125 research outputs found

    Water Reduction Using WW-B. Dahl Pastures to Produce Beef: Potential to Reduce Aquifer Irrigation and Sustain More Intensive Agriculture for Diverse Western Rangeland Conditions

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    High rates of water withdrawal from the Ogallala aquifer threatens sustainability of various agricultural uses. Since rainfall patterns differ across many Western regions where beef grazing and combined beef and crop rotation practices prevail, locating grasses that meet high nutrition standards for beef while dramatically reducing water requirements (from irrigation of rainfall) under normal and drought conditions rises in importance. We present results of a two year study on 54 hectares using WW-B.Dahl [Bothriochloa bladhii (Retz) S.T. Blake] pasture. For two consecutive summers, we evaluated forage standing crops and the quality of WW-B.Dahl grass under summer grazing conditions subject to three levels of water application in Lubbock County, Texas: dryland conditions, low water applications and high applications. In each category, there was substantive reduction in water withdrawals

    “Territorios prohibidos” las mujeres en el camino hacia la vida política, Cartagena durante la primera mitad del siglo XX

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    This article presents a set of facts that occurred during the first decades of the twentieth century in Cartagena which promoted the inclusion and participation of women in the political life of this city. We analyze the way that they had to travel to achieve full recognition of political rights and transcend the condition that society had attributed to them: domestic work, puritanical customs, Christian morals and patriarchal stereotypes, which formally blocked their participation in public affairs.En este artículo se presenta un conjunto de hechos, que durante las primeras décadas del siglo XX en Cartagena promueven la inclusión y participación de las mujeres a la vida política de esta ciudad. Se trata de analizar, el camino que ellas tuvieron que transitar para lograr el reconocimiento pleno de los derechos políticos y trascender la condición que la sociedad les había atribuido: las labores domésticas; las costumbres puritanas, la moral cristiana y los estereotipos de género patriarcales, lo que impedía de hecho y formalmente su participación en asuntos públicos.

    Estudio sobre sistemas de alimentación y de alojamiento de becerros pardo suizo en clima tropical

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    Para la cría de becerros de razas lecheras en condiciones de clima tropical, se han adoptado con éxito prácticas de alimentación (Román y Ortiz, 1977) y sistemas de alojamiento (Barradas, Román y Monroy, 1979) generados en otras regiones

    ICOnnecta't: Development and Initial Results of a Stepped Psychosocial eHealth Ecosystem to Facilitate Risk Assessment and Prevention of Early Emotional Distress in Breast Cancer Survivors' Journey

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    Psychosocial interventions prevent emotional distress and facilitate adaptation in breast cancer (BC). However, conventional care presents accessibility barriers that eHealth has the potential to overcome. ICOnnecta't is a stepped digital ecosystem designed to build wellbeing and reduce psychosocial risks during the cancer journey through a European-funded project. Women recently diagnosed with BC in a comprehensive cancer center were offered the ecosystem. ICOnnecta't consists of four care levels, provided according to users' distress: screening and monitoring, psychoeducation campus, peer-support community, and online-group psychotherapy. Descriptive analyses were conducted to assess the platform's implementation, while multilevel linear models were used to study users' psychosocial course after diagnosis. ICOnnecta't showed acceptance, use and attrition rates of 57.62, 74.60, and 29.66%, respectively. Up to 76.19% of users reported being satisfied with the platform and 75.95% informed that it was easy to use. A total of 443 patients' needs were detected and responsively managed, leading 94.33% of users to remain in the preventive steps. In general, strong social support led to a better psychosocial course. ICOnnecta't has been successfully implemented. The results showed that it supported the development of a digital relation with healthcare services and opened new early support pathways

    De lo oculto que se les permite y de la visibilidad que se les niega: las mujeres en las letras y artes de Cartagena de Indias (1940-1949)

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    En el siguiente artículo nos proponemos abordar cómo, a través del cultivo de las letras y las artes, algunas mujeres de la élite cartagenera en la década del cuarenta, intentaron generar una crítica sobre su precaria condición educativa – motivada por restricciones de gé- nero–, al tiempo que buscaban ser visibles ante una sociedad que las excluía de lo público y les atribuía roles nítidamente diferenciados del masculino. Para ello haremos un recorrido sobre los antecedentes históricos y algunos debates presentados en la prensa sobre el papel de la mujer en relación con las letras y las artes

    Evaluación de la permeabilidad al vapor de agua de películas de proteína de lactosuero/quitosano y su efecto sobre la respiración en banano recubierto = Evaluation of the water vapor permeability for whey protein/chitosan films and its effect on respiration of coated banana

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    Los recubrimientos y películas elaborados lactosuero (WPI) y quitosano (CHI) son conocidos por ser antifúngicos y por ser barrera para la transferencia de vapor de agua, logrando un efecto en la conservación de frutas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar el efecto de un recubrimiento de WPI y CHI sobre la respiración del banano durante el almacenamiento en condiciones ambientales (25±3 ºC y 75±5% HR) y su relación con la permeabilidad al vapor de agua (PVA) de las películas. Para la elaboración del recubrimiento se evaluaron distintas concentraciones de WPI y CHI. Se empleó CHI al 75% de desacetilación (solución de 1,2%, 1,5% y 1,8% p/v) y WPI al 96% (solución de 3% y 4% p/v). La tasa de respiración se determinó realizando mediciones durante 55 minutos para cada tratamiento empleando un respirómetro digital. El mejor recubrimiento fue CHI 1,5%-WPI 3% donde la maduración y respiración fue controlada y el pico climatérico ocurrió el día 9 de almacenamiento con 109,84 mg CO2/kg–h (en la muestra control fue eldía 7 con 172,71 mg CO2/kg–h). La permeabilidad al vapor de agua de la película elaborada con esta formulación tuvo un valor intermedio (7,43x10-4g-mm/Pa-h-m2) respecto a las demás formulaciones. Las películas con la mayor y la menor permeabilidad mostraron las tasas de respiración más altas

    Maniac Episode Induced by Thyrotoxicosis: Case Report

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    Objetivo: Presentamos el caso de un paciente de 65 años con diagnóstico de episodio maniaco inducido por tirotoxicosis, quien presentó síntomas neuropsiquiátricos asociados a hiporexia, pérdida de peso, diarrea y palpitaciones, como elementos clave para la sospecha clínica y el diagnóstico oportuno con el fin de disminuir la morbilidad y mortalidad del paciente. Descripción del caso: Paciente masculino de 65 años de edad con antecedente de episodio maniaco; desde los 45 años con sospecha de TAB, con falla terapéutica a múltiples antipsicóticos. Ingresó al servicio de urgencias con síntomas psicóticos y  afectivos maneiformes, hiporexia, pérdida de peso, diarrea y palpitaciones. Con laboratorios que mostraron una TSH baja, y anticuerpos antiperoxidasa tiroidea elevados. Recibió quetiapina 600 mgs/día, ácido valpróico 750 mgs/día, complementando con metimazol 30 mgs/día y propranolol 80 mgs/día, resolviendo sus síntomas neuropsiquiátricos rápidamente. Conclusiones: Un episodio maneiforme puede ser causado por tirotoxicosis. La psicosis y los síntomas del estado de ánimo secundarios al hipertiroidismo son raros en la práctica clínica, lo cual causa que pasen inadvertidos, por lo cual el conocimiento de esta alteración genera un manejo oportuno de pacientes reduciendo el gasto de los recursos del sistema de salud y mejorando la calidad de vida de la persona.Objective: We present the case of a 65-year-old patient diagnosed with a manic episode induced by thyrotoxicosis, who presented neuropsychiatric symptoms associated with hyporexia, weight loss, diarrhea and palpitations, as key elements for clinical suspicion and timely diagnosis in order to reduce patient morbidity and mortality. Description of the case: A 65-year-old male patient with a history of manic episode; since the age of 45 with suspected BAD, with therapeutic failure to multiple antipsychotics. He was admitted to the emergency department with maneiform psychotic and affective symptoms, hyporexia, weight loss, diarrhea, and palpitations. With laboratories that showed a low TSH, and elevated anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies. He received quetiapine 600 mg/day, valproic acid 750 mg/day, supplemented with methimazole 30 mg/day and propranolol 80 mg/day, resolving his neuropsychiatric symptoms rapidly. Conclusions: A maneiform episode may be caused by thyrotoxicosis. Psychosis and mood symptoms secondary to hyperthyroidism are rare in clinical practice, which causes them to go unnoticed, therefore, knowledge of this alteration generates timely management of patients, reducing the expenditure of health system resources. and improving the quality of life of the perso

    Identification of Potential Kinase Inhibitors within the PI3K/AKT Pathway of Leishmania Species

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    Leishmaniasis is a public health disease that requires the development of more effective treatments and the identification of novel molecular targets. Since blocking the PI3K/AKT pathway has been successfully studied as an effective anticancer strategy for decades, we examined whether the same approach would also be feasible in Leishmania due to their high amount and diverse set of annotated proteins. Here, we used a best reciprocal hits protocol to identify potential protein kinase homologues in an annotated human PI3K/AKT pathway. We calculated their ligandibility based on available bioactivity data of the reported homologues and modelled their 3D structures to estimate the druggability of their binding pockets. The models were used to run a virtual screening method with molecular docking. We found and studied five protein kinases in five different Leishmania species, which are AKT, CDK, AMPK, mTOR and GSK3 homologues from the studied pathways. The compounds found for different enzymes and species were analysed and suggested as starting point scaffolds for the design of inhibitors. We studied the kinases’ participation in protein–protein interaction networks, and the potential deleterious effects, if inhibited, were supported with the literature. In the case of Leishmania GSK3, an inhibitor of its human counterpart, prioritized by our method, was validated in vitro to test its anti-Leishmania activity and indirectly infer the presence of the enzyme in the parasite. The analysis contributes to improving the knowledge about the presence of similar signalling pathways in Leishmania, as well as the discovery of compounds acting against any of these kinases as potential molecular targets in the parasite.Fil: Ochoa, Rodrigo. Universidad de Antioquia; ColombiaFil: Ortega Pajares, Amaya. University of Melbourne; AustraliaFil: Castello, Florencia Andrea. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Química Biológica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Química Biológica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Cálculo; ArgentinaFil: Serral, Federico. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Química Biológica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Química Biológica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Cálculo; ArgentinaFil: Fernández Do Porto, Darío Augusto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Química Biológica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Química Biológica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Cálculo; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Química Biológica; ArgentinaFil: Villa Pulgarin, Janny A.. Coorporación Universitaria Remington; ColombiaFil: Varela M., Rubén E.. Universidad Santiago de Cali; ColombiaFil: Muskus, Carlos. Universidad de Antioquia; Colombi

    Sensitization to Platanus Occidentalis Tree and Ricinus Communis Weed Pollen in Northern Mexico

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    El polen Platanus occidentalis (Po) y Ricinus communis (Rc) se capturaron con un Hirst volumétrico (Burkard Manufacturing Co.) en Monterrey. Evaluamos su ensibilización prevalencia para incluir estos alérgenos en nuestras pruebas rutinarias de punción cutánea (SPT

    Near-infrared spectroscopy monitoring in cardiac and noncardiac surgery: Pairwise and network meta-analyses

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    Producción CientíficaGoal-directed therapy based on brain-oxygen saturation (bSo2) is controversial and hotly debated. While meta-analyses of aggregated data have shown no clinical benefit for brain near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)-based interventions after cardiac surgery, no network meta-analyses involving both major cardiac and noncardiac procedures have yet been undertaken. Randomized controlled trials involving NIRS monitoring in both major cardiac and noncardiac surgery were included. Aggregate-level data summary estimates of critical outcomes (postoperative cognitive decline (POCD)/postoperative delirium (POD), acute kidney injury, cardiovascular events, bleeding/need for transfusion, and postoperative mortality) were obtained. NIRS was only associated with protection against POCD/POD in cardiac surgery patients (pooled odds ratio (OR)/95% confidence interval (CI)/I2/number of studies (n): 0.34/0.14–0.85/75%/7), although a favorable effect was observed in the analysis, including both cardiac and noncardiac procedures. However, the benefit of the use of NIRS monitoring was undetectable in Bayesian network meta-analysis, although maintaining bSo2 > 80% of the baseline appeared to have the most pronounced impact. Evidence was imprecise regarding acute kidney injury, cardiovascular events, bleeding/need for transfusion, and postoperative mortality. There is evidence that brain NIRS-based algorithms are effective in preventing POCD/POD in cardiac surgery, but not in major noncardiac surgery. However, the specific target bSo2 threshold has yet to be determined.Junta de Castilla y León (project VA161G18