709 research outputs found

    Carbon allocation and carbon isotope fluxes in the plant-soil-atmosphere continuum: a review

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    The terrestrial carbon (C) cycle has received increasing interest over the past few decades, however, there is still a lack of understanding of the fate of newly assimilated C allocated within plants and to the soil, stored within ecosystems and lost to the atmosphere. Stable carbon isotope studies can give novel insights into these issues. In this review we provide an overview of an emerging picture of plant-soil-atmosphere C fluxes, as based on C isotope studies, and identify processes determining related C isotope signatures. The first part of the review focuses on isotopic fractionation processes within plants during and after photosynthesis. The second major part elaborates on plant-internal and plant-rhizosphere C allocation patterns at different time scales (diel, seasonal, interannual), including the speed of C transfer and time lags in the coupling of assimilation and respiration, as well as the magnitude and controls of plant-soil C allocation and respiratory fluxes. Plant responses to changing environmental conditions, the functional relationship between the physiological and phenological status of plants and C transfer, and interactions between C, water and nutrient dynamics are discussed. The role of the C counterflow from the rhizosphere to the aboveground parts of the plants, e.g. via CO<sub>2</sub> dissolved in the xylem water or as xylem-transported sugars, is highlighted. The third part is centered around belowground C turnover, focusing especially on above- and belowground litter inputs, soil organic matter formation and turnover, production and loss of dissolved organic C, soil respiration and CO<sub>2</sub> fixation by soil microbes. Furthermore, plant controls on microbial communities and activity via exudates and litter production as well as microbial community effects on C mineralization are reviewed. A further part of the paper is dedicated to physical interactions between soil CO<sub>2</sub> and the soil matrix, such as CO<sub>2</sub> diffusion and dissolution processes within the soil profile. Finally, we highlight state-of-the-art stable isotope methodologies and their latest developments. From the presented evidence we conclude that there exists a tight coupling of physical, chemical and biological processes involved in C cycling and C isotope fluxes in the plant-soil-atmosphere system. Generally, research using information from C isotopes allows an integrated view of the different processes involved. However, complex interactions among the range of processes complicate or currently impede the interpretation of isotopic signals in CO<sub>2</sub> or organic compounds at the plant and ecosystem level. This review tries to identify present knowledge gaps in correctly interpreting carbon stable isotope signals in the plant-soil-atmosphere system and how future research approaches could contribute to closing these gaps

    Defining human-machine micro-task workflows for constitution making

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    This paper presents a novel task-oriented approach to crowdsource the drafting of a constitution. By considering micro-tasking as a particular form of crowdsourcing, it defines a workflow-based approach based on Onto2Flow, an ontology that models the basic concepts and roles to represent workflow-definitions. The approach is then applied to a prototype platform for constitution-making where human workers are requested to contribute to a set of tasks. The paper concludes by discussing previous approaches to participatory constitution-making and identifying areas for future work.This work is part-funded by FEDER Funds, by the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) through the COMPETE Programme (Operational Programme for Competitiveness) and by National Funds through the FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within the project FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-028980 (PTDC/EEI-SII/1386/2012). The work of Nuno Luz is supported by the doctoral grant SFRH/BD/70302/2010. The work of Marta Poblet draws from previous research within the framework of the project “Crowdsourcing: instrumentos semánticos para el desarrollo de la participación y la mediación online” (DER 2012-39492-C02-01) by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Legal linked data ecosystems and the rule of law

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    This chapter introduces the notions of meta-rule of law and socio-legal ecosystems to both foster and regulate linked democracy. It explores the way of stimulating innovative regulations and building a regulatory quadrant for the rule of law. The chapter summarises briefly (i) the notions of responsive, better and smart regulation; (ii) requirements for legal interchange languages (legal interoperability); (iii) and cognitive ecology approaches. It shows how the protections of the substantive rule of law can be embedded into the semantic languages of the web of data and reflects on the conditions that make possible their enactment and implementation as a socio-legal ecosystem. The chapter suggests in the end a reusable multi-levelled meta-model and four notions of legal validity: positive, composite, formal, and ecological

    Decision-making tool for enhancing the sustainable management of cultural institutions: season content programming at Palau de la música catalana

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    There has been an increasing relevance of the cultural sector in the economic and social development of different countries. However, this sector continues without much input from multi-criteria decision-making (MDCM) techniques and sustainability analysis, which are widely used in other sectors. This paper proposes an MCDM model to assess the sustainability of a musical institution’s program. To define the parameters of the proposed model, qualitative interviews with relevant representatives of Catalan cultural institutions and highly recognized professionals in the sector were performed. The content of the 2015–2016 season of the ‘Palau de la Música Catalana’, a relevant Catalan musical institution located in Barcelona, was used as a case study to empirically test the method. The method allows the calculation of a season value index (SVI), which serves to make more sustainable decisions on musical season programs according to the established criteria. The sensitivity analysis carried out for different scenarios shows the robustness of the method. The research suggests that more complex decision settings, such as MCDM methods that are widely used in other sectors, can be easily applied to the sustainable management of any type of cultural institution. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this method was never applied to a cultural institution and with real data

    Reproductive performance of Argentine Holstein cows grouped according to genetic merit for milk production

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    Effect of groupings of Argentine Holstein cows according to genetic merit for milk production on several indicators of reproductive performance was evaluated. Reproductive data and predictions of the genetic merit (predicted transmitting ability HTP) for milk production, of 14,993 cows, born between 1994-2004 and belonging to 61 dairy farms under official control by the Royal Society of Trenque Lauquen, Buenos Aires, were used. Criteria estimated for the first four lactations were: interval between successive calvings (IEP); days open (IPC); number of services per conception (NS/C); total number of calvings (NP), milk yield in first lactation (PL/L), and lifetime yield (PLT). According to HTP values for milk yields, the three genetic groups formed were superior, medium, and inferior. Analysis of NS/C included only information from 3,901 cows for which an adequate reproductive management was assured. Over the first four production cycles, the group with highest HTP showed a lower reproductive performance in terms of longer intervals between calvings, more open days, more services per conception and few calvings, but as expected, had higher first lactation and total milk yields

    In silico assessment of the potential of basalt amendments to reduce N2O emissions from bioenergy crops

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    The potential of large‐scale deployment of basalt to reduce N2O emissions from cultivated soils may contribute to climate stabilization beyond the CO2‐removal effect from enhanced weathering. We used 3 years of field observations from maize (Zea mays) and miscanthus (Miscanthus × giganteus) to improve the nitrogen (N) module of the DayCent model and evaluate the potential of basalt amendments to reduce N losses and increase yields from two bioenergy crops. We found 20%–60% improvement in our N2O flux estimates over previous model descriptions. Model results predict that the application of basalt would reduce N2O emissions by 16% in maize and 9% in miscanthus. Lower N2O emissions responded to increases in the N2:N2O ratio of denitrification with basalt‐induced increases in soil pH, with minor contributions from the impact of P additions (a minor component of some basalts) on N immobilization. The larger reduction of N2O emissions in maize than in miscanthus was likely explained by a synergistic effect between soil pH and N content, leading to a higher sensitivity of the N2:N2O ratio to changes in pH in heavily fertilized maize. Basalt amendments led to modest increases in modeled yields and the nitrogen use efficiency (i.e., fertilizer‐N recover in crop production) of maize but did not affect the productivity of miscanthus. However, enhanced soil P availability maintained the long‐term productivity of crops with high nutrient requirements. The alleviation of plant P limitation led to enhanced plant N uptake, thereby contributing to lower microbial N availability and N2O emissions from crops with high nutrient requirements. Our results from the improved model suggest that the large‐scale deployment of basalt, by reducing N2O fluxes of cropping systems, could contribute to the sustainable intensification of agriculture and enhance the climate mitigation potential of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage strategies

    Proposal of an extended t-J Hamiltonian for high-Tc cuprates from ab initio calculations on embedded clusters

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    A series of accurate ab initio calculations on Cu_pO-q finite clusters, properly embedded on the Madelung potential of the infinite lattice, have been performed in order to determine the local effective interactions in the CuO_2 planes of La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4 compounds. The values of the first-neighbor interactions, magnetic coupling (J_{NN}=125 meV) and hopping integral (t_{NN}=-555 meV), have been confirmed. Important additional effects are evidenced, concerning essentially the second-neighbor hopping integral t_{NNN}=+110meV, the displacement of a singlet toward an adjacent colinear hole, h_{SD}^{abc}=-80 meV, a non-negligible hole-hole repulsion V_{NN}-V_{NNN}=0.8 eV and a strong anisotropic effect of the presence of an adjacent hole on the values of the first-neighbor interactions. The dependence of J_{NN} and t_{NN} on the position of neighbor hole(s) has been rationalized from the two-band model and checked from a series of additional ab initio calculations. An extended t-J model Hamiltonian has been proposed on the basis of these results. It is argued that the here-proposed three-body effects may play a role in the charge/spin separation observed in these compounds, that is, in the formation and dynamic of stripes.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Measurement of the neutron-induced fission cross section of Th 230 at the CERN n_TOF facility

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    The neutron-induced fission cross section of 230 Th has been measured at the neutron time-of-flight facility n_TOF located at CERN. The experiment was performed at the experimental area EAR-1 with a neutron flight path of 185 m, using Micromegas detectors for the detection of the fission fragments. The 230 Th(n, f ) cross section was determined relative to the 235 U(n, f ) one, covering the energy range from the fission threshold up to 400 MeV. The results from the present work are compared with existing cross-section datasets and the observed discrepancies are discussed and analyzed. Finally, using the code EMPIRE 3.2.3 a theoretical study, based on the statistical model, was performed leading to a satisfactory reproduction of the experimental results with the proper tuning of the respective parameters, while for incident neutron energy beyond 200 MeV the fission of 230 Th was described by Monte Carlo simulations.This project received funding from the Euratom “Support safe operation of nuclear systems” program 2014–2018 under Grant Agreement No. 847552 (SANDA) and by the funding agencies of the participating institutes. This research is imple- mented through the IKY scholarships program and cofinanced by the European Union (European Social Fund ’ESF) and Greek national funds through the action entitled “Reinforce- ment of Postdoctoral Researchers - 2nd call (MIS 5033021)”, in the framework of the Operational Programme “Human Resources Development Program, Education and Lifelong Learning” of the National Strategic Reference Framework.Article signat per 137 autors/es: V. Michalopoulou, A. Stamatopoulos, M. Diakaki, A. Tsinganis, R. Vlastou, M. Kokkoris, N. Patronis, Z. Eleme, D. Macina, L. Tassan-Got, N. Colonna, E. Chiaveri, A. Ventura, P. Schillebeeckx, J. Heyse, G. Sibbens, G. Alaerts, A. Borella, A. Moens, D. Vanleeuw, O. Aberle, V. Alcayne, S. Amaducci, J. Andrzejewski, L. Audouin, V. Babiano-Suarez, M. Bacak, M. Barbagallo, S. Bennett, E. Berthoumieux, J. Billowes, D. Bosnar, A. Brown, M. Busso, M. Caamaño, L. Caballero, F. Calviño, M. Calviani, D. Cano-Ott, A. Casanovas, F. Cerutti, G. Cortés, M. A. Cortés-Giraldo, L. Cosentino, S. Cristallo, L. A. Damone, P. J. Davies, M. Dietz, C. Domingo-Pardo, R. Dressler, Q. Ducasse, E. Dupont, I. Durán, B. Fernández-Domínguez, A. Ferrari, P. Finocchiaro, V. Furman, K. Göbel, R. Garg, A. Gawlik-Ramiega, S. Gilardoni, I. F. Gonçalves, E. González-Romero, C. Guerrero, F. Gunsing, H. Harada, S. Heinitz, D. G. Jenkins, A. Junghans, F. Käppeler, Y. Kadi, A. Kimura, I. Knapová, Y. Kopatch, M. Krticka, D. Kurtulgil, I. Ladarescu, C. Lederer-Woods, H. Leeb, J. Lerendegui-Marco, S. J. Lonsdale, A. Manna, T. Martínez, A. Masi, C. Massimi, P. Mastinu, M. Mastromarco, E. A. Maugeri, A. Mazzone, E. Mendoza, A. Mengoni, P. M. Milazzo, F. Mingrone, J. Moreno-Soto, A. Musumarra, A. Negret, R. Nolte, F. Ogállar, A. Oprea, A. Pavlik, J. Perkowski, C. Petrone, L. Piersanti, E. Pirovano, I. Porras, J. Praena, J. M. Quesada, D. Ramos-Doval, T. Rauscher, R. Reifarth, D. Rochman, Y. Romanets, C. Rubbia, M. Sabaté-Gilarte, A. Saxena, D. Schumann, A. Sekhar, A. G. Smith, N. V. Sosnin, P. Sprung, G. Tagliente, J. L. Tain, A. Tarifeño-Saldivia, Th. Thomas, P. Torres-Sánchez, J. Ulrich, S. Urlass, S. Valenta, G. Vannini, V. Variale, P. Vaz, D. Vescovi, V. Vlachoudis, A. Wallner, P. J. Woods, T. Wright, and P. Žugec.Postprint (published version