3,358 research outputs found

    Bone mechanical stimulation with piezoelectric materials

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    This chapter summarized explores in vivo use of a piezoelectric polymer for bone mechanical stimulatio

    Modification of T lymphocytes with lentiviral vectors for expression of anti-CD19 chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)

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    The use of immunotherapy with modified T lymphocytes with chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) has been proven effective in the treatment of leukemias and lymphomas resistant to chemotherapy. CAR possess an extracellular domain derived from variable regions of antibodies and costimulation intracellular domains of T lymphocytes. CD19 protein has been shown to be an ideal target because it is expressed on most B-cell tumors as well as normal B cells, but not in other types of cells. Recent clinical studies involving anti-CD19 CAR T-cells have shown excellent responses in a variety of B-cell tumors, even in patients with relapse after high-dose chemotherapy. This study aimed to produce CD4+ lymphocyte lineage Jurkat (ATCC® TIB-152 ™) modified with a second generation anti-CD19 CAR with 4-1BB as intracellular costimulation domain. Lentiviral vectors were produced in HEK293T (ATCC® CRL-3216 ™) transiently transfected with plasmids containing the coding sequence of the CAR, viral envelope VSV-G, and viral capsid. The viral titer was calculated by real time PCR after transduction of HEK293T cells, resulting in 1.65 x 105 IU/mL. The literature indicates an MOI (multiplicity of infection) from 5 to 10 IU/cell for transduction of lymphocytes. A new batch of virus was produced, and the supernatant was ultracentrifuged at 19200 rpm (Beckman Coulter, SW28 rotor) in order to concentrate the viral particles. The viral titer of the concentrated batch was 1.26 x 108 IU/mL. This new titer is compatible with the necessary to infect 107 cells, amount of pre-expansion cells necessary to obtain the number of cells suitable for infusion into patients (2.5 x 109 to 5 x 109 cells). Then, the infection of Jurkat was performed in a 6-well plate with RPMI 1640 supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS), 2 µg/mL Polybrene®, and centrifugation at 1000 rpm for 20 minutes at room temperature. After 16 hours of incubation (37°C, 5% CO2 and 85% humidity), the medium was exchanged for fresh RPMI 1640 10% FBS. After additional 48 hours of incubation under the same conditions, the cells were collected and was their DNA was extracted. We obtained by real-time PCR that the number of integrated viral copies per genome was 35.3 ± 4.5 (mean ± standard deviation) for transduction with MOI of 5 IU/cell. While for MOI of 10 IU/cell, it was obtained 42.6 ± 0.1 copies per genome. It was observed that there was not a significant increase in viral copies when the MOI increased from 5 to 10. This may occur because cell’s surface receptors have been saturated by the large number of viruses. The lentiviral vector used by us has been shown to transduce T lymphocyte satisfactorily. The next steps of the study are the transduction of T lymphocytes from healthy donors and verification of the CAR receptor effectiveness to bind to CD19 of cell B lymphocyte lineages. Grant #2016/08374-5, São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)

    Experimental Zika Virus Infection in the Pregnant Common Marmoset Induces Spontaneous Fetal Loss and Neurodevelopmental Abnormalities.

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    During its most recent outbreak across the Americas, Zika virus (ZIKV) was surprisingly shown to cause fetal loss and congenital malformations in acutely and chronically infected pregnant women. However, understanding the underlying pathogenesis of ZIKV congenital disease has been hampered by a lack of relevant in vivo experimental models. Here we present a candidate New World monkey model of ZIKV infection in pregnant marmosets that faithfully recapitulates human disease. ZIKV inoculation at the human-equivalent of early gestation caused an asymptomatic seroconversion, induction of type I/II interferon-associated genes and proinflammatory cytokines, and persistent viremia and viruria. Spontaneous pregnancy loss was observed 16-18 days post-infection, with extensive active placental viral replication and fetal neurocellular disorganization similar to that seen in humans. These findings underscore the key role of the placenta as a conduit for fetal infection, and demonstrate the utility of marmosets as a highly relevant model for studying congenital ZIKV disease and pregnancy loss

    Inflammatory and blood gas markers of COVID-19 delirium compared to non-COVID-19 delirium: a cross-sectional study

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    OBJECTIVES: We aimed to find the association of inflammation and respiratory failure with delirium in COVID-19 patients. We compare the inflammatory and arterial blood gas markers between patients with COVID-19 delirium and delirium in other medical disorders. METHODS: This cross-sectional study used the CHART-DEL, a validated research tool, to screen patients for delirium retrospectively from clinical notes. Inflammatory markers C-reactive protein (CRP) and white cell count (WBC), and the partial pressures of oxygen (PO2) and carbon dioxide (PCO2) were compared between patients with COVID-19 delirium and delirium in other medical disorders. RESULTS: In bivariate analysis, CRP (mg/L) was significantly higher in the COVID-19 group, (81.7 ± 80.0 vs. 58.8 ± 87.7, p = 0.04), and WBC (109/L) was significantly lower (7.44 ± 3.42 vs. 9.71 ± 5.45, p = 0.04). The geometric mean of CRP in the COVID-19 group was 140% higher in multiple linear regression (95% CI = 7-439%, p = 0.03) with age and sex as covariates. There were no significant differences in pO2 or pCO2 across groups. CONCLUSION: The association between higher CRP and COVID-19 in patients with delirium may suggest an inflammatory basis for delirium in COVID-19. Our findings may assist clinicians in establishing whether delirium is due to COVID-19, which may improve management and outcomes of infected patients

    Os efeitos do cigarro e do consumo de café sobre a formação óssea e a integração óssea de implantes de hidroxiapatita

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    The present study aims to assess the effects of cigarette smoke inhalation and/or coffee consumption on bone formation and osseous integration of a dense hydroxyapatite (DHA) implant in rats. For this study, 20 male rats were divided into four groups (n = 5): CT (control) group, CE (coffee) group, CI (cigarette) group and CC (coffee + cigarette) group. During 16 weeks, animals in the CI group were exposed to cigarette smoke inhalation equivalent to 6 cigarettes per day; specimens in the CE group drank coffee as liquid diet; and rats in the CC group were submitted to both substances. In the 6th week a 5 mm slit in the parietal bone and a 4 mm slit in the tibia were performed on the left side: the former was left open while the latter received a DHA implant. As soon as surgeries were finished, the animals returned to their original protocols and after 10 weeks of exposure they were euthanised (ethically sacrificed) and the mentioned bones collected for histological processing. Data showed that exposure to cigarette smoke inhalation and coffee consumption did not interfere in weight gain and that solid and liquid diet consumption was satisfactory. Rats in the CC group showed a decrease in bone neoformation around the tibial DHA implant (31.8 ± 2.8) as well as in bone formation in the parietal slit (28.6 ± 2.2). On their own, cigarette smoke inhalation or coffee consumption also led to diminished bone neoformation around the implant and delayed the bone repair process in relation to the CT group. However, reduction in the bone repair process was accentuated with exposure to both cigarette smoke inhalation and coffee consumption in this study.O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos do tabagismo e do consumo de café, isolada ou concomitantemente, sobre a formação óssea e a osseointegração de implantes hidroxiapatita densa. Foram utilizados 20 ratos machos, divididos em quatro grupos (n = 5): grupo CT (controle); grupo CA (café); grupo CI (cigarro), e grupo CC (cigarro + café). Durante 16 semanas, os animais do grupo CI foram expostos à fumaça de seis cigarros/dia; os animais do grupo CA consumiram café como dieta líquida, e os animais do grupo CC, ambas as substâncias. Após seis semanas de exposição, uma falha óssea de 5 mm foi produzida no osso parietal esquerdo e de 4 mm, na tíbia esquerda dos animais. A falha do parietal foi mantida aberta, enquanto na tíbia corpos cerâmicos de hidroxiapatita densa (HAD) foram implantados em cavidade produzida cirurgicamente. Após as cirurgias, os animais retornaram aos protocolos experimentais e, ao término de dez semanas, foram eutanasiados, sendo as tíbias e os parietais coletados para processamento histológico. A exposição à fumaça do cigarro e o consumo de café não interferiram no ganho de peso dos animais, e os consumos de dieta líquida e sólida foram satisfatórios entre os grupos. Os animais do grupo CC apresentaram menor volume de osso neoformado ao redor do implante de HAD na tíbia (31,8 ± 2,8) e menor osteogênese na falha produzida no osso parietal (28,6 ± 2,2). O café e o cigarro consumidos isoladamente provocam a diminuição do volume de osso ao redor do implante e o atraso no processo de reparação óssea. Observou-se que o consumo de café associado à exposição à fumaça do cigarro reduziu de forma acentuada o processo de reparação óssea, no presente estudo.Universidade José do Rosário VellanoUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaUniversidade Federal de AlfenasUniversidade Estadual de CampinasUniversidade José do Rosário Vellano Faculdade de MedicinaUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Starting-up unregistered and firm performance in Turkey

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    © 2016 The Author(s) Recent years have seen a questioning of the negative representation of informal sector entrepreneurship and an emergent view that it may offer significant benefits. This paper advances this rethinking by evaluating the relationship between business registration and future firm performance. Until now, the assumption has been that starting-up unregistered is linked to weaker firm performance. Using World Bank Enterprise Survey data on 2494 formal enterprises in Turkey, and controlling for other determinants of firm performance as well as the endogeneity of the registration decision, the finding is that formal enterprises that started-up unregistered and spent longer unregistered have significantly higher subsequent annual sales and productivity growth rates compared with those registered from the outset. This is argued to be because in such weak institutional environments, the advantages of registering from the outset are outweighed by the benefits of deferring business registration and the low risks of detection and punishment. The resultant implication is that there is a need to shift away from the conventional eradication approach based on the negative depiction of informal entrepreneurship as poorly performing, and towards a more facilitating approach that improves the benefits of business registration and tackles the systemic formal institutional deficiencies that lead entrepreneurs to decide to delay the registration of their ventures

    Contribution of genetic effects to genetic variance components with epistasis and linkage disequilibrium

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cockerham genetic models are commonly used in quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis with a special feature of partitioning genotypic variances into various genetic variance components, while the F<sub>∞ </sub>genetic models are widely used in genetic association studies. Over years, there have been some confusion about the relationship between these two type of models. A link between the additive, dominance and epistatic effects in an F<sub>∞ </sub>model and the additive, dominance and epistatic variance components in a Cockerham model has not been well established, especially when there are multiple QTL in presence of epistasis and linkage disequilibrium (LD).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this paper, we further explore the differences and links between the F<sub>∞ </sub>and Cockerham models. First, we show that the Cockerham type models are allelic based models with a special modification to correct a confounding problem. Several important moment functions, which are useful for partition of variance components in Cockerham models, are also derived. Next, we discuss properties of the F<sub>∞ </sub>models in partition of genotypic variances. Its difference from that of the Cockerham models is addressed. Finally, for a two-locus biallelic QTL model with epistasis and LD between the loci, we present detailed formulas for calculation of the genetic variance components in terms of the additive, dominant and epistatic effects in an F<sub>∞ </sub>model. A new way of linking the Cockerham and F<sub>∞ </sub>model parameters through their coding variables of genotypes is also proposed, which is especially useful when reduced F<sub>∞ </sub>models are applied.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The Cockerham type models are allele-based models with a focus on partition of genotypic variances into various genetic variance components, which are contributed by allelic effects and their interactions. By contrast, the F<sub>∞ </sub>regression models are genotype-based models focusing on modeling and testing of within-locus genotypic effects and locus-by-locus genotypic interactions. When there is no need to distinguish the paternal and maternal allelic effects, these two types of models are transferable. Transformation between an F<sub>∞ </sub>model's parameters and its corresponding Cockerham model's parameters can be established through a relationship between their coding variables of genotypes. Genetic variance components in terms of the additive, dominance and epistatic genetic effects in an F<sub>∞ </sub>model can then be calculated by translating formulas derived for the Cockerham models.</p

    The Portfolio as an Evaluation Tool: an Analysis of its Use in an Undergraduate Nursing Program

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    This qualitative study was carried out between April and August 2007. It analyzed the use of portfolios in the academic community. A total of nine full-time professors and 119 students enrolled in their third semester were interviewed through a semi-structured interview. Content analysis was used to analyze data. Learning evaluations are seen as a verification of knowledge and efficacy of pedagogical method, and also as an incentive to study. Evaluations are procedural, that is, evaluation is continuous, or one-time, e.g. semester end tests. The portfolio is defined as a gradual and continuous evaluation tool. The faculty members and students need to accept the use of portfolios and evaluate the possibilities of this resource. This study is a first attempt to appraise the evaluation process of an undergraduate program, and the use of portfolios and other strategies needs to be consolidated in order to improve the educational process in undergraduate nursing programs.Se trata de un estudio cualitativo, realizado en el período de abril a agosto de 2007. El objetivo fue analizar la utilización del portafolio por la comunidad académica. Se entrevistó a través de un guión a nueve docentes efectivos y 119 discentes matriculados a partir del tercer período. En el análisis de datos se utilizó el análisis de contenido. La evaluación del aprendizaje es considerada como verificación del conocimiento, como eficacia del método pedagógico e incentivo al estudio. Con relación al tipo de evaluación son procesuales y puntuales. El portafolio es definido como un instrumento de evaluación gradual y continuo. Es necesario que el cuerpo docente y discente acepte experimentar la utilización del portafolio y así evaluar las posibilidades de este recurso. Representa una primera aproximación al proceso de evaluación en la graduación y de esa forma el portafolio y otras estrategias necesitan ser consolidadas de forma a mejorar el proceso de formación en la graduación de enfermería.Este é um estudo qualitativo, realizado no período de abril a agosto de 2007. O objetivo foi analisar a utilização do portfólio pela comunidade acadêmica. Entrevistaram-se, através de um roteiro, nove docentes efetivos e 119 discentes matriculados a partir do terceiro período. Na análise de dados utilizou-se da análise de conteúdo. A avaliação da aprendizagem é considerada como verificação do conhecimento, como eficácia do método pedagógico e incentivo ao estudo. Com relação aos tipos de avaliação são eles processuais e pontuais. O portfólio é definido como instrumento de avaliação gradual e contínuo. É necessário que o corpo docente e discente aceite experimentar a utilização do portfólio e assim avaliar as possibilidades desse recurso. Representa a primeira aproximação ao processo de avaliação na graduação e, dessa forma, o portfólio e outras estratégias precisam ser consolidadas de forma a melhorar o processo de formação na graduação de enfermagem

    Rare germline variants in DNA repair genes and the angiogenesis pathway predispose prostate cancer patients to develop metastatic disease

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    Background Prostate cancer (PrCa) demonstrates a heterogeneous clinical presentation ranging from largely indolent to lethal. We sought to identify a signature of rare inherited variants that distinguishes between these two extreme phenotypes. Methods We sequenced germline whole exomes from 139 aggressive (metastatic, age of diagnosis < 60) and 141 non-aggressive (low clinical grade, age of diagnosis ≥60) PrCa cases. We conducted rare variant association analyses at gene and gene set levels using SKAT and Bayesian risk index techniques. GO term enrichment analysis was performed for genes with the highest differential burden of rare disruptive variants. Results Protein truncating variants (PTVs) in specific DNA repair genes were significantly overrepresented among patients with the aggressive phenotype, with BRCA2, ATM and NBN the most frequently mutated genes. Differential burden of rare variants was identified between metastatic and non-aggressive cases for several genes implicated in angiogenesis, conferring both deleterious and protective effects. Conclusions Inherited PTVs in several DNA repair genes distinguish aggressive from non-aggressive PrCa cases. Furthermore, inherited variants in genes with roles in angiogenesis may be potential predictors for risk of metastases. If validated in a larger dataset, these findings have potential for future clinical application

    Relationship between eating behaviors and physical activity of preschoolers and their peers: a systematic review

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    Abstract: Objectives: Children learn by observing and imitating others, meaning that their eating behaviors and physical activity may be influenced by their peers. This paper systematically reviews how preschoolers’ eating behaviors and physical activity relate to their peers’ behaviors, and discusses avenues for future research. Methods: Six databases were searched for quantitative, peer-reviewed studies published up to July 2015 reporting on the correlates, predictors or effectiveness of peers on eating behaviors and physical activity in preschoolers. Risk of bias was independently assessed by two evaluators using the Quality Assessment Tool for Quantitative Studies. Results: Thirteen articles were included: six measured physical activity, and seven assessed eating behaviors. Four of the six physical activity studies reported that children were more active when peers were present, while large peer group size was negatively associated with physical activity in two cross-sectional studies. All nutrition interventions reported that children’s eating behaviors may be influenced by their peers. Conclusions: Although supported by weak evidence, peers appear to influence children’s eating behaviors and physical activity. However, this influence may be moderated by the number of peers, gender, age and the perceived status of the role models. Future obesity prevention interventions should consider involving peers as agents for positive eating behaviors and physical activity in preschoolers