194 research outputs found

    Democracia como experimentalismo e experimentalismo como antidogmatismo

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    Our purpose in this paper is twofold: on one hand, to reconstruct Dewey’s conception of experimentalism, mainly through his pedagogical writings; and, on the other hand, to show the relevance of this reconstruction to current reassessments of Dewey’s political thought. The grounds for our perspective have a double character, too. First, we reconstruct the links between experimentalism and education on the basis of the first edition of How We Think (1910, MW 6); perhaps one of Dewey’s most noteworthy pedagogical texts. Secondly, we critically address three different reassessments of Dewey’s experimentalism in contemporary political thought, namely: (1) Pappas’s defense of Dewey’s substantive idea of democracy; (2) Forstenzer’s proposal of Deweyan experimentalism as an appropriate methodology for political philosophy; and (3) Anderson’s vindication of Deweyan experimental democracy in the context of social epistemology. We posit that in HWT Dewey places experimentalism as a kind of antidote against dogmatism and unreflective ways of reasoning. As a consequence, he links experimentalism with anti-dogmatism placing a special role in schooling for at least two reasons: (1) it is during the schooling phase that children are still sensitive to the development of certain habits; (2) dogmatism seems inevitable in any society but the educational phase is a key instance to try to avoid it. Neither (1) nor (2) are present in contemporary reassessments of Deweyan experimentalism.Nosso propósito neste artigo é duplo: reconstruir a concepção de experimentalismo de Dewey, principalmente por meio de seus escritos pedagógicos, por um lado; e mostrar a relevância dessa reconstrução para as atuais reavaliações do pensamento político de Dewey, por outro. Os fundamentos de nossa perspectiva também têm um caráter duplo. Em primeiro lugar, reconstruímos os vínculos entre experimentalismo e educação a partir da primeira edição de How We Think (1910, MW 6); talvez um dos textos pedagógicos mais notáveis de Dewey. Em segundo lugar, abordamos criticamente três diferentes reavaliações do experimentalismo de Dewey no pensamento político contemporâneo, a saber: (1) a defesa de Pappas da ideia substantiva de democracia de Dewey; (2) a proposta de Forstenzer do experimentalismo deweyano como uma metodologia apropriada para a filosofia política; e (3) a defesa de Anderson da democracia experimental deweyana no contexto da epistemologia social. Postulamos que em HWT Dewey coloca o experimentalismo como uma espécie de antídoto contra o dogmatismo e as formas irrefletidas de raciocínio. Como consequência disso, ele relaciona o experimentalismo com o antidogmatismo, colocando um papel especial na escolarização por pelo menos duas razões: (1) é na fase escolar que as crianças ainda são sensíveis ao desenvolvimento de certos hábitos; (2) o dogmatismo parece inevitável em qualquer sociedade, mas a fase educacional é uma instância fundamental para tentar evitá-lo. Nem (1) nem (2) estão presentes nas reavaliações contemporâneas do experimentalismo deweyano.Fil: Saharrea, Juan Manuel. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones Psicológicas. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones Psicológicas; ArgentinaFil: Campeotto, Fabio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Rioja. Departamento Academico de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educacion.; ArgentinaFil: Viale, Claudio Marcelo. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Área de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    A Constraint Solver for Flexible Protein Models

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    This paper proposes the formalization and implementation of a novel class of constraints aimed at modeling problems related to placement of multi-body systems in the 3-dimensional space. Each multi-body is a system composed of body elements, connected by joint relationships and constrained by geometric properties. The emphasis of this investigation is the use of multi-body systems to model native conformations of protein structures---where each body represents an entity of the protein (e.g., an amino acid, a small peptide) and the geometric constraints are related to the spatial properties of the composing atoms. The paper explores the use of the proposed class of constraints to support a variety of different structural analysis of proteins, such as loop modeling and structure prediction. The declarative nature of a constraint-based encoding provides elaboration tolerance and the ability to make use of any additional knowledge in the analysis studies. The filtering capabilities of the proposed constraints also allow to control the number of representative solutions that are withdrawn from the conformational space of the protein, by means of criteria driven by uniform distribution sampling principles. In this scenario it is possible to select the desired degree of precision and/or number of solutions. The filtering component automatically excludes configurations that violate the spatial and geometric properties of the composing multi-body system. The paper illustrates the implementation of a constraint solver based on the multi-body perspective and its empirical evaluation on protein structure analysis problems

    El arte en la educación – la educación en el arte John Dewey

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    Original “Art in Education – Education in Art” incluido en The Later Works of John Dewey, Vol. 2 (1925-1927). Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press, 1984: 111-115. El artículo apareció originalmente en New Republic, 46 (1926): 11-13. Agradecemos a la Southern Illinois University Press el permiso concedido para poder traducir la reseña

    Educate through aesthetic experience: the museum according to John Dewey

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    En este trabajo, se expone la doble concepción del museo de arte de John Dewey (1859-1952): su concepción negativa, que se encuentra en El arte como experiencia (1934/2008), y su concepción constructiva, que el filósofo pragmatista detalla en otros escritos. Nuestro análisis tiene un doble propósito: concebir el museo como el lugar en que se vinculan la estética y la filosofía de la educación de Dewey, por un lado, y demostrar la centralidad de este vínculo en la concepción del museo de arte como espacio educativo alternativo al aula, por el otro. En la primera sección, se reconstruyen los ejes fundamentales del pensamiento de Dewey sobre museos de arte. En la segunda, se examina su actividad pedagógica en la Barnes Foundation de Filadelfia. Finalmente, en la tercera sección, se analizan algunos ejes clave, tanto de la estética como de la pedagogía de Dewey, y se relacionan a la situación presente de la educación en museos.In this article, we state John Dewey's twofold conception of the art museum: his negative conception, which can be found in Art as Experience (1934/2008), and his constructive one, which the pragmatist philosopher explains in detail in other texts. Our analysis has a double aim: to conceive the museum as the place where Dewey's aesthetics and philosophy of education are linked together, on the one hand, and to demonstrate the centrality of this connection in his conception of the art museum as an educational space as an alternative to the classroom, on the other hand. We reconstruct the main lines of Dewey's thought about museums in the first section. In the second one, we analyze his pedagogical activity at the Barnes Foundation of Philadelphia. Finally, in the third section, we analyze some key points about both his aesthetics and pedagogy, and we relate them to the present situation of education in museums.Fil: Campeotto, Fabio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Rioja. Departamento de Humanidades; ArgentinaFil: Viale, Claudio Marcelo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Área de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades; Argentin

    Measurement and large reliefs: William James, Victor Hugo and Correggio

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    La ética heroica de William James (1842-1910) se encuentra cristalizada en el concepto de “strenuous mood” (ánimo vigoroso), que está constituido por un conjunto de significados tanto explícitos como implícitos. Una de las formas de comprender parte de este concepto es identificar comentarios, notas y escritos publicados en donde se haga referencia a los motivos morales que incentivaron la reflexión del filósofo y donde se pueda advertir claramente algún constituyente de su postura. En este artículo daremos cuenta del aspecto mesurado de la moralidad del joven James interpretando su comentario sobre La Natividad de Correggio puesta en contraposición a Victor Hugo.The heroic ethics of William James (1842-1910) is crystallized in the concept of “strenuous mood”, which is constituted by a set of meanings, both explicit and implicit. One of the ways to understand part of this concept is to identify comments, notes and published writings where reference is made to the moral motives that encouraged the reflection of the philosopher and where one can clearly see some constituent of his position. In this paper we will give an account of the measured aspect of the morality of the young James, interpreting his commentary on The Nativity of Correggio put in opposition to Victor Hugo.Fil: Jatuff, José. Universidad Nacional de la Rioja. Departamento de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación. Instituto de Historia y Filosofía; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Centro de Investigaciones María Saleme Burnichón; ArgentinaFil: Campeotto, Fabio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Rioja. Departamento de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación. Instituto de Historia y Filosofía; Argentin

    Educación y arte: Acerca de John Dewey

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    Los propósitos de este artículo son dos: en primer lugar, presentar los rasgos característicos tanto de la filosofía de la educación como de la estética de Dewey y su íntima vinculación; en segundo lugar, señalar la relevancia que la influencia de Albert C. Barnes tiene para el desarrollo de las concepciones de arte y de educación del autor de Art as Experience. Para mostrar la influencia de Barnes en Dewey, tópico pasado por alto por la literatura secundaria o solo tratado superficialmente, utilizamos diversos elementos, especialmente la reseña que Dewey escribe sobre el libro de Barnes, The Art in Painting (1925), titulada “Art in Education - Education in Art” (1926) y que traducimos en este número de la revista

    The second messenger c-di-AMP inhibits the osmolyte uptake system OpuC in Staphylococcus aureus

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    Staphylococcus aureus is an important opportunistic human pathogen that is highly resistant to osmotic stresses. In order to survive an increase in osmolarity, bacteria immediately take up potassium and small organic compounds, also referred to as compatible solutes. The second messenger c-di-AMP binds to several receptor proteins, most of which are involved in ion and potassium uptake, that help bacteria cope with osmotic stress. In this study, we identified OpuCA, the ATPase component of an uptake system for the compatible solute carnitine, as a cdi-AMP target protein in S. aureus and found that a strain overproducing c-di-AMP showed reduced carnitine uptake. The CBS domains of OpuCA bound to c-di-AMP, and a crystal structure revealed a putative binding pocket for c-di-AMP in the cleft between the two CBS domains. Thus, c-di-AMP is involved in regulating both branches of osmoprotection (potassium uptake and compatible solute uptake), suggesting that c-di-AMP is a general osmotic stress regulato

    Pathological macromolecular crystallographic data affected by twinning, partial-disorder and exhibiting multiple lattices for testing of data processing and refinement tools

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    Twinning is a crystal growth anomaly, which has posed a challenge in macromolecular crystallography (MX) since the earliest days. Many approaches have been used to treat twinned data in order to extract structural information. However, in most cases it is usually simpler to rescreen for new crystallization conditions that yield an untwinned crystal form or, if possible, collect data from non-twinned parts of the crystal. Here, we report 11 structures of engineered variants of the E. coli enzyme N-acetyl-neuraminic lyase which, despite twinning and incommensurate modulation, have been successfully indexed, solved and deposited. These structures span a resolution range of 1.45–2.30 Å, which is unusually high for datasets presenting such lattice disorders in MX and therefore these data provide an excellent test set for improving and challenging MX data processing programs