2,180 research outputs found

    Study of hybrid air vehicles stability using computational fluid dynamics

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    This paper uses Computational Fluid Dynamics to predict aerodynamic damping of airships or hybrid air vehicles. This class of aircraft is characterised by large lifting bodies combining buoyancy and circulatory lift. Damping is investigated via forced oscillations of the vehicle in pitch and yaw. The employed method is verified using data for lighter than air vehicles. The use of fins and stabilisers was found to be beneficial. The rear part of the body was dominated by separated flow that containedmore frequencies than the forcing frequency imposed on the body. The final design is seen to be dynamically stable across a range of conditions for small pitch angles

    CFD investigation of a complete floating offshore wind turbine

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    This chapter presents numerical computations for floating offshore wind turbines for a machine of 10-MW rated power. The rotors were computed using the Helicopter Multi-Block flow solver of the University of Glasgow that solves the Navier-Stokes equations in integral form using the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian formulation for time-dependent domains with moving boundaries. Hydrodynamic loads on the support platform were computed using the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method. This method is mesh-free, and represents the fluid by a set of discrete particles. The motion of the floating offshore wind turbine is computed using a Multi-Body Dynamic Model of rigid bodies and frictionless joints. Mooring cables are modelled as a set of springs and dampers. All solvers were validated separately before coupling, and the loosely coupled algorithm used is described in detail alongside the obtained results

    CFD and aeroelastic analysis of the MEXICO wind turbine

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    This paper presents an aerodynamic and aeroelastic analysis of the MEXICO wind turbine, using the compressible HMB solver of Liverpool. The aeroelasticity of the blade, as well as the effect of a low-Mach scheme were studied for the zero-yaw 15m/s wind case and steady- state computations. The wake developed behind the rotor was also extracted and compared with the experimental data, using the compressible solver and a low-Mach scheme. It was found that the loads were not sensitive to the Mach number effects, although the low-Mach scheme improved the wake predictions. The sensitivity of the results to the blade structural properties was also highlighted

    Geography, (M)Other Tongues and the Role of Translation in Giannina Braschi\u27s El imperio de los sueños

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    The Big Apple seems to be the central axis for the readerly and writerly I in El imperio de los sueños (Empire of Dreams), by Giannina Braschi. Readers can easily realize that the text is not just about New York, but that it actually journeys through praise and blame, drinking and dancing, talking and perversing many other cities and landscapes. El imperio is a space of bohemia with streaks from the Latin American Quarter in Paris, the barrio chino barcelonés, the zaguanes of Borges\u27s Buenos Aires, from colonial houses in Old San Juan; it evokes dandy places, the Madrid of the Profane Comedy, also, of course, an Empire State full of shepherds and other poetic voices. This textual geography, intertwined with socio-political maps and blueprints of different cultural systems and manners, leads to a boiling pot of literary references. In sync with its new maps of New York, Russia, Puerto Rico, Spain, and Latin America, El imperio represents Spanish as a strong and vivid character chiseled after many national and communal forms and frames of meaning; nothing along the lines of a preformulated vehicle for Braschi\u27s narrative and/or poetic acts. The text displays an endless mix-and-match of Puerto Rican idioms—both from the Island and from the Spanish spoken in New York by Puerto Ricans—with expañolismos, argentinismos, and other renditions of Spanish. The tongue of Spain, the madre patria, thus multiplies its performative potential and expands the role of translation. In El imperio Spanish is not just a process to move meanings beyond its lettered confinements, out of its grammatically correct boundaries, into another—or foreign—language, but a way to show off its own capacity for otherness

    Intervención social en el abordaje y prevención de conductas de discriminación y violencia en adolescentes

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    Violent and discriminatory conducts in teenagers and young people represent a social problem whose impact seems to maintain a certain tendency to increase. In this article the state of matter is examined referring to the expressions of the conducts with a higher impact and seriousness among young people. Then we relate them to the concept of Authoritarian attitude. Next, an analysis of the explanatory variables is presented, and some reflections for the social intervention in the approach and prevention of them are proposed.Las conductas violentas y discriminatorias en adolescentes y jóvenes constituyen un problema social cuya incidencia parece mantener cierta tendencia al aumento. En este artículo se examina el estado de la cuestión en cuanto a las manifestaciones de estas conductas de mayor incidencia y gravedad entre los jóvenes, y las ponemos en relación en torno al concepto de «actitud autoritaria». A continuación se presenta un análisis de las posibles variables explicativas y se proponen algunas reflexiones para la intervención social en el abordaje y prevención de las mismas

    Hipersuperficies con líneas de curvatura planas en espacios euclideanos

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    In this work, we present explicit parameterizations of hypersurfaces parameterized by lines of curvature with prescribed Gauss map and we characterize the hypersurfaces with planar curvature lines. As an applicationwe obtain a classification of isothermic surfaces with respect to the third fundamental form with two planar curvature lines. Also, we present a class of surfaces with one family of planar curvature lines and generalize these results to present classes of hypersurfaces with families of planar curvature lines.En este trabajo, presentamos parametrizaciones explícitas de hipersuperficies parametrizadas por líneas de curvatura con aplicación de Gauss prescrita y caracterizamos las hipersuperficies con líneas de curvatura planas. Como aplicación obtenemos una clasificación de superficies isotérmicas con respecto a la tercera forma fundamental con dos líneas de curvatura planas. También, presentamos una clase de superficiescon una familia de líneas de curvatura plana y generalizamos estos resultados para presentar clases de hipersuperficies con familias de líneas de curvatura planas.

    CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots modificados con Calix[8]arenos como nanosensor de fullereno. Monitorización de aguad

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    II Encuentro sobre nanociencia y nanotecnología de investigadores y tecnólogos de la Universidad de Córdoba. NANOUC