1,867 research outputs found
Endometrial blood flow mapping using transvaginal power Doppler sonography in women with postmenopausal bleeding and thickened endometrium
Objective To evaluate the role of transvaginal power
Doppler sonography to discriminate between benign
and malignant endometrial conditions in women presenting
with postmenopausal bleeding and thickened
endometrium at baseline sonography.
Methods Ninety-one postmenopausal women (median
age, 58 years; range, 47–83 years) presenting with uterine
bleeding and a thickened endometrium (≥5-mm doublelayer
endometrial thickness) on transvaginal sonography
were included in this prospective study. Endometrial
blood flow distribution was assessed in all patients by
power Doppler immediately after B-mode transvaginal
sonography. Three different vascular patterns were
defined: Pattern A: multiple-vessel pattern, Pattern B:
single-vessel pattern and Pattern C: scattered-vessel
pattern. Histological diagnoses were obtained in all cases.
No patient taking tamoxifen citrate or receiving hormone
replacement therapy was included.
Results Histological diagnoses were as follows: endometrial
cancer: 33 (36%), endometrial polyp: 37 (41%),
endometrial hyperplasia: 14 (15%), endometrial cystic
atrophy: 7 (8%). Blood flow was found in 97%, 92%,
79% and 85% of cases of carcinoma, polyp, hyperplasia
and endometrial cystic atrophy, respectively. A total of
81.3% of vascularized endometrial cancers showed Pattern
A, 97.1% of vascularized polyps exhibited Pattern B
and 72.7% of vascularized hyperplasias showed Pattern
C. Sensitivity and specificity for endometrial cancer were
78.8% and 100%. For endometrial polyp these respective
values were 89.2% and 87% and for hyperplasia they
were 57.1% and 88.3%.
Conclusions Transvaginal power Doppler blood flow
mapping is useful to differentiate benign from malignant
endometrial pathology in women presenting with postmenopausal
bleeding and thickened endometrium at baseline
El piojo harinoso (Phenacoccus sp.) de la yuca; una de las plagas agricolas mas importantes en el mundo
Cassava mealybugs constitute one of the major production problems of cassava in Africa and the Americas. The species already identified that attack cassava in the Americas include Phenacoccus manihoti, P. herreni, P. gossypii, and P. grenadensis. Since its introduction into Africa, P. manihoti has caused considerable yield losses in some regions, especially Zaire. In the Americas, severe outbreaks of P. herreni have been reported in several areas of Brazil, Colombia, and the Guianas. These 2 species are similar taxonomically and in plant damage symptoms but differ biologically. The initial and most severe attack of both species occurs on the growing point of the cassava plant shoots. Plant reaction consists of a rosetting effect on the apical leaves which results in a cabbage-like appearance of the shoot. High mealybug populations, together with the stress caused by drought, cause defoliation, deformation of the shoots, shortening of internodes, and distortion of stems. The bionomics of both species differ in that P. herreni is bisexual and P. manihoti reproduces parthenogenetically. Biological studies on P. herreni show that the female passesthrough 3 instars before the adult stage. The complete life cycle from egg to adult lasts 49.5 days. Males pass through 4 instars before the adult stage, in which the adult male is winged. The whole cycle lasts 29.5 days. The cassava mealybug has numerous natural enemies. Biological control combined with resistance offers a healthy and economical control of the pest. Tables are included on the life cycle of P. herreni and P. gossypii on plants of cassava var. M Col 113 under lab. conditions, size and size increase of P. herreni on cassava under greenhouse conditions, hyperparasites of Phenacoccus spp. in Latin America, populations of natural enemies of the cassava mealybug in the field, and natural enemies of P. gossypii and P. herreni in Latin America and the Caribbean. (AS
TP87 153. Implantación de dos sistemas de oxigenador de membrana extracorpórea a un paciente en dos ingresos: Uno como recuperación, otro como puente a otra asistencia
IntroducciónLos programas de asistencias mecánicas de corta duración se empiezan a desarrollar en nuestro país. Uno de los más utilizados es el oxigenador de membrana extracor-pórea (ECMO), cuya mayor indicación en nuestro entorno es como puente al trasplante. Presentamos un caso en el que se coloca como recuperación, y tras 3 meses otra nueva como puente a otra asistencia.Material y métodosPaciente de 61 años que ingresa por trombosis de stent en descendente anterior (DA), presentando shock cardiogénico refractario a fármacos y balón de contrapulsación. Dada la situación se coloca ECMO venoarterial que se retira a las 72h por mejoría, dándose de alta el paciente a los 19 días.Tres meses después el paciente ingresa con bajo gasto y edema de pulmón, implantándose un ECMO venoarterial en el box de intensivos como puente a asistencia univentricular Levitronix, que se coloca 10h después en quirófano. Se reinterviene dos veces por taponamiento y se extuba a los 7 días, momento en que se incluye en alarma 0. Tras 27 días con Levitronix izquierda, la paciente sufre un ictus y retiramos de lista, falleciendo la paciente.ResultadosLos dos ECMO cumplieron su objetivo: uno de recuperación y el otro de puente a la asistencia.ConclusionesComo describimos en este caso, el ECMO es muy útil y fácil de implantar en pacientes con el objetivo de la recuperación o como puente al trasplante. Las asistencias no están exentas de complicaciones
Geometrical definition of a continuous family of time transformations generalizing and including the classic anomalies of the elliptic two-body problem
[EN] This paper is aimed to address the study of techniques focused on the use of a family of anomalies based on a family of geometric transformations that includes the true anomaly f, the eccentric anomaly g and the secondary anomaly f' defined as the polar angle with respect to the secondary focus of the ellipse.
This family is constructed using a natural generalization of the eccentric anomaly. The use of this family allows closed equations for the classical quantities of the two body problem that extends the classic, which are referred to eccentric, true and secondary anomalies.
In this paper we obtain the exact analytical development of the basic quantities of the two body problem in order to be used in the analytical theories of the planetary motion. In addition, this paper includes the study of the minimization of the errors in the numerical integration by an appropriate choice of parameters in our selected family of anomalies for each value of the eccentricity. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This research has been partially supported by Grant P1.1B2012-47 from University Jaume I of Castellón and Grant AICO/2015/037 from Generalitat Valenciana.López Ortí, J.; Marco Castillo, FJ.; Martínez Uso, MJ. (2017). Geometrical definition of a continuous family of time transformations generalizing and including the classic anomalies of the elliptic two-body problem. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 309:482-492. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cam.2016.02.041S48249230
Geometrical definition of a continuous family of time transformations on the hyperbolic two-body problem
[EN] This paper is aimed to address the study of techniques focused on the use of a new set of anomalies based on geometric continuous transformations, depending on a parameter a, that includes the true anomaly. This family is an extension of the elliptic geometrical transformation to the hyperbolic case.
This transformation allows getting closed equations for the classical quantities of the hyperbolic two body problem both in the attractive and in the repulsive case.
In this paper, we obtain the link between hyperbolic functions of hyperbolic argument H to trigonometric functions for each temporal variable in the new family, including also the inverse relations. We also carry out the study, in the attractive case, of the minimization of the errors due to the choice of a temporal variable included in our family in the numerical integration by an appropriate choice of parameters. This study includes the analysis of the dependence on the parameter of integration errors in a great time span for several eccentricities as well as the study of local truncation errors along the region with true anomaly contained in the interval [-pi/2, pi/2] around the primary for several values of the parameter. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This research has been partially supported by Grant P1.1B2012-47 from University Jaume I of Castellon and Grant AICO/2015/037 from Generalitat Valenciana.López Ortí, J.; Marco Castillo, FJ.; Martínez Uso, MJ. (2018). Geometrical definition of a continuous family of time transformations on the hyperbolic two-body problem. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 330:1081-1092. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cam.2017.04.048S1081109233
High temperature internal friction in a Tie46Ale1Moe0.2Si intermetallic, comparison with creep behaviour
Advanced g-TiAl based intermetallics Mo-bearing have been developed to obtain the fine-grained
microstructure required for superplastic deformation to be used during further processing. In the present
work we have studied an alloy of Tie46.8Ale1Moe0.2Si (at%) with two different microstructures,
as-cast material with a coarse grain size above 300 mm, and the hot extruded material exhibiting a grain
size smaller than 20 mm. We have used a mechanical spectrometer especially developed for high temperature
internal friction measurements to study the defect mobility processes taking place at high
temperature. The internal friction spectra at different frequencies has been studied and analyzed up to
1360 K in order to characterize the relaxation processes appearing in this temperature range. A relaxation
peak, with a maximum in between 900 K and 1080 K, depending on the oscillating frequency, has
been attributed to Ti-atoms diffusion by the stress-induced reorientation of AleVTieAl elastic dipoles.
The high temperature background in both microstructural states, as-cast and extruded, has been
analyzed, measuring the apparent activation parameters, in particular the apparent energies of
Ecast(IF) ¼ 4.4 ± 0.05 eV and Eext(IF) ¼ 4.75 ± 0.05 eV respectively. These results have been compared to
those obtained on the same materials by creep deformation. We may conclude that the activation parameters
obtained by internal friction analysis, are consistent with the ones measured by creep.
Furthermore, the analysis of the high temperature background allows establish the difference on creep
resistance for both microstructural states.Peer reviewe
Espondilolistesis traumática del axis asociada a fractura de odontoides: a propósito de un caso
Se presentan dos casos de espondilolistesis traumática del axis, tipo I de
Effendi, asociadas a fractura de odontoides. En ninguno de los casos fue necesario realizar
tratamiento quirúrgico, consiguiendo la consolidación de ambas fracturas mediante
inmovilización con halo-chaleco.Two new case s of traumatic spondylolisthesis of the axis, Effendi's type
I, associated to fracture of the odontoid process are reported. Surgical treatment wa s
not necessary in any of the cases. Repair of both fractures wa s adrieved by means of
inmovilization with halo-chest orthesis
Comparative study of real-time pcr (Taqman probe and sybr green), serological techniques (elisa, ifa and dat) and clinical signs evaluation, for the diagnosis of canine leishmaniasis in experimentally infected dogs
Canine leishmaniasis (CanL) diagnosis is not fully resolved. Currently, two specific methodologies are in continuous development, the detection of the parasite DNA or RNA in target organs and the detection of specific antibodies against Leishmania sp. For a correct diagnosis, it has been shown that the joint use of this type of test is necessary. In this work, a Sybr Green and a TaqMan Probe based on real time PCRs (qPCR) was performed for the detection of Leishmania sp. in order to correlate the results with clinicopathological and serological evaluations (IFA, ELISA and DAT) to propose an optimal biological sample to be used to detect the parasite in both early and late stages of the infection. A total of four samples were processed: conjunctival swabs, popliteal lymph node aspirates, bone marrow aspirates, and peripheral blood from experimentally infected dogs belonging to a larger study. Our results indicated that a single non-invasive sample (conjunctival swab) and the application of both types of qPCR would be reliable for determining Leishmania infection as well as the disease stage in dogs, thus avoiding bone marrow, lymph node aspirate or blood samples collection. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ 4.0/)
Análisis del funcionamiento de la configuración del reactor anaerobio de flujo ascendente – filtro percolador para el tratamiento a escala real de aguas residuales domésticas
Además de la existencia de plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales (PTAR), es necesario asegurar su efectividad y sostenibilidad en el tiempo a través de una adecuada selección de tecnologías, buen diseño y construcción y buenas prácticas de operación y mantenimiento. La configuración Reactor UASB seguida de Filtro Percolador, ha demostrado la obtención de un efluente acorde con los requerimientos de la legislación ambiental; el Departamento del Valle del Cauca-Colombia tiene 19PTAR y cinco de ellas presentan esta configuración. Aunque elanálisis realizado a estas PTAR, muestra debilidades asociadas a selección inadecuada de criterios de diseño y deficiencias de operación y mantenimiento, se encontró un desempeño adecuado en términos de eficiencias de remoción de DQO, DBO5 y SST (alrededor de 80%). Dadas las bondades de esta configuración para el tratamiento de aguas residuales domésticas, es recomendable establecer criterios de diseño, operación y mantenimiento apropiados, lo que resultará en una mayor capacidad y eficiencia del tratamiento
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