6 research outputs found

    Cigarettes Butts and the Case for an Environmental Policy on Hazardous Cigarette Waste

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    Discarded cigarette butts are a form of non-biodegradable litter. Carried as runoff from streets to drains, to rivers, and ultimately to the ocean and its beaches, cigarette filters are the single most collected item in international beach cleanups each year. They are an environmental blight on streets, sidewalks, and other open areas. Rather than being a protective health device, cigarette filters are primarily a marketing tool to help sell ‘safe’ cigarettes. They are perceived by much of the public (especially current smokers) to reduce the health risks of smoking through technology. Filters have reduced the machine-measured yield of tar and nicotine from burning cigarettes, but there is controversy as to whether this has correspondingly reduced the disease burden of smoking to the population. Filters actually may serve to sustain smoking by making it seem less urgent for smokers to quit and easier for children to initiate smoking because of reduced irritation from early experimentation. Several options are available to reduce the environmental impact of cigarette butt waste, including developing biodegradable filters, increasing fines and penalties for littering butts, monetary deposits on filters, increasing availability of butt receptacles, and expanded public education. It may even be possible to ban the sale of filtered cigarettes altogether on the basis of their adverse environmental impact. This option may be attractive in coastal regions where beaches accumulate butt waste and where smoking indoors is increasingly prohibited. Additional research is needed on the various policy options, including behavioral research on the impact of banning the sale of filtered cigarettes altogether

    BlocKit:A physical kit for materializing and designing for blockchain infrastructure

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    Blockchain is a disruptive technology which has significantly challenged assumptions that underpin financial institutions, and has provoked innovation strategies that have the potential to change many aspects of the digital economy. However, because of its novelty and complexity, mental models of blockchain technology are difficult to acquire. Building on embodied cognition theories and material centered-design, we report an innovative approach for the design of BlocKit, a physical three-dimensional kit for materializing blockchain infrastructure and its key entities. Through an engagement with different materials such as clay, paper, or transparent containers we identified important properties of these entities and materialized them through physical artifacts. BlocKit was evaluated by 15 blockchain experts with findings indicating its value for experts’ high level of engagement in communicating about, and designing for blockchain infrastructure. Our study advances an innovative approach for the design of such kits, an initial vocabulary to talk about them, and design implications intended to inspire HCI researchers to engage in designing for infrastructures

    Self and regulated governance simulation: Exploring governance for blockchain technology

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    Blockchain technology and blockchain applications sit at the cross-road of data science and Internet of Things applications where getting the governance right for this new technological paradigm is of core concern for leaders aspiring to realize smart city and living initiatives. In this research, we deploy computational simulation of self and regulated governance and extend the findings to the new blockchain technology ecosystems. We propose that getting the governance approach right is as important as getting the technological platform issues resolved