549 research outputs found

    Moral hazard in a voluntary deposit insurance system: Revisited

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    This paper extends Wheelock and Kumbhakar’s (1995) test for moral hazard in the Kansas deposit insurance system (1910-1920). This paper tests and finds evidence of omitted bank-specific effects. Estimates in Wheelock and Kumbhakar (1995), as a result, are biased. This paper introduces unobserved individual heterogeneity to the test for moral hazard, corrects their estimates, and finds more evidence of moral hazard in the Kansas deposit insurance system


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    Studying Parallel Evolutionary Algorithms: The cellular Programming Case

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    Parallel evolutionary algorithms, studied to some extent over the past few years, have proven empirically worthwhile—though there seems to be lacking a better understanding of their workings. In this paper we concentrate on cellular (fine-grained) models, presenting a number of statistical measures, both at the genotypic and phenotypic levels. We demonstrate the application and utility of these measures on a specific example, that of the cellular programming evolutionary algorithm, when used to evolve solutions to a hard problem in the cellular-automata domain, known as synchronization

    Programa de activación para mejorar capacidades físicas e indicadores biológicos del adulto mayor

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    El presente documento forma parte de los requisitos establecidos por la Facultad de Organización Deportiva, de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, división de estudios de posgrado para obtener el grado de maestría en Actividad Física y Deporte con orientación en Adultos Mayores. La maestría de Actividad Física y Deporte es del tipo profesionalizante, de tal manera que en este documento se plasma la aplicación práctica de los conocimientos adquiridos en los 4 semestres de estudios, en un grupo de adultos mayores de la localidad de San Nicolás de los Garza, N.L

    La subjetividad del “Yo” en el discurso político de fray Servando Teresa de Mier

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    Fray Servando Teresa de Mier posee, entre su vasta producción textual, unos documentos valiosísimos en los que se construye y reconstruye a sí mismo a partir de su discurso, en cuyo centro se erige el propio fraile al aparecer como autor y como sujeto de la enunciación en lo que bien puede considerarse discurso autobiográfico. Ahora bien, ¿de qué manera este discurso autobiográfico se manifiesta en el discurso político del Padre Mier? ¿En qué forma esta mediación del deíctico “Yo” le permite la construcción discursiva de sí mismo? El objetivo de esta ponencia es explicar, en lo posible, la construcción discursiva que fray Servando hace de sí mismo a través de la deixis en su discurso político, tomando como base la Memoria política-instructiva y el Discurso de las Profecías; pretendemos, pues, descubrir el proceso dialógico que se establece entre la propia voz del autor y su creación.Centro de Estudios de Teoría y Crítica Literari

    Teacher‘s Digital Skills in Relation to Their Age, Gender, Time of Usage and Training with a Tablet

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    The present studies objective was to determine the digital level capabilities of primary school teachers and their relation with certain sociodemographic factors. The focus was quantitative and a cross-sectional survey design for two or more groups was used. The sample was non-probabilistic and included 88 fifth and sixth grade teachers from 32 schools from Cd. Obregón and Navojoa, Sonora. The results showed that 65.9% of the teachers, were perceived at a intermediate level of their digital skills. That in the Operation and Concepts of ICT, the set of teachers was placed at an expert level with an average of 4.33 (0.64). While in the Communication and Collaboration, they were perceived at the level without the use of the ICT, an average of 1.78 (0.59). On their part, the test t of Student revealed significant differences between the digital skill variable and its factors: Operation and Concept of the ICT, Communication and Collaboration, and Critical Thinking and Information Management, with the contrasting variables: daily hours that the teacher destines to the use of the computer/tablet to support their subjects, weekly hours that the teacher destines to the use of the computer/tablet in the classroom to support their subjects and related training with the use of the ICT. Finally, the results are discussed as well as their possible implications

    Onboard Evolution of Understandable Swarm Behaviors

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    Designing the individual robot rules that give rise to desired emergent swarm behaviors is difficult. The common method of running evolutionary algorithms off‐line to automatically discover controllers in simulation suffers from two disadvantages: the generation of controllers is not situated in the swarm and so cannot be performed in the wild, and the evolved controllers are often opaque and hard to understand. A swarm of robots with considerable on‐board processing power is used to move the evolutionary process into the swarm, providing a potential route to continuously generating swarm behaviors adapted to the environments and tasks at hand. By making the evolved controllers human‐understandable using behavior trees, the controllers can be queried, explained, and even improved by a human user. A swarm system capable of evolving and executing fit controllers entirely onboard physical robots in less than 15 min is demonstrated. One of the evolved controllers is then analyzed to explain its functionality. With the insights gained, a significant performance improvement in the evolved controller is engineered