996 research outputs found

    On the shopfloor: exploring the impact of teacher trade unions on school-based industrial relations

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    Teachers are highly unionised workers and their trade unions exert an important influence on the shaping and implementation of educational policy. Despite this importance there is relatively little analysis of the impact of teacher trade unions in educational management literature. Very little empirical research has sought to establish the impact of teacher unions at school level. In an era of devolved management and quasi-markets this omission is significant. New personnel issues continue to emerge at school level and this may well generate increased trade union activity at the workplace. This article explores the extent to which devolved management is drawing school-based union representation into a more prominent role. It argues that whilst there can be significant differences between individual schools, increased school autonomy is raising the profile of trade union activity in the workplace, and this needs to be better reflected in educational management research

    Constructing large DNA segments by iterative clone recombination

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    Methods for constructing large contiguous segments of DNA will be enabling for Synthetic Biology, where the assembly of genes encoding circuits, biosynthetic pathways or even whole microbial organisms is of interest. Currently, in vitro approaches to DNA synthesis are adequate for generating DNAs that are up to 10s of kbp in length, and in vivo recombination strategies are more suitable for building DNA constructs that are 100 kbp or larger. We have developed a vector system for efficient assembly of large DNA molecules by iterative in vivo recombination of fosmid clones. Two custom fosmid vectors have been built, pFOSAMP and pFOSKAN, that support antibiotic switching. Using this technique we rebuilt two non-contiguous regions of the Haemophilus influenzae genome as episomes in recombinogenic Escherichia coli host cells. These regions together comprise190 kbp, or 10.4% of the H. influenze genome

    Systemic and local eosinophil inflammation during the birch pollen season in allergic patients with predominant rhinitis or asthma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of the study was to investigate inflammation during the birch pollen season in patients with rhinitis or asthma.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Subjects with birch pollen asthma (n = 7) or rhinitis (n = 9) and controls (n = 5) were studied before and during pollen seasons. Eosinophils (Eos), eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) and human neutrophil lipocalin were analysed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Allergic asthmatics had a larger decline in FEV1 after inhaling hypertonic saline than patients with rhinitis (median) (-7.0 vs.-0.4%, p = 0.02). The asthmatics had a lower sesonal PEFR than the rhinitis group. The seasonal increase in B-Eos was higher among patients with asthma (+0.17 × 109/L) and rhinitis (+0.27 × 109/L) than among controls (+0.01 × 109/L, p = 0.01). Allergic asthmatics and patients with rhinitis had a larger increase in sputum ECP (+2180 and +310 μg/L) than the controls (-146 μg/L, p = 0.02). No significant differences in inflammatory parameters were found between the two groups of allergic patients.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Patients with allergic asthma and rhinitis have the same degree of eosinophil inflammation. Despite this, only the asthmatic group experienced an impairment in lung function during the pollen season.</p

    A Prospective Study of the Association of Metacognitive Beliefs and Processes with Persistent Emotional Distress After Diagnosis of Cancer

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    Two hundred and six patients, diagnosed with primary breast or prostate cancer completed self-report questionnaires on two occasions: before treatment (T1) and 12 months later (T2). The questionnaires included: the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; Impact of Events Scale; the Metacognitions Questionnaire-30 (MCQ-30) and the Illness Perceptions Questionnaire-revised. A series of regression analyses indicated that metacognitive beliefs at T1 predicted between 14 and 19 % of the variance in symptoms of anxiety, depression and trauma at T2 after controlling for age and gender. For all three outcomes, the MCQ-30 subscale ‘negative beliefs about worry’ made the largest individual contribution with ‘cognitive confidence’ also contributing in each case. For anxiety, a third metacognitive variable, ‘positive beliefs about worry’ also predicted variance in T2 symptoms. In addition, hierarchical analyses indicated that metacognitive beliefs explained a small but significant amount of variance in T2 anxiety (2 %) and T2 depression (4 %) over and above that explained by demographic variables, T1 symptoms and T1 illness perceptions. The findings suggest that modifying metacognitive beliefs and processes has the potential to alleviate distress associated with cancer

    Exergetic performance and comparative assessment of bottoming power cycles operating with carbon dioxide–based binary mixture as working fluid

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    This paper presents CO2-toluene (CO2-C7H8) binary mixture as working fluid to enhance the energetic and exergetic performance of CO2 bottoming power cycles in warm ambient conditions. A criterion for selection of CO2-based binary mixture is defined, and 0.9 CO2/0.1 C7H8 composition is decided based on the required minimum cycle temperature compatible with ambient conditions. Bottoming simple regenerative cycle (BSRC) and bottoming preheating cycle (BPHC) configurations are selected, and their realistic operating conditions are determined based on sensitivity analysis. The performance of bottoming cycles using CO2-C7H8 binary mixture is compared with the bottoming cycles using pure CO2 as working fluid at different ambient temperatures. It is observed that the cycles operating with pure CO2 can only perform better at lower ambient temperature conditions, whereas, at the increased ambient temperatures, bottoming cycles with CO2-C7H8 binary mixture outperform and produce significant gains in exergetic and energetic performance compared with pure CO2 bottoming cycles. A maximum gain of exergetic efficiency for BSRC and BPHC observed is 26.83% and 18.71%, respectively, at an operating ambient temperature of 313 K, whereas an overall gain in energetic efficiencies for BSRC and BPHC observed is 28.92% and 10.12%, respectively. Taking into consideration thermodynamic performance, overall UA (product of overall heat transfer coefficient and heat transfer area for the heat exchanger) and specific investment cost, BPHC configuration is suggested as reasonable choice for higher ambient temperature conditions

    The Diversity and Abundance of Small Arthropods in Onion, Allium cepa, Seed Crops, and their Potential Role in Pollination

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    Onion, Allium cepa L. (Asparagales: Amaryllidaceae), crop fields grown for seed production require arthropod pollination for adequate seed yield. Although many arthropod species visit A. cepa flowers, for most there is little information on their role as pollinators. Small flower visiting arthropods (body width < 3 mm) in particular are rarely assessed. A survey of eight flowering commercial A. cepa seed fields in the North and South Islands of New Zealand using window traps revealed that small arthropods were highly abundant among all except one field. Insects belonging to the orders Diptera and Thysanoptera were the most abundant and Hymenoptera, Collembola, Psocoptera, Hemiptera, and Coleoptera were also present. To test whether small arthropods might contribute to pollination, seed sets from umbels caged within 3 mm diameter mesh cages were compared with similarly caged, hand-pollinated umbels and uncaged umbels. Caged umbels that were not hand-pollinated set significantly fewer seeds (average eight seeds/umbel, n = 10) than caged hand-pollinated umbels (average 146 seeds/umbel) and uncaged umbels (average 481 seeds/umbel). Moreover, sticky traps placed on umbels within cages captured similar numbers of small arthropods as sticky traps placed on uncaged umbels, suggesting cages did not inhibit the movement of small arthropods to umbels. Therefore, despite the high abundance of small arthropods within fields, evidence to support their role as significant pollinators of commercial A. cepa seed crops was not found

    Efficacious and Safe Tissue-Selective Controlled Gene Therapy Approaches for the Cornea

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    Untargeted and uncontrolled gene delivery is a major cause of gene therapy failure. This study aimed to define efficient and safe tissue-selective targeted gene therapy approaches for delivering genes into keratocytes of the cornea in vivo using a normal or diseased rabbit model. New Zealand White rabbits, adeno-associated virus serotype 5 (AAV5), and a minimally invasive hair-dryer based vector-delivery technique were used. Fifty microliters of AAV5 titer (6.5×1012 vg/ml) expressing green fluorescent protein gene (GFP) was topically applied onto normal or diseased (fibrotic or neovascularized) rabbit corneas for 2-minutes with a custom vector-delivery technique. Corneal fibrosis and neovascularization in rabbit eyes were induced with photorefractive keratectomy using excimer laser and VEGF (630 ng) using micropocket assay, respectively. Slit-lamp biomicroscopy and immunocytochemistry were used to confirm fibrosis and neovascularization in rabbit corneas. The levels, location and duration of delivered-GFP gene expression in the rabbit stroma were measured with immunocytochemistry and/or western blotting. Slot-blot measured delivered-GFP gene copy number. Confocal microscopy performed in whole-mounts of cornea and thick corneal sections determined geometric and spatial localization of delivered-GFP in three-dimensional arrangement. AAV5 toxicity and safety were evaluated with clinical eye exam, stereomicroscopy, slit-lamp biomicroscopy, and H&E staining. A single 2-minute AAV5 topical application via custom delivery-technique efficiently and selectively transduced keratocytes in the anterior stroma of normal and diseased rabbit corneas as evident from immunocytochemistry and confocal microscopy. Transgene expression was first detected at day 3, peaked at day 7, and was maintained up to 16 weeks (longest tested time point). Clinical and slit-lamp eye examination in live rabbits and H&E staining did not reveal any significant changes between AAV5-treated and untreated control corneas. These findings suggest that defined gene therapy approaches are safe for delivering genes into keratocytes in vivo and has potential for treating corneal disorders in human patients

    Endovascular Stent Treatment for Symptomatic Benign Iliofemoral Venous Occlusive Disease: Long-Term Results 1987–2009

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    Venous stenting has been shown to effectively treat iliofemoral venous obstruction with good short- and mid-term results. The aim of this study was to investigate long-term clinical outcome and stent patency. Twenty patients were treated with venous stenting for benign disease at our institution between 1987 and 2005. Fifteen of 20 patients (15 female, mean age at time of stent implantation 38 years [range 18–66]) returned for a clinical visit, a plain X-ray of the stent, and a Duplex ultrasound. Four patients were lost to follow-up, and one patient died 277 months after stent placement although a good clinical result was documented 267 months after stent placement. Mean follow-up after stent placement was 167.8 months (13.9 years) (range 71 (6 years) to 267 months [22 years]). No patient needed an additional venous intervention after stent implantation. No significant difference between the circumference of the thigh on the stented side (mean 55.1 cm [range 47.0–70.0]) compared with the contralateral thigh (mean 54.9 cm [range 47.0–70.0]) (p = 0.684) was seen. There was a nonsignificant trend toward higher flow velocities within the stent (mean 30.8 cm/s [range 10.0–48.0]) and the corresponding vein segment on the contralateral side (mean 25.2 cm/s [range 12.0–47.0]) (p = 0.065). Stent integrity was confirmed in 14 of 15 cases. Only one stent showed a fracture, as documented on x-ray, without any impairment of flow. Venous stenting using Wallstents showed excellent long-term clinical outcome and primary patency rate

    Cell Therapy of Congenital Corneal Diseases with Umbilical Mesenchymal Stem Cells: Lumican Null Mice

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    BACKGROUND: Keratoplasty is the most effective treatment for corneal blindness, but suboptimal medical conditions and lack of qualified medical personnel and donated cornea often prevent the performance of corneal transplantation in developing countries. Our study aims to develop alternative treatment regimens for congenital corneal diseases of genetic mutation. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Human mesenchymal stem cells isolated from neonatal umbilical cords were transplanted to treat thin and cloudy corneas of lumican null mice. Transplantation of umbilical mesenchymal stem cells significantly improved corneal transparency and increased stromal thickness of lumican null mice, but human umbilical hematopoietic stem cells failed to do the same. Further studies revealed that collagen lamellae were re-organized in corneal stroma of lumican null mice after mesenchymal stem cell transplantation. Transplanted umbilical mesenchymal stem cells survived in the mouse corneal stroma for more than 3 months with little or no graft rejection. In addition, these cells assumed a keratocyte phenotype, e.g., dendritic morphology, quiescence, expression of keratocyte unique keratan sulfated keratocan and lumican, and CD34. Moreover, umbilical mesenchymal stem cell transplantation improved host keratocyte functions, which was verified by enhanced expression of keratocan and aldehyde dehydrogenase class 3A1 in lumican null mice. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Umbilical mesenchymal stem cell transplantation is a promising treatment for congenital corneal diseases involving keratocyte dysfunction. Unlike donated corneas, umbilical mesenchymal stem cells are easily isolated, expanded, stored, and can be quickly recovered from liquid nitrogen when a patient is in urgent need