1,644 research outputs found

    Implementación del formato RSS (Rich Site Summary) en procesos de gestión y comunicación electrónica en instituciones educativas, públicas y empresariales

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    El presente artículo versa sobre las características y potencialidades inherentes del sistema de sindicación conocido con el nombre de RSS. Dicho sistema se configura como un recurso comunicativo on-line sumamente versátil, que puede ser aplicado desde webs institucionales pertenecientes a diferentes ámbitos, como el educativo, el empresarial o el sector público. Asimismo, analizaremos las ventajas, requisitos y especificaciones técnicas necesarias (tanto para el usuario como para la organización) para su implementación, a través de ejemplos prácticos, exponiendo finalmente la heterogeneidad de usos existentes por parte de instituciones de diversa naturaleza.The present article addresses the system of syndication known as RSS and its characteristics and inherent potentialities. This system is a highly versatile and communicative online resource, that can be applied from institutional webs in the educational sector, business and firms or the public sectors. Also, we will study the advantages, requirements and necessary engineering specifications (for usersand for organizations) needed for its implementation. This will be done through practical examples, which will reveal the heterogeneity of existing uses on the part of diverse institutions

    All else confusion: A Study of the Textual Violence on Alan Moore’s From Hell

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    [Abstract] Contrary to what is stated in the initial dedication in Alan Moore’s From Hell(1989), the book is actually far from being an account of the plight of the five women who fell to The Ripper’s knife in 1888. Instead, its fiction could be said to have been laid out in the shape of a textual edifice, built to honour the memory of its genre’s namesake: Jack. The aim of this essay is to map out the nocturnal abode where the book textual foundations can be found. The different sources of criticism used in the analysis ofFrom Hellreveal how various layers of textual violence are inflicted on the victims. This violence is instrumental in rendering their bodies a palimpsest in which the genre can perform its work of textual recreation. In the end, the sway of the genre’s meaning creation process seems to answer in the negative the question lyingat the centre of this essay:is it possible to tell an anti-misogynistic story using a misogynistic genre?Traballo fin de mestrado (UDC.FIL). Estudos ingleses avanzados e as súas aplicacións. Curso 2020/202

    Article 20 of the Unesco convention on cultural diversity: its use for promoting respect for cultural diversity in WTO Law

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    Abstract: This article deals with the “conflict clause” in the UNESCO Convention for the Promotion and Protection of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions. The relationship to WTO Law is clear, since one of the purposes of this Convention is to reaffirm the States’ “sovereign right to formulate and implement their cultural policies and to adopt measures to protect and promote the diversity of cultural expressions and to strengthen international cooperation to achieve the purposes of [the Convention] (art. 5.1) which are, among others, to give “recognition to the distinctive nature of cultural ...goods and services as vehicles of identity, values and meaning” (art. 1.(g)). The commerce of such goods and services is the object of WTO Law. In order to reaffirm the cultural sovereignty of States, the Convention refers to possible measures that States may adopt, such as “regulatory measures aimed at protecting and promoting diversity of cultural expressions” (art. 6.2.(a)). Among these measures are the well-known quotas reserving a space for domestic audiovisual products, which would normally breach the general principles of WTO Law. This article explores how the “conflict clause” set out in Article 20 of the UNESCO Convention may be successfully invoked, and where that is the case, whether the UNESCO Convention would be the applicable law. Since there is no precedent yet for successfully invoking Article 20 to apply the UNESCO Convention instead of, or as a complement to, WTO Law, this article speculates on some options opened up by interpreting international law in a way that is favourable to cultural diversity claims.   Key words: UNESCO Convention for the protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions; WTO Law, Cultural Products, Audiovisual sector, “conflict clauses” in International Treaties, conflicts of treaties in International Law, Interpretation of Treaties.   Resumen: Este artículo se centra la cláusula de solución de conflictos entre tratados contenida en la Convención de la UNESCO para la protección y la promoción de la diversidad de expresiones culturales. La relación con el Derecho de la OMC es clara, ya que uno de los objetivos de la Convención es reafirmar el derecho soberano de los Estados para implementar sus propias políticas culturales de apoyo a sus productos culturales. El principal foro donde se negocia el comercio de tales productos es la propia OMC. Este artículo explora como el artículo 20 de la Convención de la UNESCO puede ser invocado con éxito para favorecer la aplicación de la Convención. Dado que no hay un precedente similar, este artículo considera algunas opciones que la interpretación del Derecho Internacional permite para obtener un resultado favorable a las demandas de la diversidad cultural.   Palabras clave: Convención de la UNESCO para la protección y la promoción de la diversidad de las expresiones culturales; Derecho de la OMC; productos culturales, sector audiovisual; normas de solución de conflictos contenidas en tratados internacionales, conflictos entre tratados en Derecho Internacional, Interpretación de Tratados

    Planning Collaborative Learning in Virtual Environments. La planificación del aprendizaje colaborativo en entornos virtuales

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    Collaborative learning has a strong presence in technologysupported education and, as a result, practices being developed in the form of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) are more and more common. Planning seems to be one of the critical issues when elaborating CSCL proposals, which necessarily take into account technological resources, methodology and group configuration as a means to boost exchange and learning in the community. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relevance of the CSCL planning phase and weigh up the significance of its key design components as well as examining group agreement typology and its usefulness in team building and performance. To do so, research was carried out using a nonexperimental quantitative methodology consisting of a questionnaire answered by 106 undergraduate students from 5 different CSCLbased subjects. Results prove the usefulness of the planning components and the drafting of group agreements and their influence on group building and interaction. In order to ensure the quality of learning, it is essential to plan CSCL initiatives properly and understand that organizational, pedagogical and technological decisions should converge around a single goal which is to sustain the cognitive and social aspects that configure individual and group learning

    Coordinación de la ruta de señalización TOR y de la vía Greatwall-Ensa en la respuesta de diferenciación en la levadura de fusión

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    [Abstract] Cell cycle and growth is controlled by a highly conserved signaling network among eukaryotic cells, the TOR signaling pathway. This signaling network must be accurately coordinated in order to being able to properly respond to the changes in the surrounding medium. In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, two different TOR complexes mediate the integration of nutritional cues to cellular cell cycle. How the interplay between the two TOR complexes takes place is poorly understood. Here we focused in the crosstalk of the two TOR complexes through the interaction of two of its effectors: Igo1(ENSA) from TORC1 and Gad8 from TORC2. We found that Gad8 can interplay the two TOR complexes through the interaction with Igo1 (ENSA). More signaling modules to coordinate TOR functioning have been previously revealed, being this one step more in the comprehension of the pathway. Our results demonstrate that Gad8 inhibits Igo1 (ENSA) in the first 30 minutes after nitrogen depletion, and that this interaction is a requisite to obtain the maximum Igo1 (ENSA) level of phosphorylation later on and a proper and coordinated expression of the mating genes when switching from a mitotic life cycle into a meiotic one after nitrogen depletion.[Resumen] El ciclo y el crecimiento celular se encuentran regulados por una vía de señalización altamente conservada entre los eucariotas; la vía de señalización TOR. Esta vía de señalización debe estar coordinada con precisión para poder responder adecuadamente a los cambios del medio circundante. En Schizosaccharomyces pombe, dos complejos TOR diferentes median la integración de las señales nutricionales con el ciclo celular. El modo en el que se produce la interacción entre ambos complejos TOR es poco conocido. Aquí nos centramos en la diafonía entre los dos complejos TOR a través de dos de sus efectores: Igo1 (ENSA) del TORC1 y Gad8 del TORC2. Hemos encontrado que Gad8 puede conectar la acción de los dos complejos TOR a través de la interacción con Igo1 (ENSA). Previamente se han revelado más módulos de señalización TOR, siendo este un paso más en la comprensión de la ruta. Nuestros resultados demuestran que Gad8 inhibe a Igo1 (ENSA) en los primeros 30 minutos después de que se agote el nitrógeno, y demuestra también que esta interacción es necesaria para que más tarde se pueda producir el máximo nivel de fosforilación de Igo1 (ENSA), así como, una adecuada y coordinada expresión de los genes de apareamiento cuando se produce el cambio del ciclo celular mitótico al meiótico, provocado este por el agotamiento del nitrógeno.[Resumo] O ciclo e crecemento celular encóntranse regulados por unha vía de sinalización altamente conservada entre os eucariotas; a vía de sinalización TOR. Esta vía de sinalización debe estar coordinada con precisión para ser quen de responder aos cambios no medio circundante. En Schizosaccharomyces pombe, dous complexos TOR diferentes median a integración das sinais nutricionais co ciclo celular. O modo no que se produce a interacción entre ambos complexos TOR é pouco coñecido. Aquí centrámonos na diafonía entre os dous complexos a través de dous dos seus efectores: Igo1 (ENSA) do TORC1 e Gad8 do TORC2. Atopamos que Gad8 pode conectar a acción dos dous complexos a través da súa iteración con Igo1 (ENSA). Previamente reveláronse máis módulos de sinalización TOR, sendo este un paso máis na comprensión da ruta. Os nosos resultados demostran que Gad8 inhibe a Igo1 (ENSA) nos primeiros 30 minutos despois do esgotamento do nitróxeno, e demostra tamén que esta interacción é necesaria para que máis tarde se acade o máximo nivel de fosforilación de Igo1 (ENSA), así como, unha adecuada e coordinada expresión dos xenes de apareamento ao producirse o cambio do ciclo celular mitótico ao meiótico, provocado este polo esgotamento do nitróxeno.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.CIE). Bioloxía. Curso 2017/201

    The Words and Worlds of Disability: Discourses on Disablement Within the Situated Practices of Service Providers

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    From a traditional perspective, disability stood outside the normal bounds of development, belonging within the realm of pathology and the disabled person was defined as deficient. Disability may also be characterized as an instance of human diversity and disabled as a designated identity that is socially constructed in an ongoing process—an interaction between individuals and social contexts. The process of disablement is linked to discourses used to define and act upon people ascribed with a disabled identity. This study assumes that disability is an instance of human diversity, a valid developmental trajectory, which is enacted and embedded in sociocultural, political, economic, historical, and discursive contexts. Discourses contribute to how disability is understood and then enacted in policies and situated everyday practices. With a focus on the human service delivery system for developmentally disabled people, I assessed discourses and conceptualizations of disability enacted by service providers through narrative inquiry. I also collaborated with service providers through a focus group discussion, guided by sociocultural theories on teaching and learning, to introduce neurodiversity and disablement as a contextualized process. The results of this study suggest the situated nature of discourse, with varying language as it relates to local practices. Situated practice-based discourses enacted “on the ground” were in tension with local/service-driven and deficit-based languages. The ways of conceptualizing and understanding disability, however, were consistently that of a socially contextualized construct. Service providers negotiated different positions in attempts to exercise agency and contest the designation of passivity attributed to disabled people they work with. Their language, however, varied and incorporated deficit-based, local, and situated practice-based discourses. Although disability is understood as a complex process beyond personal deficiency, discourses appear to remain in transition

    Design and implementation of an e-commerce web application for a food store

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    [Abstract]: Over the last few years, technology has experienced an exponential growth, fuelled in part by the COVID-19 epidemiological situation. This circumstance has resulted in a remarkable change in society’s consumption habits, as more and more consumers are choosing to purchase goods over the Internet. Derived from this behavior, companies must adapt to the demands of the new reality, to gain a foothold in the market and maintain their competitiveness. Related to the previous case, in this final degree project, it has been designed and developed a web application for online seafood sales. The implemented software will allow users to sign up and login into the platform, in which they will have access to the different products from the catalogue, being able to make their purchases, pay them online and view a record ofthe orders placed. To achieve the previously stated objectives, the developed web application has been implemented based on a layered architecture, more in details, following the client-server modeland using Java, Spring Boot and Hibernate for the back-end and JavaScript, React and Reduxfor the front-end.[Resumo]: A continua evolución e expansión tecnolóxica ao longo dos últimos anos e a situación epidemiolóxica da COVID-19 propiciaron novos hábitos de consumo na sociedade actual. Cada vez son máis os consumidores que optan por comprar bens a través de Internet. Derivado deste comportamento, as empresas deben adaptarse ás esixencias da nova realidade, para lograr un oco no mercado e manter a súa competitividade. Vinculado a esta casuística, neste traballo de fin de grao deseñouse e desenvolveuse unha aplicación web para a venda en liña de produtos do mar. O software implementado permitirá o rexistro e acceso de usuarios á plataforma, na que terán acceso aos diferentes produtos do catálogo, podendo realizar pedidos, pagalos en liña e consultar un histórico dos mesmos. Para acadar os obxectivos anteriormente mencionados, implantouse unha aplicación web baseada nunha arquitectura en capas, seguindo concretamente o modelo cliente-servidor, destacando o uso de Java, Spring Boot e Hibernate para o lado do back-end e JavaScript, React eRedux para o front-end.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FIC). Enxeñaría Informática. Curso 2021/202