861 research outputs found

    Walking a High Beam: The Balance Between Employment Stability, Workplace Flexibility, and Nonresident Father Involvement

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    Compared with resident fathers, nonresident fathers are more likely to be unemployed or underemployed and less likely, when they are employed, to have access to flexible work arrangements. Although lack of employment stability is associated with lower levels of father involvement, some research shows that increased stability at work without increased flexibility is negatively related to involvement. Using data from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study (N = 895), the authors examined the relationship between nonresident fathers’ employment stability, workplace flexibility, and father involvement. Results indicate that workplace flexibility, but not employment stability, is associated with higher levels of involvement. Policy and practice implications are discussed

    Fear vs. Facts: Examining the Economic Impact of Undocumented Immigrants in the U.S.

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    Undocumented immigration has become a contentious issue in the U.S. over the past decade. Opponents of undocumented immigration have argued that undocumented immigrants are a social and financial burden to the U.S. which has led to the passage of drastic and costly policies. This paper examined existing state and national data and found that undocumented immigrants do contribute to the economies of federal, state, and local governments through taxes and can stimulate job growth, but the cost of providing law enforcement, health care, and education impacts federal, state, and local governments differently. At the federal level, undocumented immigrants tend to contribute more money in taxes than they consume in services, however, the net economic costs or benefits to state and local governments varies throughout the U.S

    Modernización de la gestión pública y calidad del servicio en ciudadanos de la Municipalidad Distrital Víctor Larco Herrera - Trujillo, 2022

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    El presente estudio tuvo por objetivo, determinar la relación entre la Modernización de la gestión pública y calidad del servicio en ciudadanos de la Municipalidad Distrital de Víctor Larco Herrera - Trujillo, 2022. Se utilizó la metodología cuantitativa, con nivel correlacional, y diseño no experimental, transversal, descriptivo correlacional. La muestra estuvo conformada por 138 ciudadanos; se utilizó el cuestionario para recolectar la información, el cual fue validado por juicio de expertos y se encontró la confiabilidad con Alfa de Cronbach cuyos valores fueron 0.9308 en la primera variable y 0.9731 en la segunda. De los resultados obtenidos en la modernización de la gestión pública estuvo en un nivel medio del 57.25% y en sus dimensiones estuvieron en un nivel medio, gobierno abierto 57%, gobierno electrónico 51% y articulación interinstitucional 62%; en la segunda variable calidad de servicio el nivel fue regular con 60.87%. Se concluye que, en la contratación de la hipótesis general el valor fue de 0.804 al realizar la correlación con Rho de Spearman, valor que indica una correlación alta y significativa

    Montaje y programación de la mano robótica Dextra

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    El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado tiene como objetivo el montaje y programación de la mano robótica perteneciente al proyecto de open-source (código abierto) Dextra, con el objetivo de realizar nuevas implementaciones en la mano para mejorar su diseño y ampliar su funcionalidad. Consiste en la construcción de una mano robótica-protésica impresa en 3D, siendo realizado el montaje en su totalidad incorporando todos los elementos necesarios para el funcionamiento posterior de la mano (tendones, motores, superficie antideslizante, etc.) y la electrónica necesaria soldando todos los elementos (motores, cables, drivers, etc.) en un circuito impreso. Tras realizar el montaje de la mano en su conjunto, se usará una API de Python ya creada que permite el control de la mano Dextra, para realizar los ajustes y pruebas necesarias para evaluar su correcto funcionamiento. Posteriormente, se realizará la programación de varios códigos para ejecutar una serie de agarres predefinidos. Como conclusión se obtiene una mano robótica funcional, que puede ser usada como prótesis, con un amplio rango de movimientos y de bajo coste.The objective Final Degree Project is the building and coding of a robotic hand that belongs to the Dextra open-source project, with the aim of doing new implementations to the hand itself in order to upgrade it in functionality. The project consists in the building of a 3D-printed robotic-prosthetic hand, the assembly being made in its totality incorporating all the necessary elements for the subsequent operation of the hand (tendons, motors, anti-slip surface, etc…) and the necessary electronics soldering all the elements (motors, cables, drivers, etc…) in a printed circuit board. After assembling the hand, we will use an existing Python API that allows the control of the Dextra hand, to make the necessary adjustments and tests to evaluate its correct functioning. Subsequently, the programming of several codes will be performed or execute a series of predefined grasps. In conclusion, we will obtain a functional robotic hand, which can be used as a prosthesis, with a wide range of movements and a low-cost price.Ingeniería Electrónica Industrial y Automátic

    Aplicación de la microscopía electrónica de barrido y prueba de hinchamiento lineal para mejorar la estabilización de las lutitas durante la perforación de pozos en el Lote VI

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    Trate de imaginar una amenaza capaz de dejar pegada la sarta de perforación con una posibilidad extrema de que sea casi imposible poder recuperarla. La hidratación excesiva e inestabilidad de las paredes del hoyo por las lutitas puede generar exactamente eso y según experiencias obtenidas en campos petroleros de Colombia, esto puede generar un aumento del 10 al 15% en costos del presupuesto inicial. Diferentes pruebas de laboratorio y productos químicos utilizados para estabilizar he inhibir formaciones con contenidos de lutitas permite a los ingenieros de perforación controlar las mismas, de forma que se pueda prevenir el desarrollo de condiciones operativas adversas que afectan nuestros costos presupuestados inicialmente La presente tesis de investigación fue desarrollada con la finalidad de determinar las concentraciones óptimas del inhibidor químico, encapsulador mecánico y estabilizador de lutitas en el fluido de perforación base agua utilizado para perforar los pozos de desarrollo en el yacimiento Leones del Lote VI, ubicado en noroeste de la cuenca Talara. Para lograr lo mencionado líneas arriba se realizó el análisis SEM (Microscopía electrónica de barrido) y la prueba LSM (Medición de hinchamiento lineal), los cuales buscan hallar la composición elemental - mineralógica de las lutitas y su tendencia de hidratarse al entrar en contacto con diferentes concentraciones del fluido de perforación respectivamente. Se estudiará el caso de 2 pozos perforados en el yacimiento Leones, los cuales presentaron problemas de restricción de tubería. Se empezará analizando los intervalos litológicos atravesados, las condiciones direccionales, así como la reología del fluido que se manejó al atravesar dichas zonas. Finalmente, se detallarán los procedimientos de las pruebas realizadas, así como la interpretación de los resultados obtenidos

    Calidad de vida laboral y desempeño laboral en médicos del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social de Bienestar, en el estado de Chiapas: Quality of work-life and work performance in physicians at the Mexican Institute of Social Security, in the state of Chiapas

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    Introduction: Maintaining a quality of working life brings as a benefit a greater productivity. Objective: To know if the quality of work life is a significant predictor of the level of self-perceived work performance by the doctors who work at the Mexican Institute of Social Security of Well-being, in the state of Chiapas. Material and methods: The study had a quantitative, cross-sectional and predictive approach. The population consisted of 445 doctors. The type of sampling was non-probabilistic for convenience, since the doctors who work in the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMMSS) Bienestar, in the state of Chiapas, were selected. The sample consisted of 169 physicians who represent 37.97% of the population. A simple linear regression analysis was carried out by the method of successive steps. Results: It was found that the variable level of working life described 64.9% of the variance of the dependent variable level of job performance. Similarly, it was determined that there is a positive and significant linear influence between the variables. The quality of work life variable was found to be a significant predictor of work performance in a very important way (β = .806). Conclusions: It was found that the quality of work life influences the work performance of the doctors who work in the Mexican Institute of Social Security of Well-being, in the state of Chiapas in a very important way. To the extent that the surveyed doctors improve their quality of work life, it will influence their work performance.Introducción: Mantener una calidad de vida laboral trae como beneficio una mayor productividad. Objetivo:  Conocer si la calidad de vida laboral es predictor significativo del nivel de desempeño laboral autopercibido por los médicos que laboran en el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social de Bienestar, en el estado de Chiapas, México. Material y métodos. El estudio tuvo un enfoque cuantitativo, transversal y predictivo. La población estuvo formada por 445 médicos. El tipo de muestreo fue no probabilístico por conveniencia, ya que se seleccionó a los médicos que laboran en el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMMSS) Bienestar, en el estado de Chiapas. La muestra fue de 169 médicos que representan el 37.97% de la población. Se realizó un análisis de regresión lineal simple por el método de pasos sucesivos. Resultados. Se encontró que la variable nivel de calidad de vida laboral explicó el 64.9% de la varianza de la variable dependiente nivel de desempeño laboral. De igual manera, se determinó que existe una influencia lineal positiva y significativa entre las variables. Se encontró que la variable calidad de vida laboral es un predictor significativo del desempeño laboral de manera muy importante (β = .806). Conclusiones. Se encontró que la calidad de vida laboral influye en el desempeño laboral de los médicos que laboran en el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social de Bienestar, en el estado de Chiapas de manera muy importante. En la medida que los médicos encuestados mejoren su calidad de vida laboral influirá en su desempeño laboral

    Cálculo de Dosimetría Mediante Elementos Finitos con Adaptabilidad Automática hp en Tres Dimensiones

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    In this communication the effect of the electromagnetic radiation on in vitro cell cultures is analyzed using a self-adaptive hp-Finite Element Method (hp-FEM) in three dimensions. Computer dosimetry is a challenging problem as it involves complex geometries with high contrast electromagnetic materials. hp-FEM produces exponential convergence rates in terms of the energy-norm error of the solution against the problem size (number of degrees of freedom), even in the presence of singularities. Thus, accurate electromagnetic solutions of complex problems, as computer dosimetry for in vitro experiments, can be obtained. Furthermore, the use of self-adaptive techniques provides solutions, with a user pre-specified degree of accuracy from a initial very coarse mesh without any a priori knowledge of the problem solutio

    Effects of 14-weeks betaine supplementation on pro-inflammatory cytokines and hematology status in professional youth soccer players during a competition season: a double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial

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    The authors would like to thank the players who participated in this study, Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research and Technology, University of Isfahan and the Sepahan Professional Club. We also thank Dr. Jenna Bartley for her valuable guidance.Objective: Systemic elevations in pro-inflammatory cytokines are a marker of non-functional over reaching, and betaine has been shown to reduce the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines in vitro. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of betaine supplementation on tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), interleukins-1 beta (IL- 1β), − 6 (IL-6) and the complete blood cell (CBC) count in professional youth soccer players during a competitive season. Methods: Twenty-nine soccer players (age, 15.5 ± 0.3 years) were randomly divided into two groups based on playing position: betaine group (BG, n = 14, 2 g/day) or placebo group (PG, n = 15). During the 14-week period, training load was matched and well-being indicators were monitored daily. The aforementioned cytokines and CBC were assessed at pre- (P1), mid- (P2), and post- (P3) season. Results: Significant (p < 0.05) group x time interactions were found for TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-6. These variables were lower in the BG at P2 and P3 compared to P1, while IL-1β was greater in the PG at P3 compared to P1 (p = 0.033). The CBC count analysis showed there was significant group by time interactions for white blood cells (WBC), red blood cells (RBC), hemoglobin (Hb), and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC). WBC demonstrated increases at P3 compared to P2 in PG (p = 0.034); RBC was less at P3 compared to P1 in BG (p = 0.020); Hb was greater at P2 compared to P1, whilst it was less at P3 compared to P3 for both groups. MCHC was greater at P3 and P2 compared to P1 in BG, whereas MCHC was significantly lower at P3 compared to P2 in the PG (p = 0.003). Conclusion: The results confirmed that 14 weeks of betaine supplementation prevented an increase in proinflammatory cytokines and WBC counts. It seems that betaine supplementation may be a useful nutritional strategy to regulate the immune response during a fatiguing soccer season

    Estrogen receptor-β regulates mechanical signaling in primary osteoblasts

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    Mechanical loading is an important regulator in skeletal growth, maintenance, and aging. Estrogen receptors have a regulatory role in mechanically induced bone adaptation. Estrogen receptor-α (ERα) is known to enhance load-induced bone formation, whereas ERβ negatively regulates this process. We hypothesized that ERβ regulates mechanical signaling in osteoblasts. We tested this hypothesis by subjecting primary calvarial cells isolated from wild-type and ERβ-knockout mice (BERKO) to oscillatory fluid flow in the absence or presence of estradiol (E2). We found that the known responses to fluid shear stress, i.e., phosphorylation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase ERK and upregulation of COX-2 expression, were inhibited in BERKO cells in the absence of E2. Flow-induced increase in prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) release was not altered in BERKO cells in the absence of E2, but was increased when E2 was present. Additionally, immunofluorescence analysis and estrogen response element luciferase assays revealed increased ERα expression and flow- and ligand-induced nuclear translocation as well as transcriptional activity in BERKO cells in both the presence and absence of E2. Taken together, these data suggest that ERβ plays both ligand-dependent and ligand-independent roles in mechanical signaling in osteoblasts. Furthermore, our data suggest that one mechanism by which ERβ regulates mechanotransduction in osteoblasts may result from its inhibitory effect on ERα expression and function. Targeting estrogen receptors (e.g., inhibiting ERβ) may represent an effective approach for prevention and treatment of age-related bone loss

    Neural Underpinnings of Distortions in the Experience of Time Across Senses

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    Auditory signals (A) are perceived as lasting longer than visual signals (V) of the same physical duration when they are compared together. Despite considerable debate about how this illusion arises psychologically, the neural underpinnings have not been studied. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate the neural bases of audiovisual temporal distortions and more generally, intersensory timing. Adults underwent fMRI while judging the relative duration of successively presented standard interval–comparison interval (CI) pairs, which were unimodal (A–A, V–V) or crossmodal (V–A, A–V). Mechanisms of time dilation and compression were identified by comparing the two crossmodal pairs. Mechanisms of intersensory timing were identified by comparing the unimodal and crossmodal conditions. The behavioral results showed that auditory CIs were perceived as lasting longer than visual CIs. There were three novel fMRI results. First, time dilation and compression were distinguished by differential activation of higher-sensory areas (superior temporal, posterior insula, middle occipital), which typically showed stronger effective connectivity when time was dilated (V–A). Second, when time was compressed (A–V) activation was greater in frontal cognitive-control centers, which guide decision making. These areas did not exhibit effective connectivity. Third, intrasensory timing was distinguished from intersensory timing partly by decreased striatal and increased superior parietal activation. These regions showed stronger connectivity with visual, memory, and cognitive-control centers during intersensory timing. Altogether, the results indicate that time dilation and compression arise from the connectivity strength of higher-sensory systems with other areas. Conversely, more extensive network interactions are needed with core timing (striatum) and attention (superior parietal) centers to integrate time codes for intersensory signals