32 research outputs found

    Physical activity level in people with high blood pressure

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    This study aimed to analyze the level of physical activity for people with high blood pressure cared for in a health center. This cross-sectional study was conducted with 310 individuals between 18 and 69 years of age through the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). The majority (80%) of participants presented low or moderate levels of physical activity. The analysis of association between sociodemographic variables and physical activity level revealed that older men from the interior of the state with higher educational levels have a greater chance of exhibiting lower levels of physical activity. The logistic regression model revealed that origin, schooling and diabetes are predictors of low physical activity level. The conclusion is that part of the sample does not match the desirable profile to practice regular physical activity.El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el nivel de actividad física de personas portadoras de hipertensión arterial, acompañadas en un centro de atención ambulatorial. Se trata de un estudio transversal desarrollado con 310 individuos de 18 a 69 años. Se utilizó como base el International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). La mayor parte del grupo (80%) fue encuadrada en los niveles de baja y moderada actividad física. En el análisis de asociación entre las variables sociodemográficas y el nivel de actividad física, se verificó que personas del sexo masculino, procedentes del interior del Estado, con más edad y con mayor nivel de escolaridad son más propensas a desarrollar un nivel de actividad física bajo. En el modelo de regresión logística, la procedencia, tiempo de escolaridad y de diabetes fueron indicadores obtenidos como factores de predicción significativos para el nivel bajo de actividad física. Se concluye que parte de la muestra no posee un perfil deseable en relación a la práctica regular de actividad física.O objetivo desse estudo foi analisar o nível de atividade física de pessoas portadoras de hipertensão arterial, acompanhadas em centro de atendimento ambulatorial. É um estudo transversal desenvolvido com 310 indivíduos de 18 a 69 anos. Utilizou-se como base o International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). A maior parcela do grupo (80%) foi enquadrada nos níveis de baixa e moderada atividade física. Na análise de associação entre as variáveis sociodemográficas e o nível de atividade física, verificou-se que pessoas do sexo masculino, procedentes do interior do Estado, mais velhas e com maior nível de escolaridade são mais propensas para desenvolver nível de atividade física baixo. No modelo de regressão logística, a procedência, tempo de escolaridade e de diabetes foram indicadores obtidos como preditores significantes para o nível baixo de atividade física. Concluiu-se que parte da amostra não possui perfil desejável em relação à prática regular de atividade física

    Erratum to: 36th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine

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    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.1186/s13054-016-1208-6.]

    Nanotechnology in Dermatology

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    Schizophrenia moderates the relationship between white matter integrity and cognition

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    Cognitive impairment is a primary feature of schizophrenia, with alterations in several cognitive domains appearing in the pre-morbid phase of the disorder. White matter microstructure is also affected in schizophrenia and considered to be related to cognition, but the relationship of the two is unclear. As interaction between cognition and white matter structure involves the interplay of several brain structures and cognitive abilities, investigative methods which can examine the interaction of multiple variables are preferred. A multiple-groups structural equation model (SEM) was used to assess the relationship between diffusion tension imaging data (fractional anisotropy of selected white matter tracts) and cognitive abilities of 196 subjects - 135 healthy subjects and 61 patients with schizophrenia. It was found that multiple-indicators, multiple-causes model best fitted the data analysed. Schizophrenia moderated the relation of white matter function on cognition with a large effect size. This paper extends previous work on modelling intelligence within a SEM framework by incorporating neurological elements into the model, and shows that white matter microstructure in patients with schizophrenia interacts with cognitive abilities

    Recovery of Biomolecules from Food Wastes — A Review

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    Food wastes are produced by a variety of sources, ranging from agricultural operations to household consumption. About 38% occurs during food processing. At present, the European Union legislation encourages the exploitation of co-products. This valorisation can be achieved through the extraction of high-value components such as proteins, polysaccharides, fibres, flavour compounds, and phytochemicals, which can be re-used as nutritionally and pharmacologically functional ingredients. Extraction can proceed according to solid-liquid extraction, Soxhlet extraction, pressurized fluid extraction, supercritical fluid extraction, ultrasound-assisted extraction, microwave-assisted extraction, pulsed electric field extraction, and enzyme-assisted extraction. Nevertheless, these techniques cannot be used indiscriminately and their choice depends on the type of biomolecules and matrix, the scale processing (laboratory or industrial), the ratio between production costs and economic values of the compounds to be extracted. The vegetable wastes include trimmings, peelings, stems, seeds, shells, bran, residues remaining after extraction of oil, starch, sugar, and juice. The animal-derived wastes include wastes from bred animals, wastes from seafood, wastes from dairy processing. The recovered biomolecules and by-products can be used to produce functional foods or as adjuvants in food processing or in medicinal and pharmaceutical preparations. This work is an overview of the type and amounts of food wastes; food waste legislation; conventional and novel techniques suitable for extracting biomolecules; food, medicinal and pharmaceutical uses of the recovered biomolecules and by-products, and future trends in these areas

    Alterações do nível pressórico e fatores de risco em graduandos de enfermagem Alteraciones del nível de la presión y factores de riesgo en profesionales graduandos en enfermería Risk factors and alterations in blood pressure levels in undergraduate nursing students

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    Objetivos: Identificar possíveis alterações do nível presóricoem graduandos de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal de São Paulo; Identificar fatores de risco para hipertensão arterial sistêmica; Verificar a associação entre os níveis pressóricos e os fatores de risco para hipertensão arterial sistêmica. Métodos: Estudo de corte transversal, desenvolvido entre novembro de 2006 a maio de 2007. A amostra foi composta por 120 graduandos de enfermagem da Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Foi aplicado um questionário específico sobre fatores de risco para hipertensão arterial e aferição da pressão arterial. O Teste de Fischer foi usado para determinar possíveis associações. Resultados: Dos graduandos, 92,5% apresentaram níveis pressóricos normais, 4,2% eram hipertensos e 3,3% com pressão limítrofe. Notou-se o aparecimento de alguns fatores de risco para hipertensão arterial e doença cardiovascular. Conclusão: De acordo com os resultados, deve-se atentar para mudanças de hábito e estilo de vida mais saudável desses futuros enfermeiros.<br>Objetivos: Medir la presión arterial para identificar posibles alteraciones en profesionales graduandos en Enfermería; identificar factores de riesgo para hipertensión arterial; verificar la asociación entre los niveles de presión y los factores de riesgo para hipertensión arterial. Métodos: Estudio de corte transversal, desarrollado entre noviembre de 2006 y mayo de 2007. La muestra fue compuesta por 120 graduandos de enfermería de la Universidad Federal de Sao Paulo. Fue aplicado un cuestionario específico sobre factores de riesgo para hipertensión arterial y para evaluar la presión arterial. La Prueba de Fischer fue usada para determinar posibles asociaciones. Resultados: 92,5% de los graduandos presentaron niveles de presión normal, 4,2% eran hipertensos y 3,3% tenían presión limítrofe. Se notó el aparecimiento de algunos factores de riesgo para hipertensión arterial y enfermedad cardiovascular. Conclusión: De acuerdo con los resultados, se deben cambiar hábitos y estilo de vida de modo que sean más saludables para los futuros enfermeros.<br>Objectives: To identify risk factors and alterations in blood pressure levels in undergraduate nursing students and to examine the associations between the risk factors and blood pressure levels. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted between November 2006 and May 2007. The sample consisted of 120 undergraduate nursing students from the Federal University of São Paulo. A specific questionnaire on risk factors for high blood pressure was used. Blood pressure measures were taken and recorded. Fisher's exact test was used to determine associations between risk factors and high blood pressure. Results: The majority of participants (92.5%) had normal blood pressure levels. A few students had high (4.2%) or borderline (3.3%) blood pressure levels. Students had some of the risk factors for high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases. Conclusion: There is a need to emphasize lifestyle changes among those future nurses