451 research outputs found

    Approaching invasive species in Madagascar

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    While a number of plants, animals, and insects in Madagascar have been called 'invasive', the topic of invasive species has until recently received less attention here than in other island contexts. Some species, often alien to Madagascar and introduced by humans, have expanded their range rapidly and have had both negative and positive effects on landscapes, on native biodiversity, and on livelihoods. Examples include the prickly pear (raketa), the silver wattle (mimosa), and, recently, the Asian common toad (radaka boka). Building on a conceptual approach to 'invasive species', this paper emphasizes the importance of inclusive and deliberative site- and population - specific management of invasive species. It analyses three separate concepts commonly used in definitions of invasion: the origin, behaviour, and effects of particular species. It places these concepts in their broader social and ecological context, with particular attention to local perspectives on invasive species. We illustrate these concepts with Malagasy examples and data. The examples demonstrate that while invasions can have dramatic consequences, there can be multiple, often competing, interests as well as site - specific biophysical, environmental, and cultural considerations that need to be taken into account when designing policy and management interventions. We conclude with a number of lessons learned. RESUME FRANCAIS Contrairement à la plupart des autres îles, et en dépit du qualificatif 'invasif' rattaché depuis longtemps à certaines espèces qui s'y sont naturalisées, les réflexions autour de l'approche des espèces invasives à Madagascar demeurent récentes. L'opuntia (Opuntia spp.) figure certes parmi les plus anciens exemples d'espèces traités dans la littérature sur les invasions biologiques. Mais ce n'est vraiment qu'avec le retentissement médiatique autour de la détection en 2011 de la présence du crapaud masqué (Duttaphrynus melanostictus) et la recherche d'une parade appropriée que s'est affirmée la nécessité de traiter cette question des espèces invasives en tant que telle. Une posture nativiste et uniforme qui ignorerait la spécificité des contextes biophysiques et socio - économiques locaux, mais aussi la pluralité des formes d'invasion biologique et des défi- nitions qui s'y rattachent, ne saurait être privilégiée. L'article montre qu'il s'agit de situer les réflexions dans un contexte insulaire socio - économique dans lequel les espèces allogènes tiennent depuis longtemps une large place. Il défend en outre la nécessité d'envisager les espèces invasives non pas selon une forme de perception unique et autoritariste, mais selon une diversité de points de vue, conforme aux conflits d'intérêts qui se manifestent parfois, et mettant plutôt en avant le caractère exogène des espèces invasives, leurs effets (négatifs, mais aussi positifs) sur le milieu, ou leur mode de fonctionnement (disper- sion, dominance) dans des contextes spécifiques et locaux. Il convient en particulier d'observer qu'aux coûts générés par les invasions biologiques peuvent s'ajouter des bénéfices économiques, et que les impacts écologiques néfastes peuvent se combiner avec des incidences heureuses, y compris auprès d'espèces indigènes en situation critique. En outre, le point de vue des populations humaines, leur connaissance d'espèces invasives quotidiennement rencontrées, leur réticence à scin- der le vivant en espèces indigènes et allogène, mais aussi leur vision pragmatique, ne sauraient être mésestimés, et moins encore oubliés. Enfin, l'article invite à prendre du recul face aux effets rhétoriques liés aux discours conventionnels sur les inva- sions biologiques, à éviter les amalgames et les généralisations excessives, à tenir compte des contraintes environnementales mais aussi des aspirations socio - économiques des populations locales, et à prendre en compte la diversité des spécificités locales, qu'elles soient biophysiques ou sociales. En conclusion, il est sans doute heureux que Madagascar n'ait rejoint que très récemment la mouvance internationale des réflexions sur les espèces invasives : cela lui permet en effet d'être en mesure de disposer d'une position équilibrée, déjouant certains discours catastrophistes, et préférant une approche résolument contextualisée, à l'échelle nationale comme aux échelles régionales

    Designing prevention programmes to reduce incidence of dementia: prospective cohort study of modifiable risk factors

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    Objective To estimate the percentage reduction in incidence of dementia that would be obtained if specific risk factors were eliminated

    Gallot-Tanno Theorem for closed incomplete pseudo-Riemannian manifolds and applications

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    We extend the Gallot-Tanno Theorem to closed pseudo-Riemannian manifolds. It is done by showing that if the cone over a manifold admits a parallel symmetric (0,2)(0,2)-tensor then it is Riemannian. Applications of this result to the existence of metrics with distinct Levi-Civita connections but having the same unparametrized geodesics and to the projective Obata conjecture are given. We also apply our result to show that the holonomy group of a closed (O(p+1,q),Sp,q)(O(p+1,q),S^{p,q})-manifold does not preserve any nondegenerate splitting of Rp+1,q\R^{p+1,q}.Comment: minor correction

    Biological validation of coenzyme Q redox state by HPLC-EC measurement: relationship between coenzyme Q redox state and coenzyme Q content in rat tissues

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    AbstractThe properties of coenzymes Q (CoQ9 and CoQ10) are closely linked to their redox state (CoQox/total CoQ)×100. In this work, CoQ redox state was biologically validated by high performance liquid chromatography-electrochemical measurement after modulation of mitochondrial electron flow of cultured cells by molecules increasing (rotenone, carbonyl cyanide chlorophenylhydrazone) or decreasing (antimycin) CoQ oxidation. The tissue specificity of CoQ redox state and content were investigated in control and hypoxic rats. In control rats, there was a strong negative linear regression between tissular CoQ redox state and CoQ content. Hypoxia increased CoQ9 redox state and decreased CoQ9 content in a negative linear relationship in the different tissues, except the heart and lung. This result demonstrates that, under conditions of mitochondrial impairment, CoQ redox control is tissue-specific

    The persistence landscape and some of its properties

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    Persistence landscapes map persistence diagrams into a function space, which may often be taken to be a Banach space or even a Hilbert space. In the latter case, it is a feature map and there is an associated kernel. The main advantage of this summary is that it allows one to apply tools from statistics and machine learning. Furthermore, the mapping from persistence diagrams to persistence landscapes is stable and invertible. We introduce a weighted version of the persistence landscape and define a one-parameter family of Poisson-weighted persistence landscape kernels that may be useful for learning. We also demonstrate some additional properties of the persistence landscape. First, the persistence landscape may be viewed as a tropical rational function. Second, in many cases it is possible to exactly reconstruct all of the component persistence diagrams from an average persistence landscape. It follows that the persistence landscape kernel is characteristic for certain generic empirical measures. Finally, the persistence landscape distance may be arbitrarily small compared to the interleaving distance.Comment: 18 pages, to appear in the Proceedings of the 2018 Abel Symposiu

    Similar Genetic Basis of Resistance to Bt Toxin Cry1Ac in Boll-Selected and Diet-Selected Strains of Pink Bollworm

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    Genetically engineered cotton and corn plants producing insecticidal Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxins kill some key insect pests. Yet, evolution of resistance by pests threatens long-term insect control by these transgenic Bt crops. We compared the genetic basis of resistance to Bt toxin Cry1Ac in two independently derived, laboratory-selected strains of a major cotton pest, the pink bollworm (Pectinophora gossypiella [Saunders]). The Arizona pooled resistant strain (AZP-R) was started with pink bollworm from 10 field populations and selected with Cry1Ac in diet. The Bt4R resistant strain was started with a long-term susceptible laboratory strain and selected first with Bt cotton bolls and later with Cry1Ac in diet. Previous work showed that AZP-R had three recessive mutations (r1, r2, and r3) in the pink bollworm cadherin gene (PgCad1) linked with resistance to Cry1Ac and Bt cotton producing Cry1Ac. Here we report that inheritance of resistance to a diagnostic concentration of Cry1Ac was recessive in Bt4R. In interstrain complementation tests for allelism, F1 progeny from crosses between AZP-R and Bt4R were resistant to Cry1Ac, indicating a shared resistance locus in the two strains. Molecular analysis of the Bt4R cadherin gene identified a novel 15-bp deletion (r4) predicted to cause the loss of five amino acids upstream of the Cry1Ac-binding region of the cadherin protein. Four recessive mutations in PgCad1 are now implicated in resistance in five different strains, showing that mutations in cadherin are the primary mechanism of resistance to Cry1Ac in laboratory-selected strains of pink bollworm from Arizona

    Notes on a paper of Mess

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    These notes are a companion to the article "Lorentz spacetimes of constant curvature" by Geoffrey Mess, which was first written in 1990 but never published. Mess' paper will appear together with these notes in a forthcoming issue of Geometriae Dedicata.Comment: 26 page

    A standardised static in vitro digestion method suitable for food – an international consensus

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    peer-reviewedSimulated gastro-intestinal digestion is widely employed in many fields of food and nutritional sciences, as conducting human trials are often costly, resource intensive, and ethically disputable. As a consequence, in vitro alternatives that determine endpoints such as the bioaccessibility of nutrients and non-nutrients or the digestibility of macronutrients (e.g. lipids, proteins and carbohydrates) are used for screening and building new hypotheses. Various digestion models have been proposed, often impeding the possibility to compare results across research teams. For example, a large variety of enzymes from different sources such as of porcine, rabbit or human origin have been used, differing in their activity and characterization. Differences in pH, mineral type, ionic strength and digestion time, which alter enzyme activity and other phenomena, may also considerably alter results. Other parameters such as the presence of phospholipids, individual enzymes such as gastric lipase and digestive emulsifiers vs. their mixtures (e.g. pancreatin and bile salts), and the ratio of food bolus to digestive fluids, have also been discussed at length. In the present consensus paper, within the COST Infogest network, we propose a general standardised and practical static digestion method based on physiologically relevant conditions that can be applied for various endpoints, which may be amended to accommodate further specific requirements. A frameset of parameters including the oral, gastric and small intestinal digestion are outlined and their relevance discussed in relation to available in vivo data and enzymes. This consensus paper will give a detailed protocol and a line-by-line, guidance, recommendations and justifications but also limitation of the proposed model. This harmonised static, in vitro digestion method for food should aid the production of more comparable data in the future.COST action FA1005 Infogest22 (http://www.cost-infogest.eu/) is acknowledged for providing funding for travel, meetings and conferences

    The government policy related to sugar-sweetened beverages in Indonesia

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    -There are several options to enforce reduction in the use of sugary drinks such as strengthening regulations, taxation on the products and food labeling. Aims & Objectives: 1) Identify the policy in Indonesia that regulates the quantity and the use of sugar in a beverage product; 2) Describe the sugar content in sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) and its impact on human health. Material & Methods: Literature search on sugar use and tax policies on SSB was conducted and 6 relevant documents were found. A total of 91 SSB products were selected systematically by randomly selecting 5 beverages per day for 20 days. Beverages chosen were certified Halal by Majelis Ulama Indonesia, having product labeling, and certified by BPOM. Results: Indonesia has no policy related to restriction of sugar use. The contribution of sugar to energy of SSB products is quite high (75.68%). SSB intake may increase the risk of obesity and non-communicable diseases. Conclusion: The absence of tax policy and rules for regulating the use of sugar in a product can cause an increase in sugar consumption per day. It could potentially lead to non-communicable diseases and could have enormous consequences in health financing. The government needs to create policies for preventing the widespread impact of sugar consumption. Advocacy efforts to encourage the establishment of SSB taxation should be done