383 research outputs found

    Experiencia piloto ECTS en la titulación de Psicología. Asignatura: Psicología de la Educación

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    La experiencia que presentamos es la adaptación de la asignatura Psicología de la Educación al crédito ECTS. Psicología de la educación es una asignatura troncal que se imparte anualmente en tercero de Psicología, con una carga docente de 10,5 créditos. La Psicología de la Educación estudia los cambios de la conducta de los sujetos como consecuencia de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Nuestro objetivo fundamental es el estudio de las variables psicológicas con mayor incidencia en contextos educativos formales. La metodología utilizada desde la implantación del crédito ECTS incluye, clases magistrales y prácticas, actividades autoformativas, trabajos en grupo y tutorías que tienen la finalidad de guiar el estudio y trabajo autónomo del alumno. Al comparar los resultados de un curso académico tradicional con el curso de comienzo de la experiencia piloto, hemos observado un descenso en el número de alumnos que suspenden y un incremento de alumnos que obtienen mejores notas. Esto puede deberse al hecho de que el alumno ECTS no se limita a examinarse de la materia en dos momentos del proceso de aprendizaje, sino que con esta metodología el grado de implicación del alumno es durante todo el curso y su grado de implicación determina el éxito de su rendimiento académico

    Effect of Current Velocity on Cd Accumulation in the Aquatic Moss Fontinalis antipyretica

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    With the aim of further standardizing biomonitoring techniques with aquatic mosses, the relationship between the velocity of water flow and cadmium (Cd) accumulation in transplants of the moss Fontinalis antipyretica was investigated. For this purpose, moss transplants were exposed in a controlled aquatic environment to different concentrations of Cd (0, 4, 16 and 36 ng g−1) and different water velocities (10, 30, 50, 70 and 90 cm s−1). The Cd concentrations in the moss transplants mainly depended on the Cd concentration in the water, but a small fraction of the variance was explained by water velocity. The Cd concentrations in moss were standardized to remove the effect of the concentration in the water so all the data could be analyzed together. The regression model for the standardized concentrations explained 23% of the variance in Cd accumulation in F. antipyretica and water velocity proved to be a significant predictor of Cd accumulationThe study was partly financed by the Spanish Government (project CTM2016-70578-P)S

    Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii and associated risk factors in domestic pigs raised from Cuba

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    A cross-sectional study was carried out to determine the seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii and associated risk factors in pigs in the largest pork-producing region in Cuba. Serum samples from 420 pigs, including 210 sows and 210 post-weaning pigs, were tested for antibodies against T. gondii using a commercial indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Anti-T. gondii antibodies were detected in 56 animals (13.3%, 95% CI: 10.1–16.6). A generalized estimating equations model revealed that the risk factors associated with higher seropositivity in pigs were altitude (higher in farm’s location < 250 m above sea level (masl) versus ≥ 250 masl) and age (higher in sows compared to post-weaning pigs). The results indicated that this protozoan parasite is widely distributed on pig farms in the study area, which is a public health concern since the consumption of raw or undercooked pork meat products containing tissue cysts is considered one of the main routes of T. gondii transmission worldwide. Control measures should be implemented to reduce the risk of exposure to T. gondii in pigs in Cuba

    Consistencia en los estilos de madres y padres y estrés manifestado en adolescentes

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    Este estudio tenía por objetivo examinar si la atribución individual y conjunta del estilo de socialización familiar se relacionaba con las manifestaciones emocionales, fisiológicas y conductuales asociadas al estrés. Ochocientos cincuenta y siete estudiantes de educación secundaria obligatoria, con edades com prendidas entre los 12 y los 16 años, participaron en este estudio. Para identificar los diferentes estilos educativos parentales se realizaron dos análisis de clusters por separado (madres y padres) empleando las puntuaciones otorgadas en diferentes dimensiones (afecto, disciplina inductiva, disciplina rígida y disciplina negligente). Los resultados sugieren que la atribución de un estilo de socialización familiar democrático se relaciona con menores índices de manifestaciones emocionales, fisiológicas y conductuales vinculadas al estrés. Asimismo, la presencia de un padre democrático en la familia parece asociada a la reducción de manifestaciones de estrés cuando se compara con la combinación de cualquier otro patrón incongruente e incluso congruente distinto al democrático. Finalmente, los chicos afirmaron exhibir en mayor grado que las chicas manifestaciones conductuales asociadas al estrés.This study was conducted with the goal of evaluating whether individual and joined attributions of parenting styles (authoritative, permissive, affective-authoritarian and neglectful) was related to emotional, physiological and behavioral manifestations of stress. Eight hundred and fifty seven high school students of compulsory secondary education ranging 12 and 16 years old participated in the study. To identify parenting styles, two separate cluster analyses were conducted on the maternal and paternal parenting variables (caring, inductive discipline, severe discipline and indulgent discipline). Results suggested that authoritative parenting style was linked to lower levels of physiological, emotional and behavioral manifestations of stress. Moreover, the presence of an authoritative parent is linked to stress reduction when compared with any other congruent or incongruent parenting style different from the authoritative one. Finally, boys showed behavioral manifestations of stress in a higher degree than girls

    Poor sensitivity of fecal gluten immunogenic peptides and serum antibodies to detect duodenal mucosal damage in celiac disease monitoring

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    A lifelong gluten-free diet (GFD) is the only current treatment for celiac disease (CD), but strict compliance is complicated. Duodenal biopsies are the “gold standard” method for diagnosing CD, but they are not generally recommended for disease monitoring. We evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of fecal gluten immunogenic peptides (GIPs) to detect duodenal lesions in CD patients on a GFD and compared them with serum anti-tissue transglutaminase (tTG) IgA antibodies. A prospective study was conducted at two tertiary centers in Spain on a consecutive series of adolescents and adults with CD who maintained a long-lasting GFD. Adherence to a GFD and health-related quality of life were scored with validated questionnaires. Mucosal damage graded according to the Marsh–Oberhüber classification (Marsh 1/2/3) was used as the reference standard. Of the 97 patients included, 27 presented duodenal mucosal damage and 70 had normal biopsies (Marsh 0). The sensitivity (33%) and specificity (81%) of GIPs were similar to those provided by the two assays used to measure anti-tTG antibodies. Scores in questionnaires showed no association with GIP, but an association between GIPs and patients’ self-reported gluten consumption was found (p = 0.003). GIP displayed low sensitivity but acceptable specificity for the detection of mucosal damage in CD.This research was funded by a grant from Asociación Castellana de Aparato Digestivo (year 2018) to A.J.L

    Covid-19: uso y abuso de internet y teléfono móvil en estudiantes universitarios.

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a change in the life habits of the general population. In the last year, technology has constituted an effective resource for the student, at an academic, social and family level. However, despite the usefulness of new technologies, inappropriate or abusive use can lead to negative consequences in the student’s family, social and academic life. The objective of this work is to analyze the effects that the pandemic caused by COVID-19 has produced on the habits of young university students; use of new technologies, daily time dedicated to the use of the internet and mobile phone, as well as the possible problematic use of them. The simple consisted of 671 university students with different degrees from the University of Jaen. The questionnaire by Oliva et al., (2012) on the habit of using new technologies. The questions refer to the age of onset, level of use, daily time of use before and after COVID-19, type of activities that they habitually carry out on the internet and the problematic use of the internet and mobile phone in the academic, social and family. The results indicate that COVID-19 has caused an increase in the number of hours dedicated to using the internet and mobile phone. The activities for which they use the internet most frequently are academic work, email and social networks, chats or forums. Finally, among those who indicate abusive use of the internet and mobile phone, they indicated having academic, social and family problems. We can conclude that, although there is an increase in the use of new technologies as a result of COVID-19, their use in university students is mainly intended for academic training, although it is also causing some problems in different areas of life of the students.La pandemia provocada por el COVID-19 ha provocado un cambio en los hábitos de vida de la población en general. En el último año, la tecnología ha constituido para el estudiante un recurso eficaz, no solo a nivel académico sino también social y familiar. Sin embargo, a pesar de la utilidad de las nuevas tecnologías, un uso inadecuado o abusivo puede producir consecuencias negativas en la vida familiar, social y académica del estudiante. El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en analizar los efectos que ha producido la pandemia provocada por el COVID-19 en los hábitos de jóvenes universitarios; uso de las nuevas tecnologías, tiempo diario dedicado al uso de internet y teléfono móvil, así como en el posible uso problemático de los mismos. La muestra estaba compuesta por 671 estudiantes universitarios de diferentes titulaciones de la Universidad de Jaén. Se utilizó una adaptación del cuestionario de Oliva et al. (2012) sobre el hábito de uso de las nuevas tecnologías. Las cuestiones hacen referencia a la edad de inicio, nivel de uso, tiempo diario de uso antes y después del COVID-19, tipo de actividades que realizan habitualmente en internet y el uso problemático de internet y el teléfono móvil en el ámbito académico, social y familiar. Los resultados indican que la COVID-19 ha provocado un incremento en el número de horas dedicadas al uso de internet y teléfono móvil. Las actividades para las que utilizan internet con más frecuencia son la realización de trabajos académicos, correo electrónico y redes sociales, chats o foros. Finalmente, aquellos que indican hacer un uso abusivo de internet y teléfono móvil, señalaban tener problemas académicos, sociales y familiares. Podemos concluir que, aunque se produce un aumento en el uso de las nuevas tecnologías como consecuencia del COVID-19, su uso, en estudiantes universitarios se destina mayormente a la formación académica, aunque también está provocando algunos problemas en los diferentes ámbitos de la vida de los estudiantes

    Skin Cancer Prevalence in Outdoor Workers of Ski Resorts

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    Background. Snow reflectivity and altitude increase the exposure of ski resort workers to solar ultraviolet radiation. The aim was to assess the presence of skin cancer in ski resorts workers and compare it with other groups of outdoor workers reviewing published studies. Methods. An observational cross-sectional prospective study was conducted in the three largest ski resorts in Spain: Baqueira Beret, Lleida; Formigal, Huesca and Sierra Nevada, Granada. All outdoor workers including ski instructors were invited to participate in the study. The participants completed a validated questionnaire about sun exposure and underwent a skin examination. Results. 219 workers were included in the study (80% male; mean age 43.8 (SD 11.31) years). Actinic keratosis (AK) but no other skin cancers were detected in 32 participants (14.62%). Those with AK worked in the Southernmost ski resort, were more likely to have light colour hair, and were older and with higher photoaging grade than those without them. Conclusion. Compared to other studies, outdoor workers on ski resorts show a higher prevalence of AK than general population but a lower prevalence than other groups of outdoor workers. © 2020 Yolanda Gilaberte et al

    Prácticas educativas paternas y agresividad en estudiantes universitarios

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    This study analyzes the relationship between parents’ educational practices and aggressive behavior (physical aggression, verbal, anger and hostility) presented by a group of 437 university students . The instruments used were the Aggression questionnaire (Buss and Perry, 1992) and the Parental Style Assessment Scale (Oliva, Parra, Sánchez-Queija and López, 2007). The results indicate that affection, autonomy, revelation and humor manifested by both parents, are negatively related to the aggressive behavior reported by students. However, psychological control exercised by fathers and mothers was positively related to the aggressive behavior. No relationship was found between the behavioral control of fathers and mothers and the manifestation of aggressive behavior.Este estudio examina la relación existente entre las prácticas educativas paternas y el comportamiento agresivo (agresión física, verbal, ira y hostilidad) presentado por un grupo de 437 estudiantes universitarios. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron el Cuestionario de Agresividad (Buss y Perry, 1992) y la Escala para la evaluación del Estilo Parental (Oliva, Parra, Sánchez-Queija y López, 2007). Los resultados muestran que el afecto, el fomento de la autonomía, la revelación y el humor manifestados por ambos progenitores, se relacionan negativamente con el comportamiento agresivo informado por los estudiantes. Sin embargo, el control psicológico ejercido por los padres y madres se relacionó positivamente con el comportamiento agresivo. No se encontraron relaciones entre el control conductual de padres y madres y la manifestación de comportamientos agresivos