307 research outputs found

    Popularization of health in public television: the case of RTVE in 2016

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    La televisión es el principal medio al que los ciudadanos están expuestos para informarse sobre temas de ciencia y tecnología (FECYT, 2015). El servicio pú- blico radiotelevisivo es el ente, que, por ley, debe atender a las necesidades de información, cultura, educación y entretenimiento de la ciudadanía. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo conocer el tratamiento informativo y audiovisual de los programas especializados en salud de RTVE. La muestra cuenta con aquellos emitidos en 2016: La mañana (incluye Saber Vivir), Centro Médico, Esto es Vida y El Ojo Clínico. La metodología empleada es el estudio de caso: se elabora una triangulación a partir de una exploración descriptivo-analítica de los programas seleccionados, un cuestionario sobre la recepción informativa de los mismos y un análisis de contenido de una serie de episodios y, a su vez, de los tweets emitidos por sus respectivas cuentas durante el último mes. Las variables miden aspectos del tratamiento informativo y audiovisual de los programas, así como la funcionalidad, el tratamiento informativo de los tuits y el contenido extra que aportan. Los resultados presentan como rasgo común la conducción de la información a través de fuentes personales. Asimismo, destaca El Ojo Clínico y Esto es Vida por su tratamiento divulgativo, tanto en pantalla como en Twitter.Citizens inform themselves about science and technology mainly through television (FECYT, 2015) and the public broadcasting service is the entity that by law must offer the information, culture, education and entertainment that citizens need. This research aims to know the informative and audiovisual treatment of RTVE’s specialized health programs. The sample consists of the programmes broadcasted in 2016: La mañana (includes Saber Vivir), Centro Médico, Esto es Vida and El Ojo Clínico. A case study methodology will be implemented, a triangulation of methods is applied: a descriptive-analytical exploration of the selected programs, a content analysis of some episodes and of a sample of official tweets issued by the tv programmes accounts and a questionnaire on the informative reception by the audience. The variables analyse aspects of the informative and audiovisual treatment of the tv programmes, as well as tweet’s aims and reporting style. An overall result is the common usage of personal information as scientific sources. El Ojo Clínico and Esto es Vida need to be highlighted for their positive informative reporting, both on screen and on Twitter

    Molecular and pharmacological modulation of CALHM1 promote neuroprotection against oxygen and glucose deprivation in a model of hippocampal slices

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    Calcium homeostasis modulator 1 (CALHM1) is a calcium channel involved in the regulation of cytosolic Ca2+ levels. From a physiological point of view, the open state of CALHM1 depends not only on voltage but also on the extracellular concentration of calcium ([Ca2+]) ions. At low [Ca2+]e or depolarization, the channel is opened, allowing Ca2+ influx; however, high extracellular [Ca2+]e or hyperpolarization promote its resting state. The unique Ca2+ permeation of CALHM1 relates to the molecular events that take place in brain ischemia, such as depolarization and extracellular changes in [Ca2+]e, particularly during the reperfusion phase after the ischemic insult. In this study, we attempted to understand its role in an in vitro model of ischemia, namely oxygen and glucose deprivation, followed by reoxygenation (OGD/Reox). To this end, hippocampal slices from wild-type Calhm1+/+, Calhm1+/-, and Calhm1-/- mice were subjected to OGD/Reox. Our results point out to a neuroprotective effect when CALHM1 is partially or totally absent. Pharmacological manipulation of CALHM1 with CGP37157 reduced cell death in Calhm1+/+ slices but not in that of Calhm1-/- mice after exposure to the OGD/Reox protocol. This ionic protection was also verified by measuring reactive oxygen species production upon OGD/Reox in Calhm1+/+ and Calhm1-/- mice, resulting in a downregulation of ROS production in Calhm1-/- hippocampal slices and increased expression of HIF-1α. Taken together, we can conclude that genetic or pharmacological inhibition of CALHM1 results in a neuroprotective effect against ischemia, due to an attenuation of the neuronal calcium overload and downregulation of oxygen reactive species productionThis research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities Ref RTI2018-095793-B-I00 and Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid Ref. B2017/BMD-3827 to MGL. ETN PURINESDX Research and Innovation Agreement Nº 766124. Program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie and Proyectos Santander-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 2017, to MFC

    Mitochondrial pH Monitored by a New Engineered Green Fluorescent Protein Mutant

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    We here describe a new molecularly engineered green fluorescent protein chimera that shows a high sensitivity to pH in the alkaline range. This probe was named mtAlpHi, for mitochondrial alkaline pH indicator, and possesses several key properties that render it optimal for studying the dynamics of mitochondrial matrix pH, e.g. it has an apparent pK(a) (pK(a)') around 8.5, it shows reversible and large changes in fluorescence in response to changes in pH (both in vitro and in intact cells), and it is selectively targeted to the mitochondrial matrix. Using mtAlpHi we could monitor pH changes that occur in the mitochondrial matrix in a variety of situations, e.g. treatment with uncouplers or Ca(2+) ionophores, addition of drugs that interfere with ATP synthesis or electron flow in the respiratory chain, weak bases or acids, and receptor activation. We observed heterogeneous pH increases in the mitochondrial matrix during Ca(2+) accumulation by this organelle. Finally, we demonstrate that Ca(2+) mobilization from internal stores induced by ionomycin and A23187 cause a dramatic acidification of the mitochondrial matrix

    English Is It! (ELT Training Series). Vol. 8

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    Grup de treball ICE-UB: From English Acquisition to English Learning and Teachin

    Retos para potenciar la inclusión desde el discurso de la comunidad educativa: estudio de caso desde una perspectiva longitudinal.

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    La inclusión del alumnado inmigrante resulta fundamental para garantizar la igualdad de oportunidades y el desarrollo de una ciudadanía crítica y participativa. Por ello, el presente artículo corresponde a un estudio longitudinal en un centro escolar con el objetivo de conocer las percepciones de los docentes hacia las familias inmigrantes y justificar la importancia de potenciar la participación de las dichas familias en la vida educativa. El análisis sobre dicho enfoque inclusivo se inició en el curso 2010/11 y finaliza tres años después. Los resultados obtenidos a través de la observación participante, entrevistas a informadores clave y el análisis de documentos del centro se exponen clasificados en diferentes estrategias tanto a nivel organizativo como de aula

    Nuevos textos, nuevos discursos en la época de Cervantes

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    En las primeras décadas del siglo XVII, el “tiempo del Quijote”, se desarrollan en España, por un lado, la renovación de las formas discursivas en la lengua literaria; por otro, el inicio, o expansión, de tipos textuales, en general con raíces en épocas anteriores (el Renacimiento, incluso la Edad Media), pero que renovados y reconfigurados generarán las tradiciones textuales propias del español moderno. Entre estas tradiciones destaca la prosa informativa, plasmada en los nuevos géneros de avisos y relaciones, germen de la futura lengua periodística y de los medios de comunicación de masas. Están también los arbitristas, tipos habitualmente denostados por sus coetáneos, pero cuyas obras constituyen una interesante reflexión sobre los problemas sociales y económicos de la España del XVII, a partir de las cuales se desarrollará la moderna ensayística sobre temas colectivos. Ninguno de estos géneros, bien conocidos por los historiadores, ha tenido aún el análisis lingüístico que merecen como responsables, en buena parte, de la creación de la prosa culta, no ficcional, del español moderno

    Effect of the prefermentative addition of copigments on the polyphenolic composition of Tempranillo wines after malolactic fermentation

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    [EN] The influence of the prefermentative addition of copigments and different winemaking technologies on the polyphenolic composition of Tempranillo red wines after malolactic fermentation was studied. Six experiments dealing with the prefermentative addition of caffeic acid, rutin, (+) catechin, white grape skin tannin, white grape seed tannin and control wines were realised. Three different winemaking technologies (traditional vinification, prefermentative cold maceration at 6-8 A degrees C and cold soak at 0-2 A degrees C with dry ice) were studied. Prefermentative addition of copigments increases anthocyanin copigmentation reactions and produces wines with a greater colour, a higher anthocyanin concentration, a superior contribution of anthocyanins to the colour of the wine, a superior percentage of tannins polymerised with polysaccharides and less astringency. Cold prefermentative maceration increases the extraction of polyphenols, the anthocyanin copigmentation reactions and the polymerisation reactions between tannins and polysaccharides. The effectiveness of the combination of copigments and prefermentative maceration treatments was demonstrated by the increase of the concentration of the polyphenolic compounds.The experimental reporter here is a first part of a project financially supported by the Science and Technology Minister from Spanish Government ( AGL 2006-10723-C02-02) which the authors gratefully acknowledgeAlvarez Cano, MI.; Aleixandre Benavent, JL.; García Esparza, MJ.; Lizama Abad, V.; Aleixandre Tudo, J. (2009). Effect of the prefermentative addition of copigments on the polyphenolic composition of Tempranillo wines after malolactic fermentation. European Food Research and Technology. 228(4):501-510. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00217-008-0957-0S501510228

    El debate sobre Europa en Twitter. Discursos y estrategias de los candidatos de las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo de 2014 en España.

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    En este artículo se realiza un análisis de la campaña electoral desarrollada en las redes sociales, y en concreto Twitter, por parte de los cabezas de lista de ocho formaciones políticas españolas en las Elecciones al Parlamento Europeo de mayo de 2014. El objetivo fundamental del análisis es comprobar en qué medida el discurso de los candidatos se ciñe a temáticas de alcance europeo o, por el contrario, encuadra su campaña en relación con cuestiones de ámbito nacional. Para ello, el artículo desarrolla tres perspectivas metodológicas complementarias: un análisis cuantitativo de la actividad de los candidatos en Twitter; un análisis de contenido de los mensajes publicados por los candidatos a lo largo de la campaña electoral; y, por último, un análisis del discurso elaborado a partir del seguimiento diario de la campaña. This article describes the electoral campaign developed in social networks (specifically Twitter) by candidates of eight Spanish political parties in European Parliament elections of May 2014. The main objective of the analysis is see to what extent the discourse of candidates is framed to European or national scope issues. The analysis suggests three complementary methodological approaches: a quantitative analysis of the activity of the candidates on Twitter; a content analysis of messages posted by candidates throughout the election campaign; and finally, an discourse analysis derived from the daily monitoring of the campaign

    CALHM1 and its polymorphism P86L differentially control Ca<sup>2+</sup> homeostasis, mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling, and cell vulnerability upon exposure to amyloid β

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    The mutated form of the Ca2+ channel CALHM1 (Ca2+ homeostasis modulator 1), P86L-CALHM1, has been correlated with early onset of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). P86L-CALHM1 increases production of amyloid beta (Ab) upon extracellular Ca2+ removal and its subsequent addback. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the overexpression of CALHM1 and P86L-CALHM, upon Ab treatment, on the following: (i) the intracellular Ca2+ signal pathway; (ii) cell survival proteins ERK1/2 and Ca2+/cAMP response element binding (CREB); and (iii) cell vulnerability after treatment with Ab. Using aequorins to measure the effect of nuclear Ca2+ concentrations ([Ca2+]n) and cytosolic Ca2+ concentrations ([Ca2+]c) on Ca2+ entry conditions, we observed that baseline [Ca2+]n was higher in CALHM1 and P86L-CALHM1 cells than in control cells. Moreover, exposure to Ab affected [Ca2+]c levels in HeLa cells overexpressing CALHM1 and P86L-CALHM1 compared with control cells. Treatment with Ab elicited a significant decrease in the cell survival proteins p-ERK and p-CREB, an increase in the activity of caspases 3 and 7, and more frequent cell death by inducing early apoptosis in P86L-CALHM1- overexpressing cells than in CALHM1 or control cells. These results suggest that in the presence of Ab, P86L-CALHM1 shifts the balance between neurodegeneration and neuronal survival toward the stimulation of pro-cytotoxic pathways, thus potentially contributing to its deleterious effects in AD.This work was partly supported by the following grants: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, FPU Program, Refs. AP2009/0343 (AJMO) and AP2010/1219 (IB). ARN: FIS PI10/01426. MGL: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Ref. SAF2012-23332. MFCA: Consolidación de grupos de investigación UAM-CAM 1004040047. We also thank Fundación Teófilo Hernando, Madrid, Spain, for their continued suppor