262 research outputs found

    Characterization of phthalate presence in cattle environment and its effects on epigenetic markers expression and steroidogenesis in bovine granulosa cells

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    Farm animals are now more likely to be exposed to environmental pollutants like phthalates as result of intensifying livestock production systems. Phthalate exposure may cause impairments in human and animal health and fertility. However, research into the occurrence of phthalates in cow operations is scarce. Also, studies on the impact of Di-isobutyl phthalate (DIBP) on female fertility are limited in phthalate research. The first project aimed to determine the effects of DIBP in bovine granulosa cells (GC) proliferation, steroidogenesis, and epigenetic and inflammation pathways. Using in vitro cell culture of bovine GC, DIBP treatment at levels detected in human blood (0 ng/mL, 1 ng/mL, 10 ng/mL, 100 ng/mL) combined with hormones that regulate ovarian folliculogenesis: Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) or FSH + Insulin Growth Factor 1 (IGF1) were tested. Estradiol production was assessed by ELISA, cell proliferation was determined by cell counting, and relative mRNA abundance was evaluated by RT-qPCR. Cell proliferation and estradiol production were not affected by DIBP treatments in combination with FSH or FSH+IGF1. DIBP treatment in combination with FSH+IGF1 decreased mRNA levels of METTL14 (P<0.01), an RNA N6 methyladenosine (m6A) methylation methyltransferase, TRDMT1 (P<0.05), an RNA 5-methylcytosine (m5C) methylation methyltransferase, and ASC (P<0.05), an NLRP3 inflammasome player. These results indicate that DIBP at environmentally relevant doses regulates gene expression of epigenetic and inflammatory pathways but does not alter GC proliferation or steroidogenesis. The second project aimed to characterize the phthalate concentrations on a livestock farm. Phthalate concentrations were measured in alfalfa hay, corn silage, and pasture. Lactating multiparous Angus cows were fed with alfalfa hay or corn silage for 49 hours. Cows were maintained on pasture prior to exposure to other types of feed. Urine and blood samples were collected before and during feedstuff exposure to examine phthalate metabolite levels. Silage presented higher concentrations of Di-ethyl phthalate (DEP), Benzylbutyl phthalate (BBP), and Di-isononyl phthalate (DINP) than pasture and hay (P<0.05), and hay presented higher concentrations of Di-n-octyl phthalate (DOP) and DINP than pasture (P<0.05). During the trial, hay-fed group had higher urine concentrations of Mono-isobutyl phthalate (MIBP), Mono-n-butyl phthalate (MBP), Mono-(2-ethyl-5-oxohexyl) phthalate (MEOHP), Mono-2-ethylhexyl terephthalate (MEHtP) compared with silage-fed group (P<0.05), and silage fed group had higher urine concentrations of Mono-n-pentyl phthalate (MPP), Mono-cyclohexyl phthalate (MCHP), Mono-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (MEHP), Mono-isononyl phthalate (MINP) (P<0.05). Urine concentrations of MCHP and Mono-(2-ethyl-5-hydroxyhexyl) phthalate (MEHHP) were higher in silage-fed group at the end of the trial compared with prior to the start of the trial (P<0.05). Urine concentrations of MIBP and MEOHP were higher in hay fed group at the end of the trial compared with prior to the start of the trial (P<0.05). No differences in plasma phthalate metabolite concentrations were found between hay-fed group and silage-fed group after 49 hours of feeding. However, because Mono-benzyl phthalate (MBzP) had the highest plasma concentrations, it was selected to determine its effects on in vitro cultured bovine GC function. Bovine GC were treated with MBzP at concentrations found in the plasma in the animal trial combined with FSH+IGF1. Bovine GC steroidogenesis or proliferation were not affected by MBzP treatments. The findings demonstrated that silage and, to a lesser extent, hay are possible sources of phthalate exposure for cattle and that feeding them silage or hay resulted in greater amounts of several phthalates. Taken together, these studies reinforce the importance of monitoring environmental contaminants in livestock production and assessing the effects of phthalates at environmentally relevant doses on human and animal reproduction

    Evaluación y diagnóstico de la resistencia a compresión y a flexión del concreto simple después de expuesto a 450°c

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónMediante esta investigación se permitirá identificar de forma específica la pérdida de resistencia a compresión y flexión que sufre un elemento de concreto simple cuando sufre un evento de exposición térmica mediante conducción, que pueda servir como punto de referencia para la evaluación y diagnóstico de posibles aditivos para mitigar el efecto perjudicial de este fenómeno.1. GENERALIDADES. 2. OBJETIVOS 3. JUSTIFICACIÓN 4. DELIMITACION 5. MARCO DE REFERENCIA 6. METODOLOGIA 7. DISEÑO METODOLOGICO 8. EXPOSICIÓN DE PROBETAS A ALTAS TEMPERATURAS 9. SISTEMA DE QUEMADO 10. ENSAYOS DE PROBETAS 11. RESULTADOS 12. ANALISIS DE RESULTADOS 13. CONCLUSIONES 14. RECOMENDACIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero Civi

    La realidad aumentada: lo que debemos conocer

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    La revolución de las tecnologías de la información ha transformado la forma en la que vemos, conocemos, disfrutamos y percibimos el mundo. La realidad aumentada hace parte de esta revolución y es aquella que nos permite percibir, ver y conectarnos con el mundo de una forma revolucionaria en donde es posible sobreponer al mundo físico información virtual engrandeciendo el mundo que conocemos.Con este artículo se pretende ahondar en el mundo de la realidad aumentada y en como esta nueva forma revolucionaria de ver el mundo aporta beneficios en la actualidad

    Identificación de ácaros interceptados en plantas y productos vegetales importados en tres puertos marítimos de Colombia

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    Se desarrolló un método de inspección para la interceptación de ácaros que infestan las diferentes cargas de importación en puertos marítimos de, Buenaventura, Cartagena y Barranquilla. Se inspeccionaron, y consultaron alertas fitosanitarias y se emitió una hoja de plaga, durante todo el año 2013 a Mayo de 2014 a los inspectores en puerto y se condujeron los muestreos estadísticos a diferentes tipos de carga en contenedores refrigerados y de carga seca. Las interceptaciones se realizaron en frutas frescas, una hortaliza, y granos de consumo. Se identificaron siete especies de ácaros, de los géneros Tyrophagus (Acaridae), Tetranychus (Tetranychidae), Brevipalpus (Tenuipalpidae), Panonychus (Tetranychidae), Rhizoglyphus (Acaridae) y un Oribatida Brachypylina, dentro de estas especies Brevipalpus chilensis en kiwi procedente de Chile y el género Panonychus sp. en manzana procedente de Francia, son de importancia cuarentenaria para Colombia, dando orden de reembarque para esto dos productos.//Abstract: This research led to the application of a specific method of inspection for the interception of mites infesting different import shipments in Colombian ports, Buenaventura, Cartagena and Barranquilla. These were inspected and phytosanitary pest alerts were issued by seending pest information sheets, throughout 2013 to May 2014 to the port inspectors, including statistical sampling information for different types of cargo in refrigerated and dry cargo containers. Interceptions were made on fresh fruits, vegetable, and grain for consumption. Two quarantine species for were intercepted within these five genera, and seven species of mites, in the genera Tyrophagus (Acaridae), Tetranychus (Tetranychidae), Brevipalpus (Tenuipalpidae), Panonychus (Tetranychidae), Rhizoglyphus (Acaridae) and Oribatida Brachypylina reported cohort were identified, within these species Brevipalpus chilensis in kiwi from Chile and gender Panonychus sp. in apple from France, are of quarantine significance for Colombia, leading by reloading for this two products.Maestrí

    El dibujo del desnudo femenino a partir del trabajo con modelo

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    Maestro (a) en Artes VisualesPregrad

    Razones para la no afiliación al sistema general de la seguridad social de los taxistas de la ciudad de Bogotá D.C. y estrategias para su cumplimiento.

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    Este trabajo se realiza para encontrar las razones por la cuales la actividad laboral de los taxistas en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C., se desarrolla de manera informal, cuales son los actores que intervienen en el proceso del taxismo en la ciudad y como es la dinámica en la cual ninguna de las partes se quiere hacer cargo de la vinculación laboral y la afiliación a la seguridad social y como es la realidad de este gremio en cuanto a este tema. Por otra parte se trata el tema de cuales han sido las acciones de la Secretaria Distrital de Movilidad quien ejerce como el organismo de control de las empresas de transporte público individual en vehículos taxi en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C. y se mostraran datos oficiales de esta entidad referente al grado de cumplimiento en cuanto a la afiliación al Sistema General de la Seguridad Social. El desarrollo de la temática servirá para la evaluación de la política pública encaminada a la formalización de la actividad laboral de los conductores de las empresas de transporte público individual en vehículos taxi en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C., con miras a definir cuáles han sido las medidas tomadas por el gobierno nacional desde el Ministerio de Transportes y si la normatividad que regula esta actividad se está cumpliendo por parte de las empresas de transporte público individual en vehículos taxi, cuáles son sus avances y cuáles son sus falencias, con el fin de mejorar los puntos débiles e identificar las fortalezas para tener una buena retroalimentación, contribuyendo al fortalecimiento de la gestión de esta política pública. Finalmente se plantean estrategias para incentivar el cumplimiento de la afiliación al SGSS de los conductores, encontrando un alternativa institucionalmente activa por parte Secretaria Distrital de Movilidad para cumplir con uno de sus funciones misionales que es el control y la vigilancia de las empresas de transporte público de la ciudad.The objectives of this study are to discover why the work of taxi drivers is done in an informal way in Bogotá DC, who are the actors involved in the taxi industry in the city and the reasons why none of these parties wants to take responsibility for signing contracts with taxi drivers and affiliating them to the Social Security System. And finally, to provide a factual report on the current situation. In addition, this work studies the actions of the District Secretary of Mobility, which is the controlling body for public taxi transport companies in the city of Bogota D.C. It will show official data of this entity regarding the degree of compliance with the affiliation of taxi drivers to the General System of Social Security. The development of this theme will serve to evaluate public policy aimed at formalizing the labor activity of workers of individual public transport companies who drive taxis in the city of Bogota DC. The purpose will be to analyze what measures have been taken by the national government from the Ministry of Transport office and whether the regulations governing this activity are being fulfilled by the individual public transport taxi companies. It will look at their progress and discuss their shortcomings, for the purpose of addressing weaknesses and identifying strengths and therefore giving good feedback that will contribute to the strengthening of management practices in this area of public policy. Finally, some strategies are presented to encourage compliance with requirements for taxi driver Social Security affiliation, suggesting an institutionally active alternative from the District Secretary of Mobility to fulfill one of its functions, which is the control and surveillance of Bogota’s public transport companies

    Impacto de la implementación de la normativa en vivienda rural. Caso: Motavita, Boyacá

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    Tesis de maestríaEn esta investigación se evalúan las condiciones en las que viven la mayor parte de los habitantes del municipio de Motavita en el departamento de Boyacá, en búsqueda de la transformación de una vivienda existente con base a la respuesta más eficiente de un modelo base en donde se evalúan las estrategias pasivas disponibles para su intervención.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. TÍTULO 2. PROBLEMA DE INVESTIGACIÓN 3. OBJETIVO GENERAL 4. JUSTIFICACIÓN 5. METODOLOGÍA 6. ESTADO DEL ARTE 7. MARCO TEÓRICO 8. DESARROLLO 9. IDENTIFICACIÓN DE PARÁMETROS A INTERVENIR PARA RESPONDER A CONDICIONES DE CONFORT Y RESOLUCIÓN 0549-15 10. ESTRATEGIAS PASIVAS EN LA VIVIENDA CASO DE ESTUDIO 11. COMPARACIÓN ECONÓMICA VS EFICIENCIA ENERGÉTICA CONCLUSIONES REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICASMaestríaMagíster en Diseño Sostenibl

    The role of the CD46 receptor in the pathogenicity of the bovine viral diarrhea virus infection in bovine cultured cells

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    O vírus da Diarreia Viral Bovina (BVDV) é um dos principais patógenos virais que causam importantes doenças clínicas em bovinos. A presença deste vírus em rebanhos representa um grande risco para a produtividade por perdas econômicas significativas. O uso da tecnologia de edição gênica, como o sistema CRISPR/Cas9, em animais de produção pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento de modelos de resistência a doenças, como a BVD. Mesmo que os mecanismos de infecção, entrada e liberação do BVDV não sejam totalmente compreendidos, a molécula CD46 é considerada o principal receptor celular para o BVDV em bovinos. O mapeamento do local de adesão ao BVDV demonstrou que dois peptídeos, localizados no módulo mais distal da proteína 1 de controle do complemento (CCP1), fornecem a plataforma de adesão ao BVDV. Os objetivos deste estudo foram (i) caracterizar o CD46 em linhagens celulares bovinas; (ii) modificar a plataforma de adesão do receptor por edição gênica; e (iii) investigar a permissibilidade do BVDV à infecção celular em células editadas geneticamente para o gene CD46. Para caracterizar o receptor, foi sequenciado o DNA complementar do gene CD46 em amostras de fibroblastos bovinos e em linhagens celulares de rim bovino Madin-Darby suscetíveis (MDBK) ou resistentes (CRIB) ao BVDV. Posteriormente, por edição gênica pelo sistema CRISPR/Cas9, criaram-se indels no éxon 1 do gene CD46, removendo oligopeptídeos que conformam a plataforma de adesão do receptor CD46 ao BVDV. Para realizar a edição genômica, duas sequências de RNA-guia (gRNA) foram selecionadas para a deleção do éxon 1 do CD46 em células MDBK. Posteriormente, dois plasmídeos px458, específicos para cada umas das gRNAs, e com expressão da proteína fluorescente verde (GFP), foram co-transfectados em células MDBK. O isolamento de populações de células clonais com modificações específicas das células transfectadas foi realizado por citometria de fluxo, seguido de um período de expansão para estabelecer sub-populações de células clonais. O DNA genômico foi isolado e amplificado por PCR. O produto do PCR foi ligado em plasmídeos pCR-TOPO, transformado em células TOP10 E. coli e sequenciado. Como resultados, identificou-se que as células CRIB codificam uma proteína CD46 semelhante às MDBK e aos fibroblastos, sem nenhuma mutação na região de interesse, com o receptor CD46 não apresentando aparente importância na resistência destas células à infecção por BVDV. Além disso, obtivemos três linhagens celulares MDBK com deleção em segmentos específicos na região codificante para o CCP1 referente a plataforma de adesão ao BVDV. Uma das linhagens apresentou a deleção bialélica, com a edição gênica sendo diferente em cada alelo; outra linhagem apresentou uma edição bialélica, com um dos alelos não apresentando a deleção da plataforma de adesão; e a última linhagem apresentou uma deleção bialélica homozigota. O estudo da susceptibilidade destas células mutantes à infecção pelo BVDV encontra-se em andamento. Com as três linhagens celulares bovinas modificadas geneticamente para a plataforma de adesão do receptor CD46 ao BVDV, tem-se a expectativa que estas modificações genéticas possivelmente levarão a uma diminuição na infecção pelo BVDV, o que permitirá obtermos mais informações sobre o mecanismo de entrada e infecção do vírus em células bovinas. Tal estratégia mostra-se viável para a futura geração de bovinos resistentes ao BVDV por biotécnicas avançadas da reprodução, como pela clonagem por transferência nuclear de células somáticas (TNCS).The Bovine Viral Diarrhea virus (BVDV) is one of the major viral pathogens that cause important clinical diseases in cattle. The presence of the virus in herds represents a major risk for productivity due to significant economic losses. The use of gene-editing technology, such as the CRISPR/Cas9 system, in livestock animals can contribute to the development of disease resistance models, such as BVD. Even though the mechanisms of infection, entry and release of BVDV are not yet fully understood, the CD46 molecule is considered the major cellular receptor for BVDV in cattle. The mapping of the adhesion site to the BVDV revealed that two peptides, located in the most distal domain of the complement control protein 1 (CCP1), provide the adhesion platform for the virus. The aims of this study were (i) to characterize CD46 in bovine cell lines; (ii) to modify the platform of adhesion of the CD46 receptor by gene edition; and (iii) to investigate the permissibility of BVDV to cellular infection in CD46 gene-edited cells. To characterize the receptor, the complementary DNAof the gene CD46 was sequenced on samples of fibroblast cells and in Madin-Darby bovine kidney cell lines (MDBK) or MDBK susceptible cells and on cells resistant to BVDV infection (CRIB cells). Afterwards, by gene editing using the CRISPR/Cas9 system, indels were created in the exon 1 of the CD46 gene, removing oligopeptides that form the CD46 receptor adhesion platform to BVDV. To achieve the genomic edition, two sequences of guiding RNA (gRNAs) were selected for exon 1 deletion of CD46 in MDBK cells. Subsequently, two px458 plasmids, each encoding one of the gRNAs, and expressing the green fluorescent protein (GFP), were co-transfected into MDBK cells. Isolation of clonal cell populations with specific modifications of the transfected cells was done through Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting, followed by an expansion period to establish new clonal cell lines. Genomic DNA was isolated and amplified by PCR. The PCR amplified products were ligated into pCR-TOPO plasmid and transformed into TOP10 E. coli cells, and DNA-sequenced. Our results indicated that CRIB cells express a CD46 protein similar to MDBK and fibroblast cells, without any mutation in the region of interest, with the CD46 receptor in CRIB cells showing an apparent no importance in the resistance to BVDV infection. Furthermore, we obtained three MDBK cell lines with deletion in specific segments in the coding region for CCP1 referring to the BVDV adhesion platform. One of the lines presented a biallelic deletion of the adhesion platform, with gene edition being different in each allele; another line presented a biallelic edition, with one of the alleles not containing the adhesion platform deletion; and the last line presented a biallelic homozygous deletion. However, the study of the susceptibility of such mutant cells to BVDV infection is still ongoing. With the three genetically modified bovine cell lines to the CD46 receptor adhesion platform on BVDV, such genetic modification will possibly lead to a decrease in BVDV infection, which may allow us to obtain more pieces of information regarding mechanisms of virus entry and infection in bovine cells. Such a strategy proves to be feasible for the future generation of BVDV resistant animals by the use of advanced reproductive technologies, such as cloning by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT)

    Gustavo Petro y el triunfo de la izquierda en Colombia: análisis de las preferencias de voto en la primera vuelta presidencial de 2022

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    Objetivo/contexto: en este artículo exploramos los determinantes de la preferencia de los votantes por Gustavo Petro en la primera vuelta de la elección presidencial de 2022 en Colombia. Metodología: a partir de una serie de herramientas cuantitativas, exploramos las variables asociadas con una preferencia por Gustavo Petro. Establecemos dos grupos de variables: personales y de contexto, y de preferencias en temas económicos y sociales (issues), y establecemos su peso relativo como determinantes de la cercanía entre Petro y sus votantes. Conclusiones: encontramos que los votantes escogieron al candidato Petro con base en la satisfacción de sus preferencias más importantes, particularmente frente a temas económicos, y restaron importancia a sus diferencias con el candidato en temas relacionados con las libertades individuales. Originalidad: este trabajo presenta datos originales recogidos durante la campaña presidencial de 2022 y usa una combinación de herramientas cuantitativas para estimar los determinantes de las preferencias por Petro.Objective/context: In this article, we explore the determinants of voter preference for Gustavo Petro in the first round of the 2022 presidential election in Colombia. Methodology: Using a series of quantitative tools, we explore the variables associated with a preference for Gustavo Petro. We establish two groups of variables: personal and contextual, and preferences on economic and social issues (issues), and establish their relative weight as determinants of the closeness between Petro and his voters. Conclusions: We found that voters chose candidate Petro based on the satisfaction of their most important preferences, particularly regarding economic issues, and downplayed their differences with the candidate on issues related to individual liberties. Originality: This work presents original data collected during the 2022 presidential campaign and uses a combination of quantitative tools to estimate the determinants of preferences for Petro.Objetivo/contexto: neste artigo, exploramos os determinantes da preferência dos eleitores por Gustavo Petro no primeiro turno das eleições presidenciais de 2022 na Colômbia. Metodologia: a partir de uma série de ferramentas quantitativas, exploramos as variáveis associadas à preferência por Gustavo Petro. Estabelecemos dois grupos de variáveis: pessoais e de contexto, e de preferências em questões econômicas e sociais (issues), e estabelecemos seu peso relativo como determinantes da proximidade entre Petro e seus eleitores. Conclusões: descobrimos que os eleitores escolheram o candidato Petro com base na satisfação de suas preferências mais importantes, particularmente em relação a questões econômicas, e deram menos importância às suas diferenças com o candidato em questões relacionadas às liberdades individuais. Originalidade: este trabalho apresenta dados originais coletados durante a campanha presidencial de 2022 e usa uma combinação de ferramentas quantitativas para estimar os determinantes das preferências por Petro

    Factibilidad de implementación de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) en el proceso de venta, distribución y control de productos en las tiendas de barrio de la Comuna Uno del municipio de Soacha, Cundinamarca.

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    el grupo de investigación Kerverux del área de Tecnología en informática, ideó la realización del proyecto investigativo que consiste en la realización del análisis de factibilidad de la implementación de la Tecnologías de la Información y la comunicación en el proceso de venta, distribución y control de productos a los tenderos de la Comuna Uno del municipio de Soacha, Cundinamarca. La investigación está propuesta para realizarse en el municipio de Soacha, lugar que ofrece miles de posibilidades de oferta y hasta sobreoferta de toda clase de productos y gran variedad de precios accesibles a la comunidad que transita por sus calles (El Tiempo, 2016) y más específicamente en la comuna Uno, la más grande dentro de la división política de la zona urbana y que tiene por cabecera el barrio Compartir (Autores, s.f.)