600 research outputs found

    Power generation by unhealthy photovoltaic modules

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    Hotspots are one of many defects that can occur on degraded photovoltaic system, yielding a detrimental effect on the PV module production. Infrared thermography was used to detect and quantify the severity of hotspots. Temperature difference between overheated and healthy areas was assessed. Four PV modules were analysed, one of them presenting a hotspot. A model for both healthy and unhealthy PV modules was developed, based on the single diode solar cell model and considering, exclusively, data-sheet parameters. To validate the model, the outputs for these working conditions were compared with the real outputs of the studied PV modules, which were previously measured and stored. The relationship between the severity of a hotspot and its respective impact on the power generation of the PV module was studied and the consequent monetary loss can be assessed. Thermographic analysis was enhanced as an optimizing decision-aid tool for the operation of photovoltaic installations.publishersversionpublishe

    Experiência de 6 Anos de Cirurgia Micrográfica de Mohs num Hospital Português

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    Introduction: Mohs micrographic surgery (MMS) is a surgical method of treating skin tumors that consists of histological control of the tumor margins using horizontal slices in thin, freshly frozen layers. This technique is a preferred indication for cutaneous facial tumors (basal and squamous cell carcinoma, among others) associated with higher risk of recurrence, recurrent tumors, tumors with undefined clinical margins, when there is perivascular and perineural involvement or with aggressive histological subtypes. Methods: The authors carried out a retrospective study of a 6-year period (from July 2012 until June 2018) at a Portuguese hospital – Egas Moniz hospital, to define the characteristics of patients undergoing Mohs micrographic surgery and to evaluate the advantages of this technique. The following factors were analyzed: age, gender, provenience, diagnosis, tumor location, number of stages of MMS, type of reconstruction of the surgical defect, follow-up and recurrences. Results: A total of 835 tumors were excised, 459 in male patients and 376 in female patients. The mean age at surgery was 71 years old (range 23- 95 years). Most of the lesions submitted to MMS were basal cell carcinomas (87%) and the most common location was the nasal pyramid (43%). In 44% of the cases, it was necessary to perform more than one micrographic stage. Half of the surgical defect closures were performed by graft or skin flap. Considering patients with a follow up equal or superior to 3 years, the recurrence rate was 4.9%. Discussion: The most frequent diagnosis was basal cell carcinoma, reflecting the importance of MMS in this type of skin malignancy, in both primary and persistent/recurrent lesions. Compared to other European surgery reviews, our recurrence rate is within normal range. This fact is particularly relevant, if we consider that our institution receives patients sent from hospitals and dermatologists from all over the country, specially selected for tumor aggressiveness or previous relapse. More than half of these patients were referred from other centers and consisted of persistent/recurrent basal cell carcinomas. The follow-up at recurrence for MMS was 27.9 months, supporting that a long follow-up of these patients is necessary. Conclusion: MMS allows lower rates of recurrence compared to simple surgical excision, so its practice should be encouraged in selected tumors. The surgical control of the margins instead of the “blind margins” is an advantage in saving healthy tissue and allows the complete excision of the tumor in the same surgical time.Introdução: A cirurgia micrográfica de Mohs é um método cirúrgico de tratamento dos tumores cutâneos que consiste no controlo histológico das margens do tumor usando cortes horizontais em camadas finas congeladas a fresco. Esta técnica é uma indicação preferencial para tumores cutâneos da face (carcinoma basocelular e espinocelular, entre outros) associados a maior risco de recidiva, tumores recidivados, com margens clínicas indefinidas, quando existe envolvimento perivascular e perineural ou com subtipos histológicos agressivos. Métodos: Os autores realizaram um estudo retrospetivo de um período de 6 anos (de julho 2012 até junho 2018) num hospital Português – Hospital de Egas Moniz, para definir as características dos doentes submetidos a cirurgia micrográfica de Mohs e avaliar as vantagens desta técnica. Foram analisados os fatores: idade, género, proveniência, diagnóstico, localização do tumor, número de estádios da cirurgia micrográfica de Mohs, tipo de reconstrução do defeito cirúrgico, seguimento e recidiva. Resultados: Foram operados 835 tumores no total, 459 em doentes do sexo masculino e 376 em doentes do sexo feminino. A média de idades foi de 71 anos (intervalo entre 23- 95 anos). A maioria dos tumores submetidos a cirurgia micrográfica de Mohs foram carcinomas basocelulares (87%) localizados na pirâmide nasal (43%). Em 44% dos casos, houve necessidade de realizar mais de um estadio micrográfico. Metade dos encerramentos do defeito cirúrgico foram realizados por enxerto ou retalho cutâneo. Em doentes com seguimento igual ou superior a 3 anos, a taxa de recidiva foi de 4,9%. Discussão: O diagnóstico mais frequente foi o de carcinoma basocelular, o que reflete a importância da cirurgia micrográfica de Mohs, neste tipo de neoplasia cutânea, quer em lesões primárias como persistente/recorrentes. Salientamos que comparativamente a outras revisões europeias de cirurgia de Mohs, a taxa de recidiva dos tumores se encontra dentro dos parâmetros normais. Este dado é particularmente relevante, se considerarmos que o nosso serviço recebe doentes enviados de hospitais e dermatologistas de todo o país, especialmente selecionados quanto à agressividade tumoral ou já recidivados. O intervalo médio de recorrência para MMS foi de 27,9 meses, o que demonstra a necessidade de um seguimento a longo prazo destes doentes. Conclusão: A cirurgia micrográfica de Mohs permite menores taxas de recidiva comparativamente á excisão cirúrgica simples pelo que a sua prática deve ser encorajada em tumores devidamente selecionados. O controlo cirúrgico das margens em vez das “margens cegas” é uma mais-valia tanto na poupança de tecido são como na garantia da excisão completa do tumor num mesmo tempo cirúrgico

    The usefulness of ecotoxicological tools to improve the assessment of water bodies in a climate change reality

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    This study aimed to analyse the added value of using ecotoxicological tools to complement and improve the assessment of natural water bodies status, in situations of climate change, with a higher frequency of extreme events as floods or droughts. Four water bodies of streams in the Guadiana Basin (Álamos, Amieira, Lucefécit, Zebro) were studied in 2017 and 2018 and classified based on the Water Framework Directive (WFD) parameters: Biological Quality Element - Phytobenthos (diatoms), General chemical and physicochemical elements, Specific pollutants, and Priority Substances. Complementarily, bioassays (including lethal and sublethal parameters) were carried out with organisms of different trophic levels: (i) the bacteria Aliivibrio fischeri; (ii) the microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata; (iii) the crustaceans Daphnia magna, Thamnocephalus platyurus and Heterocypris incongruens. A classification system with 5 scores was developed, permitting to classify water bodies from non-toxic (EC50 > 100 %; growth and feeding rate > 80 %; blue) to highly toxic (EC50 < 10 %; growth and feeding rate < 10 %; red). The comparison between the classification based on the WFD parameters and on ecotoxicological endpoints showed similar results for 71 % of the samples, and significant positive Pearson correlations were detected between the diatom-based Specific Polluosensitivity Index (SPI) and EC50V.fisheri, the algae growth rate and Shannon diversity index. These results indicate that when the biological quality elements cannot be used (namely under drought or flooding conditions) the application of ecotoxicological bioassays may be a good alternative. Further, when ecotoxicological parameters were included, an increase of worse classifications (Bad and Poor) was observed, revealing an improvement in the sensitivity of the classification, mainly in presence of specific and priority substances. So, the ecotoxicological analysis appears to provide useful information regarding the potential presence of both known and unknown contaminants at concentrations that cause biological effects (even within the WFD limits), in agreement with several authors that have already suggested its use in biomonitoring

    Science and Heritage Language Integrated Learning (SHLIL):Evidence of the effectiveness of an innovative science outreach program for migrant students

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    Migrant students tend to underperform in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) subjects and are less likely to pursue higher education in STEM when compared with their nonmigrant peers. Given the substantial increase in migration, this disparity has been a central concern in science education in many European countries. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of an innovative science outreach program that brings together migrant students and STEM professionals with the same linguistic and cultural backgrounds. The program consists of one-off workshops that follow an inquiry-based approach and include hands-on activities and science communication in the students' heritage language. Using surveys with adapted scales and open-ended questions, we applied a randomized block design with waitlist control groups and repeated measures. Eighty-three Portuguese-speaking migrant students aged 6–17 years participated in the workshops in Germany and the United Kingdom. Results indicate that both the students and STEM professionals evaluated the program positively and that students who participated in the workshops tended to demonstrate an increase in their attainment value for science and an increase in their self-concept of ability for the heritage language 4 weeks after the intervention when compared with students in the control condition. These effects were particularly pronounced for students with low prior motivation to study science or speak the heritage language. Our results thus show that it is possible to foster migrant students' attainment value for science and increase their self-concept of ability regarding the heritage language through a brief science outreach intervention

    Role of the RAD51 G172T polymorphism in the clinical outcome of cervical cancer patients under concomitant chemoradiotherapy

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    INTRODUCTION: Cervical cancer is one of the most common cancers diagnosed in women worldwide. Mammalian cells are constantly exposed to a wide variety of genotoxic agents from both endogenous and exogenous sources. The RAD51 protein is required for meiotic and mitotic recombination and plays a central role in homology-dependent recombinational repair of double-strand breaks (DSBs). Given the functional relevance of the DNA repair system on carcinogenesis, potential associations between genetic polymorphisms of DNA repair genes, cancer risk and response to therapy have been intensively evaluated. This is the first study evaluating the role of the RAD51 G172T genetic variants in cancer prognosis and clinical outcome of cervical cancer patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We analyzed RAD51 G172T polymorphism genotypes in cervical cancer patients who underwent a platinum-based chemotherapy in combination with radiotherapy. Genotyping was performed by Taqman™ Allelic Discrimination methodology. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Concerning the overall survival rates found using Kaplan-Meier method and Log Rank Test, we observed that the mean survival rates were statistically different according to the patients RAD51 genotypes. The group of patients carrying the T allele present a higher mean survival rate than the other patients (102.3months vs. 86.4months, P=0.020). Using the Cox regression analysis, we found an increased overall survival time for T-carrier patients, when compared with GG genotype, with tumor stage, age and presence of lymph nodes as covariates [hazard ratio (HR), 0.373; 95% CI, 0.181-0.770; P=0.008]. Among patients (n=193), RAD51 genotype frequency distributions were not under the influence of clinicopathologic characteristics, namely, treatment response (P=0.508), recurrence (P=0.150) and tumor stage (P=0.250). CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study evaluating the role of the RAD51 G172T genetic variants in cancer prognosis and clinical outcome of cervical cancer patients. Our results indicate an influence of the RAD51 genetic variants in overall survival of cervical cancer. Thereby, RAD51 G172T genotypes may provide additional prognostic information in cervical cancer patients who underwent cisplatin-based chemotherapy in combination with radiotherapy

    A cognition-driven risk evaluation framework for consumer loans

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    Credit to personal consumption is an important activity of the financial system and crucial to the socio-economic development of a country. It is important, therefore, that the methods and techniques used to evaluate consumer credit risk be as efficient and informative as possible, in order to strengthen decisions to approve or reject credit and promote sustainable economic growth. This study aims to create a multiple criteria expert system which integrates cognitive maps and the measuring attractiveness by a categorical based evaluation technique (MACBETH) to create a complementary framework for consumer credit risk assessment. The results show that this integrated approach allows the evaluation process of consumer credit risk to be more informed and transparent, providing value for the evaluation processes of this type of credit application as a result of the privileged contact established with a panel of credit analysts. Limitations and managerial implications are also discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    PLS-R calibration models for wine spirit volatile phenols prediction by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy

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    Near-infrared spectroscopic (NIR) technique was used, for the first time, to predict volatile phenols content, namely guaiacol, 4-methyl-guaiacol, eugenol, syringol, 4-methyl-syringol and 4-allyl-syringol, of aged wine spirits (AWS). This study aimed to develop calibration models for the volatile phenol’s quantification in AWS, by NIR, faster and without sample preparation. Partial least square regression (PLS-R) models were developed with NIR spectra in the near-IR region (12,500–4000 cm1) and those obtained from GC-FID quantification after liquid-liquid extraction. In the PLS-R developed method, cross-validation with 50% of the samples along a validation test set with 50% of the remaining samples. The final calibration was performed with 100% of the data. PLS-R models with a good accuracy were obtained for guaiacol (r2 = 96.34; RPD = 5.23), 4-methyl-guaiacol (r2 = 96.1; RPD = 5.07), eugenol (r2 = 96.06; RPD = 5.04), syringol (r2 = 97.32; RPD = 6.11), 4-methylsyringol (r2 = 95.79; RPD = 4.88) and 4-allyl-syringol (r2 = 95.97; RPD = 4.98). These results reveal that NIR is a valuable technique for the quality control of wine spirits and to predict the volatile phenols content, which contributes to the sensory quality of the spirit beverages.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Reassessment of tritium content in CFC tiles exposed to the JET D-T campaign in 1997

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    In 2019 two MkIIA divertor tiles (6IN3 and 4BN4) exposed during DTE1 were retrieved at CCFE for Thermal Desorption Spectroscopy (TDS) and pyrolysis analyses. A set of samples were prepared using a coring technique. The highest tritium (T) inventories were found in the shadowed corner of the inner divertor due to asymmetric deposition. TDS analyses indicated that T is desorbed at rather high temperatures with maximum release peaks at ∼590 and 820 °C. A few samples were reannealed at 850 °C using the same heating procedure and it turned out that a further ∼40–50 % of T was still released indicating that the annealing procedure used does not empty the sample completely. Pyrolysis results for thin disks cut from the surface of the tile were somewhat higher than the corresponding TDS results. T amounts were also investigated as a function of depth from the tile surface up to a depth of ∼4.5 mm and T was detected at these depths. Comparison was also made with old results obtained with the pyrolysis technique and a PIN-diode method a few years after the DTE1 experiment, allowing for the natural decay and off-gassing of T. Our results agree within a factor of ∼3 with these results

    Thermal desorption spectrometry of beryllium plasma facing tiles exposed in the JET tokamak

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    Corrigendum: 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2018.08.007.The phenomena of retention and de-trapping of deuterium (D) and tritium (T) in plasma facing components (PFC) and supporting structures must be understood in order to limit or control total T inventory in larger future fusion devices such as ITER, DEMO and commercial machines. The goal of this paper is to present details of the thermal desorption spectrometry (TDS) system applied in total fuel retention assessment of PFC at the Joint European Torus (JET). Examples of TDS results from beryllium (Be) wall tile samples exposed to JET plasma in PFC configuration mirroring the planned ITER PFC is shown for the first time. The method for quantifying D by comparison of results from a sample of known D content was confirmed acceptable. The D inventory calculations obtained from Ion Beam Analysis (IBA) and TDS agree well within an error associated with the extrapolation from very few data points to a large surface area.Peer reviewe