2,866 research outputs found

    A Reason for Roman Territorial Planning in the Ebro Valley

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    The aim of this paper is to show how the Roman territorial planning patterns in the Ebro valley were always at the service of the strategic and economic importance given to this waterway by Rome, in the context of a policy of conquest and of economic exploitation. Firstly, the literary and archaeological documentation will be exposed to prove that the Ebro River was navigable upstream as far as Vareia (Varea-Logroño). Secondly, attention will be paid to the territorial limits of the Conventus Caesaraugustanus and to the circumstances which surrounded the origin and promotion of the most important towns in this conventus. It will be shown that this territory was structured and organized based on the Ebro and its tributaries

    Energy harvesting from vehicular traffic over speed bumps: A review

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    Energy used by vehicles to slow down in areas of limited speed is wasted. A traffic energy-harvesting device (TEHD) is capable of harvesting vehicle energy when passing over a speed bump. This paper presents a classification of the different technologies used in the existing TEHDs. Moreover, an estimation of the energy that could be harvested with the different technologies and their cost has been elaborated. The energy recovered with these devices could be used for marking and lighting of roads in urban areas, making transportation infrastructures more sustainable and environmentally friendly

    Epigraphic news in the middle Ebro (La Rioja)

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    En la primera parte de este trabajo se dan a conocer siete nuevas inscripciones en piedra de territorio riojano, conteniendo información novedosa principalmente sobre el ejército y las comunicaciones antiguas. En la segunda parte se recogen las inscripciones de nueve vasos cerámicos, hallados en Vareia (Varea, Logroño) y producidos en Calagurris Iulia por el officinator de esa ciudad G. Valerius Verdullus; son un magnífico exponente de la romanización del Ebro al final del período julio-claudio.The first part of this paper deals with seven new inscriptions over stone found in the territory of La Rioja, which give new information mainly about the army and the old communications. The second part deals with the inscriptions over nine ceramic vases found in Vareia (Varea, Logroño) and made in Calagurris Iulia by G. Valerius, the officinator of that town. They are a magnificent proof of the romanization of the Ebro at the end of the period JuliusClaudius

    “I Do as I’m Told”: Gender Dynamics, the Dark Side of BDSM and Antifeminism in E.L. James' Fifty Shades of Grey.

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    Female sexuality has always played a central role when it comes to feminist studies. It was precisely during the period of the 1980s and 1990s when this controversial theme took the shape of the so-called ‘Sex Wars’ in which feminists divided themselves into ‘radical feminists’ and ‘libertarian feminists’. The issue of pornography in relation to female sexuality was not only debatable in the 80s and 90s but has also posed a problem in our present-day society since pornography has become part of our daily lives. This dissertation about E.L. James’ Fifty Shades of Grey (2011) revolves around gender roles, BDSM and pornography as a source of female oppression. In order to show how E.L. James romanticizes BDSM relationships and tries to sell a feminist message of empowerment through violent sex (which is not feminist at all), the analysis of the novel is going to tackle issues of female powerlessness, dependence and submission embodied by the female protagonist-narrator, and heteropatriarchal tyranny and dominance in the figure of the male character.La sexualidad de la mujer siempre ha ocupado un papel central en lo referente a estudios feministas. Fue precisamente durante el periodo de los años 80 y 90 cuando este tema tan polémico tomó la forma de lo que se denomina como ‘Sex Wars’ en las cuales las feministas se dividieron en ‘feministas radicales’ y ‘feministas libertarias’. El asunto de la pornografía en relación con la sexualidad de la mujer no solo fue cuestionable en los 80 y 90, sino que también ha supuesto un problema para la sociedad actual debido a que la pornografía forma parte de nuestra vida diaria. Este trabajo sobre Fifty Shades of Grey (2011) de E.L. James gira entorno a los roles de género, el BDSM y la pornografía como fuente de opresión femenina. Con el propósito de demostrar como E.L. James romantiza las relaciones basadas en el BDSM y trata de vender un mensaje feminista de empoderamiento a través del sexo violento (que no es feminista en absoluto), el análisis de la novela va a abordar problemas como la falta de poder de la mujer, la dependencia y la sumisión encarnados en la protagonista y narradora femenina, así como la tiranía y dominio heteropatriarcal en la figura del personaje masculino. <br /

    Enhancing adolescent reasoning skills through a video game program

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    Much research has been done on the benefits of video games in a physical education context (Camunas-Vega & Alcaide-Risoto, 2020; Fang et al., 2020). However, little attention has so far been paid to the effectiveness of commercial video games combined with actual basketball practice in helping students improve their reasoning skills (Chuang et al., 2021; Rogers et al., 2020). The study presents a quasiexperimental pre-post design with a control group in order to evaluate the impact of a specific training program in reasoning with the video game NBA 2K16. A convenience sample of 215 high school students participated in the study. Three reasoning subscales of the Evalua-9 psycho-pedagogical test (inductive alfa=0.88; deductive alfa=0.85; spatial alfa=0.89) were used for data collection. Our findings show a significant moderate effect in the students who participated in the training program. An additional outcome was that sex differences in spatial and deductive reasoning in the pre-test disappeared in the post-test. We discuss the educational implications of the use of the video game as the main learning tool to enhance the reasoning process of Secondary Education students in Physical Education

    Sagunto y Numancia como "exempla" históricos en la oratoria parlamentaria de la España liberal: (1868–1939)

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    In the 19th century, Spain sought to consolidate its national identity. To bear this out, it had to fix the traits that defined the character and temperament of the Spanish people. In this context, what best reflected the idiosyncrasy of the emerging nation were the personalities and the heroic feats of the remote past of Spain. Such was the case of the deeds carried out by the inhabitants of Sagun tum and Numantia, two cities which symbolized the heroic struggle of a people for their freedom and independence. This paper analyses the use of Saguntum and Numantia as historic exempla in the speeches delivered to the Congress of Deputies between the Glorious Revolution of 1868 and 2 February 1939, the day the courts met in Spanish territory for the last time.En el s. XIX España necesitaba consolidar su identidad nacional y para ello era necesario fijar los rasgos que definían el carácter y temperamento de la raza española. En este contexto, personajes y gestas del pasado remoto de España eran los que mejor podían reflejar la idiosincrasia de la emergente nación. Una de esas gestas fue la que protagonizaron los habitantes de Sagunto y de Numancia, dos ciudades que simbolizaban la lucha heroica de todo un pueblo por su libertad e independencia. En este artículo se analiza el uso que se hace de Sagunto y Numancia en los discursos que se pronunciaron en el Congreso de los Diputados desde la Revolución de 1868 hasta el 2 de febrero de 1939, última reunión de las Cortes en territorio español

    Galba: de usurpador a emperador. La construcción de su legitimidad

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    The revolt that began in Gaul led by the governor of Lugdunensis, Julius Vindex, marked the end of Neros reign and the appointment of a new emperor, Galba. It was the first time that a rebellion had succeeded, and a usurper, who did not belong to the imperial family, donned the purple robe. This article delves into how the propaganda of the new emperor justified the uprising and transformed him into a legitimate ruler.La revuelta que inició en la Galia el gobernador de la Lugdunense, Julio Vindex, significó el final de Nerón y el nombramiento de un nuevo emperador, Galba. Era la primera vez que triunfaba una sublevación y que un usurpador, que no pertenecía a la familia imperial, vestía la púrpura. Este artículo analiza cómo la propaganda del nuevo emperador justificó la revuelta y le transformó en un emperador legítimo

    Enfermedad de Coates

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    Paciente de 14 años, género femenino, que acude al Hospital de Alta Complejidad de La Libertad “Virgen de la Puerta”, por ojo rojo derecho de 3 meses de evolución, sin antecedentes importantes y buena agudeza visual ambos ojos