917 research outputs found

    Genome-wide identification of Reverse Transcriptase domains of recently inserted endogenous plant pararetrovirus (Caulimoviridae)

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    Altres ajuts: CERCA Programme/Generalitat de CatalunyaEndogenous viral elements (EVEs) are viral sequences that have been integrated into the nuclear chromosomes. Endogenous pararetrovirus (EPRV) are a class of EVEs derived from DNA viruses of the family Caulimoviridae. Previous works based on a limited number of genome assemblies demonstrated that EPRVs are abundant in plants and are present in several species. The availability of genome sequences has been immensely increased in the recent years and we took advantage of these resources to have a more extensive view of the presence of EPRVs in plant genomes. We analyzed 278 genome assemblies corresponding to 267 species (254 from Viridiplantae) using tBLASTn against a collection of conserved domains of the Reverse Transcriptases (RT) of Caulimoviridae. We concentrated our search on complete and well-conserved RT domains with an uninterrupted ORF comprising the genetic information for at least 300 amino acids. We obtained 11.527 sequences from the genomes of 202 species spanning the whole Tracheophyta clade. These elements were grouped in 57 clusters and classified in 13 genera, including a newly proposed genus we called Wendovirus. Wendoviruses are characterized by the presence of four open reading frames and two of them encode for aspartic proteinases. Comparing plant genomes, we observed important differences between the plant families and genera in the number and type of EPRVs found. In general, florendoviruses are the most abundant and widely distributed EPRVs. The presence of multiple identical RT domain sequences in some of the genomes suggests their recent amplification

    Isomorphism, institutionalization and legitimacy : operational auditing at the court of auditors

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    Este trabalho objetiva verificar qual a relação entre o conceito de legitimidade e o fenômeno de institucionalização da atividade de auditoria operacional no Tribunal de Contas da União em um contexto de isomorfismo institucional. Foi realizado exame documental abrangendo o período de 1987 a 2004 e entrevistas com 18 pessoas envolvidas na referida atividade no TCU. Os resultados sugerem que existe relação entre isomorfismo e legitimidade, entretanto apenas no que se refere a um tipo de legitimidade. O fenômeno do isomorfismo atua no sentido de conferir legitimidade cognitiva, enquanto que atuam outros fatores, ligados a cultura e ao ambiente institucional do país, que interferem na dimensão da legitimidade moral, resultando na institucionalização da atividade em um nível secundário na organização analisada. Por fim, observou-se que o processo de instituticionalização, no caso presente, apresenta característica circular, no qual as fases de inovação, difusão, saturação parcial e desinstitucionalização parcial se sucedem de forma cíclica, modificando a atividade de auditoria operacional ao longo do tempo no TCU.The aim of this paper is to verify the nature of the relationship between the concept of legitimacy and the phenomenon of institutionalization of operational auditing at the Court of Auditors in a context of institutional isomorphism. A documental examination was conducted covering the period of 1987 to 2004 and 18 people involved in the aforementioned activity at the Court of Auditors were interviewed. The results suggest that there is a relationship between isomorphism and legitimacy but only concerning one type of legitimacy. The phenomenon of isomorphism acts in the sense of checking cognitive legitimacy while other factors are at work which are connected to the culture and institutional environment of the country, which interfere in the dimension of moral legitimacy, resulting in institutionalization of the activity at a secondary level in the analyzed organization. It was seen that the process of institutionalization, in this case, has a circular characteristic, in which the phases of innovation, diffusion, partial saturation and partial deinstitutionalization follow one another cyclically, modifying the activity of operational auditing over time at the Court of Auditors

    Caracterización del crecimiento urbano en Latinoamérica

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    El crecimiento urbano en Latinoamérica es muy diverso, variando sus modelos con el nivel de desarrollo socioeconómico de cada país. Los países más desarrollados de la región están afrontando el reto del crecimiento urbano con políticas masivas de vivienda normal. Los menos desarrollados están inmersos en modos de crecimiento con infraviviendas que presentan graves problemas sociales, sanitarios y urbanos. Con muchas dificultades el grupo de países en vías de desarrollo, con la ayuda de organismos internacionales, está tratando de afrontar las carencias que lastran un crecimiento urbano normal y sostenible.Urban growth in latin america is very diverse, varying its models with the level of socioeconomic development of each country. The most developed countries of the region are facing the challenge of urban growth with massive policies of normal housing. the less developed are immersed in growth modes with substandard housing that present serious social, health and urban problems. With many difficulties, the group of developing countries, with the help of international organizations, is trying to confront the shortcomings that hamper normal and sustainable urban growth

    Aprendizaje cooperativo en la formación de profesionales de Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental y Paisaje

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    El enfoque del aprendizaje cooperativo parece especialmente apropiado para la formación de alumnos universitarios en una serie de competencias profesionales relacionadas con la temática ambiental, como la Evaluación del Impacto Ambiental (EIA)o los diferentes instrumentos de Paisaje, los cuales ofrecen unas salidas profesionales a alumnos de diferentes disciplinas universitarias. y ello porque estas materias plantean retos importantes desde el punto de vista docente, ya que requieren ineludiblemente una formación pluridisciplinaria – con la consiguiente necesidad del trabajo en equipo-, el abordar problemas complejos y desarrollar habilidades para una interacción efectiva con los diferentes sectores sociales, aspectos todos ellos poco habituales en los programas de la mayoría de carreras. En la presente comunicación se expone la positiva experiencia adquirida en cursos recientes con los alumnos de grado en Ciencias del Mar y en la licenciatura en Biología de la Universidad de Alicante en asignaturas ambientales relacionadas con la EIA o el paisaje, que se han abordado mediante experiencias de aprendizaje cooperativo. Igualmente, se discuten las posibles líneas de desarrollo que podrían aplicarse, dentro de esta línea, para la formación de profesionales en tales materias en colaboración con enseñantes y alumnos de otras disciplinas y con la participación de asociaciones profesionales

    Genome-wide identification of Reverse Transcriptase domains of recently inserted endogenous plant pararetrovirus (Caulimoviridae)

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    Endogenous viral elements (EVEs) are viral sequences that have been integrated into the nuclear chromosomes. Endogenous pararetrovirus (EPRV) are a class of EVEs derived from DNA viruses of the family Caulimoviridae. Previous works based on a limited number of genome assemblies demonstrated that EPRVs are abundant in plants and are present in several species. The availability of genome sequences has been immensely increased in the recent years and we took advantage of these resources to have a more extensive view of the presence of EPRVs in plant genomes. We analyzed 278 genome assemblies corresponding to 267 species (254 from Viridiplantae) using tBLASTn against a collection of conserved domains of the Reverse Transcriptases (RT) of Caulimoviridae. We concentrated our search on complete and well-conserved RT domains with an uninterrupted ORF comprising the genetic information for at least 300 amino acids. We obtained 11.527 sequences from the genomes of 202 species spanning the whole Tracheophyta clade. These elements were grouped in 57 clusters and classified in 13 genera, including a newly proposed genus we called Wendovirus. Wendoviruses are characterized by the presence of four open reading frames and two of them encode for aspartic proteinases. Comparing plant genomes, we observed important differences between the plant families and genera in the number and type of EPRVs found. In general, florendoviruses are the most abundant and widely distributed EPRVs. The presence of multiple identical RT domain sequences in some of the genomes suggests their recent amplification

    Apuntes para la historia jurídica de Segovia

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-201

    Optimization of crude oil operations scheduling by applying a two-stage stochastic programming approach with risk management

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    Producción CientíficaThis paper focuses on the problem of crude oil operations scheduling carried out in a system composed of a refinery and a marine terminal, considering uncertainty in the arrival date of the ships that supply the crudes. To tackle this problem, we develop a two-stage stochastic mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) model based on continuous-time representation. Furthermore, we extend the proposed model to include risk management by considering the Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR) measure as the objective function, and we analyze the solutions obtained for different risk levels. Finally, to evaluate the solution obtained, we calculate the Expected Value of Perfect Information (EVPI) and the Value of the Stochastic Solution (VSS) to assess whether two-stage stochastic programming model offers any advantage over simpler deterministic approaches.Gobierno de España - proyects a-CIDiT (PID2021-123654OB-C31) and InCo4In (PGC 2018-099312-B-C31)Junta de Castilla y León - EU-FEDER (CLU 2017-09, CL-EI-2021-07, UIC 233

    A Hexagonal Pattern in the Paraninfo at the Universidad de Alcalá

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    In the sixteenth century, the assembly hall, or Paraninfo, at the recently inaugurated Universidad de Alcala. was known as the pieça del theatro. This study focuses on the layouts and proportions designed for this hall, which could be the key to understanding the whole project as a Renaissance theater that was singularly inspired by Roman models. Specifically, the hexagonal pattern of the coffered ceiling represents a genuine formal exploration in comparison with other wooden ceilings having similar geometric bases. All this led us to study this uncommon masterpiece as a proposal for a new model toward an intellectual and architectural recovery of the Antiquity, in the core of the Universidad, conceived for the representation of academic ceremonies and humanistic theater.Research funded by Comunidad de Madrid/Universidad de Alcalá, Project CM/JIN/2019-041, IP: Manuel De Miguel Sánchez

    Sustainability assessment of Territorial Short Food Supply Chains versus Large‐Scale Food Distribution: The case of Colombia and Spain

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    Assessing, designing and implementing more sustainable agri-food systems has become a high priority in scientific research and political agendas worldwide. The ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict is highlighting the fragility of globalised food distribution systems, and there is a need to focus on alternatives. This manuscript assesses the sustainability of two largely opposing marketing alternatives, namely Territorial Short Food Supply Chains (TSFSCs) and Large-Scale Food Distribution (LSFD). Specifically, the cases of Bogota (Colombia) and Cordoba (Spain) are analysed, where the development of TSFSCs has very significant in recent years but which are of a very different nature. For this purpose, a multi-criteria model based on the Analytic Network Process (ANP) methodology has been developed, considering multiple economic, social and environmental criteria. The model has been evaluated by four interest groups. The results show that the social sub-criterion – distribution of added value – is highly prioritised, and that the TSFSCs are the most sustainable alternatives globally in both cities. In Bogota, direct sales (farmers market) are prioritised, whilst in Cordoba, chain with a local retail (specialised shops). The contribution of TSFSCs to ecosystem services, equity, territorial cohesion and the revitalisation of the economy is highlighted. By interest groups, civil society, academia and public administration prioritise TSFSCs. However, the market players in Cordoba prioritise LSFD with national product. The results indicate that TSFSCs have the potential to contribute to the consolidation of sustainable and resilient food systems.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA

    Neuroprotective Effects of Bioavailable Polyphenol-Derived Metabolites against Oxidative Stress-Induced Cytotoxicity in Human Neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y Cells

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    Oxidative stress is involved in cell death in neurodegenerative diseases. Dietary polyphenols can exert health benefits, but their direct effects on neuronal cells are debatable because most phenolics are metabolized and do not reach the brain as they occur in the dietary sources. Herein, we evaluate the effects of a panel of bioavailable polyphenols and derived metabolites at physiologically relevant conditions against H2O2-induced apoptosis in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. Among the 19 metabolites tested, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylpropionic acid, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, gallic acid, ellagic acid, and urolithins prevented neuronal apoptosis via attenuation of ROS levels, increased REDOX activity, and decreased oxidative stress-induced apoptosis by preventing the caspase-3 activation via the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway in SH-SY5Y cells. This suggests that dietary sources containing the polyphenol precursors of these molecules such as cocoa, berries, walnuts, and tea could be potential functional foods to reduce oxidative stress associated with the onset and progress of neurodegenerative diseases.This work was funded by Projects CICYT AGL2011-22447, AGL2015-64124-R (MINECO, Spain), 201370E068 (CSIC, Spain), and BACCHUS (FP7-KBBE-2012-6-single stage, European Commission Grant Agreement 312090). A.G.-S. and M.A.N.-S. are holders of a “Juan de la Cierva” contract and an FPI grant, respectively, from MINECO.Peer reviewe