227 research outputs found

    Habilidades sociales y la expresión oral en niños de 5 años I.E Isabel Honorio de Lazarte ,Trujillo , 2022

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general determinar la relación entre habilidades sociales y expresión oral en niños de 5 años en la IE. 253 Isabel Honorio de Lazarte, Trujillo, 2022; se realizó en un enfoque cuantitativo, básica, nivel descriptivo correlacional, no experimental, con un corte transversal, donde se tuvo como muestra a 84 nios de cinco años, esta muestra fue obtenida de manera no probabilística, tipo intencional; donde la técnica utilizada fue la encuesta y se aplicó dos instrumentos para la recolección de datos denominados lista de cotejo, uno por cada variable, válidos a juicio de expertos y con una confiabilidad alta bajo el Coeficiente de fiabilidad de Alfa de Cronbach; los datos procesados con la estadística descriptiva e inferencial; los cuales indicaron en las pruebas de hipótesis que la relación es alta y significativa, por lo que se concluyó que existe relación alta y significativa entre las habilidades sociales y la expresión oral (Rho = ,778 y sig = ,000) en infantes de cinco años, 2022

    El sistema de detracciones y su influencia en la disponibilidad de efectivo de la empresa M. J. B. Transportes Sagitario S. A. C. –Trujillo en el año 2017

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    En el presente trabajo se presenta un estudio acerca de la influencia que tiene en la disponibilidad del efectivo, las detracciones que le realizan sus clientes a través de depósitos que realizan en una cuenta específica para este tipo de operaciones, por disposición de la ley, y cuyo destino es asegurar al Estado, el cobro de los tributos. La empresa se denomina “M.J.B. Transportes Sagitario S.A.C.” y el estudio abarca el ejercicio 2017; esta empresa tiene como objeto social el alquiler de volquetes y maquinaria pesada, actividad que se encuentra dentro de los alcances del sistema de detracciones, motivo por el cual sus clientes le detraen un porcentaje del monto total de lo facturado, para depositarlo en una cuenta abierta a nombre de la empresa en estudio, en el Banco de la Nación. Esta empresa tiene como clientes a empresas mineras que tienen su centro de operaciones en la sierra de la región La Libertad, en donde sus equipos operan en tres turnos de trabajo, lo que conlleva a un uso intensivo de estos activos, con el consiguiente desgaste, recurriendo constantemente al mantenimiento y reparación de dichos equipos para conservarlos en buen estado de operatividad y; por otro lado, a una constante renovación de sus equipos, cuya vida útil en la mina, son de tres años. El estudio realizado ha permitido determinar e identificar las dificultades que presenta la empresa al iniciar el trámite para solicitar la libre disposición de los fondos depositados en la cuenta de detracciones. Así, cabe mencionar que estando a puertas de los meses en que la solicitud debe presentarse, la Administración Tributaria, comunica inconsistencias a la empresa, por causales prescritas en la norma respectiva, con la finalidad de declarar dichos fondos en recaudación; en otras palabras, que la empresa no pueda liberar dicho dinero para que quede únicamente para el pago de tributos administrados o recaudados por la SUNAT. Este inconveniente obliga a la empresa a tener que endeudarse con entidades del sistema financiero para poder renovar sus equipos, así como poder darles el mantenimiento y la reparación adecuada para conservarlos en estado de operación, lo que genera el incremento de sus gastos financieros. Como consecuencia del estudio realizado, se concluye que el sistema de detracciones influye negativamente en la disponibilidad de efectivo de la empresa, pues se ha identificado que existe un alto monto inmovilizado que se destina solo para el pago de tributos.In the present work a study is presented about the influence it has on the availability of cash, the deductions made by its clients through deposits made in a specific account for this type of operations, by law, and whose destiny is to assure the State, the collection of taxes. The company is called "M.J.B. Transportes Sagitario S.A.C. "and the study covers the year 2017; This company's corporate purpose is the rental of dump trucks and heavy machinery, an activity that is within the reach of the detraction system, which is why its customers deduct a percentage of the total amount of the invoiced, to deposit it in an open account on behalf of the company under study, in the national bank. This company has as clients mining companies that have their center of operations in the mountains of the La Libertad region, where their teams operate in three shifts, which leads to an intensive use of these assets, with the consequent wear and tear, constantly resorting to maintenance and repair of such equipment to keep them in good working order and; on the other hand, a constant renewal of their equipment, whose useful life in the mine, is three years. The study conducted has made it possible to determine and identify the difficulties that the company presents when initiating the procedure to request the free disposition of the funds deposited in the drawdown account. Thus, we can mention that being at the doors of the months in which the application must be filed, the Tax Administration, communicates inconsistencies to the company, for causes prescribed in the respective norm, in order to declare said funds in collection; in other words, that the company can not release said money so that it is only for the payment of taxes administered or collected by SUNAT. This inconvenience obliges the company to have to go into debt with entities of the financial system to be able to renew their equipment, as well as being able to give them the maintenance and the adequate repair to keep them in operation state, which generates the increase of their financial expenses. As a result of the study carried out, it is concluded that the drawdown system negatively influences the company's cash availability, since it has been identified that there is a high fixed amount destined only for the payment of taxes

    Characterization of primary cilia during the differentiation of retinal ganglion cells in the zebrafish

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    BACKGROUND: Retinal ganglion cell (RGC) differentiation in vivo is a highly stereotyped process, likely resulting from the interaction of cell type-specific transcription factors and tissue-derived signaling factors. The primary cilium, as a signaling hub in the cell, may have a role during this process but its presence and localization during RGC generation, and its contribution to the process of cell differentiation, have not been previously assessed in vivo. METHODS: In this work we analyzed the distribution of primary cilia in vivo using laser scanning confocal microscopy, as well as their main ultrastructural features by transmission electron microscopy, in the early stages of retinal histogenesis in the zebrafish, around the time of RGC generation and initial differentiation. In addition, we knocked-down ift88 and elipsa, two genes with an essential role in cilia generation and maintenance, a treatment that caused a general reduction in organelle size. The effect on retinal development and RGC differentiation was assessed by confocal microscopy of transgenic or immunolabeled embryos. RESULTS: Our results show that retinal neuroepithelial cells have an apically-localized primary cilium usually protruding from the apical membrane. We also found a small proportion of sub-apical cilia, before and during the neurogenic period. This organelle was also present in an apical position in neuroblasts during apical process retraction and dendritogenesis, although between these stages cilia appeared highly dynamic regarding both presence and position. Disruption of cilia caused a decrease in the proliferation of retinal progenitors and a reduction of neural retina volume. In addition, retinal histogenesis was globally delayed albeit RGC layer formation was preferentially reduced with respect to the amacrine and photoreceptor cell layers. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that primary cilia exhibit a highly dynamic behavior during early retinal differentiation, and that they are required for the proliferation and survival of retinal progenitors, as well as for neuronal generation, particularly of RGCs.Agencia Nacional de Investigación e InnovaciónPEDECIBAInstitut Pasteur de Montevide

    Characterization of primary cilia during the differentiation of retinal ganglion cells in the zebrafish

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    Background: Retinal ganglion cell (RGC) differentiation in vivo is a highly stereotyped process, likely resulting from the interaction of cell type-specific transcription factors and tissue-derived signaling factors. The primary cilium, as a signaling hub in the cell, may have a role during this process but its presence and localization during RGC generation, and its contribution to the process of cell differentiation, have not been previously assessed in vivo. Methods: In this work we analyzed the distribution of primary cilia in vivo using laser scanning confocal microscopy, as well as their main ultrastructural features by transmission electron microscopy, in the early stages of retinal histogenesis in the zebrafish, around the time of RGC generation and initial differentiation. In addition, we knocked-down ift88 and elipsa, two genes with an essential role in cilia generation and maintenance, a treatment that caused a general reduction in organelle size. The effect on retinal development and RGC differentiation was assessed by confocal microscopy of transgenic or immunolabeled embryos. Results: Our results show that retinal neuroepithelial cells have an apically-localized primary cilium usually protruding from the apical membrane. We also found a small proportion of sub-apical cilia, before and during the neurogenic period. This organelle was also present in an apical position in neuroblasts during apical process retraction and dendritogenesis, although between these stages cilia appeared highly dynamic regarding both presence and position. Disruption of cilia caused a decrease in the proliferation of retinal progenitors and a reduction of neural retina volume. In addition, retinal histogenesis was globally delayed albeit RGC layer formation was preferentially reduced with respect to the amacrine and photoreceptor cell layers. Conclusions: These results indicate that primary cilia exhibit a highly dynamic behavior during early retinal differentiation, and that they are required for the proliferation and survival of retinal progenitors, as well as for neuronal generation, particularly of RGCs

    Emociones y sentimientos de padres que recibieron diagnóstico de Trastorno del Espectro Autista en sus hijos: Emotions and feelings of parents who received a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder in their children

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    Para las personas con Trastorno del Espectro autista (TEA), la familia debería ser su principal fuente de apoyo y aprendizaje. Las alteraciones en el desarrollo, asociadas al TEA se comienzan a evidenciar alrededor de los 18 meses, momento evolutivo del niño donde los padres se sienten con expectativas y emocionados por el aprendizaje adquirido, pero cuando se encuentran con características diferentes a las esperadas se generan en ellos diferentes emociones y sentimientos. Posterior a ello, con la llegada del diagnóstico, estas emociones se intensifican. El objetivo de esta investigación es identificar las emociones y sentimientos que enfrentan los padres cuando reciben un diagnóstico de TEA. Como métodos empíricos se utilizó una encuesta que fue validada por la autora y tutor de la investigación. De los resultados encontrados, el sentimiento que más se manifestó en los padres es el miedo. Se concluyó que los padres que reciben diagnóstico de TEA en sus hijos deben recibir intervención psicoterapéutica que les permita superar la impresión inicial, para luego poder aceptar la condición de su hijo y tomar decisiones acordes a su realidad.&nbsp

    Postural stress and risk conditions in manual load handling of Chilean industrial workers

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    Introduction: Although, there is a current regulatory framework for optimal manual handling of loads to preserve health conditions in the industrial sector, technical assessment and the use of certain instruments are still required for the diagnosis of occupational hazards. This study aimed to identify the occupational hazards associated with manual load handling in industry workers and estimate those resulting from postural stress. Methods:  Fifty-two (52) industry workers took part in this cross-sectional study. All participants were evaluated using the Manual Handling Guide and the Reba assessment tool.  Subjects were characterized, and risks associated with different tasks were detected. Results: 59.6% of workers were between 18 and 45 years old. Lifting, lowering, and transporting loads activities had a repetitive task risk of 94%, exceeding the weight limit in 85.7% of cases. Pushing and pulling activities, mostly showed a working postural risk of 82% and a high perception of initial effort (Borg> 8). Reba score warned to intervene immediately in both types of tasks. Conclusion: Risk from the manual handling of loads found in this study constitutes an alert that suggests reviewing compliance with the current regulation, as well as effective use of working pauses and the improvement of strategies to minimize physical efforts used by workers

    Elaboración de fideo enriquecido con harina de haba (vicia faba l.)Y brócoli (brassica olerace. L) como fuentes de proteína, hierro y calcio

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    Elaboración de fideo enriquecido con harina de haba (vicia faba l.)Y brócoli (brassica olerace. L) como fuentes de proteína, hierro y calcio.El presente trabajo de investigación se evaluó el enriquecimiento de fideo mediante la incorporación de nuevos ingredientes; harina de haba y pasta de brócoli, como fuentes portadoras de proteína, hierro, calcio y fósforo. Para esta investigación se utilizó un diseño completo al azar con arreglo factorial AxB, tres repeticiones y doce tratamientos, obteniendo treinta y seis unidades experimentales, cada una conformada por una mezcla de harina de trigo, harina de haba y pasta de brócoli, dando un total de 250g. El arreglo factorial tuvo cuatro niveles de harina de haba en los siguientes porcentajes 5, 10, 15 y 20%, y tres niveles de pasta de brócoli con porcentajes de 10, 15 y 20%, y harina de trigo en porcentajes de 80, 85, 90 y 95%. Dicha investigación muestra como mejor tratamiento a T1 que corresponde a la combinación de 95% de harina de trigo, 5% harina de haba y 10% pasta de brócoli, seguido por el tratamiento T5 con 90% harina de trigo, 10% harina de haba y 15% pasta de brócoli y T10 con 80% harina de trigo, 20% harina de haba y 10% pasta de brócoli

    Avaliação da qualidade de vida e satisfação sexual em mulheres com incontinência urinária sob tratamento fisioterapêutico

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    O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o quanto a incontinência urinária (IU) afeta a qualidade de vida e a satisfação sexual de mulheres incontinentes e correlacionar esses dois fatores. Como instrumento de medida da sexualidade, foi utilizado o Quociente Sexual - versão Feminina (QS-F), e para mensurar a qualidade de vida, foi realizada a aplicação de um instrumento específico para IU , o Questionário de Qualidade de Vida - King´s Health Questionnaire (KHQ). Foram avaliadas 20 pacientes com IU, sobre tratamento fisioterapêutico. Os resultados indicam que quando correlacionada com a sexualidade, observaram-se baixos índices de qualidade de vida em mulheres insatisfeitas e que quanto pior o impacto da Incontinência Urinária na vida da paciente, pior será sua qualidade de vida. Portanto, este trabalho conclui que os problemas inerentes à  incontinência afetam essas mulheres na sua qualidade de vida e satisfação sexual

    Plasticity of cell proliferation in the retina of Austrolebias charrua fish under light and darkness conditions

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    Austrolebias annual fishes exhibit cell proliferation and neurogenesis throughout life. They withstand extreme environmental changes as their habitat dries out, pressuring nervous system to adapt. Their visual system is challenged to adjust as the water becomes turbid. Therefore, this study focused on how change in photic envi- ronment can lead to an increased cell proliferation in the retina. We administered 5-chloro-2′- deoxyuridine (CldU) and 5-iodo-2′-deoxyuridine (IdU) at different temporal windows to detect cell proliferation in natural light and permanent darkness. Stem/progenitor cells were recognized as IdU+/CldU+ nuclei co-labeled with Sox2, Pax6 or BLBP found in the ciliary marginal zone (CMZ). The expression pattern of BLBP + glial cells and ultrastructural analysis indicates that CMZ has different cell progenitors. In darkness, the number of dividing cells significantly increased, compared to light conditions. Surprisingly, CMZ IdU+/CldU + cell number was similar under light and darkness, suggesting a stable pool of stem/progenitor cells possibly responsible for retinal growth. Therefore, darkness stimulated cell progenitors outside the CMZ, where Müller glia play a crucial role to generate rod precursors and other cell types that might integrate rod-dependent circuits to allow darkness adaptation. Thus, the Austrolebias fish retina shows great plasticity, with cell proliferation rates significantly higher than that of brain visual areas


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    Segundo a Organização Mundial da Saúde, os Cuidados Paliativos são uma abordagem que visa melhorar a qualidade de vida dos pacientes que enfrentam doenças ameaçadoras da vida e de seus familiares. Em 31 de outubro de 2018 por meio da Resolução de Nº 41, o Ministério da Saúde afirma que os cuidados paliativos deverão ser ofertados inclusive no Departamento de Urgência e Emergência, com foco no conforto, dignidade, melhores práticas e na Atenção Hospitalar no controle de sintomas. O presente trabalho objetiva investigar os cuidados ofertados no pronto-socorro de um complexo hospitalar de urgência e emergência referência em trauma em Minas Gerais, tendo como premissa os cuidados paliativos. Trata-se de uma pesquisa realizada por meio de seleção de amostra por conveniência, que incluiu 52 profissionais de saúde no pronto-socorro deste hospital. A coleta dos dados foi realizada no período de 07 de setembro a 02 de outubro de 2021, através de um questionário estruturado, com 16 questões fechadas e 1 (uma) questão aberta de preenchimento opcional. Os dados foram apresentados em gráficos e realizada análise descritiva e qualitativa dos resultados. A pesquisa demonstrou que já existe uma prática em cuidados paliativos sendo realizada, mesmo sem nenhuma formação específica na área, o que acaba levando a algumas deficiências de abordagem dessa prática de cuidado. Os entrevistados se mostram confortáveis em atuar usando essa abordagem e acham válida a ideia de que haja a existência de uma equipe de Cuidados Paliativos para auxiliá-los buscando melhores práticas.Palavras-chave: Cuidado Paliativo; Serviços Médicos de Emergência; Pronto-socorro. 