76 research outputs found


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    Background - Current procedures for collection of human Amniotic Fluid Stem Cells (hAFSCs) imply that amniotic fluid cells were cultured in flask for two weeks, than can be devoted to research purpose. However, hAFSCs could be retrieved directly from a small amount of amniotic fluid that can be obtained at the time of diagnostic amniocentesis. The aim of the study was to verify if a direct freezing of amniotic fluid cells is able to maintain and / or improve the potential of the sub-population of stem cells. Methods - We compared the potential of the hAFSCs depending on the moment in which they are frozen, cells obtained directly from amniotic fluid aspiration (D samples) and cells cultured in flask before freezing (C samples). Colony-forming-unit ability, proliferation, morphology, stemness-related marker expression, senescence, apoptosis, and differentiation potential of C and D samples were compared. Results - hAFSCs isolated from D samples expressed MSC markers until later passages, had a good proliferation rate, and exhibited differentiation capacity similar to hAFSCs of C samples. Interestingly, the direct freezing induce a higher concentration of cells positive for pluripotency stem cell markers, without teratoma formation in vivo. Conclusions - This study suggests that minimal processing may be adequate for the banking of amniotic fluid cells, avoiding in vitro passages before the storage and exposure to high oxygen concentration affecting stem cell properties. This technique might be a reasonable approach in terms of costs and for the process of accreditation in GMP for a stem cell bank

    Time makes histone H3 modifications drift in mouse liver

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    To detect the epigenetic drift of time passing, we determined the genome-wide distributions of mono- and tri-methylated lysine 4 and acetylated and tri-methylated lysine 27 of histone H3 in the livers of healthy 3, 6 and 12 months old C57BL/6 mice. The comparison of different age profiles of histone H3 marks revealed global redistribution of histone H3 modifications with time, in particular in intergenic regions and near transcription start sites, as well as altered correlation between the profiles of different histone modifications. Moreover, feeding mice with caloric restriction diet, a treatment known to retard aging, reduced the extent of changes occurring during the first year of life in these genomic regions

    Histone H3 Lysine 4 and 27 Trimethylation Landscape of Human Alzheimer's Disease

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    none9sìBackground: Epigenetic remodeling is emerging as a critical process for both the onset and progression of Alzheimer's disease (AD), the most common form of neurodegenerative dementia. However, it is not clear to what extent the distribution of histone modifications is involved in AD. Methods: To investigate histone H3 modifications in AD, we compared the genome-wide distributions of H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 in entorhinal cortices from severe sporadic AD patients and from age-matched healthy individuals of both sexes. Results: AD samples were characterized by typical average levels and distributions of the H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 signals. However, AD patients showed a lower H3K4me3 and higher H3K27me3 signal, particularly in males. Interestingly, the genomic sites found differentially trimethylated at the H3K4 between healthy and AD samples involve promoter regions of genes belonging to AD-related pathways such as glutamate receptor signaling. Conclusions: The signatures of H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 identified in AD patients validate the role of epigenetic chromatin remodeling in neurodegenerative disease and shed light on the genomic adaptive mechanisms involved in AD.openPersico, Giuseppe; Casciaro, Francesca; Amatori, Stefano; Rusin, Martina; Cantatore, Francesco; Perna, Amalia; Auber, Lavinia Alberi; Fanelli, Mirco; Giorgio, MarcoPersico, Giuseppe; Casciaro, Francesca; Amatori, Stefano; Rusin, Martina; Cantatore, Francesco; Perna, Amalia; Auber, Lavinia Alberi; Fanelli, Mirco; Giorgio, Marc

    Unravelling Heterogeneity of Amplified Human Amniotic Fluid Stem Cells Sub-Populations

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    Human amniotic fluid stem cells (hAFSCs) are broadly multipotent immature progenitor cells with high self-renewal and no tumorigenic properties. These cells, even amplified, present very variable morphology, density, intracellular composition and stemness potential, and this heterogeneity can hinder their characterization and potential use in regenerative medicine. Celector\uae (Stem Sel ltd.) is a new technology that exploits the Non-Equilibrium Earth Gravity Assisted Field Flow Fractionation principles to characterize and label-free sort stem cells based on their solely physical characteristics without any manipulation. Viable cells are collected and used for further studies or direct applications. In order to understand the intrapopulation heterogeneity, various fractions of hAFSCs were isolated using the Celector\uae profile and live imaging feature. The gene expression profile of each fraction was analysed using whole-transcriptome sequencing (RNAseq). Gene Set Enrichment Analysis identified significant differential expression in pathways related to Stemness, DNA repair, E2F targets, G2M checkpoint, hypoxia, EM transition, mTORC1 signalling, Unfold Protein Response and p53 signalling. These differences were validated by RT-PCR, immunofluorescence and differentiation assays. Interestingly, the different fractions showed distinct and unique stemness properties. These results suggest the existence of deep intra-population differences that can influence the stemness profile of hAFSCs. This study represents a proof-of-concept of the importance of selecting certain cellular fractions with the highest potential to use in regenerative medicine

    The Histone H3 K4me3, K27me3, and K27ac Genome-Wide Distributions Are Differently Influenced by Sex in Brain Cortexes and Gastrocnemius of the Alzheimer's Disease PSAPP Mouse Model

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    Background: Women represent the majority of Alzheimer's disease patients and show typical symptoms. Genetic, hormonal, and behavioral mechanisms have been proposed to explain sex differences in dementia prevalence. However, whether sex differences exist in the epigenetic landscape of neuronal tissue during the progression of the disease is still unknown. Methods: To investigate the differences of histone H3 modifications involved in transcription, we determined the genome-wide profiles of H3K4me3, H3K27ac, and H3K27me3 in brain cortexes of an Alzheimer mouse model (PSAPP). Gastrocnemius muscles were also tested since they are known to be different in the two sexes and are affected during the disease progression. Results: Correlation analysis distinguished the samples based on sex for H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 but not for H3K27ac. The analysis of transcription starting sites (TSS) signal distribution, and analysis of bounding sites revealed that gastrocnemius is more influenced than brain by sex for the three histone modifications considered, exception made for H3K27me3 distribution on the X chromosome which showed sex-related differences in promoters belonging to behavior and cellular or neuronal spheres in mice cortexes. Conclusions: H3K4me3, H3K27ac, and H3K27me3 signals are slightly affected by sex in brain, with the exception of H3K27me3, while a higher number of differences can be found in gastrocnemius

    Nuclear Nox4 Interaction with Prelamin A is Associated with Nuclear Redox Control of Stem Cell Aging

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    Mesenchymal stem cells have emerged as an important tool that can be used for tissue regeneration thanks to their easy preparation, differentiation potential and immunomodulatory activity. However, an extensive culture of stem cells in vitro prior to clinical use can lead to oxidative stress that can modulate different stem cells properties, such as self-renewal, proliferation, differentiation and senescence. The aim of this study was to investigate the aging process occurring during in vitro expansion of stem cells, obtained from amniotic fluids (AFSC) at similar gestational age. The analysis of 21 AFSC samples allowed to classify them in groups with different levels of stemness properties. In summary, the expression of pluripotency genes and the proliferation rate were inversely correlated with the content of reactive oxygen species (ROS), DNA damage signs and the onset premature aging markers, including accumulation of prelamin A, the lamin A immature form. Interestingly, a specific source of ROS, the NADPH oxidase isoform 4 (Nox4), can localize into PML nuclear bodies (PML-NB), where it associates to prelamin A. Besides, Nox4 post translational modification, involved in PML-NB localization, is linked to its degradation pathway, as it is also for prelamin A, thus possibly modulating the premature aging phenotype occurrence

    Dinámica espaciotemporal a largo plazo de comunidades de cefalópodos en el mar Mediterráneo

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    The Mediterranean Sea shows a trend of increasing temperature and decreasing productivity from the western to the eastern basin. In this work we investigate whether this trend is reflected in the cephalopod assemblages found throughout the Mediterranean. Data obtained with bottom trawl surveys carried out during the last 22 years by EU Mediterranean countries were used. In addition to analysing spatial differences in cephalopod assemblages, we also analysed putative temporal changes during the last two decades. For this purpose, the basin was spatially divided into bioregions, the trawling grounds were subdivided into depth strata, and the dataset was split into two time series of 11 years each. All analyses were done using PRIMER software. The species richness did not vary with the longitudinal gradient, though in most bioregions it showed a mild decrease with depth before plummeting in the deepest waters. Cluster analysis revealed four different bathymetric assemblages in all bioregions. Despite the contrasting conditions between basins and the claims of biodiversity loss, our study revealed that spatial and temporal differences during the last two decades were restricted to changes in the relative abundance of species from a common pool of species inhabiting the whole Mediterranean.El mar Mediterráneo muestra un patrón de aumento de la temperatura y disminución de la productividad de la cuenca occidental a la oriental. En este trabajo se investiga si este patrón se refleja en las comunidades de cefalópodos que habitan el Mediterráneo. Se utilizaron datos obtenidos en campañas de arrastre de fondo realizadas durante los últimos 22 años por la mayoría de países mediterráneos de la UE. Junto con el análisis de las diferencias espaciales en las comunidades de cefalópodos, también se analizaron cambios temporales durante las dos últimas décadas. Para ello, la cuenca se dividió espacialmente en diferentes bioregiones, mientras que el conjunto de datos se dividió en dos series temporales de 11 años cada una. Todos los análisis se realizaron utilizando el software PRIMER. La riqueza específica no varió con el gradiente longitudinal, aunque en la mayoría de las bioregiones mostró una leve disminución con la profundidad antes de desplomarse en el estrato más profundo. El análisis cluster reveló cuatro comunidades batimétricas diferentes en todas las bioregiones. A pesar de las contrastadas condiciones ambientales entre las cuencas y las afirmaciones de pérdida de biodiversidad, nuestro estudio reveló que las diferencias espaciales y temporales durante las dos últimas décadas se limitaron a cambios en la abundancia relativa de las especies a partir de un conjunto faunístico común que habita todo el Mediterráneo

    SIRT6 promotes metastasis and relapse in HER2-positive breast cancer

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    The histone deacetylase sirtuin 6 (SIRT6) has been endowed with anti-cancer capabilities in many tumor types. Here, we investigate the impact of SIRT6-overexpression (SIRT6-OE) in Delta16HER2 mice, which are a bona fide model of HER2-positive breast cancer. After an initial delay in the tumor onset, SIRT6-OE induces a more aggressive phenotype of Delta16HER2 tumors promoting the formation of higher number of tumor foci and metastases than controls. This phenotype of SIRT6-OE tumors is associated with cancer stem cell (CSC)-like features and tumor dormancy, and low senescence and oxidative DNA damage. Accordingly, a sub-set of HER2-positive breast cancer patients with concurrent SIRT6-OE has a significant poorer relapse-free survival (RFS) probability than patients with low expression of SIRT6. ChIP-seq, RNA-seq and RT-PCR experiments indicate that SIRT6-OE represses the expression of the T-box transcription factor 3 (Tbx3) by deacetylation of H3K9ac. Accordingly, loss-of-function mutations of TBX3 or low TBX3 expression levels are predictive of poor prognosis in HER2-positive breast cancer patients. Our work indicates that high levels of SIRT6 are indicative of poor prognosis and high risk of metastasis in HER2-positive breast cancer and suggests further investigation of TBX3 as a downstream target of SIRT6 and co-marker of poor-prognosis. Our results point to a breast cancer subtype-specific effect of SIRT6 and warrant future studies dissecting the mechanisms of SIRT6 regulation in different breast cancer subtypes

    Pulmonary Safety Profile of Esc Peptides and Esc-Peptide-Loaded Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) Nanoparticles: A Promising Therapeutic Approach for Local Treatment of Lung Infectious Diseases

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    In recent years, we have discovered Esc(1-21) and its diastereomer (Esc peptides) as valuable candidates for the treatment of Pseudomonas lung infection, especially in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). Furthermore, engineered poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) nanoparticles (NPs) were revealed to be a promising pulmonary delivery system of antimicrobial peptides. However, the "ad hoc" development of novel therapeutics requires consideration of their stability, tolerability, and safety. Hence, by means of electrophysiology experiments and preclinical studies on healthy mice, we demonstrated that neither Esc peptides or Esc-peptide-loaded PLGA NPs significantly affect the integrity of the lung epithelium, nor change the global gene expression profile of lungs of treated animals compared to those of vehicle-treated animals. Noteworthy, the Esc diastereomer endowed with the highest antimicrobial activity did not provoke any pulmonary pro-inflammatory response, even at a concentration 15-fold higher than the efficacy dosage 24 h after administration in the free or encapsulated form. The therapeutic index was ≥70, and the peptide was found to remain available in the bronchoalveolar lavage of mice, after two days of incubation. Overall, these studies should open an avenue for a new up-and-coming pharmacological approach, likely based on inhalable peptide-loaded NPs, to address CF lung disease
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