515 research outputs found

    Representaciones sociales de arte urbano en Barranquilla (Killart, 2017)

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    From now on are summarized the main findings of the development of a research originates at the classroom, in the Scientific Research Methodology class to psychology students in Universidad Simón Bolivar in Barranquilla-Colombia. It starts from social psychology, through social representations, to do fieldwork; whose subject of investigation is an urban art project (images on walls) in Barranquilla Colombia, across direct observation, desk reviews and interviews. Images that emerge in each one of wall-mounted of Art Urbano Killart 2017 are analyzed, defining female, male and nature representation category. In that contrast the main goal was that students get close to reality and through research techniques could interpret it, considering that Barranquilla is a one of the city which has the challenge of female, understanding that in the violence against woman case, has the first places of the country in what Femicides refers. From this work has been derived with student’s collaboration a documentary by stressing female topic and importance of women, highlighting her human value and the cultural capital which define her in the contribution of family and socials constructions in our Caribbean environment.En adelante, se sintetizan las principales conclusiones del desarrollo de un proyecto de investigación que se origina desde el aula, en la asignatura Metodología de la Investigación Científica a estudiantes de Psicología en la Universidad Simón Bolívar en la ciudad de Barranquilla-Colombia. Se parte de la psicología social, a través de las representaciones sociales, para realizar el trabajo de campo, cuyo objeto de investigación es un proyecto de arte urbano (imágenes en paredes) en Barranquilla-Colombia, mediante observaciones directas, revisiones ocumentales y entrevistas. Se analizan las imágenes que emergen en cada uno de los murales del proyecto de Arte Urbano Killart 2017; y se define la categoría de las representaciones femeninas, masculinas y naturaleza. En ese contraste, el objetivo central fue que los/las estudiantes se acercaran a la realidad y ocupando técnicas de investigación, pudieran interpretarla, considerando que Barranquilla es una de las ciudades que tiene el desafío de comprensión de lo femenino, que en el caso de la violencia hacia la mujer, viene ocupando los primeros lugares del país en cuanto a feminicidios se refiere. Se ha derivado de este trabajo en conjunto con la participación de los/las estudiantes un documental, en el que se pone de relieve el tema de lo femenino y la importancia de la mujer, se resalta su valor humano y el capital cultural que la define en el aporte de la construcciones familiares y sociales en nuestro entorno caribe

    Dynamic managerial capabilities in new ventures : an empirical analysis

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    Programa de Doctorado en Administración y Dirección de EmpresasDynamic Managerial Capabilities in New Ventures. Influence on Performance 1.1 Introduction The success and growth of New Ventures (NVs) plays a major role in our economies as they are the principal generators of new jobs (Birch, 1979) and the development of technological leadership (Zahra and Wright, 2015). For these reasons, the relationship between NVs and performance has received wide research attention over the past decades (Birley, 1987; McDougall, Robinson, and DeNisi, 1992; Zahra, Sapienza, and Davidsson, 2006). Scholars who promote the Resource-Based View (RBV) of the firm have worked on the assumption that sustained competitive advantage derives from the resources and capabilities controlled by a firm that are valuable, rare, imperfectly imitable, and not substitutable (Barney, 1991; Grant, 1991). Proponents of the dynamic capabilities approach have gone a step further by extending the RBV to dynamic markets, stating that performance differentials are explained by the capabilities by which firm managers integrate, build, and reconfigure internal and external competencies (Teece, Pisano, and Shuen, 1997). In the particular context of NVs, founding teams and managers have emerged as the key resource in pushing the venture forward within the competing space (Klotz, Hmieleski, Bradley, and Busenitz, 2014; Chahine, Filatotchev, and Zahra, 2011. As the routines and systems that lay the ground for the effective development of ordinary and dynamic organizational capabilities (Winter, 2000) are unlikely to be fully developed (Helfat and Lieberman, 2002). Indeed, advocates of the Upper Echelon Theory (UE) have provided evidence that executive cognitions, values, and perceptions have an influence on the process of strategic choice and the resultant performance outcomes (Hambrick and Mason, 1984). In this direction, the Dynamic Managerial Capabilities (DMCs) of NVs¿ founders and managers deserve special attention when trying to explain performance variations across new ventures. DMCs are the capabilities with which managers create, extend, and modify the ways in which firms make a living (Adner and Helfat, 2003). They draw on a set of underlying managerial resources, namely, managerial human capital, managerial social capital and managerial cognition, which provide the basis for the patterned aspects of managerial intentionality, deliberation, decision making, and action (Martin, 2011). DMCs constitute a ¿unique core¿ to the resource bundle of the firm, which then drives the creation, extension, and modification of the firm¿s resource portfolio, constituting the basis for why firms differ in their strategies and performance (Kor and Mesko, 2013; Townsend and Busenitz, 2014). Despite the importance of DMCs for a NV¿s ability to achieve congruence between its competencies and changing environmental conditions, we know little about DMCs in NVs. The literature needs to determine which the specific attributes of DMCs in NVs are and how differently these attributes contribute to NVs performance during the early stages of the venture. Moreover, DMCs are expected to be crucial under conditions of change, yet we do not know how variations in the level of change experimented in the firm environment affect the role played by the three DMCs dimensions for NV performance. The literature needs to understand if all three DMCs dimensions are universally relevant for performance or their effects are contingent to the level of environmental change. 1.2 Research questions In this dissertation, we would like to contribute to our knowledge about the capabilities of NVs, by analyzing a specific capability: DMCs. In so doing, we assume that certain number of organizational capabilities emerge from the characteristics of the executives themselves rather than from organizational routines and procedures (Teece, 2012). This assumption is especially important in the context of NVs. NVs limited organizational experience makes capabilities residing in the managers to gain relevance when explaining heterogeneity in performance. The research gaps we identify in our literature review lead to two main overarching sets of questions. The first set of questions is related to providing a framework for measuring DMCs in the context of NVs. In spite of being a widely studiedd concept, no study to our knowledge offers a framework with which to measure DMCs that takes into accountt its three dimensions in combination. Most existing studies are theoretical articles that try to foster the concept of DMCs or use the concept in an implicit way (to explain other phenomena). Most importantly, very little is known about the measurement of DMCs in the particular context of NVs (Townsend and Busenitz, 2014). As companies evolve in their lifecycle the challenges and opportunities they face vary significantly, signaling the possibility that different team characteristics may be more or less important at various phases in the development of NVs (Brixy, Sternberg, and Stüber, 2012). Surprisingly, current research lacks longitudinal studies that examine the characteristics of NV managerial teams across different stages of the entrepreneurial process (Klotz, Hmieleski, Bradley, and Busenitz, 2014). The second set of questions relates to the deployment of DMCs in NVs. How could DMCs¿ underpinnings help to improve NVs' performance? Are all of their underpinnings equally important? What roles do the features of the team, the firm itself, and ultimately the degree of change in the environment play in the relationship between DMCs¿ underpinnings and NV performance? All three DMCs underpinnings -managerial human capital, managerial social capital and managerial cognition- develop through managers prior experiences (Helfat and Martin, 2015); therefore, the same experience may contribute simultaneously to the three attributes of DMCs (Beck and Wiersema, 2013). Measuring all three DMCs dimensions and exploring empirically the relationships between them as we do in this study is hence important in order to not incur in errors and misinterpretations in their assessment. 1.3 Objectives The overall objective of this dissertation is the study of DMCs in NVs. More specifically, this study aims to understand the deployment of DMCs in NVs, its implications for performance, and the contingencies exerted by the degree of environmental change. We begin by offering a framework for measuring DMCs. This framework allows us to explore how these capabilities impact NVs¿ performance by assessing the relative importance of the three distinct underpinnings of DMCs -managerial human capital, managerial social capital and managerial cognition- during the early years of activity of entrepreneurial ventures. Importantly, we seek to understand the role that the features of the team, the firm and ultimately the environment play in the relationship between DMCs¿ underpinnings and NV performance. The dissertation seeks to make several contributions to the literature on NVs as well as to the literature on DMCs. Overall; we move the body of literature on DMCs from its original theoretical conceptualization into its actual empirical measurement and assessment. We provide a broad perspective on how DMCs are configured in the early stages of NVs¿ development. Our empirical study reveals that not all DMCs' dimensions -managerial human capital, social capital, and cognition- have the same impact on performance during the early years of a venture's activity. Also, some of these dimensions may prove to be universally relevant, whereas the effect of others may be contingent to the level of environmental change.Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Departamento de Organización de Empresas y Marketin

    Cumplimiento y obligatoriedad de las Sentencias de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos

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    65 p.El presente trabajo tiene por objeto entregar una comprensión acabada de las razones por las cuales Chile, como República Democrática, se ve obligado al cumplimiento efectivo de las resoluciones de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, no pudiendo excusar su responsabilidad en la inexistencia de norma interna expresa que contemple su ejecución, pero si de todas maneras el Estado incumple, entendemos que el particular puede intentar otras vías, administrativas o jurisdiccionales, para obtener su ejecución, todo ello considerando las normas contenidas en nuestra Carta Fundamental, incluyendo las recientes modificaciones en atención a los tratados internacionales suscritos por Chile y que se encuentran vigentes, su interacción con el principio de Supremacía Constitucional, la legislación vigente y las normas convencionales internacionales

    Importancia de la Gestion del Proceso de la Demanda de TI

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    This paper describes some aspects overall of IT demand management, a key process in the IT governance, which has not been taken into account in companies and now has a very relevant importance in the IT business. The goal the paper is to describe the problems that have CIOs and IT departments to fulfill his delivery of products/services in the term and established budget and to achieve the success in the business. There are described the importance of demand management, types of the demand, the life cycle of demand, as well as levels of maturity of demand in business

    Comparison of body temperature measurements obtained with otic digital thermometer and mercury axillary and rectal thermometers in children under the age of five

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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloIntroducción: En los últimos años han aparecido nuevos métodos para medir la temperatura en niños, como el termómetro digital ótico. Siendo este un método más rápido para medir la temperatura y por lo tanto ideal para el servicio de urgencias, es necesario conocer su confiabilidad. Objetivo: Comparar los valores de temperatura corporal que entrega el termómetro ótico digital con los termómetros de mercurio axilar y rectal. Pacientes y Método: Se efectuó la medición de la temperatura en 50 pacientes menores de 5 años elegidos al azar, que consultaron en el Servicio de Urgencia del Hospital de Niños y Cunas de Viña del Mar. Se les midió la temperatura con un termómetro digital ótico al lado izquierdo y derecho, y las temperaturas axilar derecha y rectal con termómetros de mercurio. EL análisis de los resultados se efectuó en el grupo estudiado, separado en dos grupos, menores y mayores de 6 meses. Resultados: Los resultados entre ambos subgrupos fueron los mismos. La temperatura media rectal obtenida fue 0,414°C más alta que la media ótica derecha (p < 0,001) y 0,438°C más alta que la temperatura media ótica izquierda (p < 0,001). Conclusión: El termómetro ótico digital entrega una temperatura significativamente más baja que la que entregan los termómetros de mercurio axilar y rectal.Background: In recent years, otic thermometers to measure body temperature in children have become increasingly popular as they reflect changes in body temperature sooner than other thermometers. The have become valuable assets in hospital emergency rooms; however, their accuracy and reliability need further studies. Objective: To compare corporal temperature readings between an otic thermometer and mercury axillary and rectal thermometers. Patients and Method: 50 patients under the age of 5, who were treated at the emergency room of our hospital, were randomly chosen to participate in this study. Temperature was measured on their right and left ears using an otic thermometer, and their rectal and right axillary temperature was taken using mercury thermometers. Patients were separated into 2 subgroups for comparison, children under and over 6 months old. Results: The results between the 2 subgroups were very similar. The average temperature obtained by rectal thermometers was 0.414°C higher than the average right-ear temperature (p < 0.001) and 0.438°c higher than the average left-ear temperature (p < 0.001). Conclusion: The otic thermometer's reading is significantly lower than the one obtained using mercury rectal and axillary thermometers.http://ref.scielo.org/72p3g

    Explicando el éxito de la innovación desde la perspectiva del cliente: la interacción entre la novedad para el cliente y las ventajas de la innovación

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    The effects of newness to customer and innovation advantage on innovation success have been extensively researched from different perspectives, especially in a B2C context. However, the joint influence of these two determinants has hardly been studied. This paper uses the theoretical framework of customer perceived value to explain the main effects of newness to customer and innovation advantage, as well as their interaction, on the financial and non-financial dimensions of innovation success in a B2B context. Data were collected through a telephone survey of a sample of 170 Spanish companies with up to three informants. To validate the measurement model, a confirmatory factor analysis was carried out, and for hypothesis testing, a hierarchical multiple regression, with a subsequent estimation of moderation using STATA's margins command. The results confirmed the predictions of the theoretical framework of customer perceived value for the financial performance of innovation, but not for the non-financial performance.Los efectos de la novedad para el cliente y las ventajas de la innovación en el éxito de la innovación han sido ampliamente investigados desde diferentes perspectivas, especialmente en un contexto B2C. Sin embargo, apenas se ha estudiado la influencia conjunta de estos dos determinantes. En este trabajo se utiliza el marco teórico del valor percibido por el cliente para explicar los efectos principales de la novedad para el cliente y las ventajas de la innovación, así como su interacción, sobre las dimensiones financiera y no financiera del éxito de la innovación en un contexto B2B. Se recogieron datos mediante una encuesta telefónica a una muestra de 170 empresas españolas con hasta 3 informantes. Para validar el modelo de medida, se llevó a cabo un análisis factorial confirmatorio, y para el contraste de hipótesis, una regresión múltiple jerárquica, con una estimación posterior de la moderación utilizando el comando margins de STATA. Los resultados confirmaron las predicciones del marco teórico del valor percibido por el cliente para el rendimiento financiero de la innovación, pero no para el rendimiento no financiero

    Diferencias de género en las preferencias y desempeño profesional de ginecólogos y ginecólogas andaluces

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    En esta ponencia presentamos resultados parciales de una investigación desarrollada en Andalucía a una muestra representativa de profesionales de la ginecología que trabajan en el Sistema Sanitario Público Andaluz. El objetivo era conocer las opiniones y expectativas de los profesionales con respecto a la participación en actividades científicas y en el desempeño profesional. Los resultados muestran una fuerte incorporación de las mujeres al ejercicio de la Obstetricia y Ginecología y una desproporción en la ocupación de puestos de responsabilidad. El análisis desde la perspectiva de género y la teoría del gusto pone en relación las preferencias y el desempeño profesional con la persistencia de estereotipos y fronteras de género que se manifiestan en la dificultad que muestran las mujeres de participar como ponentes en reuniones científicas. Y muestra la dificultad de sacar conclusiones relativas a las diferencias observadas entre varones y mujeres si no se tiene en cuenta la variable edad

    Blind shots: non-natural mortality counteracts conservation efforts of a threatened waterbird

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    Waterbirds are particularly affected by the high hunting pressure they face in many regions, which in some cases is compromising conservation actions for threatened species. The marbled teal Marmaronetta angustirostris is one of the most endangered waterbirds in Europe. In order to restore its population, several conservation actions have recently been undertaken, including a population reinforcement programme in Spain using captive-bred birds. With the aim of assessing the success of the reinforcement programme to establish a long-term self-sustaining population, we identified mortality causes of marbled teal, evaluated the survival of individual birds of the reinforcement programme and estimated the viability of the population under different management scenarios. We used data from wild and captive-bred individuals tracked by GPS since 2018 (n = 42) and from a mark–recapture programme initiated in 2015 (n = 297). We recovered 15 dead birds or transmitters: 20% died of natural causes, 60% of non-natural causes (including all anthropic causes) and 20% of unknown causes. Furthermore, the GPS tags of 24 birds unexpectedly stopped transmitting without any indication of malfunction, and for 66.7% of these disappeared birds, the cessation was suspected to be caused by illegal shooting. Survival during the hunting season was higher for males (31.3%) than for females (12.5%), and for the wild (50%) than for the captive-bred birds (9.4%), probably due to differences in migration patterns to North Africa. Population viability models revealed that maintaining the breeding population at the current mortality rates is only possible with a permanent release programme of captive-bred individuals, and that in order to establish a self-sustaining population, non-natural mortality would have to be reduced by at least 40%. We recommend management measures to reduce marbled teal mortality, such as limiting legal hunting to hours with clear visibility, prosecuting illegal shootings, controlling exotic predators and improving water management to reduce disease outbreaks. Some improvements can be implemented in captive-breeding programmes, such as earlier release times and incorporating anti-predator training.The transmitters were funded by the Generalitat Valenciana, the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Biodiversity Foundation. JMPG was supported by a Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities postdoctoral contract IJC-2019-038968 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. ESG and ASA received the grants RYC2019-027216-I and RYC-2017-22796 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by ESF Investing in your future. RCRC was supported by the European Union-Next Generation EU in the Maria Zambrano Program (ZAMBRANO 21-26). The present research was carried out within the framework of the activities of the Spanish Government through the ‘Maria de Maeztu Centre of Excellence’ accreditation to IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB) (CEX2021-001198)

    Evaluación energética y de emisiones de un motor de combustión interna de encendido por compresión alimentado con mezclas de diesel y propano sin precalentar

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    El siguiente trabajo de grado da a conocer los resultados obtenidos durante la realización de pruebas con un motor de combustión interna de encendido por compresión, utilizando Diésel y mezclas de GLP sin precalentar. Este proyecto tiene como fin el estudio del desempeño energético, las emisiones reguladas al freno y la variación en el consumo de Diésel para un motor de encendido por compresión, procurando que la implementación de esta mezcla no afecte el funcionamiento, es decir, la entrega del torque y potencia generada por el motor al funcionar con las especificaciones de diseño. Las pruebas realizadas con estas mezclas anteriormente mencionadas se obtuvieron resultados en la eficiencia térmica de un 10% adicional al obtenido con las pruebas Diésel el cual es de un 5%. Corroborando que esta mezcla es efectiva en los motores de encendido por compresión y aporta una solución de combustible para la generación de energía eléctrica.The following grade work discloses the results obtained during testing with an internal combustion engine with compression ignition, using Diesel and LPG mixtures without preheating. The purpose of this project is to study energy performance, regulated brake emissions and the variation in diesel consumption for a compression ignition engine, ensuring that the implementation of this mixture does not affect the operation, that is, the delivery of the torque and power generated by the engine when operating with design specifications. The tests performed with these above-mentioned mixtures obtained results in the thermal efficiency of an additional 10% to that obtained with the Diesel tests which is 5%. Confirming that this mixture is effective in compression ignition engines and provides a fuel solution for generating electricity


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    ResumenEn este trabajo se presenta el diseño de una Interfaz Gráfica de Usuario para el monitoreo y generación de tramas de datos CAN, desarrollada en el IDE Qt Creator. Además, se presenta la metodología utilizada para realizar la configuración de un controlador FCAN el cual permite la generación de tramas de datos CAN personalizadas, las cuales fueron utilizadas para validar el funcionamiento de la interfaz gráfica desarrollada. Como medio de visualización y control se utilizó una pantalla táctil, la cual a su vez es controlada por una tarjeta de desarrollo que tiene como elemento central un SoC Cyclone V, en el cual se ejecuta un sistema Operativo Linux embebido el cual incluye librerías Qt, lo cual hizo posible la ejecución de la aplicación desarrollada. El SoC Cyclone V se divide en dos partes, una parte conformada por el denominado Hard Processor System y la otra compuesta por el FPGA, se hizo uso del HPS debido a que cuenta con periféricos dedicados a los cuales puede acceder directamente, de entre ellos se encuentran dos controladores FCAN, de modo que se hizo uso de uno configurado en modo combinado para la generación y lectura de tramas de datos CAN.Palabra(s) Clave: Controlador CAN, GUI, HPS, LINUX Embebido, Monitoreo de tramas, Qt Creator. GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE FOR THE MONITORING OF CAN FRAMES BY MEANS OF A SOC CYCLONE VAbstractThis paper presents the design of a graphical user interface for monitoring and generating CAN data frames, it was developed in the QT Creator IDE. Also it is presented the methodology used to make the configuration of an FCAN controller which lets the generation of custom CAN data frames that were used to validate the operation of the developed graphical user interface. As a medium of visualization and controlling it was used a touch panel which in turn is controlled by a development board that has as central element a SoC Cyclone V in which is executed an embedded LINUX Operating System and through Qt libraries it was possible to execute the application developed. The SoC Cyclone V is divided into two parts, one part conformed by the denominated Hard Processor System and the another one by an FPGA, it was used the HPS due to it has dedicated peripherals that can be accessed directly, among them there are two FCAN controllers, one of them was configured in combined mode to generate and read CAN data frames.Keywords: CAN Controller, Embedded LINUX, Frame monitoring, GUI, HPS, Qt Creator