137 research outputs found

    Association of increased plasma cardiotrophin-1 with inappropriate left ventricular mass in essential hypertension

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    Inappropriate left ventricular mass is present when the value of left ventricular mass exceeds individual needs to compensate hemodynamic load imposed by increased blood pressure. The goal of this study was to investigate whether plasma concentration of cardiotrophin-1, a cytokine that induces exaggerated hypertrophy in cardiomyocytes with hypertensive phenotype, is related to inappropriate left ventricular mass in patients with essential hypertension. The study was performed in 118 patients with never-treated hypertension and without prevalent cardiac disease. The left ventricular mass prediction from stroke work (systolic blood pressurexDoppler stroke volume), sex, and height (in meters(2.7)) was derived. An observed left ventricular mass/predicted left ventricular mass value >128% defined inappropriate left ventricular mass. Plasma cardiotrophin-1 was measured by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The studies were repeated in a group of 45 patients after 1 year of antihypertensive treatment. At baseline 67 and 51 patients presented with appropriate and inappropriate left ventricular mass, respectively. Plasma cardiotrophin-1 was higher (P<0.001) in patients with inappropriate mass than in patients with appropriate mass and normotensive controls. A direct correlation was found between cardiotrophin-1 and observed left ventricular mass/predicted left ventricular mass ratio (r=0.330, P<0.001) in all hypertensive patients. After treatment, plasma cardiotrophin-1 decreased and increased in patients in which inappropriate left ventricular mass regressed and persisted, respectively, despite a similar reduction of blood pressure in the 2 subgroups of patients. Albeit descriptive in nature, these results suggest the hypothesis that an excess of cardiotrophin-1 may contribute to inappropriate left ventricular growth in hypertensive patients

    Cocaína durante a gestação e comportamento materno pós-parto em ratos

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    El abuso materno de cocaína durante la gestación se relaciona con negligencia, maltrato y perturbación del vínculo madre-hijo, lo que incide directamente en el desarrollo de los infantes; por esto, las diversas problemáticas neuroconductuales de los hijos de padres drogodependientes podrían atribuirse a la inadecuada conducta materna o a la exposición prenatal a la droga. El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar los efectos de la administración crónica de cocaína durante la gestación en la conducta materna postparto de ratones. Para esto se asignaron aleatoriamente 21 ratones CD1 hembras gestantes para la administración de solución salina y cocaína (25 mg/kg/día y 50 mg/kg/día), desde el octavo hasta el día veintiuno de gestación. Después del parto, durante 20 días (15 minutos diarios), se registró individualmente la frecuencia de presentación de 16 índices de conducta materna mediante un etograma. Se encontró que la cocaína afectó levemente la frecuencia de la conducta materna, aunque posiblemente afecte otros parámetros como la latencia, duración y secuencia de esta conducta.Maternal cocaine abuse during pregnancy is associated to neglect, abuse, and mother-child bond disruption, which directly affects infant development; therefore, various neurobehavioral problems of children of drug-dependent parents could be attributed to inadequate maternal behavior or prenatal exposure to drugs. Thus, the aim of this research was to analyze the effects of chronic cocaine administration during pregnancy on postpartum maternal behavior. To do this, 21 CD1 pregnant female mice were randomly assigned for administration of saline solution and cocaine (25 mg/kg/day and 50 mg/kg/day), from day 8 to 21 of gestation. After delivery, for 15 minutes a day, during 20 days, the frequency of occurrence of 16 behavioral patterns of maternal behavior was individually recorded, using an ethogram. Cocaine slightly affected maternal behavior frequency, although it may have affected other parameters, such as latency, duration, and sequence of this behavior.O abuso materno de cocaína durante a gestação está relacionado com negligência, maltrato, perturbação do vínculo mãe-filho, o que incide diretamente no desenvolvimento das crianças. Por isso, as diversas problemáticas neurocomportamentais dos filhos de pais drogodependentes poderiam ser atribuídas ao inadequado comportamento materno ou à exposição prénatal à droga. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar os efeitos da administração crônica de cocaína durante a gestação no comportamento materno pós-parto de ratos. Para isso, designaram-se aleatoriamente 21 ratos CD1 fêmeas gestantes para a administração de solução salina e cocaína (25 mg/kg/dia e 50 mg/kg/dia), desde o oitavo até o 21° dia de gestação. Após o parto, durante 20 dias (15 minutos diários), registrou-se individualmente a frequência de apresentação de 16 índices de comportamento materno mediante um etograma. Constatou-se que a cocaína afetou levemente a frequência do comportamento materno, embora possivelmente afete outros parâmetros como latência, duração e sequência desse comportamento

    Prevalencia e incidencia de los trastornos por uso de alcohol, tabaco y otras drogas en estudiantes de una universidad pública venezolana

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    Antecedentes. Los trastornos por uso de sustancias (TUS) se pueden presentan en cualquier sociedad. En el pais y en sus instituciones educativas son escasos los estudios epidemiologicos. Esta situacion dificulta la compresion epidemiologica, su prevencion, planificacion y evaluacion.Objetivo. Determinar la prevalencia vital e incidencia del ultimo ano de TUS en estudiantes de la Universidad de Los Andes, Merida -Venezuela.Método. Estudio observacional transversal en estudiantes seleccionados aleatoriamente de tres campus universitarios. La muestra represento el 5% del universo: n=1.018 y se evaluo mediante un instrumento autoadministrado, anonimo y validado para Venezuela con denominaciones genericas/jerga y en concordancia a criterios diagnosticos de reconocida aceptacion. Todos fueron informados del caracter voluntario y de retirarse, si lo manifestasen. Se aplicaron tests bilaterales no parametricos, a>0,05.Resultados. La edad media fue de 21,76(3,5) anos con permanencia universitaria de 2,05(1,9) anos y el 61,1% eran mujeres. Las prevalencias de TUS fueron: abuso de alcohol 16,1%, por otras drogas del 1,8% y por dependencias: alcohol 4,3%, tabaco fumado 4,2% y por otras drogas 0,9%. Las incidencias en el ultimo ano por abuso: de alcohol 3,6%, otras drogas 0,3% y por dependencias: alcohol 1,4%, tabaco fumado 0,3% y otras drogas de 0,4%, El campus Merida tuvo significativamente mas estudiantes con dependencias (p>0,03, p>0,023, p>0,037) y el sexo masculino estuvo mas afectado por dependencias de alcohol (p>0,000).Conclusiones. La prevencion y vigilancia en la institucion sobre TUS deberian programarse segun los hallazgos y las diferencias detectadas en cada campus. Los resultados pueden orientar estudios toxicologicos no invasivas: cabellos. La separacion social entre sustancias licitas e ilicitas deberia obviarse para las estrategias y objetivos de prevencion integral

    Deciphering predictive factors for choice of thrombopoietin receptor agonist, treatment free responses, and thrombotic events in immune thrombocytopenia

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    Malalties hematològiques; Trastorns immunològicsEnfermedades hematológicas; Trastornos inmunológicosHaematological diseases; Immunological disordersVery few data exist on when a particular thrombopoietin-receptor agonist (TPO-RA) is favored in clinical practice for the treatment of patients with immune thrombocytopenia (ITP), about novel risk factors for vascular events (VE) with these drugs, nor about predictive factors for therapy free responses (TFR). We conducted an observational, retrospective, long-term follow-up multicenter study from November 2016 to January 2018 of 121 adult ITP patients initiating TPO-RA between January 2012 to December 2014. Data reflected that a platelet count ≤25 × 109/l at the time when the TPO-RA was initiated was associated with a 2.8 higher probability of receiving romiplostim vs. eltrombopag (P = 0.010). VE on TPO-RA was related to previous neoplasia in patients over 65 years (50% vs. 2.2%, P < 0.001), and to previous splenectomy in younger patients (100% vs. 33%, P = 0.001). Receiving romiplostim as first TPO-RA with no subsequent TPO-RA switching was associated with a 50% likelihood of TFR after 2.9 years of therapy (3.3 years in chronic ITP patients). These real-world data help deciphering some areas of uncertainty, and offer insight into some of the most relevant challenges of ITP which may help clinicians make appropriate treatment decisions in the management of adult ITP patients with TPO-RA

    Metodología de reclutamiento y características de una cohorte de jóvenes consumidores habituales de cocaína de tres ciudades españolas (Proyecto Itínere-cocaína)

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    ResumenFundamentoLos sistemas de información sociosanitaria que monitorizan el consumo de drogas no profundizan en el análisis de las características sociodemográficas y de los patrones de consumo, ni en los factores que condicionan los problemas de salud. Se describe la metodología de reclutamiento y las características de una cohorte de jóvenes consumidores de cocaína.MétodosCohorte prospectiva de 720 consumidores de cocaína que no consumen habitualmente heroína, captados en la comunidad, independientemente de los servicios asistenciales, mediante métodos de referencia en cadena en las áreas metropolitanas de Madrid, Barcelona y Sevilla. Cuestionario administrado por ordenador y parcialmente autoadministrado. Análisis estratificado por ciudad y por frecuencia de consumo de cocaína base.ResultadosEn los últimos 12 meses el 58,8% había consumido cocaína entre 1 y 2 días por semana; el 91,9% habitualmente la había esnifado, un 5,3% fumado y sólo un 2,8% inyectado; el 6,1% la había utilizado la mitad de las veces o más en forma de base. Hubo policonsumo con cannabis (93,6%), éxtasis (73,2%) y anfetaminas (60,6%); un 4,0% se había inyectado alguna droga. Los que habían usado «crack» (22,1%) tenían un menor nivel educativo, un consumo de cocaína más intenso, mayor prevalencia de consumo de otras drogas, en especial opioides, y prevalencia de inyección mucho más alta.ConclusionesEl estudio confirma y completa el perfil sociodemográfico y de consumo ofrecido por los sistemas de información basados en servicios o las encuestas poblacionales, en especial que una gran parte de los consumidores jóvenes son esporádicos y que existen dos subpoblaciones muy diferenciadas según el consumo o no de cocaína base.AbstractBackgroundHealth information systems that monitor drug use do not perform in-depth analyses of sociodemographic characteristics and patterns of use, or of the factors that influence health problems. We describe the recruitment methodology and characteristics of a cohort of young cocaine users.MethodsA prospective cohort of 720 cocaine users who were not regular heroin users, recruited in the community independently of the health services by chain referral methods in the metropolitan areas of Madrid, Barcelona and Seville was studied. A computer-administered and partially self-administered questionnaire was used. A stratified analysis by city and by frequency of base cocaine use was performed.ResultsIn the previous 12 months, 58.8% had used cocaine 1-2 days/week; 91.9% sniffed it regularly, 5.3 smoked it, and only 2.8% injected it; 6.1% had used it at least half the time in the form of base cocaine. Polydrug use was observed with cannabis (93.6%), ecstasy (73.2%) and amphetamines (60.6%). Approximately 4.0% had injected at least one drug. Crack users (22.1%) had a lower educational level, more intensive cocaine use, a higher prevalence of other drug use, especially opioids, and a much higher prevalence of injection.ConclusionsThis study confirms and completes the sociodemographic and drug profile provided by the information systems based on health services or population surveys. The results show that a large proportion of young cocaine users consume the drug sporadically and that two very different subpopulations exist, according to whether or not they use base cocaine


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    There are many community-based studies on the prevalence of diabetes, impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and impaired fasting glucose (IFG). However, studies on the prevalence of IGT and diabetes unknown in patients with IFG, by 75-g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), are few and small.CIBEROBN is an Instituto de Salud Carlos III initiative. This work has been co-financied by CIBEROBN, Research Grants of the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain (Instituto de Salud Carlos III: PI10/00913), and Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía of Spain (PI-0037/2008 and PI-0112-2013).Peer Reviewe

    Compost Quality and Sanitation on Industrial Scale Composting of Municipal Solid Waste and Sewage Sludge

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    Municipal solid waste and sewage sludge are produced in large quantities that are often managed through industrial composting treatment. Because of their origin, composition, and complexity, ensuring adequate stabilization of the organic matter, and sanitation of fecal contaminants during composting is of the utmost significance, and difficult to achieve on an industrial scale. In this study, the operations of six industrial composting facilities that process municipal solid waste and sewage sludge were evaluated from the point of view of the sanitation achieved and the quality of the compost produced. In addition, the results were compared using the model of industrial compost from green waste. Differences between the plants were ascribable to operations other than composting systems. High phytotoxicity and fecal contamination above legislation thresholds were found in compost produced from municipal solid waste. In contrast, compost from sewage sludge were more stable and mature than those produced from green waste, and also had an adequate level of sanitation. The raw material and operational factors are of great relevance to obtain a stable, mature, and pathogen-free compost

    Modificación de un material didáctico interactivo en la búsqueda de un aprendizaje más adaptativo

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    Este trabajo presenta la evolución de un material didáctico interactivo orientado hacia el sistema de especificaciones geométricas de productos, ISO GPS. El grupo de Innovación Educativa Ingeniería de Fabricación de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria ha buscado aportar un grado de adaptatividad más alto a este material implementándolo directamente en la plataforma Moodle. Se han reorganizado los contenidos en varios bloques para mejorar su progresividad, siendo necesario superar cuestionarios de conceptos básicos para ir avanzando hacia nuevos contenidos. También se le han incorporado nuevos recursos como videos interactivos de resolución de problemas y un simulador gráfico para la visualización de las tolerancias y ajustes. Se ha empleado metodologías con la participación activa y colaborativa de estudiantes, tanto para el desarrollo como en la evaluación de este nuevo material didáctico. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian que las mejoras introducidas han tenido un impacto positivo en el aprendizaje en los estudiantes, y se ha mostrado también como una herramienta muy adecuada para su uso en una modalidad de educación híbrida que integre la docencia presencial y la telemática

    Silica Particle based nanocomposites for Specific IgE Determination to Betalactams

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    Current immunoassays for diagnosing betalactam (BL) allergy have limited sensitivity and poor specificity. These include ImmunoCAP, the commercial immunoassay, and the radioallergosorbent test (RAST), a handmade test performed only in specialized laboratories. Both are based on cellulose polymers modified with covalently attachedbetalactam-poly-L-lysine conjugates, which are able to interact with specific IgE (sIgE). In RAST, dendrimers have been used instead of poly-L-lysine in the formation of penicilloyl- conjugates, showing specific recognition by penicillin-sIgE. In this work, we propose the use of nanomaterials consisting on silica particles highly functionalized with drug-dendrimer conjugates (including mono- and bi-epitopic structures), as precise and controlled solid phases able to improve the tests’ reliability. The homogeneous composition of the nano-composites provides high reproducibility and quality, which is critical for hospital applications, while silica particles possess promising properties as biocompatibility, tuneable size, and functionalisation, and their preparation is affordable and reproducible. The use of nano-scaled silica particles improved the results of available immunoassays techniques in terms of sensitivity and specificity, providing the possibility of testing different betalactams, simultaneously.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech