160 research outputs found

    As novas tecnologias da mídia: a implantação da TV digital no Brasil

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    Na presente monografia é apresentada a descrição do processo de implantação de TV digital no Brasil. A busca por esmiuçar os acontecimentos recentes deste processo se deu a partir de análises bibliográficas de jornais, revistas e livros especializados no assunto. O objetivo deste trabalho é mostrar a importância dessa nova tecnologia para a sociedade brasileira, ressaltando os aspectos econômicos, tecnológicos e sociais. O processo de implantação de TV digital está apenas começando, a TV digital está sendo aos poucos inserida e as negociações tecnológicas e políticas vão continuar. Este trabalho traz a tona este debate que mostra quão ausente a sociedade está das discussões dessa mudança que pode ser considerada paradigmática

    Estudo do beneficiamento do hidrogênio coproduzido por eletrocloração da água do mar em usinas nucleares

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    No processo de transição energética em curso no mundo, buscam-se fontes energéticas que garantam, simultaneamente, a descarbonização e a segurança energética mundial. O hidrogênio é uma fonte que se insere neste contexto como um vetor energético limpo e, por isso, vem sendo alvo de políticas públicas e projetos privados em diversos países. Atualmente, as principais rotas de produção do hidrogênio são a partir de combustíveis fósseis, com emissões significativas de gás carbônico. Assim, rotas alternativas de produção estão sendo estudadas em todo o mundo, com foco no hidrogênio verde. O presente estudo de caso trata do beneficiamento do hidrogênio coproduzido pelo processo de eletrocloração, tecnologia eletroquímica que visa produzir hipoclorito de sódio a partir de água do mar. As usinas nucleares localizadas à beira mar utilizam a água do mar como fluido refrigerante no circuito terciário de refrigeração (condensadores). Hipoclorito de sódio produzido por eletrocloração é adicionado a este fluido refrigerante de forma a atuar como biocida para evitar o crescimento e proliferação de organismos marinhos (cracas) nos equipamentos e tubulações desse circuito terciário. Há um interesse no uso do hidrogênio coproduzido nesse processo como fonte primária para produção de energia elétrica utilizando células a combustível e para alimentar as centrais nucleares no processo de resfriamento dos geradores elétricos. No entanto, antes de ser usufruído para estes fins, o hidrogênio precisa passar por um processo de purificação para chegar à pureza necessária para aplicação em células a combustível (99,97%). Dessa forma, diferentes técnicas de purificação de hidrogênio foram analisadas. As tecnologias baseadas em adsorção e destilação criogênica são os métodos mais convencionais, mas que encontram algumas restrições, relacionadas ao alto custo de energia e de investimento que tornam esses processos não economicamente lucrativos em algumas circunstâncias. Como resultado, a tecnologia de membrana surgiu para lidar com essas limitações. Em comparação com os outros métodos, a tecnologia de separação por membranas tem potencial econômico na redução de custos operacionais, simplificando o processo, minimizando as operações das unidades e diminuindo o consumo de energia, além da possibilidade de obter maior pureza. Dentre as membranas orgânicas e inorgânicas, as inorgânicas apresentam maior seletividade e permeabilidade, além de poder operar em temperaturas mais altas. Um dos métodos mais comuns para purificação de hidrogênio é através de membranas metálicas densas, especialmente membranas de paládio pela capacidade de permear hidrogênio com elevadíssima seletividade. Entretanto, quando é utilizado paládio puro, além de ser um material muito caro, essas membranas podem sofrer fragilização pelo hidrogênio. Sendo assim, é feita a mistura de paládio com outros metais eliminando a possibilidade de fratura. Para o processo de beneficiamento de hidrogênio da planta em questão, verificou-se que a utilização da tecnologia de separação de membranas de ligas de paládio oferece o melhor custo-benefício

    Low-Level Laser Action on Orthodontically Induced Root Resorption: Histological and Histomorphometric Evaluation

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    Introduction: Studies have been conducted to develop a means of preventing, controlling or reducing orthodontically induced root resorption. Phototherapy has demonstrated effectiveness as an anti-inlammatory and, considering the inlammatory origin of this pathology, this study evaluated the effects of laser on root resorption.Methods: The research was conducted among 54 80-day-old male Wistar rats, with weights of 280 ± 40 g. Phototherapy consisted of a diode laser (Ga-Al-As), calibrated with a wavelength of 808 nm, an output power of 100 mW, 2.1 J or 96 J of energy and area of 0.0028 cm2. The application was continuous, punctual and with contact. The left irst maxillary molar was moved by a super-elastic closed spring with a pre-calibrated and constant force of 25 g. The specimens were irradiated every 48 hours, totaling three or six times, depending on the group to which they belonged. Euthanasia was made in the 7th or 10th day after the onset of movement. The histological and histomorphometric examination was performed with sections of 6 μm stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E).Results: Considering the dosimetry studied, when compared the subgroups with the same time of movement, 7 or 10 days, the low-level laser (LLL) has no statistically signiicant effect on the root resorption. As expected, differences were found between groups with different time of movement.Conclusion: Based on the result, this dosimetry does not seem to be clinically recommended to avoid or reduce inlammatory root resorption, but it also does not induce any root surface alteration

    Grape juice increases the BDNF levels but not alter the S100B levels in hippocampus and frontal cortex from male Wistar rats

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    Several studies have shown that a high consumption of vegetables and fruits is consistently associated with a low risk of oxidative stress-induced diseases, which includes some degenerative diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer and Parkinson. Therefore, the objective of this study is to verify the effects of conventional and organic grape juice in the modulation of the neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and astrocytic markers protein (S100B) in hippocampus and frontal cortex of Wistar rats. In this study, 24 male Wistar rats were divided into three groups. To the first one, it was given organic purple grape juice; to the second, conventional grape juice, while the last one received only saline. After 30 days, all rats were sacrificed and hippocampus and frontal cortex were dissected. The animals that received organic and conventional grape juice showed, in frontal cortex, an elevated BNDF levels in relation to saline group. However, S100B levels did not change. These results showed that grape juices are able to modulate important marker in brain tissue, and could be an important factor to prevent brain diseases

    A Influência das Avós no Aleitamento Materno Exclusivo

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    O aleitamento materno envolve mudanças corporais, alterações de humor e interferências ambientais, principalmente o contato com a mãe ou sogra, que interferem na duração e exclusividade do aleitar. O presente estudo tem como objetivo verificar a influência das avós no padrão de aleitamento materno nos primeiros seis meses de vida. As avós, na maioria das sociedades, são referências familiares e não consideram a exclusividade do aleitamento suficiente para manter o estado nutricional adequado, oferecendo precocemente diversos alimentos aos seus netos. O estudo apresenta delineamento de revisão bibliográfica e os seguintes critérios de refinamento: publicações nos últimos 20 anos; em português, inglês, ou espanhol; exclusão de textos coincidentes e seleção de textos de interesse. Os artigos foram analisados segundo autor, ano, local, número de sujeitos envolvidos, metodologia e tipo de influência exercida. No total foram 53 artigos, e destes, 23 atendiam ao critério de refinamento, a fim de servir aos objetivos do trabalho. Assim, se vê que a avó influencia negativamente na alimentação exclusiva, embora alguns estudos apontem que a intervenção em parentes próximos, em especial a avó, revelou uma adesão às práticas corretas de aleitamento exclusivo, provando assim a importância da realização de intervenções com essas cuidadoras

    Occupational risk assessment of oxidative stress and genotoxicity in workers exposed to paints during a working week

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    Objectives: Paints are complex mixtures of solvents and metals that can induce health damages in workers exposed to them. The aim of the present work was to evaluate possible oxidative and genotoxic effects in workers exposed to paints. Material and Methods: Peripheral blood and buccal cell samples were collected from 33 workers exposed to paints and 29 non-exposed workers (controls) during an ordinary working week (Monday morning and Friday evening). Oxidative markers were assessed using thiobarbituric acid assay, carbonylated proteins, superoxide dismutase and catalase activities. Hippuric acid and delta-aminolevulinic acid were determined as biomarkers of toluene and lead exposure, respectively. Genotoxicity was measured through comet assay and micronucleus (MN) frequencies. Results: The exposed group showed higher hippuric acid and delta-aminolevulinic acid levels (Friday samples) and lower superoxide dismutase activity (Monday samples) in relation to control group. DNA damage index (comet assay) was higher in the exposed group, both in Monday and Friday samples, compared to the control group. No differences were observed in frequency of micronuclei (MN) between the groups, either in lymphocytes or buccal cells. However, the exposed group presented an increase (Monday samples) in nuclear buds frequency in lymphocytes — a marker of gene amplification — as well as an increase in condensed chromatin in the buccal cells (Monday and Friday samples), suggesting induction of apoptosis. Furthermore, a decrease in the nuclear division index (Friday samples) was observed in the exposed group, indicating that paint exposure induces cytostatic effects in lymphocytes. Conclusion: The results suggest that individuals exposed to paints have increased levels of DNA damage

    Giant cerebral abscess in pediatric patient

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    Introduction: Brain abscess is a focal infection consisting of purulent collection, encapsulated in the brain parenchyma. The term “giant” has a subjective character because there is no specific definition concerning the measure of the lesion. The most common etiology includes Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, gram-negative and the first two decades of life are the most affected age group. Its pathogenesis occurs by contiguity, hematogenous or metastasis. The clinical presentation is variable and requires treatment with antibiotic therapy and possible surgical approaches. Giant abscesses are rare and rarely occur without apparent clinical manifestations. Objective: Report a patient with a giant brain abscess who was diagnosed on a routine examination.Case report: Observation of rare or atypical manifestations in cases of a known disease. Case: A male patient with significant idiopathic hydrocephalus at birth who was treated with ventricular-peritoneal shunt (VPS). It evolves with four episodes of ventriculites. After antibiotic therapy and VPS changes, he remained stable for a long period, with significant cognitive-motor delay and epilepsy that was controlled. Control computed tomography (CT) were periodically performed and, at the age of 4, a suggestive image of large-volume abscess was observed, involving 2/3 of the intracranial space. Conservative treatment was chosen because of clinical stability and the impossibility of completing drainage of the lesion. Discussion: The patient was stable and the reason for executing the CT scan was due to the control of epileptic seizures. Finding the injury was casual. Conservative treatment was the option due to the size of the abscess and the impossibility of completing drainage. The patient has been followed since 2002. Conclusion: Conservative treatment has kept the child stable, as anticonvulsants are still being used. The follow-up of the patient from birth allowed the choice of the therapeutic option since the surgical approach may be more harmful due to the clinical picture

    Measuring agroecology:Introducing a methodological framework and a community of practice approach

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    Over the last few years, a small but increasing number of researchers and organizations has been involved in tracking funding flows to agroecology, analyzing development assistance, climate finance, and research funds for their contribution to an agroecological transformation of food systems, including as part of the efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. This has led to the emergence of a community of practice (CoP) meeting and exchanging in a number of different forums—Financing Agroecology Civil Society CoP, the Agroecology Donor Group, and the Working Group on Financing and Investments of the Coalition for Food Systems Transformation Through Agroecology (Agroecology Coalition). In this article, we report on a process of collaboratively developing a methodological framework, using the High Level Panel of Experts of the Committee on World Food Security 13 principles of agroecology as foundation. This framework overcomes some limitations of previous methodologies for evaluating degrees of agroecological integration (including those using Gliessman’s 5 levels of food system change) and facilitates a robust qualitative assessment of projects, programs, and project portfolios with respect to their “agroecologicalness.” The framework conceives of agroecology as paradigm-shifting rather than as incremental improvements to existing food systems. It enables global comparability as well as local contextualization of each principle. While the need for this framework arose from the desire to monitor—and increase—financial support for an urgently needed transformation toward agroecology, the framework can equally contribute to the design of projects and programs, which aim to radically transform food and farming systems. It also has value as an educational tool, in specifying through statements of value and concrete examples, what agroecological work aims at. This article introduces our framework and argues for an expanded CoP approach to use it widely and share the results through the digital platform that will be developed for that purpose

    Biochemical and physiological parameters in rats fed with high-fat diet : the protective effect of chronic treatment with purple grape juice (bordo variety)

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    High-fat-diet (HFD) has been related to metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. Consumption of grapes and their byproducts containing phenolic compounds has been reported due to the benefits they produce for human health. The purpose of this study was to investigate the antioxidant and protective effect of chronic intake of purple grape juice on certain biochemical and physiological changes promoted by the consumption of HFD. Forty male rats were randomly divided into four groups to receive standard or HFD diet and/or conventional (CGJ) or organic grape juice (OGJ) for three months. Dietary intake, body weight gain, cardiometabolic parameters, and serum lipoperoxidation were investigated. Results showed that consumption of CGJ and OGJ changed the pattern of food and drink intake of the animals. There was a reduction in the body weight of animals that consumed grape juices and an increase in the weight gain in HFD and OGJ rats. HFD increased abdominal fat and the abdominal fat/weight ratio, and both grape juices prevented these modifications. HFD increased hepatic enzymes levels (aminotransferase (AST) and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT)) and reduced urea. Purple grape juices prevented some of these changes. HFD enhanced lipid peroxidation (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS)) in serum and CGJ and OGJ prevented this increase. The consumption of purple grape juice has the potential to prevent and ameliorate most of the alterations provoked by HFD, therefore regular intake of grape products could promote beneficial effects


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     Com o intuito de contribuir para a evolução e incremento de futuras pesquisas científicas, o presente artigo apresenta como questão norteadora: qual o perfil das publicações científicas, que abordaram o tema Relatórios de Sustentabilidade, no período de 2005 a 2014? Apoiado metodologicamente em uma pesquisa bibliométrica de natureza qualitativa e quantitativa, de caráter descritivo, utilizou-se como base para a coleta de dados os periódicos da área de Administração, Ciências Contábeis e Turismo – classificados de acordo com o sistema QUALIS-CAPES em âmbito nacional entre o escopo de revistas A1 a B3. A análise teve como foco o número de artigos publicados sobre a temática dos Relatórios de Sustentabilidade, as abordagens metodológicas, características de autoria, publicações e instituições pesquisadoras. Identificou-se, dentre o período proposto, um universo de 187 artigos publicados relacionados a este conteúdo, os quais apresentaram entre os termos mais utilizados, palavras-chave como: Balanço Social, Global Reporting Initiative – GRI e Responsabilidade Social Corporativa/ Empresarial. Os tipos de pesquisa mais usuais tratam-se de estudos de natureza descritiva e exploratória. Com relação a autoria, 59% das pesquisas possuem dois ou três autores, e as universidades que mais se destacam quanto às publicações com este teor consistem na USP e na UFSC. Conclui-se que há regularidade teórica dentre a abordagem da temática dos Relatórios de Sustentabilidade, que em sua maioria relacionam-se aos conteúdos vinculados à evidenciação voluntária, ambiental e socioambiental e os indicadores sociais e ambientais. Considerando o período de análise e o escopo de revistas analisadas, verifica-se que a produção em torno do tema ainda merece maior atenção em âmbito acadêmico, haja vista, a diversidade de assuntos que ainda não foram explorados ou podem ser aprofundados no campo. Algumas sugestões de pesquisas futuras direcionam-se a análises em profundidade sobre o processo de produção destes relatórios, estudos críticos sobre as intenções organizacionais ao divulgar tais informações, assim como novas modalidades de relatórios de sustentabilidade atualmente em vigor