise Low Emission Zone

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    AbstractLIFE MONZA project (Methodologies fOr Noise low emission Zones introduction And management) aims at defining an easy-replicable method for the identification and management of theNoise Low Emission Zones(Noise LEZ), urban areas subject to traffic restrictions, usually introduced in order to ensure compliance with the air pollutants limit values, prescribed by the European Directive on ambient air quality 2008/50/EC, whose impacts and potential benefits regarding noise issues have been taken into account, tested and analysed in a pilot area of the city of Monza, located in North Italy. Noise LEZ has been established in Libertà district, introducing infrastructural interventions carried out by the municipality (top-down actions) and encouraging an active involvement of the citizens, in the definition of a more sustainable lifestyle (bottom-up actions). The analysis of potential effects on noise reduction due to the Noise LEZ can contribute to the implementation of the EU Directive 2002/49/EC, related to the assessment and management of environmental noise (Environmental Noise Directive – END), which introduces noise action plans, designed to manage noise issues and their effects, suggesting the adoption of urban and mobility planning. Noise and air quality monitoring activities have been carried out in pilot area inanteandpost-operamconditions. The monitoring methods, the measurement techniques, the analysis procedures, able to describe the effects due to Noise LEZ establishment, for both the main environmental issues are reported in this paper, as proposals to be applied in other different contexts. Results of monitoring activities highlight a reduction of noise, in term of sound pressure levels, betweenanteandpost-operam, during the day and particularly during the night period, and it is essentially due to the interventions realised. The effect of the Noise LEZ on air pollution seems to be negligible for combustion related pollutant and carbon fractions of PM, due both to the moderate spatial effects of the measures undertaken and confounding factors due to concomitant emission sources and meteorology

    Porphyromonas gingivalis and the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis: analysis of various compartments including the synovial tissue

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    Introduction: We evaluated the presence of Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg) DNA in the synovial tissue through synovial biopsy and in other compartments of RA patients in comparison with patients affected by other arthritides. Possible links with clinical, immunologic and genetic features were assessed. Methods: Peripheral blood (PB), sub-gingival dental plaque, synovial fluid (SF) and synovial tissue samples were collected from 69 patients with active knee arthritis (32 with RA and 37 with other arthritides, of which 14 with undifferentiated peripheral inflammatory arthritis - UPIA). Demographic, clinical, laboratory and immunological data were recorded. The presence of Pg DNA was evaluated through PCR. The HLA-DR haplotype was assessed for 45 patients with RA and UPIA. Results: No differences arose in the positivity for Pg DNA in the sub-gingival plaque, PB and SF samples between RA and the cohort of other arthritides. Full PB samples showed a higher positivity for Pg DNA than plasma samples (11.8% vs. 1.5%, p=0.04). Patients with RA showed a higher positivity for Pg DNA in the synovial tissue compared to controls (33.3% vs. 5.9%, p<0.01). UPIA and RA patients carrying the HLA DRB1*04 allele showed a higher positivity for Pg DNA in the synovial tissue compared to patients negative for the allele (57.1% vs. 16.7%, p=0.04). RA patients positive for Pg DNA in the sub-gingival plaque had a lower disease duration and a higher peripheral blood leucocytes and neutrophils count. The presence of Pg DNA did not influence disease activity, disease disability or positivity for autoantibodies. Conclusions: The presence of Pg DNA in the synovial tissue of RA patients suggests a pathogenic role of the bacterium. The higher positivity of Pg DNA in full peripheral blood and synovial tissue samples compared to plasma and synovial fluid suggests a possible intracellular localization of Pg, in particular in patients positive for HLA-DR4
