296 research outputs found

    Más sobre "Cyperus y Kylinga" en la Península Ibérica

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    More about Cyperus and Kylinga in Spain and PortugalPalabras clave. Cyperus, Kylinga, Península ibérica.Key words. Kylinga, Cyperus, flora, Spain, Portugal

    Sobre la flora gallega III.

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    Sobre la flora gallega.

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    Holcus azoricus M. Seq. & Castrov. (Poaceae), a new species from the Azores Islands

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    A new species of Holcus L. (Poaceae), endemic to the Azores archipelago (Portugal), is described. The vegetative and reproductive structures were studied. The diagnostic characters were compared with those of closely related species. New chromosome counts in Holcus azoricus M. Seq. & Castrov. (2n = 35) and H. rigidus Hochst. (2n = 28) are included. A possible hybrid origin is hypothesized; the potential parents are H. lanatus L. and H. rigidus.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Novedades nomenclaturales en el género "Holcus" (Poaceae).

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    Nomenclatural novelties in the genus Holcus (Poaceae)Palabras clave. Nomenclatura, Holcus, Poaceae.Key words. Nomenclature, Holcus, Poaceae

    Holcus pintodasilvae (Poaceae, Pooideae, Poeae), a new species from the Island of Madeira (Portugal), and notes on Macaronesian Holcus

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    A new species of Holcus L. (Poaceae), endemic to the island of Madeira (Portugal), is here described as H. pintodasilvae M. Seq. & Castrov. This new species is morphologically closely related to the Macaronesian endemics H. rigidus Hochst. ex Hochst. (Azores Archipelago) and H. mollis L. subsp. hierrensis Stierst. (El Hierro Island, in the Canary Islands) but differs by having the culm nodes light brown, the leaves with a glabrous sheath and subspreading lamina attenuated to an acuminate apex, the glumes blunt, shiny, glabrous (except in the minutely scabrous veins), the upper glume with proximal lateral veins, and the lemma of the upper floret with an awn ca. 4 mm, twice as long as the lemma. Chromosome counts in H. pintodasilvae are tetraploid (2 n = 28). Morphology, ecology, biogeog raphy, and conservation issues are discussed and related to other Macaronesian Holcus taxa. Holcus (totaling less than 20 individuals), and its IUCN conservation status is Critically Endangered (CR). A new specific status is proposed for H. mollis subsp. hierrensis, as H. hierrensis (Stierst.) Stierst. & M. Seq., based on its chromosome number and morphological identity.Descreve-se uma nova especie, Holcus pintodasilvae M. Seq. & Castrov., pertencente ao genero Holcus L. (Poaceae), endemica da Ilha da Madeira (Portugal). Morfologicamente proxima dos endemismos macaronesicos H. rigidus Hochst. ex Hochst. (Arquipelago dos Agores) e H. mollis L. subsp. hierrensis Stierst. (Ilha de Hierro, Arquipelago das Canarias) diferencia-se por possuir: nos de ; folhas com bainhas glabras i apice acumi nado; glumas brilhantes, muticas e glabras (excepto nas nervuras que se apresentam escabriusculas), gluma superior com as nervuras laterais proximais; lema da flor superior com arista ca. 4 mm (duas vezes da contagem de cromossomas de H. pintosilvae (2 n = 28). Discutem-se, e relacionam-se com outros taxa Macaronesicos do genero Holcus, aspectos relativos a morfologia, ecologia, biogeografia e conservagao. Holcus pintodasilvae foi encontrado em apenas tres populagoes (num total de menos de 20 indivfduos), sendo o seu estado de conservagao IUCN esta criticamente ameagado (CR). Propoe-se ainda a combinagao H. hierrensis (Stierst.) Stierst. & M.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Management of floristic information on the Internet: the Anthos solution

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    Anthos is the name of a database and search system for quality-controlled chorological and taxonomic information on the vascular plants of Spain. It provides a trustworthy solution for the handling of accepted names and their synonyms, based on an analysis of nomenclatural relations. It is based on the MS SQL-Server relational database system. Information can be found on any plant, using its accepted name or synonyms or vernacular names. The geographical search options include lists of all plants of a given territory, a province, a region, or an area delimited by its UTM coordinates. Additional information is available in the form of photographs or drawings, chromosome numbers, vernacular names and synonyms.Peer reviewe
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