1,077 research outputs found

    CronologĂ­a de los obispos mindonienses del siglo X

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    Eneas en la narrativa de Michel Butor

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    Como otros escritores del Nouveau Roman1, Michel Butor recrea en su obra, bajo el envoltorio narrativo propio de la modernidad experimental, unos relatos fabulosos y ejemplares que vienen a expresar, según sus propias palabras, “relaciones eternas y universales en medio del extraño mundo contemporáneo”. Esos relatos fundamentales protagonizados por personajes míticos se convierten así, de manera bastante explícita, en principios dinamizadores de las novelas de su primera etapa narrativa.Tal es el caso de Eneas, el héroe troyano ensalzado por Virgilio como fundador de Roma, que sustenta gran parte de la urdimbre mítica de La Modification (1957). Es ésta una novela compleja y fragmentaria en la que se entrecruzan y confluyen numerosos relatos fundamentales, que la convierten, como veremos, en un auténtico “palimpsesto de carácter mítico”

    Samuel Beckett: CĂłmo decir la imposible imagen

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    Cet article étudie des textes essentiels de Samuel Beckett publiés dans les années quatre-vingt, écrits originellement en français, et souvent relégués par la critique, étant donné le succès éblouissant des deux grandes trilogies, et dramatique et narrative. Mal vu, mal dit (1981), L’Image (1988) et Commentdire (1989) offrent le reflet spéculaire du processus de leur élaboration littéraire, où visualiser et verbaliser constituent les deux faces de la même monnaie, hantée par l’échec du mal voir et du mal dire. De même que pour son ami le peintre hollandais Bam Van Velde, dont la peinture a inspiré chez Beckett des remarques révélatrices pouvant s’appliquer à son propre oeuvre littéraire, il s’agit d’être capable d’exprimer une image intérieure incertaine, évanescente et, à la limite, insaisissable, qui ne peut donner lieu qu’à des descriptions “indécidables”

    An Undergraduates Perspective to Fieldwork

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    Studies on the Protein Changes in Skeletal Muscles of Gulf Coast Finfish Species Associated With Frozen Storage, Formaldehyde Addition and Freeze-Thawing Cycles.

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    The effects of frozen storage, formaldehyde addition and freeze-thawing cycles were determined using three finfish species from the Gulf of Mexico, spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus), black drum (Pogonias cromis) and mullet (Mugil cephalus). Frozen storage of spotted seatrout fillets at -20\sp\circC for 6 weeks led to reductions in pH, water-binding capacity and solubility of salt-extractable proteins. SDS-Polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic examination of the salt-extractable proteins showed that as time of storage increased, aggregation of high-molecular weight components occurred. The addition of 300 ppm formaldehyde prior to frozen storage did not produce significant changes. However, muscles containing 500 ppm formaldehyde showed decreases in pH, water-binding capacity, solubility of salt-extractable proteins and extensive diminution of high-molecular weight proteins on electrophoretic gels after 6 weeks of storage. Frozen storage of black drum fillets at -20\sp\circC for 6 weeks led to a loss in solubility of salt-extractable proteins, decrease in water-binding capacity and increase in expressible moisture. Electrophoretic gel patterns of salt-extractable proteins showed complete insolubilization of high-molecular weight proteins. Protein extractions using 4% SDS and 5% NaCl in 0.02 M NaHCO\sb3 (pH 7.2) with or without 5% 2-mercaptoethanol revealed that protein aggregation during frozen storage were due the formation of hydrogen, hydrophobic and disulfide bonds. The reduction of proteins in SDS solutions suggests that intermolecular covalent crosslinks could also be formed. Black drum and mullet muscles with to 3 freeze-thaw cycles (done by freezing at -20\sp\circC for 24 hrs and thawing in a refrigerator at 4-5\sp\circC overnight) did not show significant changes in protein properties. With 5 freeze-thaw cycles, an increase in expressible moisture and extensive reductions in salt-extractable protein, water-binding capacity and protein components on electrophoretic gels occurred. Differential protein extraction revealed that hydrophobic and disulfide bonds were involved during protein denaturation with increased freeze-thaw cycles. Elution profiles of salt-extractable proteins from spotted seatrout by high-performance gel permeation chromatography showed that low-molecular weight degradation products are formed during frozen storage. The solubility of these proteins during frozen storage decreased as formaldehyde concentration increased. No significant changes were observed with those from mullet with 0, 1 and 3 freeze-thaw cycles

    Méroé, de Olivier Rolin (I): Escritura del Yo y de la Historia

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    This article --conceived as the cover page of a brochure that will be completed in a following work-studies the narrative and thematic overlapping of personal history and collective history that occurs in a complexly structured account, governed by the fluctuations of an «archaeological» memory, with great locative, affective and analogical power. The f irst-person narrator, strongly implicated in the events related, reflects in an obsessive way on the subjects of defeat and failure, both from historical and personal perspective.En el presente artículo —concebido como primer panel de un díptico que se completará en un próximo trabajo— se estudia la imbricación tanto narrativa como temática entre la historia individual y la historia colectiva que se produce en un relato de estructura compleja, regida por los vaivenes de una memoria «arqueológica», de gran fuerza locativa, afectiva y analógica. El narrador en primera persona, emocionalmente implicado en los hechos que narra, reflexiona de manera obsesiva sobre los temas de la derrota y el fracaso, tanto desde un punto de vista histórico como personal
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