1,442 research outputs found

    Experimental Signals of Phase Transition

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    The connection between the thermodynamics of charged finite nuclear systems and the asymptotically measured partitions is presented. Some open questions, concerning in particular equilibrium partitions are discussed. We show a detailed comparison of the decay patterns in Au+ C,Cu,Au central collisions and in Au quasi-projectile events. Observation of abnormally large fluctuations in carefully selected samples of data is reported as an indication of a first order phase transition (negative heat capacity) in the nuclear equation of state.Comment: 8 pages, 8th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Moscow 200

    A discrepancy principle for the Landweber iteration based on risk minimization

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    In this paper we propose a criterion based on risk minimization to stop the Landweber algorithm for estimating the solution of a linear system with noisy data. Under the hypothesis of white Gaussian noise, we provide an unbiased estimator of the risk and we use it for defining a variant of the classical discrepancy principle. Moreover, we prove that the proposed variant satisfies the regularization property in expectation. Finally, we perform some numerical simulations when the signal formation model is given by a convolution or a Radon transform, to show that the proposed method is numerically reliable and furnishes slightly better solutions than classical estimators based on the predictive risk, namely the Unbiased Predictive Risk Estimator and the Generalized Cross Validation


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    VANTAGGI DELL’UTILIZZO DEL SISTEMA DOSIMETRICO OSL IN CASO DI EMERGENZA S. Abate, F. Campi, L. Garlati, O. Tambussi Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Energia, via La Masa 34, 20156 Milano [email protected] Il sistema dosimetrico per corpo intero OSL (Optically Stimulated Luminescence) Ăš un tipo di dosimetria che si sta sempre piĂč diffondendo in vari paesi. In Europa molti centri di ricerca si sono dotati di un proprio sistema dosimetrico, mentre commercialmente Landauer rappresenta il maggior fornitore di tale servizio dosimetrico, ma anche del sistema stesso (dosimetri e apparecchio di lettura). Il vantaggio di questo tipo di dosimetro consiste nella semplicitĂ  e velocitĂ  di lettura e azzeramento, anche se risulta meno affidabile dei film-badge. Inoltre, rispetto ai dosimetri a TL, risultano essere piĂč stabili nel tempo, non dovendo subire cicli termici che ne alterano la struttura cristallina e di conseguenza le loro performance. Questo permette di utilizzare, leggere e azzerare anche il singolo dosimetro e non l’intero lotto di appartenenza. Questa caratteristica permette di utilizzare il dosimetro a OSL come un dosimetro passivo, ma col vantaggio della lettura indiretta al termine delle operazioni, proprio come per un dosimetro elettronico viene effettuata la lettura diretta su display. In questo lavoro si vogliono paragonare i vantaggi e gli svantaggi dei sistemi dosimetrici tradizionali (film-badge e TLD) con il sistema OSL. Si presentano i risultati sperimentali delle performance (dipendenza energetica, dosimetrica e angolare) del sistema dosimetrico OSL Inlight con sistema di lettura MicroStar. Infine si presentano i risultati degli irraggiamenti condotti in parallelo presso un centro LAT tra il sistema OSL e i dosimetri elettronici DMC 2000 (Mirion Technologies). Le caratteristiche di questo dosimetro permettono di concludere che questo tipo di sistema dosimetrico ha degli aspetti positivi per il suo utilizzo in caso di emergenza radiologica senza i costi di una dosimetria con strumentazione attiva

    Parametric cost modelling of components for turbomachines: Preliminary study

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    The ever-increasing competitiveness, due to the market globalisation, has forced the industries to modify their design and production strategies. Hence, it is crucial to estimate and optimise costs as early as possible since any following changes will negatively impact the redesign effort and lead time. This paper aims to compare different parametric cost estimation methods that can be used for analysing mechanical components. The current work presents a cost estimation methodology which uses non-historical data for the database population. The database is settled using should cost data obtained from analytical cost models implemented in a cost estimation software. Then, the paper compares different parametric cost modelling techniques (artificial neural networks, deep learning, random forest and linear regression) to define the best one for industrial components. Such methods have been tested on 9 axial compressor discs, different in dimensions. Then, by considering other materials and batch sizes, it was possible to reach a training dataset of 90 records. From the analysis carried out in this work, it is possible to conclude that the machine learning techniques are a valid alternative to the traditional linear regression ones

    Active shielding design and optimization of a wireless power transfer (WPT) system for automotive

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    This study deals with the optimization of a shielding structure composed by multiple active coils for mitigating the magnetic field in an automotive wireless power transfer (WPT) system at 85 kHz. Each active coil is independently powered and the most suitable excitation is obtained by an optimization procedure based on the Gradient Descent algorithm. The proposed procedure is described and applied to shield the magnetic field beside an electric vehicle (EV) equipped with SAE standard coils, during wireless charging. The obtained results show that the magnetic field in the most critical area is significantly reduced (i.e., approximately halved) with a very limited influence on the electrical performances (i.e., WPT efficiency decreases by less than 1 percentage point compared to the case without active shielding)

    Scaling in the Lattice Gas Model

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    A good quality scaling of the cluster size distributions is obtained for the Lattice Gas Model using the Fisher's ansatz for the scaling function. This scaling identifies a pseudo-critical line in the phase diagram of the model that spans the whole (subcritical to supercritical) density range. The independent cluster hypothesis of the Fisher approach is shown to describe correctly the thermodynamics of the lattice only far away from the critical point.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Knowledge and valorization of historical sites through 3D documentation and modeling

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    The paper presents the first results of an interdisciplinary project related to the 3D documentation, dissemination, valorization and digital access of archeological sites. Beside the mere 3D documentation aim, the project has two goals: (i) to easily explore and share via web references and results of the interdisciplinary work, including the interpretative process and the final reconstruction of the remains; (ii) to promote and valorize archaeological areas using reality-based 3D data and Virtual Reality devices. This method has been verified on the ruins of the archeological site of Pausilypon, a maritime villa of Roman period (Naples, Italy). Using Unity3D, the virtual tour of the heritage site was integrated and enriched with the surveyed 3D data, text documents, CAAD reconstruction hypotheses, drawings, photos, etc. In this way, starting from the actual appearance of the ruins (panoramic images), passing through the 3D digital surveying models and several other historical information, the user is able to access virtual contents and reconstructed scenarios, all in a single virtual, interactive and immersive environment. These contents and scenarios allow to derive documentation and geometrical information, understand the site, perform analyses, see interpretative processes, communicate historical information and valorize the heritage location

    Transition from damage to fragmentation in collision of solids

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    We investigate fracture and fragmentation of solids due to impact at low energies using a two-dimensional dynamical model of granular solids. Simulating collisions of two solid discs we show that, depending on the initial energy, the outcome of a collision process can be classified into two states: a damaged and a fragmented state with a sharp transition in between. We give numerical evidence that the transition point between the two states behaves as a critical point, and we discuss the possible mechanism of the transition.Comment: Revtex, 12 figures included. accepted by Phys. Rev.

    The Hough Transform and the Impact of Chronic Leukemia on the Compact Bone Tissue from CT-Images Analysis

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    Computational analysis of X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) images allows the assessment of alteration of bone structure in adult patients with Advanced Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (ACLL), and may even offer a powerful tool to assess the development of the disease (prognostic potential). The crucial requirement for this kind of analysis is the application of a pattern recognition method able to accurately segment the intra-bone space in clinical CT images of the human skeleton. Our purpose is to show how this task can be accomplished by a procedure based on the use of the Hough transform technique for special families of algebraic curves. The dataset used for this study is composed of sixteen subjects including eight control subjects, one ACLL survivor, and seven ACLL victims. We apply the Hough transform approach to the set of CT images of appendicular bones for detecting the compact and trabecular bone contours by using ellipses, and we use the computed semi-axes values to infer information on bone alterations in the population affected by ACLL. The effectiveness of this method is proved against ground truth comparison. We show that features depending on the semi-axes values detect a statistically significant difference between the class of control subjects plus the ACLL survivor and the class of ACLL victims

    Status report of the CMS superconducting coil project

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    The CMS superconducting coil is designed for one of the two large experiments of LHC at CERN. This coil 12.5 m long, 6 m diameter and 2.7 GJ stored energy is a common project of the CMS Collaboration. It is a four-layer coil, equipped with a self-supporting conductor capable of carrying 20 kA to reach the maximum potential field of 4 T. It has been designed with a considerable contribution from CEA- Saclay for the engineering, ETH-Zurich for the conductor, INFN-Genova for the winding and CERN for the general coordination and construction of the ancillaries. The project entered the construction phase one year ago. The civil engineering is well advanced and ready to accept part of the yoke components already built. The coil itself has finished the pre-industrialization phase and the construction is beginning in industry. Most of the important contracts have been awarded and the foreseen schedule is now based on contractual engagements. A quick overview of the features of the project as well as a status report of the main activities are given. (6 refs)
