418 research outputs found

    El corcho y el alcornoque en Extremadura

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    Se realiza una descripción, asentamiento y localización del corcho en Extremadura, de sus características, forma de obtenerlo y producción. Se analiza la industria, con una pequeña introducción a una serie de datos, que sirven para comparar España con Portugal como primer país productor y exportador; un estudio de la producción de la industria extremeña y otro concreto de una fábrica extremeña transformadora. Para completar el trabajo habría sido necesario un cuarto punto que tratara del comercio del corcho.We have made a description of the settlement and cork location in Extremadura. We want to know their characteristics, how to obtain and product it. The industry is analyzed and is compared Spain and Portugal as the first producer and exporter. To complete the work would have been necessary to try a fourth point of the cork trade.notPeerReviewe

    Geometry, Sortition and Politics: Jacques Rancière between Cornelius Castoriadis and Bernard Manin

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    Este artículo pretende situar el sorteo en la filosofía política de Jacques Rancière. El sorteo está vinculado con una reflexión de un enorme calado filosófico sobre la igualdad aritmética y la igualdad geométrica. Partiendo de un importante trabajo de Cornelius Castoriadis al respecto, analizaremos a continuación la relación de la filosofía política de Rancière con la igualdad. Por último, nos ocuparemos del sorteo y del lugar que ocupa en su obra. El trabajo de Bernard Manin sobre las democracias antiguas y los sistemas de gobierno representativo nos ayudará a contextualizar las propuestas de Rancière sobre el recurso a la selección aleatoria en política.This paper analyses the place of sortition in the political philosophy of Jacques Rancière. The idea of sortition is linked to a philosophical reflection on arithmetic equality and geometric equality. Thus, starting from an important work of Cornelius Castoriadis in this sense, we will analyze below the relationship of Rancière’s political philosophy with equality. Finally we will analyze the sortition and the place it occupies in his work. Bernard Manin’s work on ancient democracies and systems of representative government will help us contextualize Rancière’s proposals on the use of random selection in politic

    Determination of fat-soluble vitamins in vegetable oils through microwave-assisted high-performance liquid chromatography

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    In this manuscript, a study of the effect of microwave radiation on the high-performance liquid chromatography separation of tocopherols and vitamin K1 was conducted. The novelty of the application was the use of a relatively low polarity mobile phase in which the dielectric heating effect was minimized to evaluate the nonthermal effect of the microwave radiation over the separation process. Results obtained show that microwave-assisted high-performance liquid chromatography had a shorter analysis time from 31.5 to 13.3 min when the lowest microwave power was used. Moreover, narrower peaks were obtained; hence the separation was more efficient maintaining or even increasing the resolution between the peaks. This result confirms that the increase in mobile phase temperature is not the only variable for improving the separation process but also other nonthermal processes must intervene. Fluorescence detection demonstrated better signal-to-noise compared to photodiode arrayed detection mainly due to the independent effect of microwave pulses on the baseline noise, but photodiode array detection was finally chosen as it allowed a simultaneous detection of nonfluorescent compounds. Finally, a determination of the content of the vitamin E homologs was carried out in different vegetable oils. Results were coherent with those found in the literature

    Proposed Conceptual Framework to Design Artificial Reefs Based on Particular Ecosystem Ecology Traits

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    [Abstract] Overfishing and pollution have led to marine habitat degradation, and as a result, marine fisheries are now in decline. Consequently, there is a real need to enhance marine ecosystems while halting the decline of fish stocks and boosting artisanal fishing. Under these circumstances, artificial reefs (ARs) have emerged as a promising option. Nevertheless, their performance is traditionally assessed years after installation, through experimental and field observations. It is now necessary to adopt an alternative approach, adapting the design of artificial reefs to the specific characteristics of the ecosystem to be enhanced. In this way, it will be possible to determine the potential positive impacts of ARs before their installation. This paper presents a general and integrated conceptual framework to assist in the design of AR units by adopting an ecosystem ecology (EE) perspective. It consists of three main parts. In the first one, starting from an initial geometry, EE principles are used to include modifications with the aim of improving autotrophic resource pathways (additional substrata and increased nutrient circulation) and leading to a habitat enhancement (more shelter for individuals). The second part of the framework is a new dimensionless index that allows the user to select the best AR unit design from different alternatives. The potential impacts on the ecosystem in terms of energy, nutrient cycling and shelter are considered for such a purpose. Finally, a general hydrodynamic methodology to study the stability of the selected AR unit design, considering the effect of high waves under severe storms, is proposed. The framework is applied through a case study for Galician estuaries.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the regional government of Galicia, Xunta de Galicia, through the project CN-10MMA003CT. This study was also funded through the collaboration agreement between Xunta de Galicia, Universidade da Coruña and the Universidade da Coruña Foundation (FUAC) to give continuity to the previous projectXunta de Galicia; CN-10MMA003C

    Guía de laboratorio para la implementación de QoS basado en Diffserv en GNS3

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    Se van a llevar a cabo una serie de pruebas cuya finalidad será comprobar el funcionamiento de los routers Cisco de la serie 7200 en un entorno de Servicios Diferenciados emulado con el programa GNS31 . Para ello, se verá primero cómo configurar las herramientas que proporcionan estos dispositivos para implementar la arquitectura de Servicios Diferenciados. En la arquitectura de Servicios Diferenciados hay dos tipos de nodos dentro de un dominio DiffServ: los nodos interiores y los nodos frontera. Los nodos frontera son los encargados de acondicionar el tráfico que entra al dominio y marcarlo con los valores de DSCP2 apropiados. Mientras, los nodos interiores tratan al tráfico dependiendo de esos valores de DSCP.Incluye bibliografía, anexo

    Geometry, Sortition and Politics: Jacques Rancière between Cornelius Castoriadis and Bernard Manin

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    [ES] Este artículo pretende situar el sorteo en la filosofía política de Jacques Rancière. El sorteo está vinculado con una reflexión de un enorme calado filosófico sobre la igualdad aritmética y la igualdad geométrica. Partiendo de un importante trabajo de Cornelius Castoriadis al respecto, analizaremos a continuación la relación de la filosofía política de Rancière con la igualdad. Por último, nos ocuparemos del sorteo y del lugar que ocupa en su obra. El trabajo de Bernard Manin sobre las democracias antiguas y los sistemas de gobierno representativo nos ayudará a contextualizar las propuestas de Rancière sobre el recurso a la selección aleatoria en política. [EN] This paper analyses the place of sortition in the political philosophy of Jacques Rancière. The idea of sortition is linked to a philosophical reflection on arithmetic equality and geometric equality. Thus, starting from an important work of Cornelius Castoriadis in this sense, we will analyze below the relationship of Rancière’s political philosophy with equality. Finally we will analyze the sortition and the place it occupies in his work. Bernard Manin’s work on ancient democracies and systems of representative government will help us contextualize Rancière’s proposals on the use of random selection in politics

    Estilos educativos percibidos por deportistas consumidores de tabaco y cánnabis

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    Objetivo. Conocer las diferencias en los estilos educativos parentales percibidos por deportistas consumidores de tabaco y cánnabis. Método. La muestra fue de 502 deportistas españoles con una edad media de 27.76 (DE = 9.11). Para analizar los estilos educativos parentales se aplicó el Test Autoevaluativo Multifactorial de Adaptación Infantil (TAMAI); y para excluir del estudio a los participantes aquiescentes se utilizó la Escala de Oviedo de Infrecuencia de Respuesta (INF-OV). Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal. La selección de la muestra se llevó a cabo en línea a través de Google Forms. Resultados. Los deportistas que no consumen tabaco (t = -2.53, p < 0.05) ni cánnabis (t = -3.26, p < 0.01) obtuvieron mayor proteccionismo del padre en la prueba t de student. Los deportistas consumidores de cánnabis, en cambio, obtuvieron mayor restricción del padre (t = 2.40, p < 0.05) en la prueba t de student. En la regresión logística binaria, se identificó una relación entre el no consumo de tabaco diario (OR = 0.39, p < 0.01) y el no consumo de cánnabis (OR = 0.74, p < 0.01) con el proteccionismo paterno. Conclusión. El proteccionismo paterno puede ser un factor protector en el consumo de tabaco y cánnabis en deportistas, mientras que la restricción paterna puede ser un factor que facilite el consumo de cánnabis

    Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)-regulated interactions between Osterix and Runx2 are critical for the transcriptional osteogenic program

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    The transcription factors Runx2 and Osx (Osterix) are required for osteoblast differentiation and bone formation. Runx2 expression occurs at early stages of osteochondroprogenitor determination, followed by Osx induction during osteoblast maturation. We demonstrate that coexpression of Osx and Runx2 leads to cooperative induction of expression of the osteogenic genes Col1a1, Fmod, and Ibsp. Functional interaction of Osx and Runx2 in the regulation of these promoters is mediated by enhancer regions with adjacent Sp1 and Runx2 DNA-binding sites. These enhancers allow formation of a cooperative transcriptional complex, mediated by the binding of Osx and Runx2 to their specific DNA promoter sequences and by the protein-protein interactions between them. We also identified the domains involved in the interaction between Osx and Runx2. These regions contain the amino acids in Osx and Runx2 known to be phosphorylated by p38 and ERK MAPKs. Inhibition of p38 and ERK kinase activities or mutation of their known phosphorylation sites in Osx or Runx2 strongly disrupts their physical interaction and cooperative transcriptional effects. Altogether, our results provide a molecular description of a mechanism for Osx and Runx2 transcriptional cooperation that is subject to further regulation by MAPK-activating signals during osteogenesis

    Relación entre locus de control, ira y rendimiento deportivo en jugadores de tenis de mesa

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    Los objetivos de este estudio fueron comprobar la relación entre el locus de control y el rendimiento deportivo, y conocer la relación entre el locus de control y las variables de ira. La muestra de la investigación se compuso de 58 jugadores federados de tenis de mesa de toda la geografía española. Los participantes completa-ron un cuestionario sociodemográfico ad hoc, la Escala de Locus de Control (ELC) y el Inventario de Expresión de la Ira Estado-Rasgo (STAXI-2).Los resultados revela-ron que no había diferencias de medias en los niveles de locus de control externo en función de la división de juego y del tipo de práctica deportiva (profesionales vsamateurs). Por otro lado, se confirmó la relación entre el locus de control externo y la expresión externa de la ira, encontrándose diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre la expresión externa de la ira y los grupos de locus de control externo alto y bajo. Finalmente, se concluyó que el nivel de rendimiento deportivo no interfería en los niveles de locus de control y, por otro lado, se confirma la relación del locus de control externo en la expresión externa de la ira de los jugadores de tenis de mesa. Por lo tanto, el locus de control interno se muestra como una variable protectora importante para intervenir con jugadores y entrenadores.The aims of this study were to verify the relationship between locus of control and athletic performance, and understand the relationship between locus of control and anger variables. The research sample consisted of 58 federated table tennis players from all Spanish geographic areas. Participants completed a sociodemographic questionnaire ad hoc, the Locus of Control Scale (ELC) and the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (STAXI-2). The results revealed no differences in mean levels of external locus of control in terms of the division of play and type of sport (amateur versus professional). On the other hand, we found relationship between external locus of control and anger. We showed statistically significant differences in outward expression of anger and groups of high and low external locus of control. Finally, it was concluded that the level of athletic performance did not interfere with the levels of locus of control, on the other hand, the ratio of external locus of control and outward expression of anger of table tennis players was confirmed. Therefore, internal locus of control is shown as an important protective variable to intervene with for players and coaches.Actividad Física y Deport