80 research outputs found

    De los problemas sociales al bienestar y la calidad de vida

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    En la ponencia se abordarán cuatro grandes bloques temáticos. El primero relativo a los procesos psico-socio-históricos de reconocimiento y legitimación de problemas sociales y necesidades sociales; así como al análisis de las representaciones sociales vinculadas a su reconocimiento y a su afrontamiento. El segundo, relativo al reconocimiento y delimitación de los riesgos sociales y su prevención. Y el tercero, relativo a las representaciones del cambio social positivo, y particularmente a los conceptos de calidad de vida y de bienestar subjetivo y las líneas más actuales de investigación de estos constructos.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    De los problemas sociales al bienestar y la calidad de vida

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    En la ponencia se abordarán cuatro grandes bloques temáticos. El primero relativo a los procesos psico-socio-históricos de reconocimiento y legitimación de problemas sociales y necesidades sociales; así como al análisis de las representaciones sociales vinculadas a su reconocimiento y a su afrontamiento. El segundo, relativo al reconocimiento y delimitación de los riesgos sociales y su prevención. Y el tercero, relativo a las representaciones del cambio social positivo, y particularmente a los conceptos de calidad de vida y de bienestar subjetivo y las líneas más actuales de investigación de estos constructos.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech


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    ¿Cuál es el nivel educativo de los jóvenes que han pasado por el sistema de protección social a la infancia? En la mayoría de los países no se puede contestar esta pregunta. No existen datos sistemáticos ni estadísticos oficiales, exceptuandoel Reino Unido. En el presente artículo se realiza una revisión de la literatura científica española a través de estudios y programas que aportan datos indirectos o directos sobre la escolarización y el nivel formativo de los jóvenes de población general en contraste con los del sistema de protección. Algunosde estos trabajos nos indican que estos jóvenes tienen un nivel educativo bajo y un abandono escolar prematuro muy acentuado comparado con la población general, siendo ambos factores frecuentemente citados como de riesgo a la exclusión social. La invisibilidad estadística en la que se encuentrael colectivo de niños y niñas tutelados y más concretamente la referida a su educación, viene acompañada de una escasez de investigación y de programas orientados a la inclusión de estos jóvenes en los distintos niveles de educación.Esta revisión persigue abrir un debate hoy por hoy poco implantado pero necesario.ABSTRACTWhat is the educational level of young people leaving care? In most countries we can not answer this question. There are no systematic or official statistical data, except in the case of the United Kingdom in the recent years. In this article we do a review of Spanish literature through studies and programsthat provide direct or indirect data on the education and training level of young people in general population in contrast to children in care or young people leaving care. Some of these studies indicate that children in care have a low educational level and an early school leaving in compared with the generalpopulation, two factors often cited as risk to social exclusion. The statistical invisibility related to young people leaving care and specifically referring to his education, is accompanied by a shortage of research and programs focusing on the inclusion of young people in various levels of education. This review aims to open now a necessary debate

    El complejo de lóbulo del sistema turbidítico distl de Almeria: arquitectura e historia deposicional durante los últimos 575.000 años

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    This paper presents the stratigraphic architecture of the lobe complex (LC) of the distal Almeria turbidite system over the last 575 ka based on very high-resolution data (seismic parametric sub-bottom profiles, bathymetry and stable oxygen isotope core data). Its depositional architecture suggests the 575 ka oldest lobe represents a lobe system, which is essentially organized in vertical stacking of channel-levee/lobes. Their morpho-sedimentary characteristics point to: (i) this turbidite system roughly matches that of mixed sandmud composition systems; and (ii) the lateral relocation of turbidites may be conditioned by factors such as the sediment load, the energy of gravity flows, related avulsion processes and the local morphological confinement. The detailed seismofacies analysis enabled the identification of channel-levee/lobes, mass-transport deposits and hemipelagites formed over the last 269 ka. Their lateral and vertical distribution suggests that an increased submarine canyon activity and mass-movements took place during lowstand stages (MIS 8, MIS 6, MIS 4 and MIS 2) whereas hemipelagic settling dominated during the highstand stages (MIS 7 and MIS 5)Se presenta la arquitectura estratigráfica del complejo de lóbulo (LC) del sistema turbidítico distal de Almería de los últimos 575 ka basada en datos geológicos de muy alta resolución (perfiles sísmicos paramétricos, batimetría e isotopos estables de oxígeno). Su arquitectura deposicional sugiere que el lóbulo más antiguo (575 ka) está organizado por el apilamiento vertical de complejos de canal-dique/ lóbulo. Sus características morfo-sedimentarias apuntan a: (i) su coincidencia con las de los sistemas mixtos de composición areno fangosa y que (ii) la reubicación lateral de los depósitos turbidíticos pudo estar condicionada por la carga de sedimento, la energía de los procesos gravitacionales, los procesos de avulsión y el confinamiento local. El análisis detallado de las sismofacies permite la identificación de lóbulos canalizados, depósitos de transporte en masa, y hemipelagitas formados durante los últimos 269 ka. Su distribución lateral y vertical sugiere que la actividad del cañón submarino y los movimientos en masa fueron mayores durante las etapas de bajo nivel del mar (MIS 8, MIS 6, MIS 4 y MIS 2) y la sedimentación dominante sería hemipelágica durante las etapas de alto nivel del mar (MIS 7 y MIS 5

    Submarine canyons and related features in the Alboran Sea: continental margins and major isolated reliefs

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    The analysis of a data set of multibeam bathymetry plus high resolution seismic and parametric profiles allow us to characterize the geomorphologic units on the Alboran Sea-floor as well as the evolution of morpho-sedimentary systems along the Pliocene and Quaternary, later than the main erosive Messinian event. Since the opening of the Gibraltar Straits, the sedimentary evolution of this basin has been controlled by the interchange of water masses between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Basin physiography is also a consequence of the Pliocene-Quaternary compression which has progressively uplifted the sourrounding reliefs and deforms the interior and the margins of the basin. On this scenario, several submarine canyons and gullies have been developed in this basin which traverse especially the northern margin and the flanks of the Northern Alboran Ridge, without affecting the African margins. This fact must be related to the action of bottom contour currents which constitute the main morpho-sedimentary process. The influence of water masses distributed the sedimentary input carried by rivers and coming from the erosion of surrounding ranges. In the southern margin of this basin this influence is stronger and inhibits the development of transversal submarine canyons

    Beta-Cyclodextrins as affordable antivirals to treat coronavirus infection

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    The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic made evident that we count with few coronavirus-fighting drugs. Here we aimed to identify a cost-effective antiviral with broad spectrum activity and high safety and tolerability profiles. We began elaborating a list of 116 drugs previously used to treat other pathologies or characterized in pre-clinical studies with potential to treat coronavirus infections. We next employed molecular modelling tools to rank the 44 most promising inhibitors and tested their efficacy as antivirals against a panel of alpha and beta coronavirus, e.g., the HCoV-229E and SARS-CoV-2 viruses. Four drugs, OSW-1, U18666A, hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (HbetaCD) and phytol, showed antiviral activity against both HCoV-229E (in MRC5 cells) and SARS-CoV-2 (in Vero E6 cells). The mechanism of action of these compounds was studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and by testing their capacity to inhibit the entry of SARS-CoV-2 pseudoviruses in ACE2-expressing HEK-293T cells. The entry was inhibited by HbetaCD and U18666A, yet only HbetaCD could inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication in the pulmonary cells Calu-3. With these results and given that cyclodextrins are widely used for drug encapsulation and can be safely administered to humans, we further tested 6 native and modified cyclodextrins, which confirmed β-cyclodextrins as the most potent inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 replication in Calu-3 cells. All accumulated data points to beta-cyclodextrins as promising candidates to be used in the therapeutic treatments for SARS-CoV-2 and possibly other respiratory viruses.This work has been funded by grant RTI2018-094445-B100 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE) from the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain (C.R.), by Palex Medical S.A., Sika S.A.U. and 7 more companies, and by Ms. Raquel Casaus Alvarez, Mr. Miguel Pardo Gil, Mr. Jacques Noguès and a total of 2,916 citizens through the Precipita crowdfunding platform of Fecyt (Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología). NI-U is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (grant PID2020-117145RB-I00), EU HORIZON-HLTH-2021-CORONA-01 (grant 101046118) and by institutional funding of Grifols, Pharma Mar, HIPRA, Amassence and Palobiofarma. This work used the computational resources of the Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia (CESGA) supported by the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) COVID-19 Fast Track Call for Proposals – Allocation Decision – Proposal COVID19-85.N

    Cardiovascular and renal outcomes of renin-angiotensin system blockade in adult patients with diabetes mellitus: a systematic review with network meta-analyses

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    Medications aimed at inhibiting the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) have been used extensively for preventing cardiovascular and renal complications in patients with diabetes, but data that compare their clinical effectiveness are limited. We aimed to compare the effects of classes of RAS blockers on cardiovascular and renal outcomes in adults with diabetes

    Desafios atuais da psicologia na interenção social

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    Segundo o autor, os psicólogos que trabalham em intervenção psicossocial geralmente focalizam sua avaliação da mudança no nível microssocial, pessoal ou familiar. A Psicologia Social vêm destacando a importância dos contextos. Nas nossas sociedades atuais o macrocontexto possui alguma características únicas, inexistentes anteriormente: vivemos em tempos de rápidas mudanças. As novas mudanças, para os agentes que trabalham nos sistemas de bem-estar, repercutem especialmente naqueles envolvidos na nova dinâmica macrossocial. Desde essa perspectiva, pensamos na necessidade de mudança das representações sociais nos grupos sociais, de seus problemas sociais e da forma como cada um dos problemas é colocado. Indica-se a importância das dimensões não materiais da vida social nos processos de mudança social. São discutidas novas perspectivas e objetivos relativos ao conceito de qualidade de vida. Também se estuda a influência dos meios de comunicação nos processos de mudança social. E, finalmente, se apresenta um esquema que serve para refletir e discutir algumas mudanças relevantes na intervenção social

    Comentarios a El problema del mundo pequeño de Stanley Milgram: Redes, calidad de vida y complejidad

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