640 research outputs found

    Kinetic hierarchy and propagation of chaos in biological swarm models

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    We consider two models of biological swarm behavior. In these models, pairs of particles interact to adjust their velocities one to each other. In the first process, called 'BDG', they join their average velocity up to some noise. In the second process, called 'CL', one of the two particles tries to join the other one's velocity. This paper establishes the master equations and BBGKY hierarchies of these two processes. It investigates the infinite particle limit of the hierarchies at large time-scale. It shows that the resulting kinetic hierarchy for the CL process does not satisfy propagation of chaos. Numerical simulations indicate that the BDG process has similar behavior to the CL process

    On Strong Convergence to Equilibrium for the Boltzmann Equation with Soft Potentials

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    The paper concerns L1L^1- convergence to equilibrium for weak solutions of the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann Equation for soft potentials (-4\le \gm<0), with and without angular cutoff. We prove the time-averaged L1L^1-convergence to equilibrium for all weak solutions whose initial data have finite entropy and finite moments up to order greater than 2+|\gm|. For the usual L1L^1-convergence we prove that the convergence rate can be controlled from below by the initial energy tails, and hence, for initial data with long energy tails, the convergence can be arbitrarily slow. We also show that under the integrable angular cutoff on the collision kernel with -1\le \gm<0, there are algebraic upper and lower bounds on the rate of L1L^1-convergence to equilibrium. Our methods of proof are based on entropy inequalities and moment estimates.Comment: This version contains a strengthened theorem 3, on rate of convergence, considerably relaxing the hypotheses on the initial data, and introducing a new method for avoiding use of poitwise lower bounds in applications of entropy production to convergence problem

    Celebrating Cercignani's conjecture for the Boltzmann equation

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    Cercignani's conjecture assumes a linear inequality between the entropy and entropy production functionals for Boltzmann's nonlinear integral operator in rarefied gas dynamics. Related to the field of logarithmic Sobolev inequalities and spectral gap inequalities, this issue has been at the core of the renewal of the mathematical theory of convergence to thermodynamical equilibrium for rarefied gases over the past decade. In this review paper, we survey the various positive and negative results which were obtained since the conjecture was proposed in the 1980s.Comment: This paper is dedicated to the memory of the late Carlo Cercignani, powerful mind and great scientist, one of the founders of the modern theory of the Boltzmann equation. 24 pages. V2: correction of some typos and one ref. adde

    Heat Kernel Bounds for the Laplacian on Metric Graphs of Polygonal Tilings

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    We obtain an upper heat kernel bound for the Laplacian on metric graphs arising as one skeletons of certain polygonal tilings of the plane, which reflects the one dimensional as well as the two dimensional nature of these graphs.Comment: 8 page

    Complete characterization of convergence to equilibrium for an inelastic Kac model

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    Pulvirenti and Toscani introduced an equation which extends the Kac caricature of a Maxwellian gas to inelastic particles. We show that the probability distribution, solution of the relative Cauchy problem, converges weakly to a probability distribution if and only if the symmetrized initial distribution belongs to the standard domain of attraction of a symmetric stable law, whose index α\alpha is determined by the so-called degree of inelasticity, p>0p>0, of the particles: α=21+p\alpha=\frac{2}{1+p}. This result is then used: (1) To state that the class of all stationary solutions coincides with that of all symmetric stable laws with index α\alpha. (2) To determine the solution of a well-known stochastic functional equation in the absence of extra-conditions usually adopted

    A Stronger Subadditivity of Entropy

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    The strong subadditivity of entropy plays a key role in several areas of physics and mathematics. It states that the entropy S[\rho]= - Tr (\rho \ln \rho) of a density matrix \rho_{123} on the product of three Hilbert spaces satisfies S[\rho_{123}] - S[\rho_{23}] \leq S[\rho_{12}]- S[\rho_2]. We strengthen this to S[\rho_{123}] - S[\rho_{12}] \leq \sum_\alpha n^\alpha (S[\rho_{23}^\alpha ] - S[\rho_2^\alpha ]), where the n^\alpha are weights and the \rho_{23}^\alpha are partitions of \rho_{23}. Correspondingly, there is a strengthening of the theorem that the map A -> Tr \exp[L + \ln A] is concave. As applications we prove some monotonicity and convexity properties of the Wehrl entropy and entropy inequalities for quantum gases.Comment: LaTeX2e, 24 page

    Molecular dynamics simulation of nanocolloidal amorphous silica particles: Part II

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    Explicit molecular dynamics simulations were applied to a pair of amorphous silica nanoparticles of diameter 3.2 nm immersed in a background electrolyte. Mean forces acting between the pair of silica nanoparticles were extracted at four different background electrolyte concentrations. Dependence of the inter-particle potential of mean force on the separation and the silicon to sodium ratio, as well as on the background electrolyte concentration, are demonstrated. The pH was indirectly accounted for via the ratio of silicon to sodium used in the simulations. The nature of the interaction of the counter-ions with charged silica surface sites (deprotonated silanols) was also investigated. The effect of the sodium double layer on the water ordering was investigated for three Si:Na+ ratios. The number of water molecules trapped inside the nanoparticles was investigated as the Si:Na+ ratio was varied. Differences in this number between the two nanoparticles in the simulations are attributed to differences in the calculated electric dipole moment. The implications of the form of the potentials for aggregation are also discussed.Comment: v1. 33 pages, 7 figures (screen-quality PDF), submitted to J. Chem. Phys v2. 15 pages, 4 tables, 6 figures. Content, author list and title changed; single space

    Comment on "Why quantum mechanics cannot be formulated as a Markov process"

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    In the paper with the above title, D. T. Gillespie [Phys. Rev. A 49, 1607, (1994)] claims that the theory of Markov stochastic processes cannot provide an adequate mathematical framework for quantum mechanics. In conjunction with the specific quantum dynamics considered there, we give a general analysis of the associated dichotomic jump processes. If we assume that Gillespie's "measurement probabilities" \it are \rm the transition probabilities of a stochastic process, then the process must have an invariant (time independent) probability measure. Alternatively, if we demand the probability measure of the process to follow the quantally implemented (via the Born statistical postulate) evolution, then we arrive at the jump process which \it can \rm be interpreted as a Markov process if restricted to a suitable duration time. However, there is no corresponding Markov process consistent with the Z2Z_2 event space assumption, if we require its existence for all times tR+t\in R_+.Comment: Latex file, resubm. to Phys. Rev.

    A negative mass theorem for surfaces of positive genus

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    We define the "sum of squares of the wavelengths" of a Riemannian surface (M,g) to be the regularized trace of the inverse of the Laplacian. We normalize by scaling and adding a constant, to obtain a "mass", which is scale invariant and vanishes at the round sphere. This is an anlaog for closed surfaces of the ADM mass from general relativity. We show that if M has positive genus then on each conformal class, the mass attains a negative minimum. For the minimizing metric, there is a sharp logarithmic Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality and a Moser-Trudinger-Onofri type inequality.Comment: 8 page

    Froth-like minimizers of a non local free energy functional with competing interactions

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    We investigate the ground and low energy states of a one dimensional non local free energy functional describing at a mean field level a spin system with both ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic interactions. In particular, the antiferromagnetic interaction is assumed to have a range much larger than the ferromagnetic one. The competition between these two effects is expected to lead to the spontaneous emergence of a regular alternation of long intervals on which the spin profile is magnetized either up or down, with an oscillation scale intermediate between the range of the ferromagnetic and that of the antiferromagnetic interaction. In this sense, the optimal or quasi-optimal profiles are "froth-like": if seen on the scale of the antiferromagnetic potential they look neutral, but if seen at the microscope they actually consist of big bubbles of two different phases alternating among each other. In this paper we prove the validity of this picture, we compute the oscillation scale of the quasi-optimal profiles and we quantify their distance in norm from a reference periodic profile. The proof consists of two main steps: we first coarse grain the system on a scale intermediate between the range of the ferromagnetic potential and the expected optimal oscillation scale; in this way we reduce the original functional to an effective "sharp interface" one. Next, we study the latter by reflection positivity methods, which require as a key ingredient the exact locality of the short range term. Our proof has the conceptual interest of combining coarse graining with reflection positivity methods, an idea that is presumably useful in much more general contexts than the one studied here.Comment: 38 pages, 2 figure