106 research outputs found

    Evaluating Quaternary activity versus inactivity on faults and folds using geomorphological mapping and trenching: Seismic hazard implications

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    The incorporation of active faults in seismic hazard analyses may have a significant impact on the feasibility, design and cost of major engineering projects (e.g., nuclear facilities, dams), especially when located in the site vicinity. The regulatory definition of active versus inactive fault is generally based on whether the fault has ruptured or not after a specific chronological bound (i.e. fault recency). This work presents a methodology, mainly based on geomorphological mapping and trenching, for determining whether specific faults can be considered as active or inactive. The approach is illustrated through the analysis of several faults located in the Spanish Pyrenees (Loiti, Leyre, La Trinidad, Ruesta faults). The 29 km long Loiti Thrust was included in the Neotectonic Map of Spain as a probable neotectonic structure. Previous works, based on geomorphological investigations, incorporated the 28 km long Leyre Thrust as a significant seismic source in a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis, which challenged the seismic design of nearby large dams. The production of detailed geomorphological strip maps along the faults allowed the recognition of specific sites where the faults are covered by Quaternary deposits. The establishment of chronosequences (pediments-terrace sequences)and the available geochronological data helped identifying the most adequate morpho-stratigraphic units for satisfactorily evaluating fault activity vs. inactivity. The excavation of trenches at the selected sites provided unambiguous information on the presence or lack of deformation in the Quaternary cover overlying the fault, and the origin of scarps (tectonic versus erosional). Trenches were also useful for collecting samples and reliably measuring the relative height of terraces overlain by thick colluvium. The evidence gathered by these methods were complemented with the numerical dating of non-deformed slope deposits covering a fault, the analysis of the longitudinal profiles of old pediment surfaces located in the proximity of a fault, the examination of a cave situated next to a fault searching for speleoseismological evidence, and regional geodetic and seismotectonic data (GPS measurements, earthquake focal mechanisms). The integration of all the data, and especially the trenches dug in non-deformed old terrace deposits (>100 ka)truncating the faults, indicates that the analysed faults can be considered inactive and that previous neotectonic postulations were based on non-valid geomorphological interpretations

    Sedimentological and palaeohydrological characterization of Late Pleistocene and Holocene tufa mound palaeolakes using trenching methods in the Spanish Pyrenees

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    Lakes developed in the inner depressions of tufa mounds are rare geomorphic features and still poorly understood. Sedimentation in this unusual type of endorheic lake with a very restricted catchment area is highly sensitive to environmental and hydrological changes. The Isona tufa mound complex, north-eastern Iberian Peninsula, is associated with the discharge zone of a confined artesian aquifer and comprises 11 tufa mounds consisting of an annular rimstone enclosing a central depression filled with lake deposits. Data gathered from trenches excavated in four palaeolakes located within three different morphostratigraphic units permitted a precise analysis of the geometrical characteristics and stratigraphic relationships of the deposits and provided a sedimentation model for the Late Quaternary infilling of the spring-fed lakes. The work illustrates that trenches allow a precise characterization of the stratigraphic arrangements, lateral facies changes and deformation structures, which are not apparent in studies relying solely on borehole records, and facilitate sampling for dating and geochemical analyses. The five sedimentary facies described represent different evolutionary stages of the lakes, including: (i) carbonate-rich palustrine deposits probably related to periods with strong hydrological seasonality; (ii) massive highly bioturbated organic ooze; (iii) banded organic carbonate-rich facies associated with an increase in the regional effective moisture; (iv) finegrained quartz-rich aeolian/slope-wash sediments; and (v) colluvial facies deposited following the desiccation of the lakes located at higher altitudes. Geochemical and sedimentological analyses of the lacustrine sequences provided information on the palaeohydrological evolution of the Isona tufa mound complex and the palaeoenvironmental conditions of the area over the last 28 ka. Radiometric dating suggests that deposition occurred simultaneously at ca 22 ka in palaeolakes situated at different elevations. A drop in the piezometric level prompted by the opening of springs at lower altitudes probably caused the deactivation of the upper springs and the desiccation of the lakes. Arid conditions prevailed in the area during the Late Glacial and the early Holocene (28·0 to 8·5 ka BP). More humid conditions recorded from 8·5 to 4·2 ka and again since 1·7 ka are in accordance with palaeoenvironmental reconstructions available in the Western Mediterranean since the Last Glacial Maximum

    Identifying the boundaries of sinkholes and subsidence areas via trenching and establishing setback distances

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    One of the most effective mitigation strategies in sinkhole areas is the exclusion of sinkholes and their vicinity to construction. The application of this preventive measure requires precise mapping of the boundaries of the areas affected by subsidence and the establishment of adequate setback distances, which is an important policy issue with significant economic implications. Through the investigation of several buried sinkholes in the mantled evaporite karst of the Ebro Valley by trenching, this work illustrates that the actual extent of the subsidence areas may be much larger than that inferred from surface mapping and geophysical surveys. The objective and accurate subsurface information acquired from trenches on the outer edge of the deformed ground revealed sinkhole radii 2–3 times larger than initially estimated, increasing one order of magnitude the sinkhole area. Trenches can therefore help to reduce mapping uncertainties and the size of setbacks. Moreover, the trenching technique, in combination with geochronological data and retrodeformation analyses, provides critical information on the subsidence phenomena and the characteristics of the sinkholes relevant to hazard assessment. Since recommended setback distances found in the existing literature are highly variable and rather arbitrary, we include a discussion here on the main factors that should be considered when defining setback zones for sinkholes

    Sinkholes in hypogene versus epigene karst systems, illustrated with the hypogene gypsum karst of the Sant Miquel de Campmajor Valley, NE Spain

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    The Garrotxa-Banyoles artesian aquifer system in NE Spain includes zones with epigene and hypogene evaporite karst and sinkhole development. The sinkhole fields related to hypogene evaporite dissolution are associated with the discharge zones of the aquifer, where groundwater from a confined limestone rises traversing an overlying gypsum formation capped by thick marls. This work analyses the sinkhole field developed in the Sant Miquel de Campmajor Valley (SMCV), a discharge area of the aquifer, where a cartographic inventory including 94 sinkholes has been produced. Sinkholes in this hypogene gypsum karst are mainly large caprock-collapse sinkholes rooted in deep-seated cavities generated by interstratal hypogene karstification, as corroborated by an electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) survey. They show a non-clustered distribution within the sinkhole field and the variations in size and density across the area are mainly controlled by the thickness of the marl caprock. The magnitude and frequency relationships of the sinkholes can be modelled with a high goodness of fit with a log-normal function, like in other regions of the world. However, in this deep-seated hypogene system the depressions show much larger dimensions. Potential differences between the sinkholes developed in hypogene and epigene karst environments are discussed, including their distribution with respect to the groundwater flow system, their spatial patterns and dimensions

    4D monitoring of active sinkholes with a Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS): A Case study in the evaporite karst of the Ebro Valley, NE Spain

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    This work explores, for the first time, the application of a Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) and a comparison of point clouds in the 4D monitoring of active sinkholes. The approach is tested in three highly-active sinkholes related to the dissolution of salt-bearing evaporites overlain by unconsolidated alluvium. The sinkholes are located in urbanized areas and have caused severe damage to critical infrastructure (flood-control dike, a major highway). The 3D displacement models derived from the comparison of point clouds with exceptionally high spatial resolution allow complex spatial and temporal subsidence patterns within one of the sinkholes to be resolved. Detected changes in the subsidence activity (e.g., sinkhole expansion, translation of the maximum subsidence zone, development of incipient secondary collapses) are related to potential controlling factors such as floods, water table changes or remedial measures. In contrast, with detailed mapping and high-precision leveling, the displacement models, covering a relatively short time span of around 6 months, do not capture the subtle subsidence (< 0.6-1 cm) that affects the marginal zones of the sinkholes, precluding precise mapping of the edges of the subsidence areas. However, the performance of TLS can be adversely affected by some methodological limitations and local conditions: (1) limited accuracy in large investigation areas that require the acquisition of a high number of scans, increasing the registration error; (2) surface changes unrelated to sinkhole activity (e.g., vegetation, loose material); (3) traffic-related vibrations and wind blast that affect the stability of the scanner

    La longue séquence de Marchésieux: reconstitution de paléoenvironnements marins durant le premier cycle glaciaire de l'hémisphère nord

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    International audienceA l'échelle des cinq derniers millions d'années, les enregistrements paléoclimatiques restitués par les sédiments océaniques illustrent le contrôle des paramètres orbitaux (précession, obliquité et excentricité) sur le climat global. La tendance au refroidissement qui accompagne la fin du Néogène est ainsi marquée, vers -2,4 Ma, par le développement rapide des calottes de glace de l'hémisphère nord (Shackleton et al., 1984). Alors que l'histoire du climat global restituée par les enregistrements océaniques est sans cesse précisée, les données concernant l'évolution des environnements continentaux et côtiers au cours de ces changements restent essentiellement fragmentaires. Le forage effectué à Marchésieux (Manche; Normandie) a permis de réaliser une étude pluridisciplinaire de la signature de ce premier cycle glaciaire de l'hémisphère nord (Prétiglien). Les premiers résultats stratigraphiques, paléoenvironnementaux (eustatisme, température, paléobathymétrie) sont présentés

    Estudo do comportamento do chumbo em latossolos brasileiros tratados com fosfatos: contribuições para a remediação de sítios contaminados

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    Phosphates have been used for lead immobilization in soils but the influence of soil type is not fully understood. In this work, lead chemical behaviour in two Brazilian latosoils (LA and LV) was studied via treatment with phosphates. The Pb concentration in Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) solutions was decreased in all treatments. After treatment with H3PO4 the Pb concentration in the LA remained within the regulatory limit established by EPA. The ecotoxicological results with Daphnia pulex showed that this treatment reduced the lead bioavailability. Sequential extraction analyses showed that the lead was transferred from the most available to the residual fraction. Relevant decrease of soluble lead was observed in all phosphate treatments

    La longue séquence pliocène de Marchésieux - Résultats analytiques et premiers résultats

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    National audienceLe sondage intégralement carotté de Marchésieux a permis d'atteindre l'objectif fixé dans le projet AR42 du BRGM : l'analyse paléoclimatique du premier épisode glaciaire de l'hémisphère nord (Prétiglien, -2,4 Ma) et probablement le premier rafraîchissement de -3,1 Ma. Les 159,3 m de sédiments datés du Reuvérien et du Prétiglien ont déjà livré une quantité importante d'informations aussi bien climatiques que paléoenvironnementales. De par sa position géographique privilégiée et de par son environnement côtier, la "Longue sequence" de Marchésieux a précisé les modalités de la séquence de dégradation climatique en milieu continental et marin à nos latitudes moyennes. La méthodologie fortement pluridisciplinaire, le plus souvent il très haute résolution, permet d'affiner notablement les modalités de la réponse de chaque environnement au changement climatique, et apparaît, en ce sens, beaucoup plus riche que les études monodisciplinaires classiques. Ainsi, les réponses zoologiques, phytosociologiques, sedimentologiques et géochimiques au stimulus climatique externe peuvent être comparées et calibrées

    Evaluating susceptibility of karst dolines (sinkholes) for collapse in Sango, Tennessee, USA

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    Dolines or sinkholes are earth depressions that develop in soluble rocks complexes such as limestone, dolomite, gypsum, anhydrite, and halite; dolines appear in a variety of shapes from nearly circular to complex structures with highly curved perimeters. The occurrence of dolines in the studied karst area is not random; they are the results of geomorphic, hydrologic and chemical processes that have caused partial subsidence, even total collapse of the land surface, when voids and caves are present in the bedrock and the regolith arch overbridging these voids is unstable. In the study area, the majority of collapses occur in the regolith (bedrock cover) that bridges voids in the bedrock. Because these collapsing dolines can damage property and cause even the loss of lives, there is a need to develop methods for evaluating karst hazards; such methods can be used by planners and practitioners for urban and economic development, especially in regions with a growing population. The purpose of this project is threefold: 1) to develop a karst feature database, 2) to investigate critical indicators associated with doline collapse, and 3) to design a doline susceptibility model for potential doline collapse based on external morphometric data. The study revealed the presence of short range spatial dependence in the distribution of the dolines’ morphometric parameters such as circularity, geographic orientation of the main doline axes and the length-to-width doline ratios; therefore, geostatistics can be used to spatially evaluate the susceptibility of the karst area for doline collapse using the probability of occurrence of these critical parameters. The partial susceptibility estimates were combined into final spatial probabilities enabling the identification of areas where undetected dolines may cause significant hazards