16 research outputs found

    Cosmological magnetic field survival

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    It is widely believed that primordial magnetic fields are dramatically diluted by the expansion of the universe. As a result, cosmological magnetic fields with residual strengths of astrophysical relevance are generally sought by going outside standard cosmology, or by extending conventional electromagnetic theory. Nevertheless, the survival of strong B-fields of primordial origin is possible in spatially open Friedmann universes without changing conventional electromagnetism. The reason is the hyperbolic geometry of these spacetimes, which slows down the adiabatic magnetic decay-rate and leads to their superadiabatic amplification on large scales. So far, the effect has been found to operate on Friedmannian backgrounds containing either radiation or a slow-rolling scalar field. We show here that the superadiabatic amplification of large-scale magnetic fields, generated by quantum fluctuations during inflation, is essentially independent of the type of matter that fills the universe and appears to be a generic feature of open Friedmann spacetimes. We estimate the late-time strength of any residual field in a marginally open universe and show that it can easily meet the requirements for the dynamo generation of the magnetic fields observed in galaxies today.Comment: Equations streamlined, references updated. MNRAS in pres

    "Investigation of Subjectivation Processes": For a Laughter of Political and Performative Street

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    The present research is a practical-theoretical research where I approach the processes of subjectivation, from the concepctions of Felix Guattari (1986) under the perspective of an approximation between the art of clown and the art of performance, whose base is also found in the relation of the problematic of poverty in the street population. Therefore, I try to combine the concepts related to the investigation of laughter proposed by the author Georges Minois (2003) and the scenic production of the clown described by Mário F. Bolognesi (2003) with a study with the propositions of Félix Guattari (1981) and Fernando G. Rey (2003) about the themes linked to the production of subjectivities, and supported by the studies and propositions on the performance art of Renato Ferracini (2003) and Renato Cohen (2011), which describe the limits between the performance art in contemporary theatrical performance. In order to discuss the clown-performers relationship, the research is developed and articulated, considering the street population as a motto for research, based on the voices of people in the street situation in which the field study was carried out, being this, the Reference Center for homeless people - Centro POP and the Casa de Acolhimento Santa Gemma, both located in the city of Uberlândia-MG.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível SuperiorDissertação (Mestrado)A presente pesquisa é uma investigação prático-teórica onde abordo os processos de subjetivação, a partir das concepções de Félix Guattari (1986) sob a perspectiva de aproximação entre a arte da palhaçaria e a arte da performance, cuja base encontra-se também na relação da problemática da pobreza na população em situação de rua. Procuro, portanto, aliar os conceitos ligados à investigação do riso proposto pelo autor Georges Minois (2003) e a produção cênica do palhaço descrito por Mário F. Bolognesi (2003) a um estudo com as proposições de Félix Guattari (1981) e Fernando G. Rey (2003) a respeito das temáticas ligadas à produção de subjetividades, e amparado nos estudos e proposições sobre a arte da performance de Renato Ferracini (2003) e Renato Cohen (2011), que descrevem os limites entre a arte da performance no fazer teatral contemporâneo. A fim de discutir a relação palhaça-performer, a pesquisa é desenvolvida e articulada, tendo em vista a população de rua como mote de pesquisa, com base nas vozes das pessoas em situação de rua na qual o trabalho de campo foi realizado, sendo este, no Centro de Referência para pessoas em situação de rua – o Centro POP e a Casa de Acolhimento Santa Gemma, ambos localizados na cidade de Uberlândia-MG

    Documentary photography in the art museum: dissonances and consonances

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    Essa dissertação tem como objetivo principal identificar os mecanismos envolvidos na inserção da fotografia documental em museus de arte, durante a década de 1970, na cidade de São Paulo. São apresentados três estudos de caso sobre exposições fotográficas, de caráter temático, realizadas nesse período: A família Brasileira, realizada no Museu de Arte de São Paulo, em 1971; Xingu/Terra, parte integrante da 13ª Bienal Internacional de São Paulo, em 1975; e Bom retiro e luz: um roteiro, na Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, em 1976. A análise dos formatos das mostras e dos processos envolvidos em sua realização revelam dissonâncias e consonâncias entre os objetivos e interesses de seus proponentes e/ou realizadores. As exposições também são investigadas do ponto de vista das relações políticas da época, pois há a intenção de identificar as funções sociais adquiridas pela fotografia em seu processo de institucionalização.This dissertation aims to identify the main mechanisms involved in the inclusion of documentary photography in art museums during the 1970s, in São Paulo. It presents three case studies about thematic and essay format photo exhibitions, accomplished at this period: A família brasileira, held at the Museu de Arte de Sao Paulo, in 1971; Xingu/Terra, part of the 13th Bienal International São Paulo, in 1975, and Bom retiro e luz: um roteiro in the Pinacoteca do Estado de Sao Paulo, in 1976. The analysis about the exhibitions formats and processes involved in their realization reveals dissonances and consonances between the purposes and interests of their proponents and/or directors. The exhibitions are also investigated from the standpoint of political relations of the time, because the intention is to identify the social functions of photography acquired in the process of its institutionalization

    Informe final - Prácticas : Pastoral social - Diócesis de Montelíbano

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    RESUMEN: El trabajo social como profesión tiene amplios espacios de intervención, esto, que bien podría nombrarse como una ventaja frente otras profesiones, hace del objeto propio – la cuestión social – un inminente reto, independientemente del campo o la población con la que se esté interviniendo. “Trabajar con gente no es fácil” esta frase que un día se la escuche a un profesional social, pone de manifiesto uno de los grandes reto que se tiene a la hora de dar cumplimiento a nuestro objeto social mediante la intervención con las diferentes poblaciones, y es el acercamiento que se hace con las comunidades, grupos o individuos. En ese momento convergen diversidad de discursos, realidades, personalidades e ideologías que establecen bien sea una brecha o un puente entre la relación población - profesional. Este reto se vuelve aún mayor cuando se hace desde un proceso de prácticas, con actores de verdad, que han sido víctimas - o son vulnerables a serlo - de los condicionantes mismo de la realidad social. Esos actores que te ven y te califican no como el estudiante en prácticas, sino como el profesional que ayudará a dar solución a la problemática social que presenta tal población, en este espacio entonces, es donde se deben aplicar todos esos conocimientos adquiridos durante el transcurso de la carrera contrastándolos con las realidades sociales que ofrece el contexto. Indudablemente en esta etapa se establece o se fortalece el perfil profesional y la postura éticopolítica del Trabajador(a) Social, lo que sin lugar a dudas se antepone como una guía u orientación a las fortalezas y al ¿Por qué? Que se tienen en la ejecución de la intervención.ABSTRACT: The social work profession has wide spaces of intervention, this could well be named as an advantage over other professions, it makes the proper object - the social issue - an imminent challenge, regardless of the field or population which is intervening. "Working with people is not easy," this phrase that one day will listen to a social professional, reveals one of the great challenge that has time to fulfill our corporate purpose through the intervention with different populations, and is the approach that is made with communities, groups or individuals. At that time they converge diversity of speeches, realities, personalities and ideologies that establish either a gap or a bridge between the population ratio - professional. This challenge becomes even greater when it is done from a practical process, with real actors, who have been victims - or vulnerable to be - from the constraints of social reality itself. Those actors who see you and you qualify not as the trainee, but as the professional help to solve the social problem that has such people in this space then, is where you must apply all that knowledge acquired during the course career contrasting with the social realities that provides the context. Certainly at this stage it is established or the professional profile and ethical-political stance Worker (a) Social, which undoubtedly superimposes itself as a guide to the strengths or guidance is strengthened and Why? They have in the implementation of the intervention

    El principio de la libertad religiosa a la luz de la Constitución

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    El presente trabajo aborda, entre los derechos fundamentales, el derecho a la libertad religiosa, en el contexto de un estado laico. Como uno de los pilares del sistema jurídico brasileño, una verdadera expresión del Estado democrático, trató de determinar cómo se reconoce este derecho ante los tribunales en situaciones concretas, especialmente en conflicto con otros principios. Se hizo uso de la teoría de Robert Alexy para analizar la proporcionalidad en las ponderaciones en las que se configura el derecho a la libertad religiosa. Como caso concreto para entender el alcance de este derecho en la Constitución, se analizó la decisión del Supremo Tribunal Federal, que se opuso a la prohibición del sacrificio de animales y a la libertad religiosa que contempla estos actos, en prácticas de origen africano. Se concluye que, en la aplicación de la proporcionalidad, el STF decidió apropiadamente al reconocer el derecho de los practicantes de estas religiones

    ¿Pueden las políticas de inclusión pública generar exclusión?

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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar la discusión de las políticas públicas del estado y la posibilidad de que las políticas de inclusión adoptadas por el estado en beneficio de individuos o grupos de individuos puedan generar exclusión dentro de la sociedad, creando conflictos internos. Para analizar estas políticas públicas, la base teórica utilizada en este artículo se basa en los trabajos de José Luis Bolzan de Morais, Charles Taylor y Jurgen Habermas, quienes comenzaron a trabajar estudiando las crisis del estado y los cambios en el concepto de soberanía. Posteriormente, abordaremos el análisis de las políticas de reconocimiento en el trabajo de Taylor, para concluir con el trabajo de Habermas en el análisis de las constituciones modernas en relación con la lucha por el reconocimiento del estado de derecho democrático basado en la cuestión de que la teoría de los derechos con orientación individualista puede hacer frente a las luchas para reconocer las identidades colectivas

    Reproductive biology of Palaemon pandaliformis (Stimpson, 1871) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Caridea) from two estuaries in southeastern Brazil

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    The reproductive biology of Palaemon pandaliformis was investigated in the estuaries of the Comprido and Ubatumirim rivers at Ubatuba, State of São Paulo, Brazil, by means of samples obtained from April 2003 to March 2004. Samples were collected monthly, using sieves, which were passed several times under the marginal vegetation. In the laboratory, the sex of each shrimp was assessed and the carapace length (CL, mm) measured. Ovigerous females were separated and Counted for determination of fecundity. The egg diameter was measured with a calibrated micrometer scale under an stereo-microscope. The breeding period was seasonal in the Comprido River Estuary, and continuous throughout the year in the Ubatumirim River estuary. The mean size of ovigerous females was higher in the population in the Comprido River (5.90 +/- 0.68 mm CL +/- sd) than in the Ubatumirim River (5.50 +/- 0.58 mm). The most intense reproductive period of P. pandaliformis was from October 2003 to March 2004 for both estuaries. The mean fecundity of P. pandaliformis in the Comprido River was 189 +/- 53 eggs (n = 124), and at Ubatumirim, 130 +/- 25; mean +/- sd eggs (n=80), values that are similar to other palaemonid species from similar latitudes. A positive correlation between the number of eggs and the size of the female was obtained for both populations. The eggs were relatively small, indicative of low energy allocation to each embryo, with mean dimensions ranging from 0.44 +/- 0.08 mm to 0.69 +/- 0.069 mm.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq