79 research outputs found

    I Linguaggi dell'Animazione: strumenti per la comunicazione visiva tra innovazione e continuitĂ 

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    The research explores the field of Animation and aims to connect it to the Visual Communication Design’s one, in order to depict the recent contact between the two disciplines due to the spread of digital media and tools. At first the research presents an interdisciplinary vision of the subject based upon a collection of studies rising from Neuroscience, Psychology, Semiotics and Theory of Cinema. Secondly, the work proceeds by analyzing the methods and the processes of animation-making and it focuses on the interdependences between the techniques employed and the resulting visual language; this part also underlines the digital shift’s consequences occurred to the medium. Given the theoretical-operational framework of the subject, the thesis analyzes the factors that leads the two practices to converge: here, in what we call ‘the animated product’, the overlap between new means of animating and new tools for the communication designers’ becomes clearer. The research completes outlining a specific approach to the moving image domain: by applying the paradigms of visual design, it is possible to draw a conceptual map that emphasizes the ‘functional’ aspects of the various animated formats. Further, this approach leads to the invention of a working visual-database for storing and evaluating the massive material today available: the prototype summarizes many key-aspects discussed across the research and it defines the first stage toward a ‘grammar’ of the animated languages

    Progettazione in movimento: strumenti, tecniche, linguaggi per potenziare il pensiero progettuale

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    Il tema del design di immagini animate nell’attuale scenario della comunicazione e la ricerca di nuove aree applicative di questo linguaggio sono stati in questi anni al centro di una serie di iniziative del laboratorio AnimazioneDesign della FacoltĂ  di Architettura di Alghero. La problematica Ăš di attualitĂ  crescente: grazie alla rivoluzione digitale l’animazione ha visto crescere in pochi anni il suo spazio di riferimento, uscendo dai suoi piĂč tradizionali territori – l’intrattenimento, la sperimentazione artistica – per abbracciare un nuovo universo di applicazioni: la comunicazione di progetto, il web, l’e-learning, la manualistica, la simulazione e la divulgazione scientifica. Il confronto con questa tematica, del tutto nuova nello scenario della didattica universitaria italiana, e – nelle esperienze portate avanti nel nostro laboratorio in questi anni – la sua sistematica applicazione in settori a spiccata componente progettuale come il design e l’architettura, hanno fatto emergere alcuni interessanti spunti. L’animazione si Ăš infatti rivelata da un lato uno straordinario fluidificatore dei flussi di comunicazione e dall’altro uno strumento di riflessione concettuale e un punto di osservazione privilegiato per la rilettura e la reinterpretazione dell’attivitĂ  progettuale. Obiettivo di questo volume Ăš raccogliere alcune recenti esperienze e i risultati della ricerca Progettazione in movimento. Strumenti, tecniche, linguaggi per potenziare il pensiero progettuale, resa possibile da un contributo della Regione Autonoma della Sardegna (L.R. 20 15 del 2006) per “progetti di ricerca e sperimentazione sui nuovi linguaggi e sulle tecnologie audiovisive”

    Effects of Chronic Clonidine Administration on Sympathetic Nerve Traffic and Baroreflex Function in Heart Failure

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    Abstract— Congestive heart failure is characterized by a sympathetic activation that is coupled with a baroreflex impairment. Whether these alterations are affected by clonidine is unknown. In 26 normotensive patients age 58.0±1.1 years (mean±SEM) affected by congestive heart failure (New York Heart Association functional class II or III) and treated with furosemide and enalapril, we measured mean arterial pressure, heart rate, venous plasma norepinephrine, and muscle sympathetic nerve traffic (microneurography) at rest and during baroreceptor stimulation and deactivation caused by stepwise intravenous infusions of phenylephrine and nitroprusside, respectively. Measurements were repeated after a 2-month administration of transdermal clonidine patch (14 patients) or placebo (12 patients) according to a double-blind, randomized sequence. Clonidine caused a slight, nonsignificant reduction in mean arterial pressure and heart rate without affecting exercise capacity and echocardiographically determined left ventricular ejection fraction. In contrast, both plasma norepinephrine and sympathetic nerve traffic were significantly reduced (−46.8% and −26.7%, respectively; P <0.01 for both). This reduction was coupled with no change in cardiac and sympathetic baroreflex responses. Transdermal placebo administration for a 2-month period did not affect any of the above-mentioned variables. Thus, in congestive heart failure patients who are undergoing conventional drug treatment, chronic clonidine administration exerts marked sympathoinhibitory effects without adversely affecting cardiac functions and clinical state. Whether this leads to further therapeutic benefits remains to be tested

    Sympathetic Control of Circulation in Hypertension and Congestive Heart Failure

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    Adrenergic overactivity is a common hallmark of both essential hypertension and congestive heart failure. Indirect and direct measures of sympathetic function have clearly shown that sympathetic activation characterizes essential hypertension. This adrenergic overactivity appears to be related to the severity of the hypertensive state, being detectable in its early stages and showing a progressive increase with the severity of the disease. Essential hypertension is also associated with an impaired baroreflex control of vagal activity, whereas baroreceptor modulation of sympathetic nerve traffic remains unaltered, although undergoing a resetting phenomenon. In contrast, secondary hypertension is not associated with an increased adrenergic activity, thus suggesting that an enhancement in efferent sympathetic outflow is a peculiar feature of essential hypertension. Congestive heart failure is a condition also characterized by sympathetic activation, whose degree is proportional to the clinical severity of the disease. This is paralleled by an impairment in arterial baroreceptor modulation of both vagal and sympathetic activity, thus suggesting that the adrenergic overactivity in congestive heart failure is triggered by a reduced afferent restraint on the vasomotor centre. Chronic angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition reduces the degree of both sympathetic activation and baroreflex dysfunction occurring in heart failure patients, a finding which documents that the neurohumoral abnormalities can be at least partially reversed by pharmacologic treatment

    Sinonasal mucosal melanoma: Molecular profile and therapeutic implications from a series of 32 cases

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    BACKGROUND: Primary sinonasal mucosal melanomas are aggressive tumors with a poor clinical control by current treatments, raising the urgent need of novel strategies. METHODS: By fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), direct sequencing, and immunohistochemistry, we investigate the spectrum of molecular abnormalities in a cohort of 32 cases of primary sinonasal mucosal melanomas. RESULTS: We found that all primary sinonasal mucosal melanomas lack BRAF V600E mutation; in addition, they are characterized by somatic mutations of NRAS (22%) and KIT (12.5%), together with amplification of RREB1 (100%) and loss of MYB (76%). The large majority of cases showed KIT protein expression (96.9%). Among tumor suppressor genes, primary sinonasal mucosal melanomas showed loss of PTEN (48.1%) and p16/INK4a (55.2%). All tested cases showed expression of pAkt and pErk, suggesting a combined activation of PI3K/Akt and RAS-mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways. CONCLUSIONS: This molecular fingerprint strongly argues against the clinical efficacy of BRAF-inhibitors, but could candidate primary sinonasal mucosal melanomas to therapeutic strategies targeting RAS and KIT mutations or inhibiting PI3K-Akt-mTOR pathway

    A functional gene expression analysis in epithelial sinonasal cancer: Biology and clinical relevance behind three histological subtypes

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    Epithelial sinonasal cancers (SNCs) are rare diseases with overlapping morphological features and a dismal prognosis. We aimed to investigate the expression differences among the histological subtypes for discerning their molecular characteristics. We selected 47 SNCs: (i) 21 nonkeratinizing squamous cell carcinomas (NKSCCs), (ii) 13 sinonasal neuroendocrine cancers (SNECs), and (iii) 13 sinonasal undifferentiated cancers (SNUCs). Gene expression profiling was performed by DASL (cDNA-mediated annealing, selection, extension, and ligation) microarray analysis with internal validation by quantitative RT-PCR (RT-qPCR). Relevant molecular patterns were uncovered by sparse partial-least squares discriminant analysis (sPLS-DA), microenvironment cell type (xCell), CIBERSORT, and gene set enrichment (GSEA) analyses. The first two sPLS-DA components stratified samples by histological subtypes. xCell highlighted increased expression of immune components (CD8 + effector memory cells, in SNUC) and \u201cother cells\u201d: keratinocytes and neurons in NKSCC and SNEC, respectively. Pathway enrichment was observed in NKSCC (six gene sets, proliferation related), SNEC (one gene set, pancreatic \u3b2-cells), and SNUC (twenty gene sets, some of them immune-system related). Major neuroendocrine involvement was observed in all the SNEC samples. Our high-throughput analysis revealed a good diagnostic ability to differentiate NKSCC, SNEC, and SNUC, but indicated that the neuroendocrine pathway, typical and pathognomonic of SNEC is also present at lower expression levels in the other two histological subtypes. The different and specific profiles may be exploited for elucidating their biology and could help to identify prognostic and therapeutic opportunities

    Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on paediatric otolaryngology: a nationwide study

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    Objective: The COVID-19 pandemic profoundly modified the work routine in healthcare; however, its impact on the field of paediatric otorhinolaryngology (ORL) has been rarely investigated. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of COVID-19 on paediatric ORL. Methods: A questionnaire was developed by the Young Otolaryngologists of the Italian Society of ORL-Head and Neck Surgery (GOS). The questionnaire consisted of 26 questions related to workplace and personal paediatric ORL activities. The link was advertised on the official social media platforms and sent by e-mail to 469 Italian otolaryngologists. Results: The questionnaire was completed by 118 responders. During the pandemic, the main reduction was observed for surgical activity (78.8%), followed by outpatient service (16.9%). The conditions that were mostly impacted by a delayed diagnosis were respiratory infections in 45.8% of cases and sensorineural hearing loss in 37.3% of cases. Conclusions: Paediatric ORL was highly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, with a significant reduction of surgical and outpatient activities and a delay in time-sensitive diagnosis. Therefore, the implementation of new strategies, such as telemedicine, is recommended

    Adherence and future discontinuation of tyrosine kinase inhibitors in chronic phase chronic myeloid leukemia. A patient-based survey on 1133 patients

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    Therapeutic approach for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients has undergone a revolutionary change with the introduction of tyrosine kinase inhibitors, which improved overall survival and quality of life. Optimal therapy adherence has become of paramount importance to maximize the benefits in the long-term outcome. Several evidences have been reported that personal factors, such as social support, psychological and subjective perceptions about the drug used and the future, could influence adherence. We here report the results of a questionnaire specifically designed to evaluate factors influencing adherence and perceptions about the future, distributed to patients during regional Italian meetings. Overall, 1133 patients compiled the questionnaire: median age was 57 years. High rate of adherence was reported, but 42% of interviewed patients admitted that they had occasionally postponed a dose and 58% had discontinued therapy mainly for forgetfulness. The majority of patients discussed with personal physician about the importance of adherence and received sufficient information about illness and treatment, but would like to have discussed more about discomfort, anxiety and fear of the future. Summarizing personal drug compliance and estimating how many days a month, on average, the patients did not take the drug, the majority answered that it was less than 3 days (55%) and only a minority (4%) admitted that it was more than 7 days. Interviewed about discontinuation, 49% of patients answered that wouldn't interrupt because of fear of losing all the results achieved so far. This study suggests a higher level of satisfaction with more information received but the need of improving communication about possible future treatment free remission

    Discrimination, Reliability, Sensitivity, and Specificity of Robotic Surgical Proficiency Assessment With Global Evaluative Assessment of Robotic Skills and Binary Scoring Metrics: Results From a Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Objective: To compare binary metrics and Global Evaluative Assessment of Robotic Skills (GEARS) evaluations of training outcome assessments for reliability, sensitivity, and specificity. Background: GEARS–Likert-scale skills assessment are a widely accepted tool for robotic surgical training outcome evaluations. Proficiency-based progression (PBP) training is another methodology but uses binary performance metrics for evaluations. Methods: In a prospective, randomized, and blinded study, we compared conventional with PBP training for a robotic suturing, knot-tying anastomosis task. Thirty-six surgical residents from 16 Belgium residency programs were randomized. In the skills laboratory, the PBP group trained until they demonstrated a quantitatively defined proficiency benchmark. The conventional group were yoked to the same training time but without the proficiency requirement. The final trial was video recorded and assessed with binary metrics and GEARS by robotic surgeons blinded to individual, group, and residency program. Sensitivity and specificity of the two assessment methods were evaluated with area under the curve (AUC) and receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curves. Results: The PBP group made 42% fewer objectively assessed performance errors than the conventional group (P &lt; 0.001) and scored 15% better on the GEARS assessment (P = 0.033). The mean interrater reliability for binary metrics and GEARS was 0.87 and 0.38, respectively. Binary total error metrics AUC was 97% and for GEARS 85%. With a sensitivity threshold of 0.8, false positives rates were 3% and 25% for, respectively, the binary and GEARS assessments. Conclusions: Binary metrics for scoring a robotic VUA task demonstrated better psychometric properties than the GEARS assessment. </jats:sec

    Dante nelle letterature straniere

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    Il volume offre un incrocio di sguardi critici sulle rotte percorse dall’opera dantesca nelle letterature straniere. A settecento anni dalla sua morte, la voce di Dante continua a oltrepassare confini permeando immaginari lontani, in un incedere di evocazioni, traduzioni, interpretazioni e riscritture. I venti saggi qui presentati tratteggiano un itinerario di esplorazione delle tracce dantesche nelle tradizioni letterarie di Albania, Svezia, Francia, Cuba, Polonia, Stati Uniti, Germania, Argentina, Danimarca, Scozia, Inghilterra e Messico. Le diverse latitudini abbracciate si articolano in una raccolta di studi che dall’epoca moderna confluisce nell’estremo contemporaneo, calibrando nuovi orizzonti e prospettive nello sconfinato territorio della critica dantesca. Gli autori e le autrici illuminano storie di ricezione, riletture e dialoghi intertestuali nei quali la memoria della Commedia si riconfigura in un’inesauribile pluralità di scritture, di cui si intende consegnare in queste pagine uno sguardo di carattere esplorativo e non antologico. La parola di Dante attraversa lingue e universi letterarioculturali senza tradirsi ma conoscendo nuove fioriture: confermandosi una parola necessaria, profetica e viva
