75 research outputs found

    Last Aid Training online:Participants’ and facilitators’ perceptions from a mixed-methods study in rural Scotland

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    (1) Background: Palliative and end-of-life care services are increasingly gaining centre stage in health and social care contexts in the UK and globally. Death and dying need are relational processes. Building personal and community capacity along with resilience is vital to support families and communities to normalise death and dying. Last Aid Training (LAT) is one such innovative educational initiative which teaches the general public about the fundamentals of palliative care and promotes public discussion about death and dying. The Highland Hospice [HH] in Scotland has pioneered delivery of LAT in face-to-face settings since March 2019 and online since March 2020 to accommodate pandemic restrictions. (2) Methods: This study used a mixed-methods approach, combining an online survey with LAT participants followed by individual semi-structured qualitative interviews with both LAT participants and facilitators. The primary aim of this study was to investigate the impacts of LAT for participants at the individual, family, and community levels, as well as explore participant and facilitator experiences and perspectives of LAT in an online environment. (3) Results: Overall, this evaluation demonstrates that provision of foundational death literacy education in social contexts enhances the personal knowledge, skills, and confidence of individual community members and supports the notion that this personal growth could lead to strengthened community action. (4) Conclusions: Findings from this study concluded that there is potential to include LAT as the foundational core training to promote death literacy in communities with further exploration to integrate/align LAT with other national/global end-of-life care frameworks

    The effect of entomopathogenic fungal culture filtrate on the immune response and haemolymph proteome of the large pine weevil, Hylobius abietis

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    peer-reviewedThe large pine weevil Hylobius abietis L. is a major forestry pest in 15 European countries, where it is a threat to 3.4 million hectares of forest. A cellular and proteomic analysis of the effect of culture filtrate of three entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) species on the immune system of H. abietis was performed. Injection with Metarhizium brunneum or Beauvaria bassiana culture filtrate facilitated a significantly increased yeast cell proliferation in larvae. Larvae co-injected with either Beauvaria caledonica or B. bassiana culture filtrate and Candida albicans showed significantly increased mortality. Together these results suggest that EPF culture filtrate has the potential to modulate the insect immune system allowing a subsequent pathogen to proliferate. Injection with EPF culture filtrate was shown to alter the abundance of protease inhibitors, detoxifing enzymes, antimicrobial peptides and proteins involved in reception/detection and development in H. abietis larvae. Larvae injected with B. caledonica culture filtrate displayed significant alterations in abundance of proteins involved in cellulolytic and other metabolic processes in their haemolymph proteome. Screening EPF for their ability to modulate the insect immune response represents a means of assessing EPF for use as biocontrol agents, particularly if the goal is to use them in combination with other control agents.This research was funded by the Irish Government (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine) (10/RD/MCOP/NUIM/720) under the National Development Plan 2007–2013 and through the MU Department of Biology Contingency Fund. The Q-Exactive quantitative mass spectrometer was funded under the SFI Research Infrastructure Call 2012; Grant Number: 12/RI/2346 (3) to Prof. S. Doyle

    Bacterial Interactions with Aspergillus fumigatus in the Immunocompromised Lung

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    The immunocompromised airways are susceptible to infections caused by a range of pathogens which increases the opportunity for polymicrobial interactions to occur. Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus are the predominant causes of pulmonary infection for individuals with respiratory disorders such as cystic fibrosis (CF). The spore-forming fungus Aspergillus fumigatus, is most frequently isolated with P. aeruginosa, and co-infection results in poor outcomes for patients. It is therefore clinically important to understand how these pathogens interact with each other and how such interactions may contribute to disease progression so that appropriate therapeutic strategies may be developed. Despite its persistence in the airways throughout the life of a patient, A. fumigatus rarely becomes the dominant pathogen. In vitro interaction studies have revealed remarkable insights into the molecular mechanisms that drive agonistic and antagonistic interactions that occur between A. fumigatus and pulmonary bacterial pathogens such as P. aeruginosa. Crucially, these studies demonstrate that although bacteria may predominate in a competitive environment, A. fumigatus has the capacity to persist and contribute to disease

    One place doesn't fit all: improving the effectiveness of sustainability standards by accounting for place

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    Includes bibliographical references (pages 8-10).The growing interest in incentivizing sustainable agricultural practices is supported by a large network of voluntary production standards, which aim to offer farmers and ranchers increased value for their product in support of reduced environmental impact. To be effective with producers and consumers alike, these standards must be both credible and broadly recognizable, and thus are typically highly generalizable. However, the environmental impact of agriculture is strongly place-based and varies considerably due to complex biophysical, socio-cultural, and management-based factors, even within a given sector in a particular region. We suggest that this contradiction between the placeless generality of standards and the placed-ness of agriculture renders many sustainability standards ineffective. In this policy and practice review, we examine this contradiction through the lens of beef production, with a focus on an ongoing regional food purchasing effort in Denver, Colorado, USA. We review the idea of place in the context of agricultural sustainability, drawing on life cycle analysis and diverse literature to find that recognition of place-specific circumstances is essential to understanding environmental impact and improving outcomes. We then examine the case of the Good Food Purchasing Program (GFPP), a broad set of food-purchasing standards currently being implemented for institutional purchasing in Denver. The GFPP was created through a lengthy stakeholder-inclusive process for use in Los Angeles, California, USA, and has since been applied to many cities across the country. The difference between Los Angeles' process and that of applying the result of Los Angeles' process to Denver is instructive, and emblematic of the flaws of generalizable sustainability standards themselves. We then describe the essential elements of a place-based approach to agricultural sustainability standards, pointing toward a democratic, process-based, and outcome-oriented strategy that results in standards that enable rather than hinder the creativity of both producers and consumers. Though prescription is anathema to our approach, we close by offering a starting point for the development of standards for beef production in Colorado that respect the work of people in place

    Divergent effects of listening demands and evaluative threat on listening effort in online and laboratory settings

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    ObjectiveListening effort (LE) varies as a function of listening demands, motivation and resource availability, among other things. Motivation is posited to have a greater influence on listening effort under high, compared to low, listening demands.MethodsTo test this prediction, we manipulated the listening demands of a speech recognition task using tone vocoders to create moderate and high listening demand conditions. We manipulated motivation using evaluative threat, i.e., informing participants that they must reach a particular “score” for their results to be usable. Resource availability was assessed by means of working memory span and included as a fixed effects predictor. Outcome measures were indices of LE, including reaction times (RTs), self-rated work and self-rated tiredness, in addition to task performance (correct response rates). Given the recent popularity of online studies, we also wanted to examine the effect of experimental context (online vs. laboratory) on the efficacy of manipulations of listening demands and motivation. We carried out two highly similar experiments with two groups of 37 young adults, a laboratory experiment and an online experiment. To make listening demands comparable between the two studies, vocoder settings had to differ. All results were analysed using linear mixed models.ResultsResults showed that under laboratory conditions, listening demands affected all outcomes, with significantly lower correct response rates, slower RTs and greater self-rated work with higher listening demands. In the online study, listening demands only affected RTs. In addition, motivation affected self-rated work. Resource availability was only a significant predictor for RTs in the online study.DiscussionThese results show that the influence of motivation and listening demands on LE depends on the type of outcome measures used and the experimental context. It may also depend on the exact vocoder settings. A controlled laboratory settings and/or particular vocoder settings may be necessary to observe all expected effects of listening demands and motivation

    The Aspergillus fumigatus Secretome Alters the Proteome of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to Stimulate Bacterial Growth: Implications for Co-infection

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    Individuals with cystic fibrosis are susceptible to co-infection by Aspergillus fumigatus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Despite the persistence of A. fumigatus in the cystic fibrosis lung P. aeruginosa eventually predominates as the primary pathogen. Several factors are likely to facilitate P. aeruginosa colonization in the airways, including alterations to the microbial environment. The cystic fibrosis airways are hypoxic, nitrate-rich environments, and the sputum has higher amino acid concentrations than normal. In this study, significant growth proliferation was observed in P. aeruginosa when the bacteria were exposed to A. fumigatus culture filtrates (CuF) containing a high nitrate content. Proteomic analysis of the A. fumigatus CuF identified a significant number of environment-altering proteases and peptidases. The molecular mechanisms promoting bacterial growth were investigated using label-free quantitative (LFQ) proteomics to compare the proteome of P. aeruginosa grown in the A. fumigatus CuF and in CuF produced by a P. aeruginosa-A. fumigatus co-culture, to that cultured in P. aeruginosa CuF. LFQ proteomics revealed distinct changes in the proteome of P. aeruginosa when cultured in the different CuFs, including increases in the levels of proteins involved in denitrification, stress response, replication, amino acid metabolism and efflux pumps, and a down-regulation of pathways involving ABC transporters. These findings offer novel insights into the complex dynamics that exist between P. aeruginosa and A. fumigatus. Understanding the molecular strategies that enable P. aeruginosa to predominate in an environment where A. fumigatus exists is important in the context of therapeutic development to target this pathogen

    Spatio-temporal patterns and landscape-associated risk of Buruli ulcer in Akonolinga, Cameroon

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    Background: Buruli ulcer (BU) is an extensively damaging skin infection caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans, whose transmission mode is still unknown. The focal distribution of BU and the absence of interpersonal transmission suggest a major role of environmental factors, which remain unidentified. This study provides the first description of the spatio-temporal variations of BU in an endemic African region, in Akonolinga, Cameroon. We quantify landscape-associated risk of BU, and reveal local patterns of endemicity. Methodology/Principal Findings: From January 2002 to May 2012, 787 new BU cases were recorded in 154 villages of the district of Akonolinga. Incidence per village ranged from 0 (n = 59 villages) to 10.4 cases/1000 person. years (py); median incidence was 0.4 cases/1,000py. Villages neighbouring the Nyong River flood plain near Akonolinga town were identified as the highest risk zone using the SPODT algorithm. We found a decreasing risk with increasing distance to the Nyong and identified 4 time phases with changes in spatial distribution. We classified the villages into 8 groups according to landscape characteristics using principal component analysis and hierarchical clustering. We estimated the incidence ratio (IR) associated with each landscape using a generalised linear model. BU risk was highest in landscapes with abundant wetlands, especially cultivated ones (IR = 15.7, 95% confidence interval [95% CI] = 15.7[4.2-59.2]), and lowest in reference landscape where primary and secondary forest cover was abundant. In intermediate-risk landscapes, risk decreased with agriculture pressure (from IR[95% CI] = 7.9[2.2-28.8] to 2.0[0.6-6.6]). We identified landscapes where endemicity was stable and landscapes where incidence increased with time. Conclusion/Significance: Our study on the largest series of BU cases recorded in a single endemic region illustrates the local evolution of BU and identifies the Nyong River as the major driver of BU incidence. Local differences along the river are explained by wetland abundance and human modification of the environment

    Access resistance reduction in Ge nanowires and substrates based on non-destructive gas-source dopant in-diffusion

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    To maintain semiconductor device scaling, in recent years industry has been forced to move from planar to non-planar device architectures. This alone has created the need to develop a radically new, non-destructive method for doping. Doping alters the electrical properties of a semiconductor, related to the access resistance. Low access resistance is necessary for high performance technology and reduced power consumption. In this work the authors reduced access resistance in top–down patterned Ge nanowires and Ge substrates by a non-destructive dopant in-diffusion process. Furthermore, an innovative electrical characterisation methodology is developed for nanowire and fin-based test structures to extract important parameters that are related to access resistance such as nanowire resistivity, sheet resistance, and active doping levels. Phosphine or arsine was flowed in a Metalorganic Vapour Phase Epitaxy reactor over heated Ge samples in the range of 650–700 °C. Dopants were incorporated and activated in this single step. No Ge growth accompanied this process. Active doping levels were determined by electrochemical capacitance–voltage free carrier profiling to be in the range of 1019 cm−3. The nanowires were patterned in an array of widths from 20–1000 nm. Cross-sectional Transmission Electron Microscopy of the doped nanowires showed minimal crystal damage. Electrical characterisation of the Ge nanowires was performed to contrast doping activation in thin-body structures with that in bulk substrates. Despite the high As dose incorporation on unpatterned samples, the nanowire analysis determined that the P-based process was the better choice for scaled features

    Connecting urban food plans to the countryside: leveraging Denver's food vision to explore meaningful rural-urban linkages

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    Includes bibliographical references (pages 14-18).Cities are increasingly turning to food policy plans to support goals related to food access, food security, the environment, and economic development. This paper investigates ways that rural farmers, communities, and economies can both support and be supported by metropolitan food-focused initiatives. Specifically, our research question asked what opportunities and barriers exist to developing food policies that support urban food goals, particularly related to local procurement, as well as rural economic development. To address this question, we described and analyzed a meeting of urban stakeholders and larger-scale rural producers related to Colorado’s Denver Food Vision and Plan. We documented and explored “findings” gleaned from a supply chain diagraming and data compilation process that were then used to inform an event that brought together diverse supply chain partners. Three findings stand out. First, facilitating dialog between urban food policymakers and rural producers to understand potential tensions, mitigate such tensions, and capitalize on opportunities is essential. Second, perceptions and expectations surrounding “good food” are nuanced—a timely finding given the number of preferred procurement programs emerging across the county. Third, critical evaluation is needed across a diverse set of value chain strategies (e.g., conventional and alternative distribution) if food policy intends to support heterogeneous producers, their communities, and urban food policy goals

    The genomes of two key bumblebee species with primitive eusocial organization

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    Background: The shift from solitary to social behavior is one of the major evolutionary transitions. Primitively eusocial bumblebees are uniquely placed to illuminate the evolution of highly eusocial insect societies. Bumblebees are also invaluable natural and agricultural pollinators, and there is widespread concern over recent population declines in some species. High-quality genomic data will inform key aspects of bumblebee biology, including susceptibility to implicated population viability threats. Results: We report the high quality draft genome sequences of Bombus terrestris and Bombus impatiens, two ecologically dominant bumblebees and widely utilized study species. Comparing these new genomes to those of the highly eusocial honeybee Apis mellifera and other Hymenoptera, we identify deeply conserved similarities, as well as novelties key to the biology of these organisms. Some honeybee genome features thought to underpin advanced eusociality are also present in bumblebees, indicating an earlier evolution in the bee lineage. Xenobiotic detoxification and immune genes are similarly depauperate in bumblebees and honeybees, and multiple categories of genes linked to social organization, including development and behavior, show high conservation. Key differences identified include a bias in bumblebee chemoreception towards gustation from olfaction, and striking differences in microRNAs, potentially responsible for gene regulation underlying social and other traits. Conclusions: These two bumblebee genomes provide a foundation for post-genomic research on these key pollinators and insect societies. Overall, gene repertoires suggest that the route to advanced eusociality in bees was mediated by many small changes in many genes and processes, and not by notable expansion or depauperation