314 research outputs found

    Vascular risk levels affect the predictive value of platelet reactivity for the occurrence of MACE in patients on clopidogrel. Systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data.

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    Prior studies have shown an association between high on-clopidogrel platelet reactivity (PR) and the risk of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE). However, large intervention trials on PR-tailored treatments have been neutral. The role and usefulness of PR with regard to levels of cardiovascular risk are unclear. We undertook a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data on MACE outcomes (acute coronary syndromes (ACS), ischaemic strokes, and vascular deaths) in relation to PR and its interaction with cardiovascular risk levels. PR was determined using ADP-induced light transmission aggregometry with a primary concentration of 20 µM ADP. Thirteen prospective studies totaled 6,478 clopidogrel-treated patients who experienced 421 MACE (6.5 %) during a median follow-up of 12 months. The strength of the association between the risk of MACE and PR increased significantly (p=0.04) with the number of risk factors present (age> 75 years, ACS at inclusion, diabetes, and hypertension). No association was detected in patients with no risk factor (p=0.48). In patients presenting one risk factor, only high-PR was associated with an increased risk of MACE (HR 3.2, p=0.001). In patients presenting ≥ 2 risk factors, the increase of risk started from medium-PR (medium-PR: HR=2.9, p=0.0004; high-PR: HR=3.7, p=0.0003). PR allowed the reclassification of 44 % of the total population to a different risk level for the outcome of MACE, mostly in intermediate or high risk patients. In conclusion, the magnitude of the association between PR and MACE risk is strongly dependent on the level of cardiovascular risk faced by patients on clopidogrel

    Family firms types based on beliefs

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    The purpose of this study was to find an effective way of identifying homogeneous family firm groups, based on the prevailing beliefs of the owning family on ownership, management and intergenerational transmission. We conducted a two-stage cluster analysis, using data from a representative sample of 240 Spanish family firms. The results showed three types of clearly differentiated family firms, each of them with a profile of different beliefs. Our work contributes to the previous literature by integrating the components of involvement and essence approaches and beliefs about these to distinguish homogeneous groups of family firms

    Refractive change following pseudophakic vitrectomy: a retrospective review

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    Background To assess the occurrence and magnitude of refractive change in pseudophakic eyes undergoing 20 gauge pars plana vitrectomy without scleral buckling and to investigate possible aetiological factors. Methods Retrospective case note review of 87 pseudophakic eyes undergoing 20 gauge pars plana vitrectomy for a variety of vitreo-retinal conditions over a three-year period. Anterior chamber depth (ACD) was measured before and after vitrectomy surgery in 32 eyes. Forty-three pseudophakic fellow eyes were used as controls. Results Eighty-seven eyes (84 patients) were included in the study. Mean spherical equivalent refraction prior to vitrectomy was -0.20 dioptres, which changed to a mean of -0.65 dioptres postoperatively (standard deviation of refractive change 0.59, range-2.13 to 0.75 dioptres) (p < 0.001). Sixty-one of the 87(70%) eyes experienced a myopic shift and 45(52%) eyes had a myopic shift of -0.5 dioptres or more. Mean fellow eye refraction was -0.19 dioptres preoperatively and -0.17 dioptres postoperatively (p = 0.14)(n = 37) Mean ACD preoperatively was 3.29 mm and postoperatively 3.27 mm (p = 0.53) (n = 32) and there was no significant change in ACD with tamponade use. Regression analysis revealed no statistically significant association between changes in anterior chamber depth, as well as a wide variety of other pre-, intra and postoperative factors examined, and the refractive change observed. Conclusion Significant refractive changes occur in some pseudophakic patients undergoing 20 g pars plana vitrectomy. The mean change observed was a small myopic shift but the range was large. The aetiology of the refractive change is uncertain

    Déploiement et expérimentation d'un système socio-technique pour la surveillance des activités comportementales de personnes en perte d'autonomie dans un habitat intelligent

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    National audienceHome maintenance is a response to the care of people with loss of autonomy. The technology is now mature enough to support these people in their aging home. SUIPAD project attempts to assess the contribution and impact of some technologies for the automatic collection of data for environmental and physiological knowledge of events, activities and attitudes that characterize the actual behavior of frail people in their ordinary living environment.Le maintien à domicile est un élément de réponse à la prise en charge des personnes en perte d’autonomie. La technologie est aujourd’hui suffisamment mûre pour accompagner ces personnes dans leur vieillissement chez elles. Le projet SUIPAD tente d’évaluer l’apport et l’impact de certaines technologies pour le recueil automatique de données ambiantes et physiologiques permettant une bonne connaissance des évènements, des activités et attitudes qui caractérisent le comportement réel de personnes fragiles dans leur environnement de vie ordinaire

    Thermal Emission of WASP-14b Revealed with Three Spitzer Eclipses

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    Exoplanet WASP-14b is a highly irradiated, transiting hot Jupiter. Joshi et al. calculate an equilibrium temperature Teq of 1866 K for zero albedo and reemission from the entire planet, a mass of 7.3 +/- 0.5 Jupiter masses and a radius of 1.28 +/- 0.08 Jupiter radii. Its mean density of 4.6 g/cm3 is one of the highest known for planets with periods less than 3 days. We obtained three secondary eclipse light curves with the Spitzer Space Telescope. The eclipse depths from the best jointly fit model are 0.224%0.224\% +/- 0.018%0.018\% at 4.5 {\mu}m and 0.181%0.181\% +/- 0.022%0.022\% at 8.0 {\mu}m. The corresponding brightness temperatures are 2212 +/- 94 K and 1590 +/- 116 K. A slight ambiguity between systematic models suggests a conservative 3.6 {\mu}m eclipse depth of 0.19%0.19\% +/- 0.01%0.01\% and brightness temperature of 2242 +/- 55 K. Although extremely irradiated, WASP-14b does not show any distinct evidence of a thermal inversion. In addition, the present data nominally favor models with day night energy redistribution less than  30%~30\%. The current data are generally consistent with oxygen-rich as well as carbon-rich compositions, although an oxygen-rich composition provides a marginally better fit. We confirm a significant eccentricity of e = 0.087 +/- 0.002 and refine other orbital parameters.Comment: 16 pages, 16 figure

    Consumers’ willingness to pay for beef direct sales. A regional comparison across the Pyrenees

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    Willingness to pay (WTP) for direct market of beef is investigated in two Spanish and two French regions located on both sides of the Pyrenees. Given the novelty of this distribution system, especially in Spain, a contingent valuation approach is undertaken, and a double-bounded model is estimated. Different patterns of awareness, use and WTP are found across regions. Likewise, the profile of current and potential users of direct sale chains is investigated. Experience in the different stages involved from choice to final consumption of beef, intensity of varied beef consumption, familiarity with direct market of food in general, and beef in particular, are some of the relevant factors to explain WTP and the probability of getting engaged into a direct distribution system of beef

    Effects of co-exposure to CS2 and noise on hearing and balance in rats: continuous versus intermittent CS2 exposures

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    Background: carbon disulfide (CS2) exacerbates the effect of noise on hearing, and disrupts the vestibular system. The goal of this study was to determine whether these effects are also observed with intermittent CS2 exposure. Methods: rats were exposed for 4 weeks (5 days/week, 6 h/day) to a band noise at 106 dB SPL either alone or combined with continuous (63 ppm or 250 ppm) or intermittent (15 min/h or 2 Ă— 15 min/h at 250 ppm) CS2. Hearing function was assessed by measuring distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs); balance was monitored based on the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR). Functional measurements were performed before, at the end of exposure and 4 weeks later. Histological analyses of the inner ear were also performed following exposure and after the 4-week recovery period. Results: the results obtained here confirmed that CS2 exposure exerts two differential temporary effects on hearing: (1) it attenuates the noise-induced DPOAE decrease below 6 kHz probably through action on the middle ear reflex when exposure lasts 15 min per hour, and (2) continuous exposure to 250 ppm for 6 h extends the frequency range affected by noise up to 9.6 kHz (instead of 6 kHz with noise alone). With regard to balance, the VOR was reversibly disrupted at the two highest doses of CS2 (2 Ă— 15 min/h and continuous 250 ppm). No morphological alterations to the inner ear were observed. Conclusion: these results reveal that short periods of CS2 exposure can alter the sensitivity of the cochlea to noise at a dose equivalent to only 10 times the short-term occupational limit value, and intermittent exposure to CS2 (2 Ă— 15 min/h) can alter the function of the vestibular system

    Etude de l'ACcessibilité de l'interaction dans une Maison Intelligente par des personnes fragilisées pour une meilleure autonomie à domicile

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    National audienceLes technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) destinées à favoriser le retour à domicile de personnes fragilisées et en perte d’autonomie sont en plein essor. En fonction des capacités cognitives, motrices et perceptives de la personne les utilisant, les TICs peuvent être plus ou moins accessibles et efficaces

    BRG1-SWI/SNF-dependent regulation of the Wt1 transcriptional landscape mediates epicardial activity during heart development and disease

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    Epicardium-derived cells (EPDCs) contribute cardiovascular cell types during development and in adulthood respond to Thymosin \u3b24 (T\u3b24) and myocardial infarction (MI) by reactivating a fetal gene programme to promote neovascularization and cardiomyogenesis. The mechanism for epicardial gene (re-)activation remains elusive. Here we reveal that BRG1, the essential ATPase subunit of the SWI/SNF chromatin-remodelling complex, is required for expression of Wilms' tumour 1 (Wt1), fetal EPDC activation and subsequent differentiation into coronary smooth muscle, and restores Wt1 activity upon MI. BRG1 physically interacts with T\u3b24 and is recruited by CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein \u3b2 (C/EBP\u3b2) to discrete regulatory elements in the Wt1 locus. BRG1-T\u3b24 co-operative binding promotes optimal transcription of Wt1 as the master regulator of embryonic EPDCs. Moreover, chromatin immunoprecipitation-sequencing reveals BRG1 binding at further key loci suggesting SWI/SNF activity across the fetal epicardial gene programme. These findings reveal essential functions for chromatin-remodelling in the activation of EPDCs during cardiovascular development and repair

    Intracranial fluids dynamics alterations and cortical thickness

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    Objectives: The issue of cortical atrophy is important in normal aging and disease since it is associated with cognitive and physical impairments. Cortical atrophy is potentially a relevant biomarker for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The vascular component is also an integral part of AD and other late-life neurodegenerative diseases. Abnormalities in blood flow appear before accumulation of abnormal proteins in AD. The occlusion of capillaries by neutrophils are significantly higher in AD animal models than control and reduction of those occlusions with an antibody increases both blood flow and cognitive capacities. Vascular alterations lead to hypoperfusion, oxidative stress and inflammation, which in turn lead to damage of neurons, glia and myelin, predominantly in the white mater. Implication of vascular pathologies for gray matter remains unclear. A recent study showed that altered cerebral hemodyamics in asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis is associated with cortical thinning. However there is no proven link between vascular pathologies and cortical thinning. We propose to explore brain aging with a combined biomechanical and imaging approach in order to assess both fluid dynamics alterations and brain structural modifications. We hypothesize that there is a link between altered cerebral hemodynamics and loss of cortical thickness during brain aging. Methods: 80 patients suspected of hydrocephalus were prospectively involved. All patients complain of gait alteration, urinary difficulties, mild apathy and ventriculomegaly on brain imaging. They all underwent brain MRI with T1 weighted images to quantify cortical thickness and phase contrast images to measure arterial, venous and CSF velocities. Lumbar infusion test was also performed to gauge lumbar pressure, a surrogate marker of intracranial pressure (ICP), and CSF dynamics. The cortical volumetric segmentation was done by an automatic post-processing analysis with FREESURFER and local thicknesses were assessed with CorThiZon. Venous, arterial and CSF velocities were measured from PCMRI with BIOFLOWIMAGE software. ICP and CSF dynamics were extracted form infusion tests. Pearson correlations were calculated between cortical thickness and arterial, venous and CSF velocities, but also ICP and derived indices. Results: Mean cortical thickness is positively correlated with mean ICP (r=0.48, p=0.001), ICP pulse amplitude (r=0.43, p=0.001), arterial flow (r=0.44, p=0.001), aqueductal CSF flow(r=046, p=0.001), but negatively correlates with venous flow (r=-0.44, p=0.001). Conclusions: We demonstrate that cortical thickness is correlated with arterial and CSF pulsatility. The causality is more complex since it involves local microcirculation that could not be directly measured. However the association between intracranial pulsatility and gray matter thickness suggests that there is a relationship between vascular alterations at the macroscale level and the pathobiology of cortical atrophy
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