69 research outputs found

    The students' point of view about quality of educational multimedia software

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    The study reported here is part of an international project supported by EU (PEDACTICE - Educational Multimedia in Compulsory School: From Pedagogical Assessment to Product Assessment) and had as main goal to know the opinion and the perception of the Portuguese students about criteria of quality of educational multimedia software. In order to obtain elements on the student`s point of view about educational multimedia software, we decided to interview small groups of pupils who are involved in the work with multimedia materials and than gather, organize and analyse the information got. The sample of interviewed pupils can be considered as representative of the Lisbon schools attended by teachers and pupils very much interested in multimedia materials which these students use not only as an aid to learning activities but also as a support to home and school work. As main results of the study we can refer: a) the confirmation of the success of computers and multimedia among the young Portuguese student population, being manifest either in their attitudes or in the diversity of their experiences, including the technical mastery of informas; b) the acknowledgment, by the students, of the role of the school and of those of their teachers who had till now led the process; c) an unexpected emphasis attached by the students, mainly by the older ones, to the use of computer as a resource for school work which, till now, was done without it; and d) the rare use of the computer for supporting tasks of creative or autonomous nature.European Comissio

    As zonas fronteiriças entre Portugal e Espanha no processo de integração económica

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    The students’ point of view about quality of educational multimedia software

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    The study reported here is part of an international project supported by EU (PEDACTICE - Educational Multimedia in Compulsory School: From Pedagogical Assessment to Product Assessment8) and had as main goal to know the opinion and the perception of the Portuguese students about criteria of quality of educational multimedia software.In order to obtain elements on the student`s point of view about educational multimedia software, we decided to interview small groups of pupils who are involved in the work with multimedia materials and than gather, organize and analyse the information got. The sample of interviewed pupils can be considered as representative of the Lisbon schools attended by teachers and pupils very much interested in multimedia materials which these students use not only as an aid to learning activities but also as a support to home and school work. As main results of the study we can refer: a) the confirmation of the success of computers and multimedia among the young Portuguese student population, being manifest either in their attitudes or in the diversity of their experiences, including the technical mastery of informatics; b) the acknowledgment, by the students, of the role of the school and of those of their teachers who had till now led the process; c) an unexpected emphasis attached by the students, mainly by the older ones, to the use of computer as a resource for school work which, till now, was done without it; and d) the rare use of the computer for supporting tasks of creative or autonomous nature.The study reported here is part of an international project supported by EU (PEDACTICE - Educational Multimedia in Compulsory School: From Pedagogical Assessment to Product Assessment8) and had as main goal to know the opinion and the perception of the Portuguese students about criteria of quality of educational multimedia software.In order to obtain elements on the student`s point of view about educational multimedia software, we decided to interview small groups of pupils who are involved in the work with multimedia materials and than gather, organize and analyse the information got. The sample of interviewed pupils can be considered as representative of the Lisbon schools attended by teachers and pupils very much interested in multimedia materials which these students use not only as an aid to learning activities but also as a support to home and school work. As main results of the study we can refer: a) the confirmation of the success of computers and multimedia among the young Portuguese student population, being manifest either in their attitudes or in the diversity of their experiences, including the technical mastery of informatics; b) the acknowledgment, by the students, of the role of the school and of those of their teachers who had till now led the process; c) an unexpected emphasis attached by the students, mainly by the older ones, to the use of computer as a resource for school work which, till now, was done without it; and d) the rare use of the computer for supporting tasks of creative or autonomous nature

    Psychological empowerment in nursing – Portuguese translation, adaptation and validation of "Psychological Empowerment Instrument”

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    BACKGROUND: Professional Empowerment in Nursing has a positive impact on the nurse, the patient, the Health institutions and the subject of nursing itself and it is, therefore, of the utmost importance. AIM: The need for this study came from the absence of an instrument capable of measuring Empowerment validated for the Portuguese population (from a psychological perspective). We aimed to translate, adapt and validate the "Psychological Empowerment Instrument". METHODS: In a methodological study, through translation and back-translation, while using a stratified probability sample formed by nurses in a general hospital in Oporto, Portugal. RESULTS: Four factors were identified through the factor analysis coinciding with those identified by Spreitzer (1995). These factors explain 73,504% of the total variance of the scale and isolated they explain 24,459 (Meaning), 18,780 (Impact), 15,470 (Self-determination) and 15,028 (Competence). The reliability of the scale was estimated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient, with a total of 0,824 (the value of the different dimensions ranging from 0,688 to 0,868), and so we considered that this scale had internal consistency. We also verified a statistically significant correlation between different dimensions, varying Pearson’s correlation coefficients between 0.173 and 0.594. CONCLUSION: Therefore, we believe to have obtained a version of "Psychological Empowerment Instrument" valid for the sample under study.CONTEXTO: O Empoderamento profissional em Enfermagem, tendo um impato positivo no enfermeiro, no cliente, nas instituições de Saúde e na disciplina de Enfermagem, reveste-se de extrema importância. OBJETIVOS: Não havendo um instrumento capaz de mensurar Empoderamento (de uma perspetiva psicológica) validado para a população portuguesa, surge este estudo. METODOLOGIA: Num estudo do tipo metodológico, através de processo de tradução e retrotradução visamos traduzir, adaptar e validar o "Psychological Empowerment Instrument", com recurso a um amostra probabilística estratificada, formada por enfermeiros de um hospital geral do Porto, Portugal. RESULTADOS: Quatro fatores foram identificados, através da análise fatorial, coincidentes com os identificados por Spreitzer (1995). Estes fatores explicam 73.504% da variância total da escala e, isoladamente, explicam 24.459 (Sentido), 18.780 (Impacto), 15.470 (Auto-determinação) e 15.028 (Competência). A fiabilidade da escala foi estimada através do coeficiente alfa de Cronbach, com um valor total de 0.824 (o valor das diferentes dimensões variam entre 0.688 e 0.868), pelo que consideramos que esta escala possui consistência interna. Verificamos ainda uma correlação estatisticamente significativa entre as diferentes dimensões, variando os coeficientes da correlação de Pearson entre 0.173 e 0.594. CONCLUSÃO: Neste sentido, consideramos ter obtido uma versão do "Psychological Empowerment Instrument" válida para a amostra em estudo.CONTEXTO: Empoderamiento profesional en enfermería, que tiene un impacto positivo en el profesional, el cliente, en las instituciones de salud y de enfermería disciplina es de suma importancia. OBJETIVOS: Si no existe un instrumento para medir Poder (desde un punto de vista psicológico) validado para la población portuguesa, llega este estudio. METODOLOGÍA: En un estudio de tipo metodológico, a través de proceso de traducción y la traducción de vuelta nuestro objetivo es traducir, adaptar y validar el “Psychological Empowerment Instrument”, utilizando una muestra probabilística estrati!cada, formada por personal de enfermería en un hospital de Porto, Portugal. RESULTADOS: Cuatro factores fueron identi!cados por el análisis factorial, coinciden con los identi!cados por Spreitzer (1995). Estos factores explican 73,504% de la varianza total de la escala y solo explican 24.459 (Sentido), 18.780 (Impacto), 15.470 (Autodeterminación) y 15.028 (Competencia). La !abilidad de la escala se estimó mediante el coe!ciente alfa de Cronbach, con un valor total de 0.824 (el valor de las diferentes dimensiones varían entre 0,688 y 0,868), por lo que creemos que esta escala tiene consistencia interna. también se observó una correlación estadísticamente signi!cativa entre las diferentes dimensiones, la variación de los coe!cientes de correlación de Pearson entre 0.173 y 0.594. CONCLUSIÓN: En este sentido, hemos obtenido una versión de “Empoderamiento de Psicología del instrumento” válido para la muestra en estudioinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Distribuição de Cana-do-Reino (Arundo donax L.) no Distrito Federal, Brasil

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    Um requisito chave para o efetivo manejo de plantas invasoras é a habilidade de identificar, mapear e monitorar as invasões. O mapeamento em campo combinado com imagens de satélite são técnicas comumente utilizadas para mapear plantas invasoras, direcionando esforços de erradicação. O objetivo desse estudo foi mapear as populações de A. donax no Distrito Federal, Brasil. A coleta de dados em campo foi realizada de março de 2010 a outubro de 2012. Os dados de campo foram combinados com sensoriamento remoto para determinar a distribuição da espécie. A maior concentração de A. donax foi observada na região central do Distrito Federal, onde a maior parte das unidades de conservação estão localizadas. Observou-se também que a presença dessa espécie está relacionada a áreas antropizadas, tais como: rodovias, aterros, depósitos de entulhos e locais em obras, e que um vetor de dispersão da planta no Distrito Federal é a roçagem mecânica. O levantamento realizado é pioneiro para A. donax no Distrito Federal e no Brasil, além de ser de importância para futuras estratégias de manejo, assim como para o monitoramento da expansão dessa espécie. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTA key requirement for effective weed management is the ability to identify, map and monitor invasions. Field mapping techniques associated with satellite imagery are commonly used for mapping of invasive plants distribution, directing eradication efforts. The objectives of this study was to map populations of A. donax in the Federal District, Brazil. The field data collection for A. donax mapping was carried out from March 2010 to October 2012. The field data was combined with remote sensing to determine the species occurrence. It was observed that the highest concentration of A. donax is in the central region of the Federal District, where most of the Protected Areas are located. It was also observed that the presence of this species is related to disturbed areas, such as highways, landfills, deposits of debris and construction sites, and an important dispersal vector are mowing activities. This survey is pioneer for A. donax in the Federal District and in Brazil, besides being important for future management strategies, as well as for monitoring the spread of this species. _________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMENUn requisito clave para el manejo eficaz de las malezas es la capacidad de identificar, mapear y monitorear las invasiones. La recolección de datos de campo combinada con imágenes de satélites son técnicas comúnmente utilizadas para mapear plantas invasoras, direccionando los esfuerzos de erradicación. El objetivo de este estudio fue mapear las poblaciones de A. donax en el Distrito Federal, Brasil. La recolección de datos de campo ocurrió desde marzo 2010 a octubre 2012. Los datos de campo fueran combinados con sensoriamento remoto para determinar la distribución de la especie. Se ha observado que la mayor concentración de A. donax se encuentran en la región central del Distrito Federal, donde están la mayoría de las unidades de conservación. También se observó que la presencia de esta especie está relacionada con las áreas perturbadas, tales como carreteras, vertederos, depósitos de escombros y obras, y un importante vector de dispersión es la siega mecánica. Este estudio es pionero para A. donax en el Distrito Federal y en Brasil, además de ser importante para las estrategias futuras de manejo, así como para el monitoreo de la propagación de esta especie

    Salvia elegans: uma fonte natural de compostos antioxidantes

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    A espécie Salvia elegans é um arbusto que pertence ao género Salvia, família das Lamiaceae. Várias espécies do mesmo género têm vindo a ser cultivadas para uso na culinária e em medicina tradicional [1]. Devido ao seu cheiro característico, a S. elegans é vulgarmente conhecida por salva ananás e utilizada como condimento ou aromatizante em alimentos. No México esta espécie é popularmente conhecida como “mirto” e tem sido usada na medicina tradicional para tratar afeções do sistema nervoso central [2, 3]. Apesar disso, as suas propriedades biológicas não estão ainda estudadas. Neste trabalho pretende-se clarificar a capacidade antioxidante da espécie S. elegans, bem como proceder à identificação dos seus principais constituintes fenólicos, uma vez que vulgarmente estes compostos se encontram associados a esta propriedade [4]. Para tal, as partes aéreas da planta S. elegans foram extraídas com água quente [5] e o teor de compostos fenólicos totais no extrato foi determinado por uma adaptação do método colorimétrico de Folin-Ciocalteu [6]. A identificação dos compostos fenólicos foi efetuada por análise de cromatografia líquida de alta resolução (HPLC-DAD), acoplada à técnica de espectrometria de massa com ionização por electrospray (ESI-MSn), em modo negativo. Ainda, a capacidade antioxidante do extrato aquoso de S. elegans foi testada através dos testes de captação de radicais livres DPPH•, e do teste do poder redutor. De acordo com o método de Folin-Ciocalteu, os compostos fenólicos no extrato aquoso de S. elegans totalizam 201±46 μg EAG/ mg de extrato. O extrato é particularmente rico em ácido rosmarínico e contém ainda quantidades moderadas de outros derivados do ácido cafeico. Para além disto, o extrato de S. elegans possui uma boa capacidade antioxidante demonstrada pelos métodos de DPPH• e poder redutor. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo permitem sugerir que S. elegans possui grande potencial para ser aplicada como agente antioxidante. Futuramente, pretende-se esclarecer a contribuição individual dos principais constituintes fenólicos do extrato de S. elegans na atividade antioxidante do mesmo

    Tuberculosis diagnosis after bleach processing for early stage tuberculosis laboratory capacity building

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    The diagnosis of tuberculosis is seriously hampered in the absence of standard biosafety laboratory facilities for specimen concentration and Mycobacterium tuberculosis culture. Within a laboratory twinning arrangement,heat-fixed direct smear and sediment from 74 bleach-processed and 20 non-processed specimens from Cumura Hospital, Guinea-Bissau, were sent to Lisbon for molecular evaluation of rifampicin resistance. Sequence analysis of a 369 base-pair rpoB locus detected 3.2% (3/94) resistant specimens. To our knowledge, this represents the first report on the molecular analysis of M. tuberculosis from bleach-processed sputum, an alternative to current diagnostic practice in low-resource settings

    Distribuição de espécies vegetais nativas em distintos macroambientes na região do oeste da Bahia

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    Os objetivos deste trabalho foram em sete municípios do Oeste Baiano: i) realizar o levantamento das espécies vegetais em parcelas estabelecidas; ii) delimitar os ambientes savânicos de interflúvios, hidromórficos e de transição Cerrado/Caatinga; iii) agrupar as espécies pelos ambientes delimitados; e iv) verificar se as espécies registradas estão na lista vermelha de espécies em extinção. Parcelas e subparcelas foram estabelecidas de 10 em 10 km2 para identificação das: i) espécies vegetais arbóreas (> 5 cm de diâmetro a 30 cm do solo), na parcela 50 x 50 m; ii) espécies arbustivas em uma área quadrada de 25 m2; e iii) gramíneas, ervas e trepadeiras, em uma área quadrada de 1 m2. A delimitação espacial dos ambientes de interflúvio, hidromórfico e de transição Cerrado/Caatinga foram realizadas através de interpretação das imagens de satélite Alos e Landsat. Análise de Correspondência canônica foi utilizada para agrupar as espécies aos ambientes. 658 espécies vegetais foram amostradas e distribuídas em 91 famílias encontradas, destas 81 espécies não foram registradas no último checklist de espécies de Cerrado e 15 estão na lista vermelha de espécies ameaçadas de extinção pela IUCN. Os dados mostraram a distribuição nítida das espécies pelos macroambientes, e que as espécies de áreas de Transição Cerrado/Caatinga se situaram mais distante dos eixos dos outros ambientes, sendo este comportamento característico de endemismo. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe objectives this work were, in the seven cities of Western Bahia: i) to carry out th survey of the plant species in established plots; ii) to delimit the savanic environments of interfluves, hydromorphic and the Cerrado/Caatinga transition; iii) to group the species by delimited environment; and iv) to check if the registered species were in Red List of threatened species of extinction. Plots and subplots were established of 10 to 10 km2 to identify the: i) tree species (> 5 cm of diameter on 30 cm of soil), in 50 x 50 m plots; ii) shrub species in the square area of 25 m2; and iii) grasses, herbs and forbs, in a square area of 1 m2. The spatial delimitation of the interfluve, hydromorphic and Cerrado/Caatinga Transition environments were carried out with the Alos and Landsat satélite images interpretation. Canonical correspondence analysis was used to group the species by environments. 658 plant species were sampled and distributed in 91, with 81 species did not registered in last checklist of Cerrado species, and 15 are in IUCN redlist of the endangered espécies of extinction. The data showed the clear distribution of species by macroenvironments, and that the Cerrado/Caatinga Transitions species localized farther of axes of another environment, this is an endemic standard

    Problems evidenced by nursing care in blood transfusions: an integrative review

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    Objective: Analyse the primary studies that highlighted the problems related to Nursing assistance in the practice of blood transfusions. Materials and Methods: Integrative literature review with a search of journals indexed in SCOPUS; CINAHL; SCIENCE DIRECT; PUBMED and WEB of SCIENCE databases, with the descriptors blood transfusion; Exchange Transfusion; Hemotherapy Service; nursing care; Patient Care Planning; Evidence Based Nursing. Results and Discussion: The sample consisted of 12 primary articles. Two qualitative studies obtained a moderate and strong level on the COREQ scale. In the STROBE score assignment, ten articles were selected with scores above 12. As for the level of evidence, 91.6% have level 4 and 8.4% level 3. Regarding the professionals\u27 knowledge about blood transfusion, although they have knowledge of the subject, they declare the need for continuous training for quality assurance and, also, those who know the process, but do not adequately perform the steps for patient safety, need training. Regarding patient safety, the knowledge deficit of professionals can be detrimental to patient safety, which can lead to potential harm and increased morbidity and mortality of patients in the process of hemodialysis. Conclusion: The transfusion practice requires qualified professionals to ensure quality care and patient safety. Therefore, there is a need for ongoing education programs that include training and capacity-building related to the subject, as well as the multiple factors arising from lack of quality and unhealthy forms of work that overload professionals and lead to error