1,424 research outputs found

    Serious games for learning : a model and a reference architecture for efficient game development

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    Serious games for learning : a model and a reference architecture for efficient game development

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    Value stream mapping as a lean manufacturing tool: A new account approach for cost saving in a textile company

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    [EN] Companies around the world are under pressure to reduce their prices to be competitive. In order to keep profitability, they are adopting lean manufacturing (LM) and its tools to reduce waste and, consequently, the costs. Value stream mapping (VSM) is an efficient LM tool, identifying production flow waste. When it is possible to combine VSM with other LM tool, such as Kanban, a substantial impact in inventory reduction is reached. Additionally, the conventional account system shows limitations in the costs reduction to keep up with LM. The purpose of this paper is to present the results obtained by the application of the VSM combined with Kanban and the new account approach to measure the effectiveness of the cost reduction in the finished goods inventory. Considering that LM tools application in the textile segment has not an expressive number of researches, four hypothesis are presented and validated. The findings are discussed and finally, the research limitations and the practical implications originated by this work are presented as well as topics for further researches are suggested.Carvalho, C.; Carvalho, D.; Silva, M. (2019). Value stream mapping as a lean manufacturing tool: A new account approach for cost saving in a textile company. International Journal of Production Management and Engineering. 7(1):1-12. https://doi.org/10.4995/ijpme.2019.8607SWORD11271Abdulmalek, F. A., Rajgopa, J. (2007). Analyzing the benefits of lean manufacturing and value stream mapping via simulation: A process sector case study, Int. J. Production Economics, 107(1), 223-236. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2006.09.009Achanga, P., Shehab, E., Roy, R., Nelder, G. (2005). Critical success factors for lean implementation within SMEs, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 17(4), 460-471. https://doi.org/10.1108/17410380610662889Amorim, A.H. (2011). 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    Algoritmo híbrido para resolver o problema de escalonamento job shop com incertezas

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    The job shop scheduling problem is considered NP-hard. In real applications, the processing time of each task is often imprecise. Therefore, this paper deals with the job shop scheduling problem, where the processing time of each task is modeled by triangular fuzzy numbers (NTF). The aim of the problem is to find a schedule that minimizes the fuzzy makespan. In this approach it was worked with the memetic algorithm (MA) and the algorithm of ant colony system (ACS) to solve the problem. A hybridization of these two approaches called MA-ACS(CC-MO) is proposed, and to compare the efficiency of the approach is realized a comparison between three algorithms AG-ACS, ACS-ΜΑ (MO) and MA-ACS (CC-MO), using eight of the OR-Library problems.O problema de escalonamento do tipo job shop é considerado NP-difícil. Em aplicações reais, o tempo de processamento de cada tarefa é muitas vezes impreciso. Neste trabalho é abordado o problema de escalonamento do tipo job shop, onde o tempo de processamento das operações é representado por números triangulares fuzzy (NTF). O objetivo do problema é encontrar um escalonamento que minimize o makespan fuzzy. Na abordagem proposta, trabalhamos com o algoritmo memético (MA) e o algoritmo de sistema de colônia de formigas (ACS) para resolver o problema. Uma hibridização destas duas abordagens denominada MA-ACS(CC-MO) é proposta, e para comparar a eficiência da abordagem é realizada uma comparação entre três algoritmos AG-ACS, MA-ACS(MO) e MA-ACS(CC-MO), utilizando 8 problemas do OR-Library.435

    Evaluation of diabetic foot amputation rate

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    Acta Med Port. 2003 Nov-Dec;16(6):373-80. Epub 2003 Dec 1. [Evaluation of diabetic foot amputation rate]. [Article in Portuguese] Horta C, Vilaverde J, Mendes P, Gonçalves I, Serra L, Pinto PS, Almeida R, Carvalho R, Dores J, Serra MB. Serviços de Endocrinologia, Ortopedia e Cirurgia Vascular, Hospital Geral de Santo António, Porto. Abstract In 1987, it was created the first portuguese Diabetic Foot Clinic in Oporto, at the Hospital Geral de Santo António. The distinction between neuropathic and ischaemic foot was the key stone to reduce drastically the rate of major amputations in the first two years of activity. Since then and until 1995 the rate of major amputations had stabilised around 8%. The aim of the present study was to evaluate if there was any change in the last three years. A retrospective study was performed reviewing the clinical files of 843 new patients between 1998 and 2000. The 593 patients who presented with a foot ulcer with or without infection were selected: 60.4% with neuropathic foot and 39.6% with ischaemic one. Overall, 31 of the 593 patients with ulcer or infection were treated with major amputation (5.2%). There was a statistical difference between the major amputation outcome among the two types of foot (p < 0.001). Necrosis showed to carry a poor prognosis (30.7% in ischaemic foot vs 8,3% in neuropathic, p = 0.024). There was no further statistical significance for age, sex, type or duration of diabetes as risk factors for major amputation. This retrospective study has showed a slight reduction in the rate of major amputations since 1995. Poor prognosis was related to necrosis and ischaemic foot. Further improvement requires harder investment in patients' education, as well as in alerting the primary health care physicians, for the most unpredictable catastrophic complication of diabetes. PMID: 15631847 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE

    Unfolding kinetics of beta-lactoglobulin induced by surfactant and denaturant: a stopped-flow/fluorescence study

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    The beta ->alpha transition of beta-lactoglobulin, a globular protein abundant in the milk of several mammals, is investigated in this work. This transition, induced by the cationic surfactant dodecyltrimethylammonium chloride (DTAC), is accompanied by partial unfolding of the protein. In this work, unfolding of bovine beta-lactoglobulin in DTAC is compared with its unfolding induced by the chemical denaturant guanidine hydrochloride (GnHCl). The final protein states attained in the two media have quite different secondary structure: in DTAC the alpha-helical content increases, leading to the so-called alpha-state; in GnHCl the amount of ordered secondary-structure decreases, resulting in a random coil-rich final state (denatured, or D, state). To obtain information on both mechanistic routes, in DTAC and GnHCl, and to characterize intermediates, the kinetics of unfolding were investigated in the two media. Equilibrium and kinetic data show the partial accumulation of an on-pathway intermediate in each unfolding route: in DTAC, an intermediate (I-1) with mostly native secondary structure but loose tertiary structure appears between the native (beta) and alpha-states; in GnHCl, another intermediate (I-2) appears between states beta and D. Kinetic rate constants follow a linear Chevron-plot representation in GnHCl, but show a more complex mechanism in DTAC, which acts like a stronger binding species.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Covalent and noncovalent hybrids of di-amino porphyrin functionalized graphene oxide and their interaction with gold nanoparticles

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    Porphyrin functionalization of graphene oxide (GO) influenced the plasmonic effect of gold nanoparticles (AuNP). The former was achieved by modification of GO with 5,10-bis(4-aminophenyl)-15,20-diphenylpor-phyrin, P(NH2)2,adj, by noncovalent interactions as well as by covalent association, following standard chemis-try. The success of the chemical functionalization of GO with P(NH2)2,adj, was confirmed by FTIR. Steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence showed a strong fluorescence quenching of porphyrin in the presence of GO, indicative of a photoinduced electron transfer process from porphyrin units to GO, which acts as an electron acceptor. The surface plasmon coupling effect promoted by the AuNP@GO hybrids, proved to be effective only in the case of the noncovalent hybrid, detected through the decrease of the porphyrin fluorescence lifetime and increase in the emission intensity in solution, in good agreement with FLIM results on deposited samples.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Description Of The Hemipenial Morphology Of Tupinambis Quadrilineatus Manzani And Abe, 1997 (squamata, Teiidae) And New Records From Piauí, Brazil

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    Few data are available on the morphology of the hemipenis of teiid lizards, especially those of the recentlydefined genus Tupinambis, a widely-distributed group of large-bodied lizards. This study provides an illustrated description of the hemipenis of Tupinambis quadrilineatus, which is similar to that of other representatives of the Tupinambinae subfamily. 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