9 research outputs found

    Caracterización preliminar de las Milonitas de Tilama, región de Coquimbo, Cordillera de la Costa

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    Tesis (Geólogo)En el valle de Tilama, ubicado en la región de Coquimbo, en el borde Oeste de la Cordillera de la Costa (31°57’50”S a 32°05’34”S) se identifican milonitas de dirección N–S que no se encuentra descrita en la carta Quillota - Portillo (Rivano et al., 1993). Debido a lo anterior, se investigó la génesis de las milonitas mediante un mapeo de superficie, contacto entre intrusivos y andesitas; identificación de indicadores cinemáticos macroscópicos y microscópicos; descripción de la mineralogía del protolito y de minerales de recristalización que indican temperatura y profundidad de formación. En el Cretácico inferior se emplaza un intrusivo tonalítico que intruye rocas volcano sedimentarias generando un plegamiento tipo bending, metamorfismo de contacto, deformación de cizalle simple dextral (falla una trascurrente N-S) y estructuras (foliación) y rocas (milonitas) asociadas a regímenes dúctiles. Macroscópicamente las milonitas (tonalita y andesita) se caracterizan porque presentan una dirección N–S y reducción de minerales de cuarzo por transferencia de masa, puntos triples, porfiroclastos, colas de tipo φ y estructuras S-C. Microscópicamente, las milonitas (tonalita y andesita) presentan puntos triples, colas, estructuras SC, foliación penetrativa, lineaciones microscópicas y macroscópicas en los minerales granulares y tabulares con orientación N-S constituyendo una evidencia de la dirección de propagación de la deformación que podría relacionarse a un estado de strain bajo a intermedio, en un régimen transpresivo dominado por cizalle simple. Cuarzos recristalizados en las milonitas con deformación intensa indican una transición a un estado de milonitización menos resistente y de grado bajo a medio entre los 350°- 400°C y 13 - 16 km de profundidad. Considerando que las dos unidades miloníticas presentan similitudes en la composición y grado de deformación, se relacionen a un evento tectónico que permitió su deformación. Finalmente, de acuerdo con la información capturada en terreno y a las descripciones de los cortes transparentes, los resultados de este trabajo sugieren que las milonitas de Tilama se formaron en un ambiente transpesivo dextral en una zona de debilidad cortical asociado a un evento tectonomagmático previo a la exhumación de estas rocas durante el Cretácico inferior

    The coming decade of digital brain research: a vision for neuroscience at the intersection of technology and computing

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    In recent years, brain research has indisputably entered a new epoch, driven by substantial methodological advances and digitally enabled data integration and modelling at multiple scales— from molecules to the whole brain. Major advances are emerging at the intersection of neuroscience with technology and computing. This new science of the brain combines high-quality research, data integration across multiple scales, a new culture of multidisciplinary large-scale collaboration and translation into applications. As pioneered in Europe’s Human Brain Project (HBP), a systematic approach will be essential for meeting the coming decade’s pressing medical and technological challenges. The aims of this paper are to: develop a concept for the coming decade of digital brain research, discuss this new concept with the research community at large, to identify points of convergence, and derive therefrom scientific common goals; provide a scientific framework for the current and future development of EBRAINS, a research infrastructure resulting from the HBP’s work; inform and engage stakeholders, funding organisations and research institutions regarding future digital brain research; identify and address the transformational potential of comprehensive brain models for artificial intelligence, including machine learning and deep learning; outline a collaborative approach that integrates reflection, dialogues and societal engagement on ethical and societal opportunities and challenges as part of future neuroscience research

    Changement cognitif ou transformation du rôle social de l'expert? : sociologie des experts du risque routier dans une approche comparative France-Québec : le cas des audits de sécurité routière

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    Si les techniques ingénicrialcs, utilisées dans les années 1960-1970, ont été déployées dans la construction de vastes infrastructures routières afin de rechercher lc bien être social et humain par la mobilisation de la science et de la technique, les méthodes ingénieriales actuelles recouvrent de nouvelles ambitions. De prime abord, la transition semble nette. Ce n'est plus aujourd'hui à l'usager de se conformer aux transformations de son environnement routier mais aux ingénieurs de construire une infrastructure routière adaptée à la pluralité des comportements des conducteurs. L'introduction de l'audit de sécurité routière au sein du Ministère de l'Ecologie, du Développement Durable et de la Mer (MEEDDM) et du Ministère des Transports du Québec (MTQ), illustre ce tournant. Il s'exerce dans le cadre d'un dispositif de contrôle renouvelé aux fins d'indépendance de l'expertise et initie une nouvelle approche. Appelée approche proactive, cette dernière rompt avec les précédentes en dépassant le simple contrôle technique de l'infrastructure par la mobilisation de savoirs expérientiels professionnels et de conducteur, propres à chacun des auditeurs, afin de répondre aux dimensions comportementales des usagers. C'est la transformation cognitive initiée par l'audit qui fera l'objet de notre attention dans cette thèse ct, plus particulièrement, le changement apporté par l'utilisation des savoirs expérientiels. Nous constaterons que le renouvellement de l'approche ingénierialc sc double paradoxalement de la pregnance de cadres cognitifs traditionnels renvoyant aux cultures ingénieriales propres à la France et au Québec. L'ambivalence de ce constat mettra en exergue le fait que l'introduction de l'audit de sécurité routière relève moins d'un changement cognitif que d'une transformation du rôle social de l'expert renvoyant à l'exercice de nouvelles formes de légitimité de l'action publique. L'attention portée aux particularités comportementales des usagers et la mise en oeuvre d'un contrôle indépendant montreront que ce renouvellement de l'instrumentation de l'ingénierie routière incarne l'exercice de légitimités contemporaines de l'action publique

    Isocitrate dehydrogenase wt and IDHmut adult-type diffuse gliomas display distinct alterations in ribosome biogenesis and 2’O-methylation of ribosomal RNA

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    International audienceBackground High-grade adult-type diffuse gliomas (HGGs) constitute a heterogeneous group of aggressive tumors that are mostly incurable. Recent advances highlighting the contribution of ribosomes to cancer development have offered new clinical perspectives. Here, we uncovered that isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH)wt and IDHmut HGGs display distinct alterations of ribosome biology, in terms of rRNA epitranscriptomics and ribosome biogenesis, which could constitute novel hallmarks that can be exploited for the management of these pathologies.Methods We analyzed (1) the ribosomal RNA 2’O-ribose methylation (rRNA 2’Ome) using RiboMethSeq and in-house developed bioinformatics tools (https://github.com/RibosomeCRCL/ribomethseq-nf and rRMSAnalyzer) on 3 independent cohorts compiling 71 HGGs (IDHwt n = 30, IDHmut n = 41) and 9 non-neoplastic samples, (2) the expression of ribosome biogenesis factors using medium throughput RT-qPCR as a readout of ribosome biogenesis, and (3) the sensitivity of 5 HGG cell lines to RNA Pol I inhibitors (CX5461, BMH-21).Results Unsupervised analysis demonstrated that HGGs could be distinguished based on their rRNA 2’Ome epitranscriptomic profile, with IDHwt glioblastomas displaying the most significant alterations of rRNA 2’Ome at specific sites. In contrast, IDHmut HGGs are largely characterized by an overexpression of ribosome biogenesis factors compared to non-neoplastic tissues or IDHwt glioblastomas. Finally, IDHmut HGG-derived spheroids display higher cytotoxicity to CX5461 than IDHwt glioblastoma, while all HGG spheroids display a similar cytotoxicity to BMH-21.Conclusions In HGGs, IDH mutational status is associated with specific alterations of the ribosome biology and with distinct sensitivities to RNA Pol I inhibitors

    The coming decade of digital brain research - A vision for neuroscience at the intersection of technology and computing

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    <p>Brain research has in recent years indisputably entered a new epoch, driven by substantial methodological advances and digitally enabled data integration and modeling at multiple scales – from molecules to the whole system. Major advances are emerging at the intersection of neuroscience with technology and computing. This new science of the brain integrates high-quality basic research, systematic data integration across multiple scales, a new culture of large-scale collaboration and translation into applications. A systematic approach, as pioneered in Europe's Human Brain Project (HBP), will be essential in meeting the pressing medical and technological challenges of the coming decade. The aims of this paper are</p><ul><li>To develop a concept for the coming decade of digital brain research</li><li>To discuss it with the research community at large, with the aim of identifying points of convergence and common goals</li><li>To provide a scientific framework for current and future development of EBRAINS</li><li>To inform and engage stakeholders, funding organizations and research institutions regarding future digital brain research</li><li>To identify and address key ethical and societal issues</li></ul><p>While we do not claim that there is a 'one size fits all' approach to addressing these aspects, we are convinced that discussions around the theme of digital brain research will help drive progress in the broader field of neuroscience.</p><p><strong>As the final version 5 has now been published, comments on this manuscript are now closed. We thank everyone who made a valuable contribution to this paper.</strong></p><p>This manuscript has been developed in a participatory process. The work has been initiated by the Science and Infrastructure Board of the Human Brain Project (HBP), and the entire research community was invited to contribute to shaping the vision by submitting comments. </p><p>All submitted comments were considered and discussed. The final decision on whether edits or additions was made to each version of the manuscript based on an individual comment was made by the Science and Infrastructure Board (SIB) of the Human Brain Project (HBP).</p><p><strong>Supporters of the paper</strong>: Pietro Avanzini, Marc Beyer, Maria Del Vecchio, Jitka Annen, Maurizio Mattia, Steven Laureys, Rosanne Edelenbosch, Rafael Yuste, Jean-Pierre Changeux, Linda Richards, Hye Weon Jessica Kim, Chrysoula Samara, Luis Miguel González de la Garza, Nikoleta Petalidou, Vasudha Kulkarni, Cesar David Rincon, Isabella O'Shea, Munira Tamim Electricwala, Bernd Carsten Stahl, Bahar Hazal Yalcinkaya, Meysam Hashemi, Carola Sales Carbonell, Marcel Carrère, Anthony Randal McIntosh, Hiba Sheheitli, Abolfazl Ziaeemehr, Martin Breyton, Giovanna Ramos Queda, Anirudh NIhalani Vattikonda, Gyorgy Buzsaki, George Ogoh, William Knight, Torbjørn V Ness, Michiel van der Vlag, Marcello Massimini, Thomas Nowontny, Alex Upton, Yaseen Jakhura, Ahmet Nihat Simsek, Michael Hopkins, Addolorata Marasco, Shamim Patel, Jakub Fil, Diego Molinari, Susana Bueno, Lia Domide, Cosimo Lupo, Mu-ming Poo, George Paxinos, Huifang Wang.</p&gt

    D. Die einzelnen romanischen Sprachen und Literaturen.

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    Quality of Care Indicators for the Surgical Treatment of Gastric Cancer: A Systematic Review

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    D. Die einzelnen romanischen Sprachen und Literaturen.

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