194 research outputs found

    Teatro negro como arte política : uma (re)interpretação da problemática racial na montagem do espetáculo Pentes

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Artes, Departamento de Artes Cênicas, 2013.O presente trabalho é o resultado monográfico do curso de Bacharelado em Interpretação, que busca apontar o teatro como manipulador-político social da (re)interpretação de uma realidade cotidiana, ampliando o olhar para a problemática racial, levantando temas como racismo, mito da “democracia racial”, e o processo de construção identitária do corpo negro. Para isso, defendo a construção do espetáculo “Pentes” como uma expressão da linguagem do teatro negro e busco refletir a sua estética e “forma” de (re)interpretação social como arte política. Divido esta pesquisa em três capítulos que refletem a minha trajetória de vida e também a escolha da linha dramatúrgica do presente espetáculo; sendo eles: a negação, transição e afirmação. Desta maneira, nos dois primeiros, busco levantar algumas negações e transições da problemática racial no país, para assim, chegar ao último capítulo que dedico à afirmação da construção da cena “Pentes”, na qual busco colocar a importância da afirmação dos cabelos crespos como forma de resgate de identificação. Todo esse estudo está embasado nos conhecimentos dos Estudos Culturais, que tem um histórico de questionamento sobre o estabelecimento de hierarquias e alteridades entre as formas e práticas culturais. Essa linha de pesquisa dialoga diretamente com os meus anseios teatrais, pois ela busca instrumentalizar o saber conquistado em prol de uma nítida intervenção na esfera político social

    Oral cancer stem cells - properties and consequences

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    Research on cancer stem cells (CSCs) has greatly increased in the field of medicine and pathology; however, some conceptual misunderstandings are still present among the public as well as within the general scientific community that is not yet familiar with the subject. The very first problem is the misinterpretation of CSCs as a synonym of their normal counterparts, the well-known stem cells (SCs). Particularly in Dentistry, another common mistake is the misinterpretation of oral CSCs as normal tooth-derived SCs. The present review aims to clarify important concepts related to normal SCs and CSCs, as well as discuss the relevance of CSCs to the development, metastasis and therapy resistance of oral squamous cell carcinoma

    O cuidado de enfermagem e sua evolução histórica: uma revisão integrativa

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    Objetiva-se identificar as publicações disponíveis na literatura acerca da história da enfermagem, no campo dos cuidados realizados por enfermeiros. O método utilizado compreendeu a revisão integrativa da literatura, que é um dos recursos da prática baseada em evidências. A busca foi realizada em agosto de 2014, na Biblioteca Virtual da Saúde. Incluíram-se artigos que apresentaram nos títulos ou resumos referências à história da enfermagem ou aos cuidados de enfermagem. Excluíram-se artigos não relacionados à temática estudada. Para identificação dos resultados optou-se por fazer uma análise descritiva das publicações e agrupamento dos temas. Identificou-se que as produções centram suas escritas nas contribuições de Florence, da religião e de outros povos para a enfermagem. Ademais, prevaleceram discussões acerca da evolução da enfermagem através dos tempos e a história dos cuidados. Compreende-se que estes achados são fundamentais para situar o enfermeiro em sua trajetória, uma vez que a enfermagem permanece em evolução e somos todos atores nesta arte.El objetivo es identificar las publicaciones disponibles en la literatura sobre la historia de la enfermería en el ámbito de la atención prestada por los enfermeros. El método utilizado incluyó la revisión integradora de la literatura, que es uno de los recursos de la práctica basada en la evidencia. La búsqueda se realizó en agosto de 2014, en la Biblioteca Virtual de Salud. Fueran incluidos artículos que presentan en títulos o resúmenes referencias a la historia de la enfermería o la atención de enfermería. Se excluyeron los artículos no relacionados con el tema estudiado. Para la identificación de los resultados se decidió realizar un análisis descriptivo de las publicaciones y agrupación de los temas. Se encontró que las producciones centran sus escritos sobre las contribuciones de Florence, la religión y otros para la enfermería. Por otra parte, se impuso discusiones acerca de la evolución de la enfermería a través de los siglos y la historia de la atención. Se entiende que estos resultados son fundamentales para localizar el enfermero en su historia, ya que la enfermería sigue en curso y somos todos actores de esta arte.The aim is to identify the publications available in the literature about the history of nursing in the field of care provided by nurses. The method used included the integrative literature review, which is one of evidence-based practice resources. The search was conducted in August 2014, in the Virtual Library of Health. Were included articles that presented in titles or abstracts references to the history of nursing or the nursing care. Were excluded articles unrelated to the subject studied. For identification of the results it was decided to make a descriptive analysis of the publications and grouping of topics. It was found that the productions focus their writings on the contributions of Florence, religion and other for nursing. Moreover, prevailed discussions about the evolution of nursing through the ages and the history of care. It is understood that these findings are fundamental to locate the nurse in its history, since the nursing remains in progress and we are all actors in this art


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    Anxiety in dental patients is a problem for both dental surgeons and patients. Thus, therapies that aim to control this anxiety and thus favor the patient's collaboration during treatment become factors frequently studied in search of the best alternative for this purpose. Therefore, the objective of this work is to review in the literature the use of herbal medicines in the control of dental anxiety. The bibliographic search was carried out in the databases ScienceDirect, Web of Science, Scielo, Pubmed, The Cochrane Library. 57 articles were included in this study. Research evidence points to Valeriana officinalis and Passiflora incarnata as the most studied herbal medicines for controlling anxiety and adverse effects. Studies prove the relative safety in the use of these drugs, as well as their effectiveness, low cost, less concentration of active ingredients with better effects and lesser side effects when compared to benzodiazepines. However, the use of these medicinal plants requires further clarification as to their real effectiveness, correct dosage and side effects in conscious sedation in Dentistry.La ansiedad en los pacientes dentales es un problema tanto para los cirujanos dentales como para los pacientes. Así, las terapias que tienen como objetivo controlar esta ansiedad y así favorecer la colaboración del paciente durante el tratamiento se convierten en factores frecuentemente estudiados en busca de la mejor alternativa para tal fin. Por tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo es revisar en la literatura el uso de medicamentos a base de hierbas en el control de la ansiedad dental. La búsqueda bibliográfica se realizó en las bases de datos ScienceDirect, Web of Science, Scielo, Pubmed, The Cochrane Library. En este estudio se incluyeron 57 artículos. La evidencia de la investigación apunta a Valeriana officinalis y Passiflora incarnata como las hierbas medicinales más estudiadas para controlar la ansiedad y los efectos adversos. Los estudios demuestran la relativa seguridad en el uso de estos fármacos, así como su efectividad, bajo costo, menor concentración de principios activos con mejores efectos y menores efectos secundarios en comparación con las benzodiazepinas. Sin embargo, el uso de estas plantas medicinales requiere una mayor aclaración en cuanto a su efectividad real, correcta dosificación y efectos secundarios en la sedación consciente en Odontología.A ansiedade em pacientes odontológicos é um problema tanto para os cirurgiões-dentistas quanto para os pacientes. Assim, terapias que visam controlar essa questão e, assim, favorecer a colaboração do paciente durante o tratamento, tornam-se fatores frequentemente estudados em busca da melhor alternativa para seu controle adequado. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho é revisar a literatura acerca do uso de fitoterápicos no controle da ansiedade odontológica. A busca bibliográfica foi realizada nas bases de dados ScienceDirect, Web of Science, Scielo, Pubmed, The Cochrane Library. 57 artigos foram incluídos neste estudo. As evidências da pesquisa apontam a Valeriana officinalis e Passiflora incarnata como os fitoterápicos mais estudados para o controle da ansiedade, inclusive são investigados seus efeitos adversos. Estudos comprovam a relativa segurança no uso desses medicamentos, bem como sua eficácia, baixo custo, menor concentração de princípios ativos com melhores efeitos e menores efeitos colaterais quando comparados aos benzodiazepínicos. Porém, o uso dessas plantas medicinais requerem maiores esclarecimentos quanto à sua real eficácia, dosagem correta e efeitos colaterais na sedação consciente em Odontologia

    Effect of fluoride application during radiotherapy on enamel demineralization

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    Radiation-related caries are one the most undesired reactions manifested during or after head and neck radiotherapy. Fluoride application is an important strategy to reduce demineralization and enhance remineralizaton. Objective: To evaluate the effect of the topical application of fluoride during irradiation on dental enamel demineralization. Material and Methods: Thirty molars were randomly divided into three groups: Non-irradiated (NI), Irradiated (I), Irradiated with fluoride (IF). Each group was subdivided according to the presence or absence of pH-cycling (n=5). In the irradiated groups, the teeth received 70 Gy. The enamel’s chemical composition was measured using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry (organic matrix/mineral ratio – M/M and relative carbonate content - RCC). Vickers microhardness (VHN) and elastic modulus (E) were evaluated at three depths (surface, middle and deep enamel). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to assess the enamel’s morphology. Results: The FTIR analysis (M/M and RCC) showed significant differences for irradiation, pH-cycling and the interaction between factors (p<0.001). Without pH-cycling, IF had the lowest organic matrix/mineral ratio and relative carbonate content. With pH-cycling, the organic matrix/mineral ratio increased and the relative carbonate content decreased, except for IF. VHN was influenced only by pH-cycling (p<0.001), which generated higher VHN values. ANOVA detected significant differences in E for irradiation (p<0.001), pH-cycling (p<0.001) and for the interaction between irradiation and pH-cycling (p<0.001). Increased E was found for group I without pH-cycling. With pH-cycling, groups I and IF were similar, and showed higher values than NI. The SEM images showed no morphological changes without pH-cycling. With pH-cycling, fluoride helped to maintain the outer enamel’s morphology. Conclusions: Fluoride reduced mineral loss and maintained the outer morphology of irradiated and cycled enamel. However, it was not as effective in preserving the mechanical properties of enamel. Radiotherapy altered the enamel’s elastic modulus and its chemical composition

    Violence against women: aggressors drug users

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    Objective: to delineate the profile of aggressors’ users of illicit drugs and of the victims and to identify the ways of violence denunciated in the Police Station Specialized of Women’s Assistance. Method: documentary study, with 195 examinations contained in DEAM files between October 2011 and March 2012, concerning violence against women, who aggressors were illicit drug users. Results: most of the aggressors were white men, between 16 and 57 years old, incomplete elementary education and beyond the illicit drugs, they were under the effect of alcohol drinks at the moment of the aggression. The victims were white, between 18 and 84 years old, complete elementary education and five of them had degree. Physical aggression was the main way of violence reported. Conclusion: the magnitude of this problematic evidence shows the need of development interventions of support to the victims and effectives public policies to interrupt the cycle of violence

    Xeroderma Pigmentosum: a case report with oral implications

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    Xeroderma Pigmentosum is a rare autosomal recessive genetic disorder characterized by defective DNA repair leading to clinical and cellular hypersensitivity to ultraviolet radiation and carcinogenic agents. Important clinical features are: intense cutaneous photosensitivity, xerosis, poikiloderma, actinic keratosis, acute burning under minimal sun exposure, erythemas, hyperpigmented lentiginous macules, and malignant lesions in sun-exposed areas, including basocellular carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. There is a great involvement of many parts of the body, especially head and neck. The oral manifestations are mainly related to the occurrence of malignant tumors in the lips, tongue and buccal mucosa. This paper reports a rare case of Xeroderma Pigmentosum in a 41-year-old male presenting mainly dermatological, neurological and ophthalmological involvement. Oral implications such as severe oral pain and mouth opening limitation were present due to perioral scars. In addition, this paper discuss some important aspects concerning the role of the dental professional management of this entity, since XP patients require constant dental care and follow-up in order to control the occurrence of new lesions on the lips or inside oral cavity

    Genes encoding Shiga toxin and the intimin receptor detected in faecal samples collected from wild canids

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    Background: Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) and Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) are diarrheagenic E. coli that can cause disease in humans. The pathotype EPEC leads to the attaching and effacing lesion, causing damage to the microvilli following to diarrhea. STEC pathotypes produces cytotoxins, which in humans are responsible for hemorrhagic colitis or hemolytic uremic syndrome. Animals are the reservoirs of these pathotypes, especially ruminants. However, other animal’s species can be associated as carriers of EPEC and STEC strains. The aim of this study was to analyze wild canid crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous) as potential natural carriers of STEC and EPEC E. coli. Materials, Methods & Results: Seven fecal samples were analyzed from the crab-eating fox of free-living, captured in a peri-urban area. Samples were collected from the rectal ampulla, and the animals were clinic evaluated, being considered healthy at the captured moment. The feces were inoculated on medium MacConkey agar, and then the plates were incubated at 37°C for 24 h. All colony forming units (CFU) were collected by plate washing with ultrapure water (2 mL) and posterior freezing at -20°C. The total bacterial DNA from the CFU collected was extracted, followed by PCR assay to search for three genes: stx1, stx2 (responsible for the synthesis of the Shiga toxin) and tir, which encodes the translocated intimin receptor, related to the A/E lesion formation. Three samples were detected as positive, being one animal detected as carrier of the stx2 gene (STEC strain), while two animals were identified as carrier of the tir gene (EPEC strains).The stx1 gene was not identified on the samples. Also, in the samples, only the presence of one gene studied at a time was observed. Therefore, we have found out that the crab-eating fox can act as reservoirs of STEC and EPEC strains. Discussion: The carrier’s animals of STEC and EPEC strains do not have receptors for the Shiga toxin, serving as asymptomatic vehicle. The wild canids collected and positives to STEC and EPEC E. coli strains analyzed here, did not shown any clinical signs, wherefore they have the potential of being a source of pathogens to other animals and even humans. The observation of this additional wild species, the crab-eating fox, as carriers of STEC and EPEC reinforces the importance of monitoring wild species and the need for caution because of the potential zoonosis. Nevertheless, there are other species of wild animals that were described as rarely-carriers of these pathogens, like deer, wild ruminants and birds. These E. coli pathotypes, potentially foodborne zoonotic pathogens, are acquired by humans from food and water contaminated, by oral-fecal route, or by direct contact with carries animals and their feces. The human contact with wild animals is getting ordinary; because of that, wild animals, like wild canids, may constitute a considerable risk to animal and humans health, mostly by the transmission of these bacteria strains to the environment. In conclusion, the identification of genes encoding Shiga toxin and the intimin receptor in wild canids feces highlight that STEC and EPEC pathogens could be spread by these wild animals. We reinforce that STEC and EPEC pathogens could be naturally carried by wild animals, such as the crab-eating fox, and therefore, is needed further research for better understanding their potential effect, and also the interaction between the pathogen and the host

    Perfil dos resultados histopatológicos de biópsias de ovário de um laboratório de referência em patologia de Brasília, ao longo de 5 anos

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    As patologias ovarianas são um grupo heterogêneo de doenças e incluem um grande percentual de alterações benignas e um número menor de neoplasias malignas, que apresenta a maior taxa de letalidade entre todos os tumores ginecológicos, e representam 30% dos cânceres ginecológicos no Brasil. O estudo configura-se como observacional, analítico e transversal e avalia o percentual de neoplasias malignas, benignas e borderline nos resultados histopatológicos de biópsias de ovário analisadas em um laboratório de referência em patologia, em Brasília, entre 2015 e 2020, descrevendo o perfil etário das pacientes e os subtipos de tais neoplasias, resultando na seleção de 3.348 pacientes. Entre elas, observou-se que a maioria possuía entre 20 e 49 anos, totalizando 61,70% dos casos. Em relação às neoplasias malignas, das 1.174 amostras, 64,4% eram de pacientes com mais de 50 anos. A origem das pacientes foi predominantemente do sistema particular, sendo apenas 21 (0,63%) provenientes do serviço público; dessas, seis (28,6%) obtiveram diagnóstico de neoplasias malignas, caracterizando maior percentual de número de casos malignos provenientes do setor público. Mais da metade dos resultados das biópsias ovarianas foi normal (58,24%). Entre as patologias ovarianas, as neoplasias benignas foram as mais frequentes (21,23%); dessas, o teratoma cistico maduro representou a maioria (40,37%). Os casos de endometrioma e endometriose abrangeram 12,27% do total das biópsias. Os tumores malignos (7,38%) e borderline (2,27%) de ovário representaram 9,65% dos casos analisados no período, no total de 323 casos. O tipo histológico epitelial representou 62,35% das neoplasias malignas, e, entre essas, o adenocarcinoma seroso foi o mais comum (47,4% dos casos). Curiosamente, os tumores do cordão sexual foram mais frequentes do que os de células germinativas nesta pesquisa (31,58 % x 6,07%), especialmente pelo número de tumores de células estromais da granulosa (72 casos no período). Metade das metástases para ovário foi originada no intestino. O câncer de ovário é um tema de extrema relevância na ginecologia, seja pela dificuldade de rastreio e diagnóstico precoces, seja pela alta prevalência na população feminina. É necessário maior desenvolvimento científico e pesquisa nesse campo da ciência. Esse estudo é uma tentativa de resumir dados epidemiológicos regionais que contribuirão na construção de futuros projetos