306 research outputs found

    Reação da fixação do complemento na tripanosomose americana experimental da cobaia, feita com antígeno de cultura de Trypanosoma cruzi Chagas, 1909 (Tipo Kelser)

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    The author preparecl an antigen for complement fixation test, in accordance with the Kelser technic, using for this purpose 3 strains of Trypanosoma cruzi Chagas, 1909. With the sera o f guinea pigs, previously inoculated with 4 strai.ns of T. cruzi, 73 tests were made and also normal guinea pig sera were used. Conclusions: a) the test was positive in guinea pigs with experimental infection and negative in normal animais; b) no preference was noted for homologous antigen, which could be measured by differences in test intensity; c) the different strains used in the test did not show the same degree of antigenic power; it is therefore important to employ only strains having high antigenic power; d) antibodies appear early and may persist until af~er the disappearance of trypanbsomes in the circulating blood.O autor preparou antígeno para a reação de fixação de complemento, segundo a técnica de KELSER, partindo de culturas de 3 amostras de Trypanosoma cruzi Chagas, 1909. Com êsse antígeno o autor praticou 73 reações com o sôro de cobaias inoculadas co.m 4 amostras de T. cruzi, e com o sôro de cobaias normais. Chegou às seguintes conclusões: a) a reação é positiva nas cobaias portadoras de infecção experimental pelo T. cruzi e negativa nas que não o são; b) não há preferência, quanto à intensidade da positividade da reação, para o antígeno homólogo; c) o poder antigênico dos antígenos .varia segundo as diferentes ·amostras que serviram à' sua preparação; daí a necessidade do emprêgo unicamente de amostras de alto poder antigênico no preparo do antígeno destinado à reação da fixação do complemento; d) os anticorpos são de aparecimento precoce e persistentes mesmo após o desaparecimento dos tripanosomas do sangue circulante

    Incidência de verminoses entre os matriculados no centro de saúde do Instituto de Higiene de São Paulo (Apresentação estatística dos resultados de 10.000 exames de fezes)

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    Os A.A. apresentam os resultados dos exames de fezes de 10.000 individuos matriculados no Centro de Saude do Instituto ele Higiene de São Paulo. Fornecem, inicialmente, dados sobre a composição da população estudada. Apresentam, a seguir, a frequência total encontrada de verminoses: a percentagem de indivíduos parasitados sobre o total de examinados foi de 62,03. Os resultados encontrados para cada verme, expressos em percentagens sobre o total de indivíduos examinados foram: Trichuris trichiura, 37,06; Ascaris lumbricoides, 32,67; Necator americanus, 16,38; Strongyloides stercoralis, 4,79; Hymenolepis nana. 4,11 e outros menos frequentes. Estudam os autores, a seguir, a distribuição encontrada das verminoses em função da idade, do sexo, da profissão, da raça e da nacionalidade. Apresentam ainda a frequência das diferentes verminoses, isoladamente, em função da idade.The authors present the results of the stool examinations of 10.000 persons registered at the Health Center of the Institute of Hygiene of Sãu Paulo. They make first some considerations on the composition of the population unrler study. Next they give the total frequency of helminthiasis found: the percentage of infestation in the whole group was 62,03. The percentages found for each worm were: Trichuris trichiura, 37,06; Ascaris lumbricoides, 32,67; Necator americanus, 16.38; Strongyloides stercoralis, 4,'19; Hymenolepis nana, 4,11, anel other less frequent. Finally, the authors study the distribution of the helminthiasis in general in relation to age, sex, profession, race and nationality, and present also the frequency of each helminthiasis in relation to age

    Higher Derivative Corrections to Eleven Dimensional Supergravity via Local Supersymmetry

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    In this paper we derive higher derivative corrections to the eleven dimensional supergravity by applying the Noether method with respect to the N=1 local supersymmetry. An ansatz for the higher derivative effective action, which includes quartic terms of the Riemann tensor, is parametrized by 132 parameters. Then we show that by the requirement of the local supersymmetry, the higher derivative effective action is essentially described by two parameters. The bosonic parts of these two superinvariants completely match with the known results obtained by the perturbative calculations in the type IIA superstring theory. Since the calculations are long and systematic, we build the computer programming to check the cancellation of the variations under the local supersymmetry. This is an extended version of our previous paper hep-th/0508204.Comment: 67 pages, no figure, references added, typos correcte

    Impacts des systèmes de culture en semis direct avec couverture végétale (SCV) sur la dynamique de l'eau, de l'azote minéral et du carbone du sol dans les cerrados brésiliens

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    Dans les conditions tropicales humides des cerrados brésiliens, de nouveaux systèmes de culture étaient nécessaires pour assurer une production agricole durable. Des systèmes en semis direct avec couverture végétale (SCV) ont été mis au point en incorporant des plantes de couverture avant ou après la culture commerciale. Depuis 1999, différentes études ont été réalisées dans le cadre d'un projet de recherche franco-brésilien. Elles ont permis de quantifier les effets de ces SCV sur les dynamiques de l'eau, de l'azote et du carbone en particulier. Il a été ainsi confirmé que les SCV permettent de diminuer le ruissellement et donc l'érosion qui lui est liée. De même, les SCV permettent une fourniture en azote supérieure pour la plante commerciale. L'eau et l'azote non valorisées par cette culture peuvent l'être par la plante de couverture additionnelle, de même que l'eau et l'azote mis à disposition en dehors de ce cycle commercial. Les importantes restitutions de phytomasse de ces nouveaux systèmes à plusieurs plantes dans l'année aboutissent à un bilan de carbone positif et une augmentation des taux de matière organique des sols. (Résumé d'auteur

    Thermochemistry and kinetics of the trans-N2H2+N reaction

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    AbstractThermochemical and kinetics properties of the hydrogen abstraction and addition processes of the trans-N2H2+N reaction were computed using high-level ab initio and DFT approximation methods with aug-cc-pVXZ (X=T,Q) basis set. The CCSD (T)/CBS//BB1K/aug-cc-pVTZ results for classical barrier height are 13.1 and 15.0kcal/mol for the abstraction and addition reactions, respectively. The thermal rate constants were calculated using the dual-level direct dynamics by variational transition state theory with the BB1K potential energy surface and thermochemical properties corrected with the CCSD (T)/CBS//BB1K/aug-cc-pVTZ results. The rate constants calculated show that the variational and tunneling effects play a relevant role only for the abstraction reaction

    In search of consensus: Terminology for entheseal changes (EC)

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    This article presents a consensus terminology for entheseal changes that was developed in English by an international team of scholars and then translated into French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and German. Use of a standard, neutral terminology to describe entheseal morphology will reduce misunderstandings between researchers, improve the reliability of comparisons between studies, and eliminate unwarranted etiological assumptions inherent in some of the descriptive terms presently used in the literature

    The Influence of Civil Works on Heritage Architecture, El Vergel, Cuenca - Ecuador

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    In urban and rural areas of the Andean cities of Ecuador, construction based on earthen technologies has been an important alternative, which are carried out through ancestral customs, such as the minga, which benefit the cohesion of the community. Against this background, the World Heritage City Project of the University of Cuenca (Ecuador) has since the year 2011 undertaken interventions in heritage buildings inspired by the minga, so called Maintenance Campaigns, where the collective efforts of various actors (community, academy and organizations) are joined to recover buildings in highly vulnerable heritage neighborhoods, promoting preventive conservation, maintenance and monitoring of vernacular buildings. The fourth campaign, which was carried out in 2018, took place in the Las Herrerias Street in the historical El Vergel neighborhood of Cuenca, a World Heritage City since 1999. The methodology applied in the previous campaigns was essentially maintained, gaining experience and innovating at every opportunity. As a special aspect, the Las Herrerias Campaign was characterized by the existence of buildings with structures that were already affected by civil works previously carried out, such as re-pavements, drinking water installations, various services, etc. This research proposes to establish conservation strategies of vernacular heritage buildings and to mitigate the effects of poorly carried out civil works. The buildings intervened in the 2018 campaign are taken as reference, specifically those whose damages are the result of civil works. First, a review of bibliographic sources is undertaken to reveal historical data about the neighborhood and the civil works that have been carried out. The research continues with a diagnosis of the condition of the buildings before the Maintenance Campaign. Next, the daily maintenance records and the experience of the participants of the Campaign are investigated to identify and analyze those buildings affected by bad civil works practices and their impact on the damages of their structures. Subsequently, the condition of the buildings after the Campaign is evaluated. Finally, strategies are proposed that must be considered for the interventions of vernacular heritage architecture, built with traditional earth and wood systems. Furthermore, civil works guidelines are defined for these types of interventions. Accordingly, the preservation for future generations of the wealth of material as well as immaterial heritage is encouraged

    Physiological and thermographic response to heat stress in zebu cattle

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    AbstractThe objective of this study was to evaluate the heat tolerance of five zebu breeds using physical, physiological and hematological traits as well as thermographic responses. Forty cows of the Gir, Girolando, Nelore, Sindhi and Indubrasil breeds (eight cows each), approximately three years of age, were evaluated. Body weight, withers and hump heights as well as thoracic circumference were recorded. The density and length of the hair was obtained by collecting one square centimeter in the rump region and skin color using the CIELAB system. Rectal temperature, heart and respiratory rates were evaluated during the morning at 4:30h, and in the afternoon, at 14:30h, with six repetitions. Blood samples were collected for hematological evaluation. The surface temperature was obtained using an infrared camera FLIR® T400. Two images were taken from each animal, one laterally of the whole body and the other of the head region. Air temperature, wind speed, relative humidity were obtained from a mobile weather station. The statistics analysis included an analyzes of variance, principal factors, as well as cluster, discriminant and canonical analyzes, logistic regression and calculation of odds ratio. There were significant differences in the rectal temperature, heart and respiratory rates between breeds. Gir and Indubrasil breeds had the highest rectal temperatures. Breed was significant for surface temperatures and showed that physical and physiological factors affected breeds in different ways. Eye and brain surface temperatures were the most affected by environmental parameters. Also, environmental parameters affected packed cell volume and red cell number. Odds ratio test showed that the Gir breed was three times more likely to have higher rectal temperature compared with Sindhi as confirmed by the logistic regression. When the black globe temperature approached 35°C, the probability of the Gir animals having rectal temperatures above normal was approximately 70%. Gir was the breed least adapted to climate conditions of the experiment while the Sindhi and Girolando breeds showed the best physiological response to thermal stress
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