998 research outputs found

    Production and biodegradability of dissolved organic carbon from dIfferent litter sources

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    The movement of carbon on Earth is based on exchange between pools that represent carbon in different physical forms, differing in chemical composition, structure and function. Dissolved organic carbon plays an important role in ecosystems because of its mobility, which can be relatively high in saturated soils, and because it is the most available fraction of organic matter for microorganisms in soil, being particularly active in microbial degradation processes through soil profile. The ability of moving through soil, that DOC has, makes it an essential part of the organic loading to the streams, forming a bridge between the carbon of terrestrial and aquatic systems. However, relatively little is known about the production and fate of DOC from its main source, which is plant organic matter. The correlation between the type of litter and the characteristics of the DOC produced from it represent the knowledge gap that this study aims to fill. The litter from six plant species was used to extract DOC over different extraction periods from one up to forty eight hours. Also, a degradation study on the DOC extracts was performed and the resulting degradation curves were analyzed in relation to the extraction time, percentage of aromaticity and to the nitrogen composition of the litter. The results showed that only in some of the species surveyed the DOC leaching from the wood litter is lower than the one from the leaf litter. Moreover, the DOC aromaticity did not increase over extraction time as was expected, but instead it tended to decrease. The degradation experiment showed an increase in lability until the 16 hours extraction, which was different to the expected pattern of decreasing lability as extraction time increased. Significant differences in DOC leaching rate and lability were also found between evergreen plant litter and summer green plant litter. The differences in production and degradability of the DOC are thus related to a wide range of factors, other than the chemical composition of the litter. Other factors such as physiological variations among species and plant structures appear to play a significant role in the DOC production. The results show that assumptions made in models about DOC production depending only on chemical structure of litter can possibly be improved by including physiological differences among species and morphological structures.The threat that climate change represents to mankind is now closer than ever. The carbon cycle, which is the circulation of carbon through earth, gives us the clue to identify how climate change is produced. It might be surprising to know that the falling leaves during autumn, that announce us the end of the sunny days of the summer, play an important role on climate change. The way in which local processes such as falling leaves and twigs, so called plant litter, can have a global effect is because of the chemical compounds that are released from them when they fall. These compounds contain high amounts of carbon, being a key feature in the carbon cycle. The topic gets more interesting once we take into account that the leached chemical compounds differ depending on wide variety of factors, such as plant species and plant part where the litter comes from. My thesis project was focused on investigate the amount of compounds leached from different plant litter, as well as its chemical characteristics. Patterns showed in the results suggest links between the type of compounds leached and the type of litter. Links such as having more compounds leached from leaves than from wood and more from summer green trees leaves than from evergreen trees leaves were highlighted. Also, the chemical characteristics of the leached compounds change over time depending on how long the litter has been exposed to the environment. In conclusion, knowing the characteristics and the behavior of the leached compounds from litter is an important tool in order to improve our understanding on the earth system. Understanding the earth processes is crucial in order to identify the causes, effects and possible solutions to climate change

    The influence of soil structure on microbial processes in microfluidic models

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    The way microbes behave in nature can vary widely depending on the spatial characteristics of the habitats they are located in. The spatial structure of the microbial environment can determine whether and to which extent processes such as organic matter degradation, and synergistic or antagonistic microbial processes occur. Investigating how the different spatial characteristics of microhabitats influence microbes has been challenging due to methodological limitations. In the case of soil sciences, attempts to describe the inner structure of the soil pore space, and to connect it to microbial processes, such as to determine the access of nutrient limited soil microorganisms to soil organic matter pools, has been one of the main goals of the field in the last years. The present work aimed at answering the question of how spatial complexity affects microbial dispersal, growth, and the degradation of a dissolved organic substrate. Using microfluidic devices, designed to mimic the inner soil pore physical structures, we first followed the dispersal and growth of soil microbes in the devices, using soil inocula or burying the microfluidic devices in the top layer of a soil (Paper I). We found that inter-kingdom interactions can play an important role for the dispersal of water-dwelling organisms and that these physically modified their environment. To reveal the effect of the different structures on microbes in more detail we tested the influence of increasing spatial complexity in a porespace on the growth and substrate degradation of bacterial and fungal laboratory strains. The parameters we used to manipulate the pore space’s complexity were two: via the turning angle and turning order of pore channels (Paper II), and via the fractal order of a pore maze (Paper III). When we tested the effect of an increase in turning angle sharpness on microbial growth, we found that as angles became sharper, bacterial and fungal growth decreased, but fungi were more affected than bacteria. We also found that their substrate degradation was only affected when bacteria and fungi grew together, being lower as the angles were sharper. Our next series of experiments, testing the effect of maze fractal complexity, however, showed a different picture. The increase in maze complexity reduced fungal growh, similar to the previous experiments, but increased bacterial growth and substrate consumption, at least until a certain depth into the mazes, contrary to our initial hypothesis. To increase the relevance of our studies, we performed experiments in both microfluidic device designs inoculated with a soil microbial extract and followed the substrate degradation patterns over time (Paper IV). We found that as complexity increased, both in terms of angle sharpness and fractal order, substrate consumption also increased. Our results, specially in mazes, might be caused by a reduced competition among bacterial communities and individuals in complex habitats, allowing co-existence of different metabolic strategies and the onset of bacterial biofilm formation leading to a higher degradation efficiency, but further studies are required to confirm this. Our results show that the spatial characteristic of microhabitats is an important factor providing microbes with conditions for a wide variety of ecological interactions that determine their growth and their organic matter turnover

    Why Improved Maize (Zea mays) Varieties are Utopias in the Highlands of Central Mexico

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    El obetivo de este trabajo consiste en el estudio de la adopción de variedades mejoradas de maíz en los Valles alto de México a través de los resultados del Programa Especial de Producción de Maíz del Estado de México (PEPMA). El trabajo comprende dos fases: el análisis estadístico de los datos del PEPMA y dos encuestas, seguidad por un trabajo de campo con entrevistas abiertas a los agricultores participantes de la población de San Pedro la Concepción en el Valle de Toluca. Los resultados muestran que la gran mayoría de agricultores continúa sembrando sus semillas autóctonas, los híbridos o las variedades mejoradas no son opciones técnicas reales en tanto que ellas no se desmpeñan bien en las condiciones de la zona de estudio.El obetivo de este trabajo consiste en el estudio de la adopción de variedades mejoradas de maíz en los Valles alto de México a través de los resultados del Programa Especial de Producción de Maíz del Estado de México (PEPMA). El trabajo comprende dos fases: el análisis estadístico de los datos del PEPMA y dos encuestas, seguidad por un trabajo de campo con entrevistas abiertas a los agricultores participantes de la población de San Pedro la Concepción en el Valle de Toluca. Los resultados muestran que la gran mayoría de agricultores continúa sembrando sus semillas autóctonas, los híbridos o las variedades mejoradas no son opciones técnicas reales en tanto que ellas no se desmpeñan bien en las condiciones de la zona de estudio

    Análisis comparativo de software ILWIS E IDRISI para riesgo de incendios forestales en Estación El Picazo

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    127 p.El objetivo principal de este estudio es analizar comparativamente los software ILWIS e IDRISI con técnicas de evaluación multicriterio (EMC) para riesgo de incendios forestales. La zona de estudio comprendió el Centro Experimental, predio el Picazo de la Universidad de Talca, ubicado en la comuna de San Clemente, en la Región del Maule. ILWIS (Integrated Land and Water Information System) es uno de los software de entrenamiento más completo, utilizado a nivel personal e institucional. Características importantes posee el software ILWIS, conocido por su funcionalidad analítica ráster y vectorial, en conjunto a su facilidad de uso, con presencia en estudios de evaluación de tierras, ordenamiento territorial, riesgos naturales, manejo ambiental, entre otras. A partir del año 2007 es posible descargarlo como un software libre disponible en la web. IDRISI por su parte es la industria líder y mayor difundida en el mercado con funcionalidad analítica ráster, usado por una amplia variedad de instituciones educacionales, gubernamentales, de investigación y manejo de recursos, cubre ampliamente los requerimientos para SIG y sensores remotos, incluyendo utilidades para el monitoreo ambiental, manejo de recursos naturales, modelos de simulación, características de estadísticas, entre otras. La definición de los criterios mediante EMC, está basada en las condiciones vegetacionales, topográficas del terreno, antrópicas y actividad forestal, de esta forma permitió la elaboración de una base de datos del área de estudio, conformada por: variables vegetacionales, pendiente, orientación y altitud del terreno, proximidad a zonas de camping, caminos, sitios poblados y actividad forestal. El método de EMC aplicado fue el de Jerarquías Analíticas (MAJ) de Saaty, permitiendo evaluar las variables descritas, mediante la consulta a un panel de expertos relacionados con las temáticas de Sistemas de Información Geográfica, Técnicas de Evaluación Multicriterio e Incendios Forestales. Como metodología de trabajo para el análisis comparativo se desarrollaron 3 puntos importantes: operatividad, resultados, implementación y mantención.Los resultados obtenidos para la operatividad de ambos software fue de un total de 22 funciones empleadas en el software ILWIS, corresponden a SMCE (EMC), mientras el software IDRISI se utilizaron 24 funciones, correspondiente a 7 MCE (EMC). Estas cifras demuestran la complejidad del software IDRISI en comparación con ILWIS en la Técnica de Evaluación Multicriterio. Al comparar los resultados de asignación en los pesos (Wj) y alternativas (Wij) de ambos software, presentan un comportamiento homogéneo, de la misma forma mantienen los cánones de importancia en orden sucesivo. Estos valores son primordiales en el resultado final del estudio, conformando la base de evaluación en ambos software. ILWIS fue comparado con uno de los SIG más utilizados en el mercado (IDRISI), cuyo comportamiento fue similar en la mayoría de los puntos planteados, permitiendo a ILWIS ser un software apropiado enfatizando su menor complejidad para este tipo de estudios de EMC./ABSTRACT: The main objective of this study is comparative analysis the ILWIS and IDRISI software with multicriteria evaluation techniques (MCE) for forest fire risk. The study area comprised the Experimental Center, the Picazo of the University of Talca, located in the town of San Clemente, in the Maule Region. ILWIS (Integrated Land and Water Information System) more complete training software, used personal and institutional level. Important features have the ILWIS software, known for its analytical functionality vector and raster, together with its ease of use, is present in studies of land evaluation, land use, natural hazards, environmental management, among others. Beginning in 2007, you can download free software available on the web. Meanwhile IDRISI is the industry leader and most widespread in the market with raster analytical functionality used by a wide variety educational institutions, government, research and resource management, broadly covers the requirements for GIS and remote sensing, including utilities environmental monitoring, natural resource management, simulation modeling, statistical characteristics, among others. The definition of the criteria by MCE, is based on vegetation conditions, land topography, anthropogenic and forest activity, this allowed the development of a database of the study area, comprising: vegetation variables, slope, aspect and altitude of the terrain, proximity to camping areas, roads, populated places, and forest activity. The MCE method applied was the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) of Saaty, allowing to evaluate the variables described, by consulting a panel of experts related to the themes of Geographic Information Systems, Multicriteria Evaluation Techniques and Forest Fires. As a methodology for comparative analysis were developed 3 important points: operation, results, implementation and maintenance. The results obtained for the operation of both software was a total of 22 functions used in the ILWIS software, 3 correspond to SMCE, while the IDRISI software, 24 functions were used, corresponding to 7 MCE. These figures demonstrate the complexity of IDRISI software compared with ILWIS in Multicriteria Evaluation Technique. By comparing the results of allocation weights (Wj) and alternatives (Wij) of both software, have a homogeneous behavior in the same way they maintain the standards of importance sequentially. These values are central to the outcome of the study, forming the basis of assessment in both software. ILWIS was compared with one of the most widely used GIS market (IDRISI), whose behavior was similar in most of the points raised, allowing ILWIS be appropriate software emphasizing its lower complexity for such studies of MCE


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    Prevalencia de violencia experimentada en la pareja, por mujeres mayores de 18 anos que asisten a consultorios de salud de la ciudad de Talca

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    90 p.El objetivo del estudio fue identificar y analizar la prevalencia de violencia en la pareja hacia mujeres mayores de 18 años que asisten a consultorios de la ciudad de Talca, Chile. Se relacionó con las variables edad, justificación de la violencia, estado civil y sector de residencia. Se identificó los índices psicométricos del instrumento utilizado. Sé analizó los datos de una muestra de 244 mujeres talquinas mayores de 18 años, con pareja actual o en los últimos 5 años. El tamaño de la muestra se distribuyó de manera aproporcional en 4 subsectores de Talca: norte, sur, oriente y poniente. El instrumento utilizado fue el cuestionario de índice de violencia en la pareja de Hudson y McIntosh (1981), que consta de 30 ítems con formato de respuesta tipo Likert. Los resultados muestran que la violencia es un hecho altamente prevalente: violencia total: 50.8%, violencia psicológica: 53.3% y violencia física: 29.9%. Se observa una relación de dependencia de mediana intensidad entre las variables justificación de la violencia, estado civil y edad, con la variable presencia de violencia en el ámbito general, psicológico y físico, no observándose una relación entre éstas ultimas y la variable sector de residencia. Se detectó una mayor prevalencia en mujeres casadas, mayores de 46 años y que viven en los sectores norte y poniente de la ciudad, por lo que se sugiere apuntar a este grupo objetivo en futuros programas de salud. Otro resultado importante es el relativo al cuestionario que aparece como un instrumento altamente confiable para usar en futuras investigaciones

    Afrontamiento al estrés laboral en personal de enfermería de centro quirúrgico en una institución hospitalaria Lima. 2017

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    Publicación a texto completo no autorizada por el autorEvalúa las estrategias de afrontamiento ante el estrés laboral que utiliza el personal de enfermería del centro quirúrgico en una institución hospitalaria de Lima. Desarrolla una investigación cuantitativa, descriptiva, y de corte transversal. Participan 36 miembros de personal de enfermería de centro quirúrgico en una institución hospitalaria, mediante encuesta. Se aplicó el cuestionario Escala de Estrategias Coping - Modificado (EEC – M). Encuentra que el personal de enfermería mayormente tiene un nivel medio de uso de estrategias de afrontamiento orientadas a la solución de problemas 51% y autonomía 45%. Un nivel medio de uso de la regulación emocional ante el estrés laboral: evitación emocional 50%, negación 47%, religión 46%, apoyo emocional 56%, la reacción agresiva destaca por bajo nivel de uso 71%. Un nivel medio de uso orientadas a modificar la evaluación inicial de la situación que genera estrés laboral: evitación cognoscitiva 56%, nivel alto de uso en Reevaluación positiva 53% y nivel bajo de uso en Espera 47%, expresión de la dificultad de afrontamiento 48% y apoyo profesional 57%. Concluye que el personal de enfermería del centro quirúrgico tiene un mediano nivel de uso de estrategias de afrontamiento al estrés laboral. Se comprueba la hipótesis planteada a nivel global. En las tres dimensiones de la variable el nivel de uso es medio, en estrategias orientadas a la solución del problema, a la regulación emocional y a modificar la evaluación inicial de la situación.Trabajo académic

    Internet y valores en la sociedad: perspectivas del alumnado de Educación Superior

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    Abstract: We live in a society interconnected and mediated by the Internet, which has assumed a paramount role within human relations, where we witness a progressive decay of social values both at school and in society. Therefore, considering the area of Higher Education, the need for nurturing values conducive to a better life in society is viewed as one of the substantial references for the construction and transmission of social values. This reflection is developed from data obtained by questionnaire to a sample of 255 undergraduates in the Education field, from two higher education institutions, a Spanish one and a Portuguese one. The aim was to assess the undergraduates? perceptions on the promotion of values and counter-values over the Internet, as well as the consideration they give them while communicating online with colleagues, friends, and relatives. Among the values most remarked by students, the following stand out: respect, equality, freedom, honesty, and friendship. Among the counter-values emphasised by students, the authors highlight those of inequality, dishonesty, selfishness, disrespect, insecurity, irresponsibility, manipulation, oppression, and violence. The students believe that the abovementioned values and counter-values are promoted within online communication. Furthermore, such values are frequently takenResumen: Se vive en una sociedad interconectada y mediada por Internet, asumiendo gran importancia en las relaciones humanas y observando la progresiva degradación de los valores sociales, tanto en la escuela, como en la sociedad. Por ello, en el ámbito educativo y formativo de la Enseñanza Superior, se defiende la necesidad de cultivar valores para vivir mejor en sociedad como uno de los referentes sustanciales para la construcción y transmisión de valores sociales. Esta reflexión se desarrolla a partir de los datos obtenidos a través de un cuestionario, una muestra de 255 estudiantes del área de Educación, dos instituciones de educación superior, una española y otra portuguesa. Se buscó apreciar la percepción de los estudiantes sobre la promoción de valores y contravalores en Internet, así como la atención que se les da en la comunicación, a través de Internet, con colegas, amigos y familiares. De los valores a los que los estudiantes prestan especial atención, se destacan: respeto, igualdad, libertad, honestidad y amistad. De los contravalores enfatizados por los estudiantes se destacan desigualdad, deshonestidad, egoísmo, falta de respeto, inseguridad, irresponsabilidad, manipulación, opresión y violencia. En la comunicación a través de Internet, los estudiantes opinan que se promueven los valores y los contravalores referidos. En la comunicación con los colegas, amigos y familiares, los valores se consideran a menudo