2,281 research outputs found

    Proceso de exportación de emulsiones para la elaboración de jugos hacia la república de Argentina

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    Relación entre el nivel de ansiedad y calidad de vida mediante el OHIP-14 en el Centro de Salud Jorge Chávez, Juliaca 2022

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue establecer la relación que existe entre el nivel de ansiedad y calidad de vida mediante el OHIP 14 en el centro de salud Jorge Chávez, Juliaca, 2022. El estudio es de tipo básico, de alcance correlacional, diseño no experimental, transversal. Para el estudio participaron pacientes que acudieron al servicio de odontología del centro de salud Jorge Chávez de la ciudad de Juliaca; así mismo, estuvo conformada la muestra por 109 pacientes. Para la ejecución del proyecto se utilizó como técnica la encuesta, se utilizaron dos cuestionarios, la escala del nivel de ansiedad de Corah modificada (MDAS), y el Oral Health Impact Profile - OHIP 14. Los resultados obtenidos determinan que la gran mayoría presentó un nivel de ansiedad leve, con un porcentaje de 59.6 %, y el 85.3 % de los pacientes presentó una calidad de vida de autopercepción positiva, y se demostró que sí existe relación entre nivel de ansiedad y calidad de vida mediante el OHIP 14, también se demostró que sí existe una relación entre nivel de ansiedad y las dimensiones de dolor físico, malestar psicológico y minusvalía; asimismo, no existe relación entre nivel de ansiedad y las dimensiones de limitación funcional, incapacidad física, incapacidad social e incapacidad psicológica en el centro de salud Jorge Chávez, Juliaca, 2022

    Sectores económicos determinantes para el Estado de Durango. Una aplicación de la Matriz Insumo Producto Regional

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    Determining economic sectors for the State of Durango. An application of the Regional Input Output Matrix The main objective of this research is the generation of the Regional Product Input matrix and the identification of the determining sectors for the State of Durango. The foregoing is carried out using the indirect methodology of Flegg and Weber (1997) to determine the regional intersectoral relationships, from an adjustment on the cross location coefficients of the 2013 National Input Output Matrix (MIPN). This analysis shows as key sectors: 1) Generation, transmission and distribution of electricity, water and gas supply; 2) Financial and insurance services, 3) Information in the media, among others. In similar regional studies, the adjustment parameter is determined a priori, so a recommendation is to estimate the appropriate value for each region. The main limitation is the use of MIPN, which are published every 5 years, implying that the tool performs a static analysis, however, this can be solved through forecasts based on methodologies for updating the technical coefficients. To our knowledge, we are the first to carry out an analysis of the productive sectors of the state of Durango and implementing an optimization process on the adjustment parameter. The results of the classification match with the one made from the Economic Census and the State Gross Added Values of the sectors found in INEGI.El objetivo principal de esta investigación es la generación de la Matriz Insumo Producto Regional y la identificación de los sectores determinantes para el Estado de Durango. Lo anterior se lleva a cabo mediante la metodología indirecta de Flegg y Weber (1997) para determinar las relaciones intersectoriales regionales, a partir de un ajuste sobre los coeficientes de ubicación cruzada de la Matriz de Insumo Producto Nacional (MIPN) 2013. Este análisis muestra como sectores clave:1) Generación, transmisión y distribución de suministro de energía eléctrica, agua y gas; 2) Servicios financieros y de seguros, 3) Información en los medios de comunicación, entre otros. En estudios regionales similares, el parámetro de ajuste es determinado a priori, por lo que una recomendación es la de estimar el valor adecuado para cada región. La principal limitación es el uso de MIPN, que son publicadas cada 5 años, lo que implica que la herramienta realiza un análisis estático, sin embargo, esto puede solventarse mediante pronósticos basados en metodologías para la actualización de los coeficientes técnicos. Hasta donde tenemos conocimiento, somos los primeros en realizar un análisis sobre los sectores productivos del estado de Durango y de implementar un proceso de optimización sobre el parámetro de ajuste. Los resultados de la clasificación concuerdan con la realizada a partir del Censo Económico y los Valores Agregados Brutos Estatales de los sectores que se encuentran en INEGI

    Model Predictive Control Strategies Performance Evaluation over a Pipeline Transportation System

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    In several industries using pipelines to transport different products from one point to another is a common and indispensable process, especially at oil/hydrocarbon industries. Thus, optimizing the way this process is carried out must be an issue that cannot be stopped. Therefore, the performance of the control strategy implemented is one way of reaching such optimal operating zones. This study proposes using Model Predictive Control strategies for solving some issues related to the proper operation of pipelines. It is proposed a model based on physics and thermodynamic laws, using MATLAB® as the development environment. This model involves four pumping stations separated by three pipeline sections. Three MPC strategies are developed and implemented. Accordingly, the results indicate that a centralized controller with an antiwindup back-calculation method has the best results among the three configurations used

    Solucionando Necesidades Específicas Con GNU/Linux Zentyal Server

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    En la presente investigación en el siguiente informe desarrollamos la instalación y configuración de Zentyal server 6.2 el cual se ha dispuesto como sistema operativo base para disponer de los servicios de infraestructura IT, cabe resaltar que dentro de la temática es importante reconocer y entender que es Zentyal server, es un sistema que nos facilita la implementación de redes y nos permite unificar y administrar fácilmente todos los servicios básicos que se requieren en el desarrollo de una red de redes y ofrecer acceso fiable y seguro a InternetIn the present investigation in the following report we develop the installation and configuration of Zentyal server 6.2 which has been arranged as the base operating system to have IT infrastructure services, it should be noted that within the subject it is important to recognize and understand what Zentyal is server, is a system that facilitates the implementation of networks and allows us to easily unify and manage all the basic services that are required in the development of a network of networks and offer reliable and secure access to the Interne

    Influéncia da aplicacao de cálcio e alagamento do solo sobre características anatómicas das folhas de milho (Zea mays L.) ¨Saracura¨ BRS-4154

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    A cultivar de milho “Saracura” BRS-4154 apresenta-se tolerante às condições de hipoxia decorrentes do encharcamento do solo. Alterações fisiológicas e anatômicas estão envolvidas no processo de adaptação de plantas a ambientes com baixa pressão de oxigênio. Ao mesmo tempo, o cálcio, além de ser um elemento estrutural que participa dos constituintes da parede celular, mostrou-se eficiente no aumento da tolerância de plantas do milho “Saracura” submetidas a estresse gasoso. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as alterações morfo-anatômicas das folhas da cultivar de milho “Saracura” sob influência da aplicação de cloreto de cálcio e alagamento do solo em plantas em estádio de floração. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, cujos tratamentos consistiram na aplicação ou não de cálcio ao solo com irrigação normal ou alagamento. Cortes transversais e paradérmicos foram preparados de acordo com as técnicas usuais de microtécnica vegetal. Foram observadas alterações significativas para o tamanho dos estômatos, ângulo de curvatura de lâmina foliar, diâmetro polar de células buliformes e espessura de nervura mediana, feixe vascular, metaxilema, mesofilo, epiderme das superfícies adaxial e abaxial.Cacao-Theobroma caca

    Rickettsioses in Latin America, Caribbean, Spain and Portugal

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    Data on genus and infectious by Rickettsia were retrospectively compiled from the critical review literature regarding all countries in Latin America, Caribbean islands, Portugal and Spain. We considered all Rickettsia records reported for human and/or animal hosts, and/or invertebrate hosts considered being the vector. In a few cases, when no direct detection of a given Rickettsia group or species was available for a given country, the serologic method was considered. A total of 13 Rickettsia species have been recorded in Latin America and the Caribbean. The species with the largest number of country confirmed records were Rickettsia felis (9 countries), R. prowazekii (7 countries), R. typhi (6 countries), R. rickettsii (6 countries), R. amblyommii (5 countries), and R. parkeri (4 countries). The rickettsial records for the Caribbean islands (West Indies) were grouped in only one geographical area. Both R. bellii, R. akari, and Candidatus ‘R. andeane’ have been recorded in only 2 countries each, whereas R. massiliae, R. rhipicephali, R.monteiroi, and R. africae have each been recorded in a single country (in this case, R. africae has been recorded in nine Caribbean Islands). For El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua, no specific Rickettsia has been reported so far, but there have been serological evidence of human or/and animal infection. The following countries remain without any rickettsial records: Belize, Venezuela, Guyana, Surinam, and Paraguay. In addition, except for a few islands, many Caribbean islands remain without records. A total of 12 Rickettsia species have been reported in Spain and Portugal: R. conorii, R. helvetica, R. monacensis, R. felis, R. slovaca, R. raoultii, R. sibirica, R. aeschlimannii, R. rioja, R. massiliae, R. typhi, and R. prowazekii. Amongst these Rickettsia species reported in Spain and Portugal, only R. prowazekii, R. typhi, R. felis, and R. massiliae have also been reported in Latin America. This study summarizes the current state of art on the rickettsial distribution in Latin America, Caribbean, Spain and Portugal. The data obtained allow a better understanding on rickettsial epidemiology and distribution of vector ecology.Reportes del genero Rickettsia y sus asociadas infecciones fueron compilados en una revisión crítica retrospectiva de la literatura científica de los países de Latinoamérica, el Caribe, Portugal y España. Se consideraron todos los reportes para huéspedes humanos y/o animales y también para huéspedes invertebrados los cuales fueron considerados como vectores asociados con Rickettsia. En algunos casos, cuando no existió detección directa a un determinado grupo de rickettsias o especies no disponible en un país, se tuvo en cuenta la detección indirecta por serología. Un total de 13 especies de Rickettsia han sido reportadas en Latinoamérica y el Caribe. Las especies más encontradas en los países fueron: Rickettsia felis (9 países), R. prowazekii (7 países), R. typhi (6 países), R. rickettsii (6 países), R. amblyommii (5 países) y R. parkeri (4 países). Los datos de las islas del Caribe (antillas menores o Indias occidentales), fueron agrupados en una sola área geográfica como un solo país. Ambas R. bellii, R. akari y Candidatus ‘R. andeane’ fueron reportadas en solo 2 países, mientras que R. massiliae, R. rhipicephali, R.monteiroi, y R. africae fueron informadas en un solo país. En este caso R. africae fue reportada en 9 islas de las Antillas menores. Para El Salvador, Honduras y Nicaragua, hasta ahora no se han reportado especies de Rickettsia, pero si evidencia serológica de infección humana y/o animal. Sin reportes de infección por Rickettsia permanecen: Belice, Venezuela, Guayana, Surinam y Paraguay. Además, a excepción de algunas islas del Caribe, muchas de ellas permanecen sin reportes. Un total de 12 especies de Rickettsia han sido documentadas en España y Portugal: R. conorii, R. helvetica, R. monacensis, R. felis, R. slovaca, R. raoultii, R. sibirica, R. aeschlimannii, R. rioja, R. massiliae, R. typhi y R. prowazekii. Entre estas, solamente R. prowazekii, R. typhi, R. felis y R. massiliae han sido documentados en Latinoamérica, España y Portugal. Los datos de este estudio permiten entender mejor la epidemiología de las rickettsias en Latinoamérica, Caribe, España y Portugal, y la distribución de los vectores

    Frequency of use and preferences for information and communication technologies in patients with sleep apnea: A multicenter, multinational, observational cross-sectional survey study

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    Background: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a condition characterized by repeated episodes of partial or complete obstruction of the upper airway during sleep. An accessible method to facilitate self-management education is through information and communication technologies (ICTs). Purpose: To assess the frequency of and preferences for ICT use in patients with sleep apnea. Methods: A multicenter, multinational, observational cross-sectional survey study was conducted between 2018 and 2019 in sleep units in different countries of Latin America, including patients of both genders older than 18 years with a diagnosis of sleep apnea. Participants were asked to complete 20 questions in a self-administered survey about the frequency of use of ICTs and their preferences for receiving disease-related information. Results: A total of 435 patients participated in the study, with a mean age of 59.1 ± 14.0; 62.5% (n = 272) were males. Most patients had access to cellphones (92.4%, n = 402), smartphone (83.0%, n = 361) and an internet connection (82.3%, n = 358). One-to-one ICTs were regarded as the most frequently used ICT type, as 75.4% (n = 328) of participants reported using them daily (χ2(4) = 848.207, p =.000). With respect to categories of interest, one-to-one ICTs were also the best rated ICT type to receive (59.1%, n = 257; χ2(2) = 137.710, p =.000) and ask physicians (57.0%, n = 248; χ2(2) = 129.145, p =.000) information about OSA. Finally, older adults and those with lower educational levels were found to be less likely to use and be interested in ICTs. Conclusion: Most patients have access to different ICTs and often use them to seek and receive medical information. The preferred ICTs include those in the one-to-one category (WhatsApp, email) and the one-to-many category (web browsers) for general health and OSA-related informatio

    Efeito do cálcio sobre as características anátomicas de raízes de milho (Zea mays L.) ¨Saracura¨ BRS-4154 submetido ao alagamento em casa de vegetacao

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    Saracura” BRS-4154 maize is an alternative for the areas subject to temporary flooding. Researches have been demonstrating that CaCl2 presence in flooded germination atmosphere increases “Saracura” maize tolerance to that condition. This work was conducted in greenhouse at Embrapa Milho e Sorgo, located in Sete Lagoas – MG, with the objective of obtaining better knowledge of anatomical alterations in “Saracura” BRS-4154 maize under the effect of calcium and flooding. Plants were submitted to treatments with and without addition of 300 kg ha-1 calcium chloride, incorporated in the whole soil. Each treatment was evaluated under regular irrigation conditions and under flooding imposed from stage V6 until flowering; the control treatment had normal irrigation and no calcium application. Assay evaluations were accomplished during flowering. Five to eight cm detached roots fragments were submitted to classic micro techniques to make and analyze tissues. Anatomical differences were observed among treatments - flooded and with normal irrigation - in relation to epidermis thickness, thicker in normal conditions. The aerenchyma presence only occurred in plants in flooded conditions, proving that those are not constituent of this species. The aerenchyma proportion decreased with calcium application, showing the participation of this ion in cell wall structure, avoiding disordered collapse and increasing the survival of the plant in flooded conditions. Calcium application influenced cellular epidermis arrangement and promoted a smaller exoderm thickness in normal irrigation conditions